Obama Orders Military To Prepare For Spring Food Riots

I hope this is wrong

A grim report prepared by France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) obtained by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that president’s Obama and Sarkozy have “agreed in principal” to create a joint US-European military force to deal exclusively with a Global uprising expected this spring as our World runs out of food.

According to this report, Sarkozy, as head of the G-20 group of developed Nations, called for and received an emergency meeting with Obama this past Monday at the White House wherein he warned his American counterpart that the shock rise in food prices occurring due to an unprecedented series of disasters was threatening the stability of the entire World and could lead to the outbreak of Total Global War.

Obama Orders Military To Prepare For Spring Food Riots | EUTimes.net

You want me to believe that the President of France flew into the US and met with President Obama, and only one weird internet paper noticed? Did you notice that they also had a story about NASA confirming the existence of UFOs? You should look up the concept of critical thinking and apply it to your posting.
The French General Directorate for External Security is not the President of France it is the subordinate to the Ministry of the Defense. So any meeting may have went unnoticed.


The same site has a story about NASA confirming a UFO.

NASA: Approaching space object ?artificial, not asteroid? | EUTimes.net

While it is remotely possible that the story you linked to is true, it is much more likely that the entire site is a conglomeration of conspiracy theoris and stupidity.
You want me to believe that the President of France flew into the US and met with President Obama, and only one weird internet paper noticed? Did you notice that they also had a story about NASA confirming the existence of UFOs? You should look up the concept of critical thinking and apply it to your posting.
The French General Directorate for External Security is not the President of France it is the subordinate to the Ministry of the Defense. So any meeting may have went unnoticed.


The same site has a story about NASA confirming a UFO.

NASA: Approaching space object ?artificial, not asteroid? | EUTimes.net

While it is remotely possible that the story you linked to is true, it is much more likely that the entire site is a conglomeration of conspiracy theoris and stupidity.

Yet you said the General Directorate for External Security was the French president.

As for the UFO

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Here's a little rule of thumb that has stood me well over the years. Allways keep at least one months supply of food and water in your home AT ALL TIMES. That way, no matter what disaster befalls you, be it hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or whatever else Mother Nature decides to serve up, you are safe from starvation at the very minimum.

There are many natural disasters that will destroy enough infrastructure that food will not be transported to your area.

One other thing, allways have at least one firearm and the ammunition for it and KNOW HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY!
Here's a little rule of thumb that has stood me well over the years. Allways keep at least one months supply of food and water in your home AT ALL TIMES. That way, no matter what disaster befalls you, be it hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or whatever else Mother Nature decides to serve up, you are safe from starvation at the very minimum.

There are many natural disasters that will destroy enough infrastructure that food will not be transported to your area.

One other thing, allways have at least one firearm and the ammunition for it and KNOW HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY!

Yep and don't forget the Twinkies and the Hostess powdered doughnuts and Little Debbie blueberry muffins :rolleyes:
Rise in food prices would be a good guess. People are already stressed with no jobs. Any new stress of not being able to pay for food might just be the tipping point.
Our population is alienated. There is relatively little contact between citizens. People live for years without ever speaking to neighbors who live on the same block, so those who live as little as two blocks away might as well be living in foreign countries or on the moon.

I live in New Jersey in a middle class area. I don't see poverty but I know it exists. I have seen television documentaries of the Appalachian region, the decayed city of Detroit and the ghetto areas of East LA and the South Bronx and I know there are other equally impoverished areas in America. These places were troubled when the economy was relatively good so I can only wonder what life is like for their inhabitants now that more and more of them are out of work and public assistance is beginning to withdraw.

So you're right. Many Americans already are feeling the bite but it hasn't hit their kitchen tables yet. When it does we could very well start seeing the kind of bread lines that attended the Great Depression -- or worse.
Rise in food prices would be a good guess. People are already stressed with no jobs. Any new stress of not being able to pay for food might just be the tipping point.
Our population is alienated. There is relatively little contact between citizens. People live for years without ever speaking to neighbors who live on the same block, so those who live as little as two blocks away might as well be living in foreign countries or on the moon.

I live in New Jersey in a middle class area. I don't see poverty but I know it exists. I have seen television documentaries of the Appalachian region, the decayed city of Detroit and the ghetto areas of East LA and the South Bronx and I know there are other equally impoverished areas in America. These places were troubled when the economy was relatively good so I can only wonder what life is like for their inhabitants now that more and more of them are out of work and public assistance is beginning to withdraw.

So you're right. Many Americans already are feeling the bite but it hasn't hit their kitchen tables yet. When it does we could very well start seeing the kind of bread lines that attended the Great Depression -- or worse.

Hows that Hope And Change working for you'all?

This sounds like a planted story intended to cause riots like in several other countries.
Here's a little rule of thumb that has stood me well over the years. Allways keep at least one months supply of food and water in your home AT ALL TIMES. That way, no matter what disaster befalls you, be it hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or whatever else Mother Nature decides to serve up, you are safe from starvation at the very minimum.

There are many natural disasters that will destroy enough infrastructure that food will not be transported to your area.

One other thing, allways have at least one firearm and the ammunition for it and KNOW HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY!

On the ammo, 1000 rounds is NOT enough, neither is 1 caliber! :)

(brought to you by the Gun Dealers of America, Local 318) :)
Threads like this usually implode into fantasies by gun owners protecting their homesteads from the hordes of unwashed sweating teeming hungry masses.

Little Debbie blueberry muffin anyone?
Here's a little rule of thumb that has stood me well over the years. Allways keep at least one months supply of food and water in your home AT ALL TIMES. That way, no matter what disaster befalls you, be it hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or whatever else Mother Nature decides to serve up, you are safe from starvation at the very minimum.

There are many natural disasters that will destroy enough infrastructure that food will not be transported to your area.

One other thing, allways have at least one firearm and the ammunition for it and KNOW HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY!

On the ammo, 1000 rounds is NOT enough, neither is 1 caliber! :)

(brought to you by the Gun Dealers of America, Local 318) :)

A person would be quite well armed with a Ruger 10/22 and 10 bricks of ammo. I have been around firearms for probably longer than you and I would very happily take on pretty much anything with that setup.
Rise in food prices would be a good guess. People are already stressed with no jobs. Any new stress of not being able to pay for food might just be the tipping point.
Our population is alienated. There is relatively little contact between citizens. People live for years without ever speaking to neighbors who live on the same block, so those who live as little as two blocks away might as well be living in foreign countries or on the moon.

I live in New Jersey in a middle class area. I don't see poverty but I know it exists. I have seen television documentaries of the Appalachian region, the decayed city of Detroit and the ghetto areas of East LA and the South Bronx and I know there are other equally impoverished areas in America. These places were troubled when the economy was relatively good so I can only wonder what life is like for their inhabitants now that more and more of them are out of work and public assistance is beginning to withdraw.

So you're right. Many Americans already are feeling the bite but it hasn't hit their kitchen tables yet. When it does we could very well start seeing the kind of bread lines that attended the Great Depression -- or worse.

Hows that Hope And Change working for you'all?

This sounds like a planted story intended to cause riots like in several other countries.

True this might be a planted story, however my other sources are telling me there's a lot of "chatter" going on more than usual. I hope you're right.
Here's a little rule of thumb that has stood me well over the years. Allways keep at least one months supply of food and water in your home AT ALL TIMES. That way, no matter what disaster befalls you, be it hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or whatever else Mother Nature decides to serve up, you are safe from starvation at the very minimum.

There are many natural disasters that will destroy enough infrastructure that food will not be transported to your area.

One other thing, allways have at least one firearm and the ammunition for it and KNOW HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY!

On the ammo, 1000 rounds is NOT enough, neither is 1 caliber! :)

(brought to you by the Gun Dealers of America, Local 318) :)

A person would be quite well armed with a Ruger 10/22 and 10 bricks of ammo. I have been around firearms for probably longer than you and I would very happily take on pretty much anything with that setup.

A 22 of any manufacture would be better than nothing. You might like this video. For those who think hunkering down at home is a good thing.

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Here's a little rule of thumb that has stood me well over the years. Allways keep at least one months supply of food and water in your home AT ALL TIMES. That way, no matter what disaster befalls you, be it hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or whatever else Mother Nature decides to serve up, you are safe from starvation at the very minimum.

There are many natural disasters that will destroy enough infrastructure that food will not be transported to your area.

One other thing, allways have at least one firearm and the ammunition for it and KNOW HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY!

On the ammo, 1000 rounds is NOT enough, neither is 1 caliber! :)

(brought to you by the Gun Dealers of America, Local 318) :)

A person would be quite well armed with a Ruger 10/22 and 10 bricks of ammo. I have been around firearms for probably longer than you and I would very happily take on pretty much anything with that setup.

LOL....and you would quickly lose. I got my first gun at age 6, 42 years ago, and I have transferred over 3000 in the last 12 months alone) :)

There are 2-3 places on my body where a 22 will inflict lethal damage.

On the other hand, if a .308 hits you anywhere, your best-case scenario is bleeding to death. I typically carry 180 rounds when I leave "fully loaded," so you'd have me there.

And lets not even get into the concept of range. Your 10/22 loses quickly when that enters the discussion. With the .308 at almost 2800fps, aim is "dead -on" at 250 yards. You'll have to aim about 6 inches above whatever you want to hit, with even the fastest ammo, and still pray that the wind doesn't blow.

Don't get me wrong, I love a 10/22 (have 3-4 of them), but there is a reason the army doesn't issue them. They are a small game hunting weapon/close-range target shooter, not a protection weapon, and the .22 is certainly not an assault or protection caliber.

When the shit hits the fan, I'll be behind the .308. I don't have 5000 rounds (the equivalent of 10 bricks), but I won't need that many either. Good luck with the Ruger. And those damn rotary magazines!

If you're into plinking with 22s, get a browning BL-22 (lever action) and some Winchester CB-Long Match ammo (not Long Rifle, so your 10/22 will not eject it). That is the most fun you'll ever have, and the ammo is the quietest I've ever heard....far quieter than any 22 short I've ever found. I have shot squirrels sitting beside another squirrel, and then shot the second one two because he didn't hear the report. I imagine he just looked over and thought.....

"That's odd......Fred's head just exploded?!?"

Winchester CB-Long Match (NOT LR).

Greatest shit ever :)
Would you bet your life on it?

I live in Maine, Dude, not NYC.

I long ago placed my bet on the long term future of this nation.

I shorted this nation's stock and thus far my bet seems sage.

Sure you don't live in a big city but what about those who do?
I live in a rural area and have food and firearms to make sure they stay mine. As long as the hydroelectric power stays on I'll be on the net. As for the people in the "big cities", good luck. Thank those politicians for taking your guns away.:lol::lol::lol:
It is all because we burn corn in our cars!


Or maybe becuase of the food we use to make beer?

Actually it is because of the perceived stock market driven need to increase profits in a saturated market.

If we do not increase profits the economy will not recover ;)
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I hope this is wrong

A grim report prepared by France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) obtained by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that president’s Obama and Sarkozy have “agreed in principal” to create a joint US-European military force to deal exclusively with a Global uprising expected this spring as our World runs out of food.

According to this report, Sarkozy, as head of the G-20 group of developed Nations, called for and received an emergency meeting with Obama this past Monday at the White House wherein he warned his American counterpart that the shock rise in food prices occurring due to an unprecedented series of disasters was threatening the stability of the entire World and could lead to the outbreak of Total Global War.

Obama Orders Military To Prepare For Spring Food Riots | EUTimes.net

You are really paranoid about this food price thing, aren't you?

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