Obama Bin Stalin threatens EO on gun grab

Your lack of reading comprehension is a personal problem.


You lie, but it's just reading comprehension on my part..


You are misusing the term. A strawman is when you create an argument for your opponent that is weaker, so that you can attack it. i.e., your post on my view that bush issued an EO on abortion.

So, you mean if I were to falsely post that Bush issued an E.O. prohibiting abortion, got called on it, then posted an article from a leftist rag on a bunch of other unrelated E.O.'s that I could more easily attack; that would be a strawman?

Given that I voted for Bush twice,

Why would you vote for Bush twice? According to you, he's one step below the Anti-Christ.

you're probably correct. Me pointing out the logical thinking errors of far right koolaid drinkers =/= support for the left.

I've not seen you point out any errors in logic from others - I've seen you commit and unending parade of logic errors on your own, but these are differing propositions...

Since you want to pretend to understand logical fallacies, here's a new one for you: False dichotomy. It's the logical error you make every time you assume that someone who criticizes republicans must be a democrat.

Right, a dedicated Obamabot would never be a democrat...

I'll clue you in - I voted for Ronald Reagan, then the next Republican I voted for was Mitt Romney - not because I like him, but because Obama is radical left - who YOU voted for.

Nothing is going to happen. It's nothing but a horse and pony show put on for Liberals and Conservatives. These clowns like putting on a big show for us.

BTW here's a great video that everyone should watch. Here's some cold hard facts on how violent we are as a nation...some will be surprised :)

In comparing the crime statistics between the U.S. and the U.K., the commentator fails to point out:

While there is a much greater incident of violent crime in the U.K., there is a much lower incident of deaths due to violent crime.

Which proves that gun control is very successful in the U.K.

Doesn't seem to help the violence much huh? As a percentage who dies more in the UK? Criminals or victims? How are you judging success?
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In comparing the crime statistics between the U.S. and the U.K., the commentator fails to point out:

While there is a much greater incident of violent crime in the U.K., there is a much lower incident of deaths due to violent crime.

Which proves that gun control is very successful in the U.K.

Really? I had read the deaths from violent crime were fairly comparable. What we get from the left is "thank Obama they were just stabbed to death, and not shot."

How about predation upon women in a disarmed society, is that greater or less? Does denying weapons to weaker and less physically capable make them a greater target?

Oh but hey, at least when they were raped, they can be happy to know that no one has a 30 round magazine...

A leftist has GOT to have priorities.
So, you mean if I were to falsely post that Bush issued an E.O. prohibiting abortion, got called on it, then posted an article from a leftist rag on a bunch of other unrelated E.O.'s that I could more easily attack; that would be a strawman?

I posted that Bush issued an EO prohibiting abortion? Please, enlighten me by linking the post.

Why would you vote for Bush twice? According to you, he's one step below the Anti-Christ.

He was preferable to the alternatives. The antichrist is slightly better than satan.

I've not seen you point out any errors in logic from others - I've seen you commit and unending parade of logic errors on your own, but these are differing propositions...

Please, link an example. I'd be happy to point to one of the numerous times I've corrected your historical misinformation or pointed out your lack of logic.

Right, a dedicated Obamabot would never be a democrat...

I'll clue you in - I voted for Ronald Reagan, then the next Republican I voted for was Mitt Romney - not because I like him, but because Obama is radical left - who YOU voted for.

On the Reagan scale, Obama is a moderate democrat. Reagan was a moderate conservative. Romney is far to the right of Reagan's positions.

As Jeb Bush said in June, "Ronald Reagan would have, based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground, as would my dad — they would have a hard time if you define the Republican Party — and I don’t — as having an orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for disagreement, doesn’t allow for finding some common ground.” Basically, Jeb Bush was pointing out that Reagan would be called a RINO by people like you if he ran for office today.
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In comparing the crime statistics between the U.S. and the U.K., the commentator fails to point out:

While there is a much greater incident of violent crime in the U.K., there is a much lower incident of deaths due to violent crime.

Which proves that gun control is very successful in the U.K.

Bullshit. If gun control worked in the UK, why is it that homicides and violent crime increased...dramatically so...AFTER the virtual ban on civilian owned firearms? And, this increase happened while the rest of western world was seeing massive declines in the rate of murders and violent crime.

What do you put the odds of an Obama gun grab at, since this is something you think is possible or even likely?
the reason i am asking is because there are a lot of people here who act like taking away a right ....is no big deal..."its for our own good"...you let them basterds take away one right.....then which one is next?....you dont let the Govt take away anything called a right......if the PEOPLE vote to take it away,then thats the way it is......but you dont let those assholes in DC do it......

What was it that the wise old founding Father said? "Those who would give up freedom for a little security deserve neither".....

Now you know why liberals hate the founders of this great nation.

i dont know if they hate the founders....but it seems to me like there are people who think that our Govt would never think of subverting its people.....i just dont trust the fuckers......they might make and amend laws....but you never let them,by themselves,take away,take part of it away or modify our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution.....without the Citizens approval...... .you NEVER give Politicians that much power.......
the way the atmosphere is right now and some people calling for bans......and you need to ask?.....Obama is feeling the pressure from the Gun banners to do something.....any chipping away at any one of our rights......is chipping away a right......and you keep on chipping till it is gone.......here in California i have heard people talking about either banning or at least making Ammo so expensive no one can afford it.....that would be infringing on peoples right to bear arms..... Chip...Chip ...Chip.....until its gone.....

I asked you for odds, not a paragraph.

you want odds....talk to Mr.Spock.....not me.....
the reason i am asking is because there are a lot of people here who act like taking away a right ....is no big deal..."its for our own good"...you let them basterds take away one right.....then which one is next?....you dont let the Govt take away anything called a right......if the PEOPLE vote to take it away,then thats the way it is......but you dont let those assholes in DC do it......

What was it that the wise old founding Father said? "Those who would give up freedom for a little security deserve neither".....

Now you know why liberals hate the founders of this great nation.

i dont know if they hate the founders....but it seems to me like there are people who think that our Govt would never think of subverting its people.....i just dont trust the fuckers......they might make and amend laws....but you never let them,by themselves,take away,take part of it away or modify our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution.....without the Citizens approval...... .you NEVER give Politicians that much power.......


Yet there so many here who would like nothing better than to appoint Barry "High Potentate". The vast majority of these people have no clue what it is to live in fear. Fear of your own government. Yet they profess, on a routine basis, how much of a "hindrance" our Constitution and Bill Of Rights are.
What was it that the wise old founding Father said? "Those who would give up freedom for a little security deserve neither".....

Now you know why liberals hate the founders of this great nation.

i dont know if they hate the founders....but it seems to me like there are people who think that our Govt would never think of subverting its people.....i just dont trust the fuckers......they might make and amend laws....but you never let them,by themselves,take away,take part of it away or modify our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution.....without the Citizens approval...... .you NEVER give Politicians that much power.......


Yet there so many here who would like nothing better than to appoint Barry "High Potentate". The vast majority of these people have no clue what it is to live in fear. Fear of your own government. Yet they profess, on a routine basis, how much of a "hindrance" our Constitution and Bill Of Rights are.

Really? Name them.

Go ahead, handout queen, I'll wait.
Has anyone found the courage to make a prediction about what dictatorial unconstitutional thing Obama is going to do in the way of a "gun grab" by EO yet? I'm too tired to dig through all the pages in this of several identical topics.

NRA rips Biden task force for 'attack' on 2nd Amendment, as details of plan emerge | Fox News

Fox News, so you know it's true!

"There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken," Biden said. He also said separate legislative action would be "required."
Frankly, gun control rings pretty hallow coming from Biden and Holder. Add the NRA into the mix and Obama just fades away on this long term.
It's unconstitutional - period. Obama should be impeached, removed from office, and then face criminal charges.

OMG! Really?

Don't you think you owe it to your country to inform the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES?

You guys with all your silly posturing (safely, on a message board that is stacked way to the right) crack me up.
It's unconstitutional - period. Obama should be impeached, removed from office, and then face criminal charges.

OMG! Really?

Don't you think you owe it to your country to inform the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES?

You guys with all your silly posturing (safely, on a message board that is stacked way to the right) crack me up.
What is really funny is libtards that think they know what the constitution says. You idiots crak me up.
I'm guessing the limited power of EO will be all that can be done. Pubs won't allow any more. Right now the dupes are in a brainwashed hysteria the negro is coming for all their guns.

fuck you Frankie.....stick your "negro" bullshit up your ass....some people do what you dont do....Question those in charge....
Well, it is small. Dunno if I would call it coward though....NZ, but live in Oz...:D

then stopping the Japs from taking over the entire
Pac rim was none of our business too? :D

Oh god, not that nugget. Do a search, I've already commented on that fallacy three or four times on this board over the past seven years....can't be bothered doing it again. Let's just say everybody helped on that one...:cool:

small coward country.

hiding behind our backs since 1917
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