Obama bows to the Saudi royalty........

I can't think of a single thing the Saudis have ever done to deserve being bowed to. You wouldn't catch me doing it and I find it offensive that my principle representative in government would do it.

Strangely silent on this though?

I don't agree with that either. There is no reason we should cowtow to the Saudis. Unlike Dems, I refuse to live in the past. What GW did is now past. Can't take it back or change it. NOW, We can tell Obama that we don't care to kiss Saud ass. We have no reason to and they have not given us a reason to. I don't want their oil and fully believe that we can be enregy independent. The Sauds should be kissing our ass. They built their kingdom with dollars they got from us plus we put bases on their soil when they feared that Iraq would invade them. Time to cut the ties that bind it has been largely one sided anyway.

Minor correction, you do not need to believe we can do without, you must now we can do without. The dirty little secret is Europe cannot do without the Saudi oil, the Saudi kingdom was not built with our money, it was built with European money. There is also no need not to use Saudi oil, it is the best in the world, the cheapest to refine, we should use, at the same time demanding they change, change today not tomorrow. Its our oil, it does not belong to one family of the name Saud, we suffer the refugees of the Middle East, all those poor souls who fled the tyranny of the Middle East deserve the oil more than the men that still have harems they continue to stock with 8 year old girls. Leave the oil for the family of Saud, and the Bin Ladens, I dont think so. The oil belongs to the country that will do the most good for all of the people of the world, that is us.

I wish we had a REAL BLACK MAN as president, you think Michael Jordan or Fifty cent would bow to the King of Slaves, seriously what about Morgan Freeman, would he bow to the King of Slaves. Obama is a real punk, he is weak. Obama has no street cred, he never lived black. He tells us he grew up in kansas or hawaii, when in reality he grew up in Indonesia.

We need a real black man as president, I wish Will Smith would go kick Obama's punk ass and take the job from him.

Samual L. Jackson would wipe the floor with Obama.
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Keep it up 'tard. You're looking better and better all the time.

How'd ya like the rep by the way asshole?

Boy, have I made a mistake changing posts, maybe this will show others conservatives and Rush defenders are not what we are made out to be.
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So......rather than being diplomatic, you'd rather start a war?

You're a Bush Jr. supporter, ain't ya?

Hey noob, I looked at your posts, and at best I could find about 17 with any sort of substance.

So Obama is really failing, what a lousy trip for Obama, the media here in Europe are ripping him apart, the French president says when Obama comes to Normandy in June he will have Obama walk on water to shore, no shit, aint making that up. The British are calling him a bore. The germans say he is a joke. He gives the queen of England an Ipod, really classy, than Michelle breaks protocol and hugs the queen, Obama bows to a tyrant. Sakozy is calling Obama arrogant and an empty suit.

Now Obama shows the world he is a weakling, a five day stand-off, the US Navy against 4 teenagers in a row boat. We are now laughing stocks.

To make mattes worst everyone at home is telling our emperor he is doing great and the world loves him. What is funny about that is Obama believes him so instead of learning from his mistakes Obama will continue to screw up.

Yep, the emperor's new suit looks great, only thing he aint got nothing on, looks good Obama.

Hey all you conservatives, we should start praising obama with the other lock-steps. Without any real cristism from Obama supporters, Obama advisors, the Obama media, his greatest worshippers pretty much are ensuring Obama's failure.

What do you think of that Noob, lets see if you can increase your non-relevant, flaming posts to around 96%.

First of asshole......I've been here a lot longer than you, so take your "noob" and shove it up your ass. Make over 500 posts and MAYBE I'll quit calling you one.

Second.........ever gone face to face with an RPG? How's about terrorist insurgents in Iraq? You DO realize that if a teenager pulls the trigger, you're just as dead as if a 30 year old pulls the trigger, right?

Obviously you've never served, nor do you have the slightest fucking idea what you are talking about. An RPG (which is what they are armed with), will blow a hole through a commercial ship easily.

Still think it was just 4 teens in a rowboat?
So......rather than being diplomatic, you'd rather start a war?

You're a Bush Jr. supporter, ain't ya?

Hey noob, I looked at your posts, and at best I could find about 17 with any sort of substance.

So Obama is really failing, what a lousy trip for Obama, the media here in Europe are ripping him apart, the French president says when Obama comes to Normandy in June he will have Obama walk on water to shore, no shit, aint making that up. The British are calling him a bore. The germans say he is a joke. He gives the queen of England an Ipod, really classy, than Michelle breaks protocol and hugs the queen, Obama bows to a tyrant. Sakozy is calling Obama arrogant and an empty suit.

Now Obama shows the world he is a weakling, a five day stand-off, the US Navy against 4 teenagers in a row boat. We are now laughing stocks.

To make mattes worst everyone at home is telling our emperor he is doing great and the world loves him. What is funny about that is Obama believes him so instead of learning from his mistakes Obama will continue to screw up.

Yep, the emperor's new suit looks great, only thing he aint got nothing on, looks good Obama.

Hey all you conservatives, we should start praising obama with the other lock-steps. Without any real cristism from Obama supporters, Obama advisors, the Obama media, his greatest worshippers pretty much are ensuring Obama's failure.

What do you think of that Noob, lets see if you can increase your non-relevant, flaming posts to around 96%.

First of asshole......I've been here a lot longer than you, so take your "noob" and shove it up your ass. Make over 500 posts and MAYBE I'll quit calling you one.

Second.........ever gone face to face with an RPG? How's about terrorist insurgents in Iraq? You DO realize that if a teenager pulls the trigger, you're just as dead as if a 30 year old pulls the trigger, right?

Obviously you've never served, nor do you have the slightest fucking idea what you are talking about. An RPG (which is what they are armed with), will blow a hole through a commercial ship easily.

Still think it was just 4 teens in a rowboat?

this denigrated into nothing useful
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Hey noob, I looked at your posts, and at best I could find about 17 with any sort of substance.

So Obama is really failing, what a lousy trip for Obama, the media here in Europe are ripping him apart, the French president says when Obama comes to Normandy in June he will have Obama walk on water to shore, no shit, aint making that up. The British are calling him a bore. The germans say he is a joke. He gives the queen of England an Ipod, really classy, than Michelle breaks protocol and hugs the queen, Obama bows to a tyrant. Sakozy is calling Obama arrogant and an empty suit.

Now Obama shows the world he is a weakling, a five day stand-off, the US Navy against 4 teenagers in a row boat. We are now laughing stocks.

To make mattes worst everyone at home is telling our emperor he is doing great and the world loves him. What is funny about that is Obama believes him so instead of learning from his mistakes Obama will continue to screw up.

Yep, the emperor's new suit looks great, only thing he aint got nothing on, looks good Obama.

Hey all you conservatives, we should start praising obama with the other lock-steps. Without any real cristism from Obama supporters, Obama advisors, the Obama media, his greatest worshippers pretty much are ensuring Obama's failure.

What do you think of that Noob, lets see if you can increase your non-relevant, flaming posts to around 96%.

First of asshole......I've been here a lot longer than you, so take your "noob" and shove it up your ass. Make over 500 posts and MAYBE I'll quit calling you one.

Second.........ever gone face to face with an RPG? How's about terrorist insurgents in Iraq? You DO realize that if a teenager pulls the trigger, you're just as dead as if a 30 year old pulls the trigger, right?

Obviously you've never served, nor do you have the slightest fucking idea what you are talking about. An RPG (which is what they are armed with), will blow a hole through a commercial ship easily.

Still think it was just 4 teens in a rowboat?

Make a hundred posts that are not taunts or flames and I will quit calling you a noob. I told you the game I would play if you keep attacking me, sorry you can't take it.

I am actually feeling sorry for you, is every thing you post about hate, do you have to find someone to attack to release all that rage. Its unbelieveable the anger, maybe I am wrong, its hard to tell on something that is as cold as posting in thread. I sincerely believe you have hurt yourself. You gain no knowledge if you simply see things so black and white.

Have I served, ever here of 1st CEB.

So how about that negative rep thing, you point out that you negative rep me and ask how it felt, I can only respond I negative rep'd you yesterday, now thats funny.

Lighten up, try and learn something, noob

Served where? SeaBees? Doubtful.....you don't sound near smart enough.

I can back up my service douche. Wanna see my blue ID card?
First of asshole......I've been here a lot longer than you, so take your "noob" and shove it up your ass. Make over 500 posts and MAYBE I'll quit calling you one.

Second.........ever gone face to face with an RPG? How's about terrorist insurgents in Iraq? You DO realize that if a teenager pulls the trigger, you're just as dead as if a 30 year old pulls the trigger, right?

Obviously you've never served, nor do you have the slightest fucking idea what you are talking about. An RPG (which is what they are armed with), will blow a hole through a commercial ship easily.

Still think it was just 4 teens in a rowboat?

Make a hundred posts that are not taunts or flames and I will quit calling you a noob. I told you the game I would play if you keep attacking me, sorry you can't take it.

I am actually feeling sorry for you, is every thing you post about hate, do you have to find someone to attack to release all that rage. Its unbelieveable the anger, maybe I am wrong, its hard to tell on something that is as cold as posting in thread. I sincerely believe you have hurt yourself. You gain no knowledge if you simply see things so black and white.

Have I served, ever here of 1st CEB.

So how about that negative rep thing, you point out that you negative rep me and ask how it felt, I can only respond I negative rep'd you yesterday, now thats funny.

Lighten up, try and learn something, noob

Served where? SeaBees? Doubtful.....you don't sound near smart enough.

I can back up my service douche. Wanna see my blue ID card?

I made my point hence an edit
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Ya sound like a wanna be tourist who got their dick skinners on a couple of Tom Clancy novels.

My service?

NATTC Millington TN
VFA-131 Cecil Field
Naval Station Newport RI, War College
USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5) Was able to go back to my first ship as a department head.
MEPS Amarillo TX. Was HMFIC for the Navy.

Like I said poser, I can back mine up. What you got?
Ya sound like a wanna be tourist who got their dick skinners on a couple of Tom Clancy novels.

My service?

NATTC Millington TN
VFA-131 Cecil Field
Naval Station Newport RI, War College
USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5) Was able to go back to my first ship as a department head.
MEPS Amarillo TX. Was HMFIC for the Navy.

Like I said poser, I can back mine up. What you got?

Love is unconditional
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I completely agree that BikerSailer lacks a great deal of tact when posting within threads, and his overt displays of profanity and apparent insecurity gets tiresome - but I do believe he served his country, and for that I must give respect. Having lost a brother in the Iraq War, I have vowed to always be thankful for those willing to join our armed forces, regardless of the branch, even if their civilian behavior does not always live up to the inherent honor of that service.

Now back to the issue of oil - why this nation has not, and seemingly will not, more fully utilize its own natural resources, with oil, natural gas, coal, etc., to minimize our dependence on foreign sources while we work on newer technologies that can further improve on minimizing this dependence in the future, makes no sense.

We should be drilling offshore, Alaska, interior shale, our vast reserves of coal, as well as an aggressive increase in our nuclear generated power.

This silly windmill and solar stuff is not going to cut it - that kind of technology, if it will ever reach plausible levels, remains decades away.
I can't think of a single thing the Saudis have ever done to deserve being bowed to. You wouldn't catch me doing it and I find it offensive that my principle representative in government would do it.

Strangely silent on this though?

I don't agree with that either. There is no reason we should cowtow to the Saudis. Unlike Dems, I refuse to live in the past. What GW did is now past. Can't take it back or change it. NOW, We can tell Obama that we don't care to kiss Saud ass. We have no reason to and they have not given us a reason to. I don't want their oil and fully believe that we can be enregy independent. The Sauds should be kissing our ass. They built their kingdom with dollars they got from us plus we put bases on their soil when they feared that Iraq would invade them. Time to cut the ties that bind it has been largely one sided anyway.

How about nobody has to kiss anyone's ass? Seems to me that would be a more satisfying arrangement all the way around. We haven't, for a good long time, done anything that wasn't (or didn't seem to be at the time) in our own short-term interests. We pay lip service to the status of their women when we want to whip the country into a state ready for war, and nothing is ever done that could easily and cost-effectively BE done to empower them or the moderate base that would be supportive of a more equitable form of government within their cultural appreciation. Our past actions fed the political radicalization of Islam, and further slights, perceived or actual, would only continue to do so. Bowing, literally or figuratively, to another nations cultural protocol seems the slightest courtesy when one is a guest in that nation. That was my point in posting the photos of Bush, perhaps one of our most inept representatives to the world, doing just that. Hell, if he knew better, it just doesn't seem much of a stretch to expect the rest of the base to catch on.
You know.......if the conservative idiots in charge would get together and start working on wind, solar and geothermal energy, we'd be a lot better off.

I look at it this way.........up until the 1700's (when electricity was discovered), we didn't really have all that much in the way of energy creation. After? Well.......electricity led to oil, oil led to gas, and now, we should move on to other things.

Oil was just a start.
By the way Crotch Licker......I generally don't get offensive with other posters until they get offensive with me.

Fuck off ya goddamn pedant.......go please purists.
I completely agree that BikerSailer lacks a great deal of tact when posting within threads, and his overt displays of profanity and apparent insecurity gets tiresome - but I do believe he served his country, and for that I must give respect. Having lost a brother in the Iraq War, I have vowed to always be thankful for those willing to join our armed forces, regardless of the branch, even if their civilian behavior does not always live up to the inherent honor of that service.

Now back to the issue of oil - why this nation has not, and seemingly will not, more fully utilize its own natural resources, with oil, natural gas, coal, etc., to minimize our dependence on foreign sources while we work on newer technologies that can further improve on minimizing this dependence in the future, makes no sense.

We should be drilling offshore, Alaska, interior shale, our vast reserves of coal, as well as an aggressive increase in our nuclear generated power.

This silly windmill and solar stuff is not going to cut it - that kind of technology, if it will ever reach plausible levels, remains decades away.


If we spent the $700 billion dollars we wasted on Iraq on alternative energy, we would be well on our way to reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
I completely agree that BikerSailer lacks a great deal of tact when posting within threads, and his overt displays of profanity and apparent insecurity gets tiresome - but I do believe he served his country, and for that I must give respect. Having lost a brother in the Iraq War, I have vowed to always be thankful for those willing to join our armed forces, regardless of the branch, even if their civilian behavior does not always live up to the inherent honor of that service.

Now back to the issue of oil - why this nation has not, and seemingly will not, more fully utilize its own natural resources, with oil, natural gas, coal, etc., to minimize our dependence on foreign sources while we work on newer technologies that can further improve on minimizing this dependence in the future, makes no sense.

We should be drilling offshore, Alaska, interior shale, our vast reserves of coal, as well as an aggressive increase in our nuclear generated power.

This silly windmill and solar stuff is not going to cut it - that kind of technology, if it will ever reach plausible levels, remains decades away.


If we spent the $700 billion dollars we wasted on Iraq on alternative energy, we would be well on our way to reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
keep that dream alive
I completely agree that BikerSailer lacks a great deal of tact when posting within threads, and his overt displays of profanity and apparent insecurity gets tiresome - but I do believe he served his country, and for that I must give respect. Having lost a brother in the Iraq War, I have vowed to always be thankful for those willing to join our armed forces, regardless of the branch, even if their civilian behavior does not always live up to the inherent honor of that service.

Now back to the issue of oil - why this nation has not, and seemingly will not, more fully utilize its own natural resources, with oil, natural gas, coal, etc., to minimize our dependence on foreign sources while we work on newer technologies that can further improve on minimizing this dependence in the future, makes no sense.

We should be drilling offshore, Alaska, interior shale, our vast reserves of coal, as well as an aggressive increase in our nuclear generated power.

This silly windmill and solar stuff is not going to cut it - that kind of technology, if it will ever reach plausible levels, remains decades away.


If we spent the $700 billion dollars we wasted on Iraq on alternative energy, we would be well on our way to reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
keep that dream alive

It will be reality some day soon.
You know......you guys should watch stuff like History Channel, Discovery, and the Science Channel.

You would see that alternative energy is NOW here, and starting to become common.
You know......you guys should watch stuff like History Channel, Discovery, and the Science Channel.

You would see that alternative energy is NOW here, and starting to become common.

Don't bother them with the facts.

It interfers with their worldview.
You know......you guys should watch stuff like History Channel, Discovery, and the Science Channel.

You would see that alternative energy is NOW here, and starting to become common.
why do you think i laugh at you so much when you bring up Fox News
you likely watch more of it than i do
i know about all those alternatives, only no one wants them in "my back yard"
just like the lying fucking Kennedy's didnt want that wind farm

did you know they are tearing down hydro damns here in this state?
damns that COULD be used to produce electricity
and the enviro weinies wont allow the hydro turbines to be installed in the open rivers either

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