Obama asks black NY Governor not to run

Of course its politics. Duh.
No republican cares about Patterson's career. The object is to win elections. Do you think Obama and the Dems have some different agenda??
Except Steele's job is to make hay for the GOP. Obama's job (and Pelosi's, Reid's etc etc) is to govern the country.
Except Steele's job is to make hay for the GOP. Obama's job (and Pelosi's, Reid's etc etc) is to govern the country.

and having a republican senator from ny would make that harder.

if they told paterson to step down b/c they don't want him dragging down the ticket, they're correct.

Patterson is the governor.
I haven't disputed Obama's right to ask anything of anybody. But lets face it: he is meddling and throwing over the governor of a supportive state purely for political gain.
I just resent the President for asking the black governor of NY State to refrain from running for re-election.

Clearly, Obama is just a racist!

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I think it's more mundane than that.

Gov. Patterson is a bit of an assclown. A joke.

The NY State Senate recently made itself into a really poor national joke via its transparent inability to govern itself along normal institutional lines.

Thus, in NY, the Democrat Parody is looking hideous which is a real political problem for them when they have the State House and both house of the NY State Lagislature. I believe the concern by the Democratics is that they will shortly be divested of such power. Even if that's JUST in the Senate (returning NY back to its status quo ante), they will become a lot more susceptible to being picked-off politically. There is a concern amongst the State's Democrat politicos that it could impact on local elections and even Congressional elections. It could put a Republican back into the State House.

So in snakey fashion, the Democratic honchos in NY and in DC are moving with all the subtelty of a blunderbuss, to oust the "problem." As ineffectual as Gov. Patterson is, the reality is that he is not "the" real problem for the Democratics.

Their real problem is that they are more concerned with maintaining political power throughout the State than they are in acting in a united fashion to further the liberal Democrat agenda. As a consequence, I was a HUGE fan of the State Senate stalemate! I still wish I could put that stuff into a bottle and spray it into the Bourban and Branchwater over at Foggy Bottom The less they do, the happier I am.

I don't think that you see what I am saying.

You are correct. It was a vision thing. I just overlooked it. Sometimes, we can't see that which is right in front of us. Some of us never can.

Finally! Now you can see the light!

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