Obama: Promising a radical second term


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Obama is 'learning' from the mistakes of his first go around. He is not putting any promises to conservatives on the table (promises he'll break anyways); so that if he wins a second term, he will not have to deal with the distraction of broken promises.

An Obama adviser told a Wall Street Journal reporter that Obama 'will not make the mistake of working with Republicans like in 2011.'

Obama's DNC speech laid out no plan or promises for his second term. It only focused on his so-called accomplishments and petty attacks on those who would dare to oppose him.

So what can we expect if Obama wins a second term:

- Much higher taxes
- Seemingly endless government intervention
- Enemies lists becoming more of a reality
- Worse unemployment - perhaps even the next great depression
- More skyrocketing debt
- More bailouts (money going to cronies)
- A nuclear armed Iran
- Potential nuclear disarmament
- European level gas prices
- Skyrocketing tuition (paid for predominately by taxpayers - including paying for illegal immigrants)
- Obamacare costs skyrocketing
- The deficit going above $25 trillion (possibly $30 trillion) by the end of his second term
- Cuts to medicare
- Attacks on religion
- Two or three more numbskulls being appointed to the SC.
- Standing by while Europe collapses while propping up islamo fascists
- Russia building a base off of Cuba while we disarm in Poland.
- China doubling its share of our economy
- Oppression of free speech
- Greater power and payouts to the unions
- Increased food costs
- Increased energy costs
- More failed ventures (IE Solyndra) while cronies get theres.
- Extreme cuts to the military
- Breeches of liberties by legally and illegaly using the patriot act
- Political payback against Republicans like Darrel Issa
- Increased racial "social justice" rhetoric; and likely federal sanctions to increase "hate" legislation
- Drones being used against citizenry
- More towns going bankrupt
- More government scandals (GSA, Secret Service)
- Government control of the internet
- Increased power given to Google to legally keep tabs on our lives (ability to demonize/out political opponents)
- Increased crime
- An increasingly armed government and disarmed citizenry
- Plenty more!
Obama is 'learning' from the mistakes of his first go around. He is not putting any promises to conservatives on the table (promises he'll break anyways); so that if he wins a second term, he will not have to deal with the distraction of broken promises.

An Obama adviser told a Wall Street Journal reporter that Obama 'will not make the mistake of working with Republicans like in 2011.'

Obama's DNC speech laid out no plan or promises for his second term. It only focused on his so-called accomplishments and petty attacks on those who would dare to oppose him.

So what can we expect if Obama wins a second term:

- Much higher taxes
- Seemingly endless government intervention
- Enemies lists becoming more of a reality
- Worse unemployment - perhaps even the next great depression
- More skyrocketing debt
- More bailouts (money going to cronies)
- A nuclear armed Iran
- Potential nuclear disarmament
- European level gas prices
- Skyrocketing tuition (paid for predominately by taxpayers - including paying for illegal immigrants)
- Obamacare costs skyrocketing
- The deficit going above $25 trillion (possibly $30 trillion) by the end of his second term
- Cuts to medicare
- Attacks on religion
- Two or three more numbskulls being appointed to the SC.
- Standing by while Europe collapses while propping up islamo fascists
- Russia building a base off of Cuba while we disarm in Poland.
- China doubling its share of our economy
- Oppression of free speech
- Greater power and payouts to the unions
- Increased food costs
- Increased energy costs
- More failed ventures (IE Solyndra) while cronies get theres.
- Extreme cuts to the military
- Breeches of liberties by legally and illegaly using the patriot act
- Political payback against Republicans like Darrel Issa
- Increased racial "social justice" rhetoric; and likely federal sanctions to increase "hate" legislation
- Drones being used against citizenry
- More towns going bankrupt
- More government scandals (GSA, Secret Service)
- Government control of the internet
- Increased power given to Google to legally keep tabs on our lives (ability to demonize/out political opponents)
- Increased crime
- An increasingly armed government and disarmed citizenry
- Plenty more!

Yup.. sounds about right..
Don't forget Obama told Mr Medvedev he could be more flexible in negotiations on the issue of missile defence if he is re-elected in November.
He said: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
Well we know where Mr. Obama's loyalty is, and its not the US...
We do not want an Obama second term. It'll be Obama Gone Wild. That first term; that was him pretending to give a fuck!
the first one wasnt radical enough, jeez, i guess the peopel really do wnat this country busted. free checks for everyone just turn in your copy of the constitution and let freedom really fly out the window.
Obama is 'learning' from the mistakes of his first go around. He is not putting any promises to conservatives on the table (promises he'll break anyways); so that if he wins a second term, he will not have to deal with the distraction of broken promises.

An Obama adviser told a Wall Street Journal reporter that Obama 'will not make the mistake of working with Republicans like in 2011.'

Obama's DNC speech laid out no plan or promises for his second term. It only focused on his so-called accomplishments and petty attacks on those who would dare to oppose him.

So what can we expect if Obama wins a second term:

- Much higher taxes
- Seemingly endless government intervention
- Enemies lists becoming more of a reality
- Worse unemployment - perhaps even the next great depression
- More skyrocketing debt
- More bailouts (money going to cronies)
- A nuclear armed Iran
- Potential nuclear disarmament
- European level gas prices
- Skyrocketing tuition (paid for predominately by taxpayers - including paying for illegal immigrants)
- Obamacare costs skyrocketing
- The deficit going above $25 trillion (possibly $30 trillion) by the end of his second term
- Cuts to medicare
- Attacks on religion
- Two or three more numbskulls being appointed to the SC.
- Standing by while Europe collapses while propping up islamo fascists
- Russia building a base off of Cuba while we disarm in Poland.
- China doubling its share of our economy
- Oppression of free speech
- Greater power and payouts to the unions
- Increased food costs
- Increased energy costs
- More failed ventures (IE Solyndra) while cronies get theres.
- Extreme cuts to the military
- Breeches of liberties by legally and illegaly using the patriot act
- Political payback against Republicans like Darrel Issa
- Increased racial "social justice" rhetoric; and likely federal sanctions to increase "hate" legislation
- Drones being used against citizenry
- More towns going bankrupt
- More government scandals (GSA, Secret Service)
- Government control of the internet
- Increased power given to Google to legally keep tabs on our lives (ability to demonize/out political opponents)
- Increased crime
- An increasingly armed government and disarmed citizenry
- Plenty more!

This was a fore gone conclusion after he won the first time.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peECAPrA_2g]Barack Obama "Bypass Congress" Dictator? YOU DECIDE (Original) - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is 'learning' from the mistakes of his first go around. He is not putting any promises to conservatives on the table (promises he'll break anyways); so that if he wins a second term, he will not have to deal with the distraction of broken promises.

An Obama adviser told a Wall Street Journal reporter that Obama 'will not make the mistake of working with Republicans like in 2011.'

Obama's DNC speech laid out no plan or promises for his second term. It only focused on his so-called accomplishments and petty attacks on those who would dare to oppose him.

So what can we expect if Obama wins a second term:

- Much higher taxes

- Seemingly endless government intervention
- Enemies lists becoming more of a reality
- Worse unemployment - perhaps even the next great depression
- More skyrocketing debt
- More bailouts (money going to cronies)
- A nuclear armed Iran
- Potential nuclear disarmament
- European level gas prices
- Skyrocketing tuition (paid for predominately by taxpayers - including paying for illegal immigrants)
- Obamacare costs skyrocketing
- The deficit going above $25 trillion (possibly $30 trillion) by the end of his second term
- Cuts to medicare
- Attacks on religion
- Two or three more numbskulls being appointed to the SC.
- Standing by while Europe collapses while propping up islamo fascists
- Russia building a base off of Cuba while we disarm in Poland.
- China doubling its share of our economy
- Oppression of free speech
- Greater power and payouts to the unions
- Increased food costs
- Increased energy costs
- More failed ventures (IE Solyndra) while cronies get theres.
- Extreme cuts to the military
- Breeches of liberties by legally and illegaly using the patriot act
- Political payback against Republicans like Darrel Issa
- Increased racial "social justice" rhetoric; and likely federal sanctions to increase "hate" legislation
- Drones being used against citizenry
- More towns going bankrupt
- More government scandals (GSA, Secret Service)
- Government control of the internet
- Increased power given to Google to legally keep tabs on our lives (ability to demonize/out political opponents)
- Increased crime
- An increasingly armed government and disarmed citizenry
- Plenty more!
Obama: I’ll work with Republicans if they agree to raise taxes
Obama: I
Obama is 'learning' from the mistakes of his first go around. He is not putting any promises to conservatives on the table (promises he'll break anyways); so that if he wins a second term, he will not have to deal with the distraction of broken promises.

An Obama adviser told a Wall Street Journal reporter that Obama 'will not make the mistake of working with Republicans like in 2011.'

Obama's DNC speech laid out no plan or promises for his second term. It only focused on his so-called accomplishments and petty attacks on those who would dare to oppose him.

So what can we expect if Obama wins a second term:

- Much higher taxes
- Seemingly endless government intervention
- Enemies lists becoming more of a reality
- Worse unemployment - perhaps even the next great depression
- More skyrocketing debt
- More bailouts (money going to cronies)
- A nuclear armed Iran- SO WHAT!? Israel has nukes so this doesn't bother me one damn bit.
- Potential nuclear disarmament
- European level gas prices
- Skyrocketing tuition (paid for predominately by taxpayers - including paying for illegal immigrants)
- Obamacare costs skyrocketing
- The deficit going above $25 trillion (possibly $30 trillion) by the end of his second term
- Cuts to medicare
- Attacks on religion
- Two or three more numbskulls being appointed to the SC.
- Standing by while Europe collapses while propping up islamo fascists
- Russia building a base off of Cuba while we disarm in Poland.Again Don't Care. We have bases all over the world..
- China doubling its share of our economy
- Oppression of free speech
- Greater power and payouts to the unions
- Increased food costs
- Increased energy costs
- More failed ventures (IE Solyndra) while cronies get theres.
- Extreme cuts to the military- needs to be cut
- Breeches of liberties by legally and illegaly using the patriot act
- Political payback against Republicans like Darrel Issa
- Increased racial "social justice" rhetoric; and likely federal sanctions to increase "hate" legislation
- Drones being used against citizenry
- More towns going bankrupt
- More government scandals (GSA, Secret Service)
- Government control of the internet
- Increased power given to Google to legally keep tabs on our lives (ability to demonize/out political opponents)
- Increased crime
- An increasingly armed government and disarmed citizenry
- Plenty more!

I replied in orange...the rest bother me but it has to happen for Americans to wake up and revolt.
Are you assholes PREPARED?

You nominated Mitt Romney. What do you think is going to happen? He's a whiner who makes pansy faces whenever he is listening to someone talk. America doesn't dig him.

I wonder what you patriots will do on November 7th? How about a hint?
He will mandate "cap in trade" by fiat
He will expand the the child amnesty to full amnesty for illegals by fiat
He will be racist against white people and force all of our schools to accept more violence. Teachers will only be fired if they do their jobs.
He will work to merge America with Mexico.
He will use the UN and treat it as a global government
He will mandate "cap in trade" by fiat
He will expand the the child amnesty to full amnesty for illegals by fiat
He will be racist against white people and force all of our schools to accept more violence. Teachers will only be fired if they do their jobs.
He will work to merge America with Mexico.
He will use the UN and treat it as a global government

Something wrong here, obama will not hand over his power to another governing body.
He will mandate "cap in trade" by fiat
He will expand the the child amnesty to full amnesty for illegals by fiat
He will be racist against white people and force all of our schools to accept more violence. Teachers will only be fired if they do their jobs.
He will work to merge America with Mexico.
He will use the UN and treat it as a global government


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