Obama has increased government spending less than any president in at least a generation.


do you understand the difference between deficit and debt? our debt will have doubled under obama---------------------------------DOUBLED, FROM 10 TRILLION TO 20 TRILLION. a slight reduction in the annual deficit is meaningless.
here's what you don't get redfish tell us the difference oh wise one enlighten us all ... I clearly know what deficit spending causes... it causes a huge national debt ... the real question here is do you understand what causes deficit spending ... that's the real question here that you should enlighten us all here with your huge intellect ...
Really......... so Zeke... you are telling me that you agree with Billy, that Social Security does not take any tax money out of your pay check, to operate? Can you read your pay stub? Just curious. Maybe it's too hard for you or something?

Andy, what Billy says is what Billy says. Here's what I say.
The driver of debt is what? Borrowing.
The Social Security Trust Fund was SUPPOSED to be the recipient of all funds dedicated from paychecks to Social Security.
Sitting in the bank so to speak to pay for benefits without the need to borrow for future payments.
And that seems to be what Billy has said.
Social Security was designed to be self funding with monies collected ONLY from those working and those providing jobs.
Hence, Social Security should not be a driver of the debt.
Till COngress started borrowing the money to spend elsewhere. (because Social Security HAD a surplus) Putting IOU's in the trust fund became so easy. Borrowing to cover the IOU's easier still.
Congress raiding Social Security SHOULD NOT have been allowed.
You see scamp, National Socialism, is socialism and socialism is a decidedly leftist organism; and as such, it is a function of evil, like every other aspect of the Ideological Left.
the left loves evil :up:
shouldn' t that be they???
Republican campaign strategists may lie, but the numbers don’t. Government spending, when adjusted for inflation, has increased during his administration (to date) by 1.4%. Under George W. Bush, the increases were 7.3% (first term) and 8.1% (second term). Bill Clinton, in his two terms, comes in at 3.2% and 3.9%. George H. W. Bush increased government spending by 5.4%, while Ronald Reagan added 8.7% and 4.9% in his two terms.

Not only does Obama turn out to be the most thrifty president in recent memory, but the evidence shows that Republican administrations consistently increased government spending significantly more than any Democratic administration. Go figure.

What everyone seems to forget is that Social Security and Medicare make up about 40% of the yearly budget. Today--the largest generation in this nations history (baby boomers) are retiring into these funds at 10K per day every day of the week, and this rate will last for another 15 years.

This gives us another 87 trillion in unfunded liabilities on top of the 18 trillion we're already at. NO President is going to avoid these numbers. Social Security and Medicare were promised to the elderly in this country by the Federal Government, taking a portion out of their wages and their employer contributions to pay for it.

The below chart is what 1 trillion dollars looks like. These are $100.00 bills stacked together on pallets. 18 of these make for current debt, then add on another 87 of these to get a good look at the on coming train wreck.


SS and Medicare now takes closer to 60%.

Which is just shy of the magic 70% where Ponzi Schemes disintegrate.

Are you insane? Have you not collected a pay check yet, and seen the FICA tax?

That is the most fruity nut response in this thread.
nobody has said its not a tax ... oh clueless one ... I said what is true, that the government isn't paying 40% of the national budget on social security ... I'm saying that no money is allocated from the national budget for social security... not one dime is spent from the national budget for social security or medicare ... that you as a citizen pay into a account to pay for these benefits ... where they are allocated to retired people ....none of this comes from the budget which was stated by the republicans here ... again it not coming from the national budget ... that is my statement ...fica is not a tax that comes part the budget or part of the national debt
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national debt when obama took over --------------- 10T
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T

nothing more needs to be said. Obama will have increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED.

National deficit when Obama took over --------------- 1.2T
National deficit today -------------------------------------- 0.48T
National deficit when Obama leaves ------------------- 0.56T

Government's not like a car where you can just hit the brakes. And as a percentage of GDP, this the fastest drop in deficit spending since WWII. If you think "deficits don't matter" Republicans could do better, you're not paying attention.
national debt when obama took over --------------- 10T
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T

nothing more needs to be said. Obama will have increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED.

National deficit when Obama took over --------------- 1.2T
National deficit today -------------------------------------- 0.48T
National deficit when Obama leaves ------------------- 0.56T

Government's not like a car where you can just hit the brakes. And as a percentage of GDP, this the fastest drop in deficit spending since WWII. If you think "deficits don't matter" Republicans could do better, you're not paying attention.
Really......... so Zeke... you are telling me that you agree with Billy, that Social Security does not take any tax money out of your pay check, to operate? Can you read your pay stub? Just curious. Maybe it's too hard for you or something?

Andy, what Billy says is what Billy says. Here's what I say.
The driver of debt is what? Borrowing.
The Social Security Trust Fund was SUPPOSED to be the recipient of all funds dedicated from paychecks to Social Security.
Sitting in the bank so to speak to pay for benefits without the need to borrow for future payments.
And that seems to be what Billy has said.
Social Security was designed to be self funding with monies collected ONLY from those working and those providing jobs.
Hence, Social Security should not be a driver of the debt.
Till COngress started borrowing the money to spend elsewhere. (because Social Security HAD a surplus) Putting IOU's in the trust fund became so easy. Borrowing to cover the IOU's easier still.
Congress raiding Social Security SHOULD NOT have been allowed.
they did this to pay for their wars ... it all started under Johnson ... he was the one who put social security into the general fund ... so he would have money to pay for the Vietnam war ... this in my opinion should never have happen... the thing that I was trying to say is we don't spend 40% of tax payers money out of the budget on these programs ... that these republicans said this is happening ... I said not one dime is spent by tax payers ... to general statement, but still a true one ... the nut job that implied have we ever got a pay check was a pathetic attemp to say its a tax that is paid, again trying to say its paid through the national budget ... I will correct them every time...
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national debt when obama took over --------------- 10T
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T

nothing more needs to be said. Obama will have increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED.
actually more needs to be said ... you sound like a broken record
when obama took over ---------------(BR) 10T in total agreement here ...
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
(BR)your implication here is one sided.... without any factual information here... the real question here is who caused the debt and how did it happen.... you refused to accept how we got to this 18 to 20 trillion dollars of debt ... we have asked you the question time and time again... what bill or bills did Obama sign into law that has caused the 10 trillion dollars of debt .... you haven't been able to show us one bill that Obama has sign that caused this debt that you're claiming Obana caused.... we have time and time again shown you many bills that the Bush administration passed and was passed on to the Obama administration ... your response was the typical was, OH you libs always want to blame it on Bush ... that's all you libs do is blame it on someone else ... that's all you can do ... and yet you can't show one bill that Obama passed that caused any of this debt .... neither can the CBO of this country show us any bills that Obama passed to cause this debt... so I would say to you, why don't you contact the CBO of this country and give them your words of wisdom ... they need a good laugh too...
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T (BR) not in disagreement here either ...so how did we get here ??? can ya give us a credible answer ??? redfish

OK, then using your "logic" Clinton is responsible for the debt that accrued during the Bush years. Like it or not, obama is responsible for doubling the national debt.

His administration has spent more than it collected every year he has been in office, that is a simple fact that you libs seem unable to comprehend.

He also is the guy who claimed that raising the debt was a sign of a failed administration and was not patriotic.
You forgot that the 2009 budget belonged to Obama.
Harry Reid refused to send a 2009 budget to President G W Bush to sign because Reid wanted to give Obama a free hand on spending the country into oblivion, STARTING with the year 2009.
Obama owns the money he spent in 2009.
The $1.2 trillion deficit spent in 2009 is on Obama's tab, NOT Bush's.
is the two trillion Obamacare cost included?

Probably not. How about the 2 trillion to be spent on all that medical care for wounded vets that Bush gave us. Is that included?

I still don't know exactly how much the Bush Prescription drug plan (that he used to buy the old people vote) how much that costs. Do you know?

And have we paid for the Bush wars? Do you know? How much were they?

All that money wasted.

BOTH wars became "Obama's wars" the day Obama became President.
Obama COULD'VE stopped BOTH wars when he became President.
Obama CHOSE to continue BOTH wars.
The body-count AND the cost of BOTH wars became Obama's, the day Obama became President.

do you understand the difference between deficit and debt? our debt will have doubled under obama---------------------------------DOUBLED, FROM 10 TRILLION TO 20 TRILLION. a slight reduction in the annual deficit is meaningless.
here's what you don't get redfish tell us the difference oh wise one enlighten us all ... I clearly know what deficit spending causes... it causes a huge national debt ... the real question here is do you understand what causes deficit spending ... that's the real question here that you should enlighten us all here with your huge intellect ...

deficit spending = spending more that you collect from taxes and borrowing the rest i.e. creating debt.

Yes, congress creates spending bills, CRs, budgets, etc-------------but the president signs them, approves them, and implements them. obama will be responsible for over 20 trillion in debt by the time he leaves office.

and Yes, there was some reduction in the annual deficit under bubba and barry, but they both increased the debt. Slight reductions in annual deficits are meaningless.
national debt when obama took over --------------- 10T
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T

nothing more needs to be said. Obama will have increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED.
actually more needs to be said ... you sound like a broken record
when obama took over ---------------(BR) 10T in total agreement here ...
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
(BR)your implication here is one sided.... without any factual information here... the real question here is who caused the debt and how did it happen.... you refused to accept how we got to this 18 to 20 trillion dollars of debt ... we have asked you the question time and time again... what bill or bills did Obama sign into law that has caused the 10 trillion dollars of debt .... you haven't been able to show us one bill that Obama has sign that caused this debt that you're claiming Obana caused.... we have time and time again shown you many bills that the Bush administration passed and was passed on to the Obama administration ... your response was the typical was, OH you libs always want to blame it on Bush ... that's all you libs do is blame it on someone else ... that's all you can do ... and yet you can't show one bill that Obama passed that caused any of this debt .... neither can the CBO of this country show us any bills that Obama passed to cause this debt... so I would say to you, why don't you contact the CBO of this country and give them your words of wisdom ... they need a good laugh too...
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T (BR) not in disagreement here either ...so how did we get here ??? can ya give us a credible answer ??? redfish

OK, then using your "logic" Clinton is responsible for the debt that accrued during the Bush years. Like it or not, obama is responsible for doubling the national debt.

His administration has spent more than it collected every year he has been in office, that is a simple fact that you libs seem unable to comprehend.

He also is the guy who claimed that raising the debt was a sign of a failed administration and was not patriotic.
never said that clinton was responsible for the debt reagan and Bush one passed on ... I said they didn't cause the debt that you want to pin on them ... bush one wasn't responsible for reagans debt.... clinton wasn't responsible for bush one's debt ... bush two wasn't responsible for Clinton debt ... Obama isn't isn't responsible for Bush's debt ... that's what I've said here ... what you are trying to say is bush one is responsible for reagans debt ... clinton is responsible for bush ones debt... bush two is responsible for clintons debt ... obama is responsible for Bush two debt ,... they are not ... what you are trying to say here which is wrong as can be, that the currant president in office is responsible for past presidents spending ... I will fight you tooth and nail on that false statement
national debt when obama took over --------------- 10T
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T

nothing more needs to be said. Obama will have increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED.
actually more needs to be said ... you sound like a broken record
when obama took over ---------------(BR) 10T in total agreement here ...
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
(BR)your implication here is one sided.... without any factual information here... the real question here is who caused the debt and how did it happen.... you refused to accept how we got to this 18 to 20 trillion dollars of debt ... we have asked you the question time and time again... what bill or bills did Obama sign into law that has caused the 10 trillion dollars of debt .... you haven't been able to show us one bill that Obama has sign that caused this debt that you're claiming Obana caused.... we have time and time again shown you many bills that the Bush administration passed and was passed on to the Obama administration ... your response was the typical was, OH you libs always want to blame it on Bush ... that's all you libs do is blame it on someone else ... that's all you can do ... and yet you can't show one bill that Obama passed that caused any of this debt .... neither can the CBO of this country show us any bills that Obama passed to cause this debt... so I would say to you, why don't you contact the CBO of this country and give them your words of wisdom ... they need a good laugh too...
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T (BR) not in disagreement here either ...so how did we get here ??? can ya give us a credible answer ??? redfish

OK, then using your "logic" Clinton is responsible for the debt that accrued during the Bush years. Like it or not, obama is responsible for doubling the national debt.

His administration has spent more than it collected every year he has been in office, that is a simple fact that you libs seem unable to comprehend.

He also is the guy who claimed that raising the debt was a sign of a failed administration and was not patriotic.
never said that clinton was responsible for the debt reagan and Bush one passed on ... I said they didn't cause the debt that you want to pin on them ... bush one wasn't responsible for reagans debt.... clinton wasn't responsible for bush one's debt ... bush two wasn't responsible for Clinton debt ... Obama isn't isn't responsible for Bush's debt ... that's what I've said here ... what you are trying to say is bush one is responsible for reagans debt ... clinton is responsible for bush ones debt... bush two is responsible for clintons debt ... obama is responsible for Bush two debt ,... they are not ... what you are trying to say here which is wrong as can be, that the currant president in office is responsible for past presidents spending ... I will fight you tooth and nail on that false statement

you are correct to a point, the first year of any presidents term he inherits from his predecessor, after that first year, its all on him. So, using those premises, Obama is only responsible for adding 9 trillion to the debt since he inherited the first trillion from Bush--------------happy now?

Obama's debt = 11 trillion to 20 trillion.
is the two trillion Obamacare cost included?

Probably not. How about the 2 trillion to be spent on all that medical care for wounded vets that Bush gave us. Is that included?

I still don't know exactly how much the Bush Prescription drug plan (that he used to buy the old people vote) how much that costs. Do you know?

And have we paid for the Bush wars? Do you know? How much were they?

All that money wasted.

BOTH wars became "Obama's wars" the day Obama became President.
Obama COULD'VE stopped BOTH wars when he became President.
Obama CHOSE to continue BOTH wars.
The body-count AND the cost of BOTH wars became Obama's, the day Obama became President.
how do you suggest obama could have stopped both wars??? only the congress can do that .... which by the way thats what they did... by signing in to the bills they passed to make sure the country would come out of the wars ... the republicans put a out date ... there isn't anyway the president can say ok tomorrow we are going to state pulling out of these wars ... only the congress can do that ...which by the way they did by putting a date that they would pull out
Republican campaign strategists may lie, but the numbers don’t. Government spending, when adjusted for inflation, has increased during his administration (to date) by 1.4%. Under George W. Bush, the increases were 7.3% (first term) and 8.1% (second term). Bill Clinton, in his two terms, comes in at 3.2% and 3.9%. George H. W. Bush increased government spending by 5.4%, while Ronald Reagan added 8.7% and 4.9% in his two terms.

Not only does Obama turn out to be the most thrifty president in recent memory, but the evidence shows that Republican administrations consistently increased government spending significantly more than any Democratic administration. Go figure.

Wow, you just write off Obama's spending increases to W and bam, he didn't increase spending! Amazing. I have a question. Does the kool-aid give you a buzz or is it more of a numbing effect.
what you are trying to say here which is wrong as can be, that the currant president in office is responsible for past presidents spending ... I will fight you tooth and nail on that false statement

you are correct to a point, the first year of any presidents term he inherits from his predecessor, after that first year, its all on him. So, using those premises, Obama is only responsible for adding 9 trillion to the debt since he inherited the first trillion from Bush--------------happy now?

Obama's debt = 11 trillion to 20 trillion.

In this case, that point would be Obama signing TARP during his first year and not counting the wars he continued and expanded.

So Billy Boy. When a Republican takes over in 2017, will you count year 1 deficits as Obama or is that different? LOL, we both know, don't we? Not once did I ever hear this point made for year one of W, HW or Reagan...
Saying that Obama has increased government spending less than any President is as stupid as bragging that Ted Bundy killed less people than Tim McVeigh.

Besides Obama as Senator in that filthy Democrat controlled Congress elected in 2006 voted for the big increases in 2007 and 2008.
national debt when obama took over --------------- 10T
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T

nothing more needs to be said. Obama will have increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED.
actually more needs to be said ... you sound like a broken record
when obama took over ---------------(BR) 10T in total agreement here ...
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
(BR)your implication here is one sided.... without any factual information here... the real question here is who caused the debt and how did it happen.... you refused to accept how we got to this 18 to 20 trillion dollars of debt ... we have asked you the question time and time again... what bill or bills did Obama sign into law that has caused the 10 trillion dollars of debt .... you haven't been able to show us one bill that Obama has sign that caused this debt that you're claiming Obana caused.... we have time and time again shown you many bills that the Bush administration passed and was passed on to the Obama administration ... your response was the typical was, OH you libs always want to blame it on Bush ... that's all you libs do is blame it on someone else ... that's all you can do ... and yet you can't show one bill that Obama passed that caused any of this debt .... neither can the CBO of this country show us any bills that Obama passed to cause this debt... so I would say to you, why don't you contact the CBO of this country and give them your words of wisdom ... they need a good laugh too...
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T (BR) not in disagreement here either ...so how did we get here ??? can ya give us a credible answer ??? redfish

OK, then using your "logic" Clinton is responsible for the debt that accrued during the Bush years. Like it or not, obama is responsible for doubling the national debt.

His administration has spent more than it collected every year he has been in office, that is a simple fact that you libs seem unable to comprehend.

He also is the guy who claimed that raising the debt was a sign of a failed administration and was not patriotic.
never said that clinton was responsible for the debt reagan and Bush one passed on ... I said they didn't cause the debt that you want to pin on them ... bush one wasn't responsible for reagans debt.... clinton wasn't responsible for bush one's debt ... bush two wasn't responsible for Clinton debt ... Obama isn't isn't responsible for Bush's debt ... that's what I've said here ... what you are trying to say is bush one is responsible for reagans debt ... clinton is responsible for bush ones debt... bush two is responsible for clintons debt ... obama is responsible for Bush two debt ,... they are not ... what you are trying to say here which is wrong as can be, that the currant president in office is responsible for past presidents spending ... I will fight you tooth and nail on that false statement

Generally, the current President signs the budget for the next year I.E. The incoming has his first budget already signed and in place and functioning when he comes into the White House.
In the case of Bush-Obama transsition, Harry Reid refused to send a 2009 budget the President GW Bush to sign into law for the year 2009.
Harry Reid wanted NO restrictions on Obama's spending spree.
THAT is one of the times in history that the incoming Presiden have NO budget to interfer with his spending, the first year of his Presidency.
Therefore, Obama is responsible for the money spent in his first year as President.
The $1.4 Trillion deficit spent in 2009 is on Obama's "credit-card".
national debt when obama took over --------------- 10T
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T

nothing more needs to be said. Obama will have increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED.
actually more needs to be said ... you sound like a broken record
when obama took over ---------------(BR) 10T in total agreement here ...
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
(BR)your implication here is one sided.... without any factual information here... the real question here is who caused the debt and how did it happen.... you refused to accept how we got to this 18 to 20 trillion dollars of debt ... we have asked you the question time and time again... what bill or bills did Obama sign into law that has caused the 10 trillion dollars of debt .... you haven't been able to show us one bill that Obama has sign that caused this debt that you're claiming Obana caused.... we have time and time again shown you many bills that the Bush administration passed and was passed on to the Obama administration ... your response was the typical was, OH you libs always want to blame it on Bush ... that's all you libs do is blame it on someone else ... that's all you can do ... and yet you can't show one bill that Obama passed that caused any of this debt .... neither can the CBO of this country show us any bills that Obama passed to cause this debt... so I would say to you, why don't you contact the CBO of this country and give them your words of wisdom ... they need a good laugh too...
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T (BR) not in disagreement here either ...so how did we get here ??? can ya give us a credible answer ??? redfish

OK, then using your "logic" Clinton is responsible for the debt that accrued during the Bush years. Like it or not, obama is responsible for doubling the national debt.

His administration has spent more than it collected every year he has been in office, that is a simple fact that you libs seem unable to comprehend.

He also is the guy who claimed that raising the debt was a sign of a failed administration and was not patriotic.
never said that clinton was responsible for the debt reagan and Bush one passed on ... I said they didn't cause the debt that you want to pin on them ... bush one wasn't responsible for reagans debt.... clinton wasn't responsible for bush one's debt ... bush two wasn't responsible for Clinton debt ... Obama isn't isn't responsible for Bush's debt ... that's what I've said here ... what you are trying to say is bush one is responsible for reagans debt ... clinton is responsible for bush ones debt... bush two is responsible for clintons debt ... obama is responsible for Bush two debt ,... they are not ... what you are trying to say here which is wrong as can be, that the currant president in office is responsible for past presidents spending ... I will fight you tooth and nail on that false statement

you are correct to a point, the first year of any presidents term he inherits from his predecessor, after that first year, its all on him. So, using those premises, Obama is only responsible for adding 9 trillion to the debt since he inherited the first trillion from Bush--------------happy now?

Obama's debt = 11 trillion to 20 trillion.
no its not obamas debt ...when you sign a bill that say you have to keep paying for it until the out date of the war that debt is caused by that bill that was sign by the president who passed it ... just because a year goes by doesn't make it their debt ... its still that previous president debt who has caused it... what I've asked you time and time again what bill did obama sign into law that caused a huge debt ... you haven't been able to answer that question ...why ??? because Obama didn't pass any bills that would cause a huge debt
what you are trying to say here which is wrong as can be, that the currant president in office is responsible for past presidents spending ... I will fight you tooth and nail on that false statement

you are correct to a point, the first year of any presidents term he inherits from his predecessor, after that first year, its all on him. So, using those premises, Obama is only responsible for adding 9 trillion to the debt since he inherited the first trillion from Bush--------------happy now?

Obama's debt = 11 trillion to 20 trillion.

In this case, that point would be Obama signing TARP during his first year and not counting the wars he continued and expanded.

So Billy Boy. When a Republican takes over in 2017, will you count year 1 deficits as Obama or is that different? LOL, we both know, don't we? Not once did I ever hear this point made for year one of W, HW or Reagan...
any debt that is sign into law by a president that causes debt is that presidents responsibility ...not the next president ... I made that clear on a previous post if you're paying attention...that's why I've said that obama has spent less then any president to date and the CBO of this country agrees with my statement here not yours ...
national debt when obama took over --------------- 10T
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T

nothing more needs to be said. Obama will have increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED.
actually more needs to be said ... you sound like a broken record
when obama took over ---------------(BR) 10T in total agreement here ...
national debt today--------------------------------------------18T
(BR)your implication here is one sided.... without any factual information here... the real question here is who caused the debt and how did it happen.... you refused to accept how we got to this 18 to 20 trillion dollars of debt ... we have asked you the question time and time again... what bill or bills did Obama sign into law that has caused the 10 trillion dollars of debt .... you haven't been able to show us one bill that Obama has sign that caused this debt that you're claiming Obana caused.... we have time and time again shown you many bills that the Bush administration passed and was passed on to the Obama administration ... your response was the typical was, OH you libs always want to blame it on Bush ... that's all you libs do is blame it on someone else ... that's all you can do ... and yet you can't show one bill that Obama passed that caused any of this debt .... neither can the CBO of this country show us any bills that Obama passed to cause this debt... so I would say to you, why don't you contact the CBO of this country and give them your words of wisdom ... they need a good laugh too...
national debt when obama leaves--------------------->20T (BR) not in disagreement here either ...so how did we get here ??? can ya give us a credible answer ??? redfish

OK, then using your "logic" Clinton is responsible for the debt that accrued during the Bush years. Like it or not, obama is responsible for doubling the national debt.

His administration has spent more than it collected every year he has been in office, that is a simple fact that you libs seem unable to comprehend.

He also is the guy who claimed that raising the debt was a sign of a failed administration and was not patriotic.
never said that clinton was responsible for the debt reagan and Bush one passed on ... I said they didn't cause the debt that you want to pin on them ... bush one wasn't responsible for reagans debt.... clinton wasn't responsible for bush one's debt ... bush two wasn't responsible for Clinton debt ... Obama isn't isn't responsible for Bush's debt ... that's what I've said here ... what you are trying to say is bush one is responsible for reagans debt ... clinton is responsible for bush ones debt... bush two is responsible for clintons debt ... obama is responsible for Bush two debt ,... they are not ... what you are trying to say here which is wrong as can be, that the currant president in office is responsible for past presidents spending ... I will fight you tooth and nail on that false statement

Generally, the current President signs the budget for the next year I.E. The incoming has his first budget already signed and in place and functioning when he comes into the White House.
In the case of Bush-Obama transsition, Harry Reid refused to send a 2009 budget the President GW Bush to sign into law for the year 2009.
Harry Reid wanted NO restrictions on Obama's spending spree.
THAT is one of the times in history that the incoming Presiden have NO budget to interfer with his spending, the first year of his Presidency.
Therefore, Obama is responsible for the money spent in his first year as President.
The $1.4 Trillion deficit spent in 2009 is on Obama's "credit-card".
the 2009 budget is passed by the previous president ....the 2010 budget was passed by obama to run the country for some reason you feel that passing a budget for 1.4 trillion dollars cause a 1.4 trillion dollar debt ... it doesn't... the time the budget that becomes a deficit is when the government spends over that 1.4 trillion dollars ... until then that 1.4 trillion dollars isn't a debt ...
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