Romney Advisers: We're Losing


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

President Barack Obama heads out of the national political conventions with a much clearer path to winning, top advisers to Mitt Romney privately concede.

The Romney campaign, while pleasantly surprised by Obama’s lackluster prime-time performance, said the post-convention bounce they hoped for fell well short of expectations and privately lament that state-by-state polling numbers — most glaringly in Ohio — are working in the president’s favor.

“Their map has many more routes to victory,” said a top Republican official. Two officials intimately involved in the GOP campaign said Ohio leans clearly in Obama’s favor now, with a high single-digit edge, based on their internal tracking numbers of conservative groups. Romney can still win the presidency if he loses Ohio, but it’s extremely difficult.

The Obama and Romney campaigns anticipate little movement in national polls before the first debate on Oct. 3, which both see as the most important day of this campaign. They also see eye-to-eye on their belief the election will come down to whether Romney can persuade voters he understands the problems of ordinary people and that his solutions are at least marginally better for turning things around economically.

More: State of the race: Advantage, Obama - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen -
Hearsay and rumor. It's all the Democrats have. Given the money Obama has spent he ought to be ahead double digits.
Instead he enjoys a minor post convention bounce. As news about the economy takes hold watch that decline to serious loss. The economy is getting worse, not better. By November we will back in recession.
Some voters are stupid all of the time; some voters are stupid some of the time; however, I seriously doubt there will be enough voters stupid at the same time to put Romney in the White House.
“Their map has many more routes to victory,” said a top Republican official. Two officials intimately involved in the GOP campaign said Ohio leans clearly in Obama’s favor now, with a high single-digit edge, based on their internal tracking numbers of conservative groups. Romney can still win the presidency if he loses Ohio, but it’s extremely difficult.
And highly unlikely.

Even if Romney wins Florida, NC, Virginia, Iowa, and Colorado, all Obama needs is Ohio and his ‘safe’ and ‘lean’ states to reach 275.
The Obama and Romney campaigns anticipate little movement in national polls before the first debate on Oct. 3, which both see as the most important day of this campaign. They also see eye-to-eye on their belief the election will come down to whether Romney can persuade voters he understands the problems of ordinary people and that his solutions are at least marginally better for turning things around economically.

Which boils down to Romney needs a large number of democrats to abandon Obama, which simply won’t happen in large enough numbers. Some democrats may not vote for Obama again, but they won’t vote for Romney, either.
Joe Scarborough's Dark Warning For Mitt Romney

By Alana Horowitz


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough offered some harsh words for Mitt Romney via Twitter on Saturday night.

"Romney will lose if he doesn't dramatically change his strategy," he said. "Negative ads won't substitute for conservative ideas."

The 'Morning Joe' host continued: "The Romney campaign is not conservative. It is just as cynical and risk-averse as Team Obama. A real conservative would be winning now."

More: Joe Scarborough Slams Mitt Romney: 'A Real Conservative Would Be Winning'
too funny. I'm supposed to believe that "top ranking campaign officials" are saying Romney's should be ready to throw in the towel because there's no way he can win?

When they have just gotten another amount of killer donations? When the enthusiasm level among conservatives for this election is up 17 points over liberals?


This is the best that Republicans could produce? Damn...
The debates should put the final nails in Romney's political coffin.
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[ame=]The Agenda Project: Granny Off the Cliff - YouTube[/ame]
Romney's behind in almost every swing state according to RCP.

Karl Rove's superpac just pulled their ads from Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

To quote Joseph Conrad.........Mistah Romney, he dead.

President Barack Obama heads out of the national political conventions with a much clearer path to winning, top advisers to Mitt Romney privately concede.

The Romney campaign, while pleasantly surprised by Obama’s lackluster prime-time performance, said the post-convention bounce they hoped for fell well short of expectations and privately lament that state-by-state polling numbers — most glaringly in Ohio — are working in the president’s favor.

“Their map has many more routes to victory,” said a top Republican official. Two officials intimately involved in the GOP campaign said Ohio leans clearly in Obama’s favor now, with a high single-digit edge, based on their internal tracking numbers of conservative groups. Romney can still win the presidency if he loses Ohio, but it’s extremely difficult.

The Obama and Romney campaigns anticipate little movement in national polls before the first debate on Oct. 3, which both see as the most important day of this campaign. They also see eye-to-eye on their belief the election will come down to whether Romney can persuade voters he understands the problems of ordinary people and that his solutions are at least marginally better for turning things around economically.

More: State of the race: Advantage, Obama - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen -

No sources stated? Just conjecture at best; and more likely outright lies? Americans get it. The media has their cause(s) and so do you.
I think the liberal romney is fucked. Seirously,

On the other hand our economy is likely to fold into a global depression like we have never seen. Watch and see.

I agree that Romney is fucked. IF our economy folds into a global depression - it won't be Obama's fault.

The Absurd Zombie Lie About the Economy Right-Wingers Desperately Cling To -- And Why It's Totally Wrong | Alternet
My girlfriend has been leaning toward Romney all this time. This morning we were talking and she said she has decided to vote for Obama after all. Now she has always been a Democrat, but she really doesn't like Obama. None the less, she is going to vote for him. Now I wouldn't point this out but for one reason, she has a lot of money. Here in Ohio, switching a couple votes from Romney to Obama out of every one hundred would be huge.
Joe Scarborough's Dark Warning For Mitt Romney

By Alana Horowitz


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough offered some harsh words for Mitt Romney via Twitter on Saturday night.

"Romney will lose if he doesn't dramatically change his strategy," he said. "Negative ads won't substitute for conservative ideas."

The 'Morning Joe' host continued: "The Romney campaign is not conservative. It is just as cynical and risk-averse as Team Obama. A real conservative would be winning now."

More: Joe Scarborough Slams Mitt Romney: 'A Real Conservative Would Be Winning'

Joe's a lib. This is actually hysterical if he twitted this. And yes, I know how I spelled it.:D

I think the last time Joe was a Republican or thought he was Republican was when he was running for the party when it was on a high.

A lot of "wannabes" do that.

Any man who rode into Congress on the coat tails of Newt in'94 and can now turn around and say that Gingrich "has hate speech" deserves a freaking political knuckle sandwich.

Oh and do we want to talk about why he left politics? Mmmm? The secretary?

Lakhota odds are you've never been there (you do come across as a child locked in a basement addicted to HuffPo and Mother Jones) but old Joe's office was in Fort Walton one of my favorite holiday destinations second only to Destin when we're talking eta panhandle (because I love and adore the east coast as well, well heck, I love all of Florida).

It's very conservative. Anyone with an R would be elected there. I can't remember the last R Joe really really liked.

He sold his soul to the left a long, long time ago.
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Like Liberal brains, there is NOTHING left of obama --- Except Marx -- well most of the time.
The debates should put the final nails in Romney's political coffin.

Do you think Romney would have a better chance if he came out as his self? If he did that he would run to the left of Obama! :eusa_boohoo:

Well, he lost me when he moved to the draconian right. I supported him in 2008, but not this time. He has no plans other than to cut taxes and decrease regulation. Yay!!!! In other words, he's just foaming at the mouth. He wants to completely repeal Obamacare even though it was pretty much his idea, and he has no clue as to what he would replace it with. Basically he just wants to go back to not allowing those with pre-existing conditions to be insured, and he wants to go back to the double digit percentage increases in healthcare spending that we saw every single year for more than a decade before the ACA was passed.

And last of all, he wants to increase defense spending. Why, I have absolutely no clue, and I don't think he does either.

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