Obama Knuckles Under

Oh...and I suppose that uniting Europeans (who actually have a lot more to lose) in suspending Putin (who desperately wants global recognition) from the G-8 ( now the G-7) is "giving Putin free rein"....
Rabbi..take ur head out of ur nether region and pay attention to current events...

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obama's weakness invites aggression. Russia does not threaten our national security. Is Russia a geopolitical foe? Sure. That foe is winning and wiping the floor with mop face obama.
Oh...and I suppose that uniting Europeans (who actually have a lot more to lose) in suspending Putin (who desperately wants global recognition) from the G-8 ( now the G-7) is "nothing"...Rabbi..take ur head out of ur nether region and pay attention to current events...

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You know that sending Putin to the corner was just temporary right? It's only for the upcoming meeting. obama couldn't unite a ham sandwich. That's why there are no serious sanctions.
obama's weakness invites aggression. Russia does not threaten our national security. Is Russia a geopolitical foe? Sure. That foe is winning and wiping the floor with mop face obama.

The only weakness here is in ur argument...if , as u say, "Russia does not threaten our security"...how is it that Obama's alleged "weakness"
invites aggression?
Or are u just talking out of ur ass because u hate our prez enough so that u forget ur an American?...

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Do you doubt that Putin is aggressive? Is Putin threatening our national security?
Of course Putin is aggressive...like a big bully against the smallest kids in the school yard...He only aggresses against weaker nations like Georgia and Ukraine...
As egoTesticle as he is...he would never aggress directly against a super-nuke-power like the U.S.A....
Of course, we DO juice him up when we denigrate our own Prez...

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Obama is a pussified version of Jimmy Carter. Who can blame Putin for taking advantage of his weakness?
The only thing worse than someone acting weak..........

Is someone who is weak but acts strong.

The United States DOES NOT WANT ANOTHER DAMN WAR right now.

You right wing war hawks just cant wait to send other people's kids to another foreign war, can you? God you people disgust me.
What is the Republican plan of action against Russia? War?


Let's just let Putin throw the first punch!

You think the 2 largest nuclear nations should do what?

Obama may seem like a doofus, hell, he is a doofus a lot of the time. But it seems to me that this is being handled quite correctly. We can fight an economic war with Russia and kick their asses. I'm pretty certain that military strikes on Russia would be a really, really bad idea.

What has happened is a bad thing. It's not unimportant. We, as we often do, are backing out of a treaty. Wouldn't be the first time. Russia is a nation that loves money just as much as we do. Their rich people are far more ostentatious then ours. They drive cars made of gold and equally goofy consumption. These people do not wish to bring about the end of the world. As it squeezes their pocketbooks, they will be very unhappy and seek a face saving exit. Ot I'm wrong and they'll just start overrunning everywhere. Then we can take out Moscow while their missiles are arriving on the East Coast.

Even if the nukes don't come out, then what? America only attacks little countries. Like Afghanistan, where with 1000 times the technological weaponry advantage, we still can't win.

I'm a Logical, not a Liberal. What I have posted is an opinion©, not a fact. But I have a good opinion© of my own opinion© so those are my thoughts. If you think I'm wrong, then tell me why.
Its amazing how right wingers are so passionate about not wanting the US government to interfere with the lives of US citizens......

BUT GOD DAMMIT, lets interfere with the lives of all the other 6 billion people on Earth!!!!!
The only thing worse than someone acting weak..........

Is someone who is weak but acts strong.

The United States DOES NOT WANT ANOTHER DAMN WAR right now.

You right wing war hawks just cant wait to send other people's kids to another foreign war, can you? God you people disgust me.
Nobody is suggesting anything of the kind, you disingenuous prick.
Obama is a pussified version of Jimmy Carter. Who can blame Putin for taking advantage of his weakness?

Maybe he'll invade some more countries and devastate his country's international clout. And hurl insults at his allies while he's at it. That'd definitely help the U.S. and others who oppose Russia.

So, basically, let's hope that Russia's conservatives are the ones steering that country :thup:

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