Obama and the 'Fiscal Cliff'


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Re-examine the welfare solution for poverty. The very first step is to reinstitute the real definition of “poverty.” It is “no home-no heat- no food.” That’s poverty.

2. The Progressives have corrupted the meaning for several reasons, not the least of which is to maximize the vote from recipients of various bogus programs…such as food stamps.

Let’s take a look at three groups included in the poverty statistics.

3. The working poor are aiding by the Earned Income Tax Credits, of Republican provenance.

4. There is the bogus category created by the progressives, the ‘having-not-quite-as-much’ poor….many of whom have more accoutrements than the folks supporting them.

a. “When you walk into the bathroom of the average American home you are a witness to history. It has taken centuries for the toilet and tub to end up in the same room. Those two conveniences, plus shower, washbowl, and running water are a grander collection of comfort and ease than even kings knew before the 20th century.” (Readers Digest) Could any competent person claim that pre-twentieth-century kings be called impoverished? Of course not. So, an American today matches the “comfort and ease” that kings once wished for! That includes every American who, happily falls outside of the “no home-no heat- no food” definition.

b. Since 89% of the ‘poor’ own a microwave, they have a home. Poor Politics - Robert Rector - National Review Online

5. And the ‘helpless poor.’ Not any amount of monetary aid given will help these poor souls. Case in point…Jeffrey Hillman, the homeless man given new shoes by NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo. Hillman is neither homeless, nor is he scamming the system. “According to the Department of Homeless Services, Hillman has an apartment, paid for through a combination of Section 8 vouchers, Social Security disability and veterans benefits. The housing comes with a wide array of services, including drug, alcohol and mental health treatment.
Boots were only part of it* - NY Daily News

7. One should ask why the Progressives, e.g., Obama has made it effort to increase those taking from the government.

a "….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office." Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,
Casey B. Mulligan: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program - NYTimes.com
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected | CNS News

Absorb the information above? Good....here's the math that
goes with it...and would end the fiscal crisis:

8. “Yet this year the federal
government will spend more than $668 billion on at
least 126 different programs to fight poverty.

And that does not even begin to count welfare
spending by state and local governments, which
adds $284 billion
to that figure.

In total, the
United States spends nearly $1 trillion every
year to fight poverty.
That amounts to $20,610
for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per
poor family of three.

So....90% of the spending is not spent on "poverty."
The fiscal problem is the Progressive ideology.

No doubt you believe.....I almost said 'think,' but that wouldn't apply to you, now, would it....that you are attempting to burnish your well-established anti-Republican creds, true, Jakal?

Believe me....such is hardly necessary.

You use every opportunity to do so....infinitely redundant.

And, transparent, as the OP deals specifically with the fraudulent use of welfare programs by your fav, the progressive/liberal/Democrats.

Clearly you can find nothing in the OP to disagree with.
Wise, very wise.
:lol: PC is in silly mode.

As I have been telling everyone for a long time that after the election Boehner and the other conservative leaders were going to tromp on the reactionary extremists who got in their way in governing.

These two Congressman will only be two names on a list that went up against the establishment and were crushed.

There will be no credence given to Mises clones and cretins.

The moves to reach out to Hispanics and to increase exceptions for abortions to include rape and incest are only some of the new moves by the GOP leadership to divorce itself from the causes of their defeat.
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:lol: PC is in silly mode.

As I have been telling everyone for a long time that after the election Boehner and the other conservative leaders were going to tromp on the reactionary extremists who go in their way in governing.

These two Congressman will only be two names on a list that went up against the establishment and were crushed.

There will be no credence given to Mises clones and cretins.

The moves to reach out to Hispanics and to increase exceptions for abortions to include rape and incest are only some of the new moves by the GOP leadership to divorce itself from the causes of their defeat.

The only way your rant could be funnier would be if it came with sound effects!

I knew you couldn't handle the OP.

But, you're welcome for giving you a forum to spew your usual anti-Republican rant.
Just curious, how many times a day do you ask yourself “Why am I so lonely?”

Progressives created the fiscal crisis by ignoring the authority of the United States Constitution.....

....the legitimate venues for government spending are limited to:

The enumerated powers:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
PC is deflecting with the silliness that she is an expert on matters constitutional, when in fact struggling with diction and syntax takes up her working hours.
PC is deflecting with the silliness that she is an expert on matters constitutional, when in fact struggling with diction and syntax takes up her working hours.

I am hurt to the very quick by your remarks…so much so that I begin to think that perhaps I should be nicer to those with whom I vehemently disagree….nah, maybe not.

If you would work on polishing your skills, and add just ten more points on your I.Q., you might just be in the running for a job as a seeing-eye person for a blind dog.

No, really!
1. Re-examine the welfare solution for poverty. The very first step is to reinstitute the real definition of “poverty.” It is “no home-no heat- no food.” That’s poverty.

2. The Progressives have corrupted the meaning for several reasons, not the least of which is to maximize the vote from recipients of various bogus programs…such as food stamps.

Let’s take a look at three groups included in the poverty statistics.

3. The working poor are aiding by the Earned Income Tax Credits, of Republican provenance.

4. There is the bogus category created by the progressives, the ‘having-not-quite-as-much’ poor….many of whom have more accoutrements than the folks supporting them.

a. “When you walk into the bathroom of the average American home you are a witness to history. It has taken centuries for the toilet and tub to end up in the same room. Those two conveniences, plus shower, washbowl, and running water are a grander collection of comfort and ease than even kings knew before the 20th century.” (Readers Digest) Could any competent person claim that pre-twentieth-century kings be called impoverished? Of course not. So, an American today matches the “comfort and ease” that kings once wished for! That includes every American who, happily falls outside of the “no home-no heat- no food” definition.

b. Since 89% of the ‘poor’ own a microwave, they have a home. Poor Politics - Robert Rector - National Review Online

5. And the ‘helpless poor.’ Not any amount of monetary aid given will help these poor souls. Case in point…Jeffrey Hillman, the homeless man given new shoes by NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo. Hillman is neither homeless, nor is he scamming the system. “According to the Department of Homeless Services, Hillman has an apartment, paid for through a combination of Section 8 vouchers, Social Security disability and veterans benefits. The housing comes with a wide array of services, including drug, alcohol and mental health treatment.
Boots were only part of it* - NY Daily News

7. One should ask why the Progressives, e.g., Obama has made it effort to increase those taking from the government.

a "….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office." Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,
Casey B. Mulligan: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program - NYTimes.com
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected | CNS News

Absorb the information above? Good....here's the math that
goes with it...and would end the fiscal crisis:

8. “Yet this year the federal
government will spend more than $668 billion on at
least 126 different programs to fight poverty.

And that does not even begin to count welfare
spending by state and local governments, which
adds $284 billion
to that figure.

In total, the
United States spends nearly $1 trillion every
year to fight poverty.
That amounts to $20,610
for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per
poor family of three.

So....90% of the spending is not spent on "poverty."
The fiscal problem is the Progressive ideology.

You started off my giving a false definition of poverty and then from there went into a rant about it. How about using a definition as defined by the Government and we can discuss or debate from there.

How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty

How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty - U.S Census Bureau

Hey....I've got a better idea!

For once in your jejune existence, throw off those mental shackles and try to think for yourself.

Mine is the correct definition...and no matter what they told you in government school, government is not always correct.

…work hard to free up the congealed gears of your mind…try to deal with the facts in the OP.
Could be the first time you've actually seen the truth.
Your pinpoint head is too narrow to contain an awareness to be hurt by any thing. Your almost human lack of sentience continues to amaze the board. Do remember that Mises clones are here only for grins and chuckles.

PC is deflecting with the silliness that she is an expert on matters constitutional, when in fact struggling with diction and syntax takes up her working hours.

I am hurt to the very quick by your remarks…so much so that I begin to think that perhaps I should be nicer to those with whom I vehemently disagree….nah, maybe not.

If you would work on polishing your skills, and add just ten more points on your I.Q., you might just be in the running for a job as a seeing-eye person for a blind dog.

No, really!
Read the OP. Read the article. Consider why Boehner hammered three Tea guys and one maverick from budget and fiscal policy duties, who had been opposing his attempts to compromise. He got rid of their extremist spawn ways.

:lol: GOP leaders remove 4 from plum House committees - Yahoo! News Your type of spawn is not welcome in the modern mainstream GOP if you can't toe the line.

You lost me at spawn....what does this have to do with the particulars of the op:eusa_eh:
Your pinpoint head is too narrow to contain an awareness to be hurt by any thing. Your almost human lack of sentience continues to amaze the board. Do remember that Mises clones are here only for grins and chuckles.

PC is deflecting with the silliness that she is an expert on matters constitutional, when in fact struggling with diction and syntax takes up her working hours.

I am hurt to the very quick by your remarks…so much so that I begin to think that perhaps I should be nicer to those with whom I vehemently disagree….nah, maybe not.

If you would work on polishing your skills, and add just ten more points on your I.Q., you might just be in the running for a job as a seeing-eye person for a blind dog.

No, really!

"....continues to amaze the board."

So....you and the other Pod's got to together and discussed how amazing I am???

Where did you and your buds meet....in a phone booth?
1. Re-examine the welfare solution for poverty. The very first step is to reinstitute the real definition of “poverty.” It is “no home-no heat- no food.” That’s poverty.

2. The Progressives have corrupted the meaning for several reasons, not the least of which is to maximize the vote from recipients of various bogus programs…such as food stamps.

Let’s take a look at three groups included in the poverty statistics.

3. The working poor are aiding by the Earned Income Tax Credits, of Republican provenance.

4. There is the bogus category created by the progressives, the ‘having-not-quite-as-much’ poor….many of whom have more accoutrements than the folks supporting them.

a. “When you walk into the bathroom of the average American home you are a witness to history. It has taken centuries for the toilet and tub to end up in the same room. Those two conveniences, plus shower, washbowl, and running water are a grander collection of comfort and ease than even kings knew before the 20th century.” (Readers Digest) Could any competent person claim that pre-twentieth-century kings be called impoverished? Of course not. So, an American today matches the “comfort and ease” that kings once wished for! That includes every American who, happily falls outside of the “no home-no heat- no food” definition.

b. Since 89% of the ‘poor’ own a microwave, they have a home. Poor Politics - Robert Rector - National Review Online

5. And the ‘helpless poor.’ Not any amount of monetary aid given will help these poor souls. Case in point…Jeffrey Hillman, the homeless man given new shoes by NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo. Hillman is neither homeless, nor is he scamming the system. “According to the Department of Homeless Services, Hillman has an apartment, paid for through a combination of Section 8 vouchers, Social Security disability and veterans benefits. The housing comes with a wide array of services, including drug, alcohol and mental health treatment.
Boots were only part of it* - NY Daily News

7. One should ask why the Progressives, e.g., Obama has made it effort to increase those taking from the government.

a "….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office." Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,
Casey B. Mulligan: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program - NYTimes.com
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected | CNS News

Absorb the information above? Good....here's the math that
goes with it...and would end the fiscal crisis:

8. “Yet this year the federal
government will spend more than $668 billion on at
least 126 different programs to fight poverty.

And that does not even begin to count welfare
spending by state and local governments, which
adds $284 billion
to that figure.

In total, the
United States spends nearly $1 trillion every
year to fight poverty.
That amounts to $20,610
for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per
poor family of three.

So....90% of the spending is not spent on "poverty."
The fiscal problem is the Progressive ideology.

You started off my giving a false definition of poverty and then from there went into a rant about it. How about using a definition as defined by the Government and we can discuss or debate from there.

How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty

How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty - U.S Census Bureau

With all this focus by the left on "poverty", exactly how many of those recieving govenment assistance programs have actually been able to then turn around and later worked their way OUT of government dependency ("poverty")? Can the left provide any such statistics? We don't have a poverty problem in this country, rather we have a growing government dependency problem...... an expensive version of taxpayer "assisted living" program towards those who are in no obligation to repay the Federal Government for the assistance they've received. How does receiving a free cell phone, for example, equate to the real definition of poverty?
With all the money thrown at the poverty problem.. we have more in poverty and we as a country are now more impoverished

The solution is clearly not working.. because to government, the poverty game is nothing more than a game of power... it is why they use a fucked up definition of poverty and it is why any assistance is only to the level to keep people within poverty while keeping them alive to vote
1. Re-examine the welfare solution for poverty. The very first step is to reinstitute the real definition of “poverty.” It is “no home-no heat- no food.” That’s poverty.

2. The Progressives have corrupted the meaning for several reasons, not the least of which is to maximize the vote from recipients of various bogus programs…such as food stamps.

Let’s take a look at three groups included in the poverty statistics.

3. The working poor are aiding by the Earned Income Tax Credits, of Republican provenance.

4. There is the bogus category created by the progressives, the ‘having-not-quite-as-much’ poor….many of whom have more accoutrements than the folks supporting them.

a. “When you walk into the bathroom of the average American home you are a witness to history. It has taken centuries for the toilet and tub to end up in the same room. Those two conveniences, plus shower, washbowl, and running water are a grander collection of comfort and ease than even kings knew before the 20th century.” (Readers Digest) Could any competent person claim that pre-twentieth-century kings be called impoverished? Of course not. So, an American today matches the “comfort and ease” that kings once wished for! That includes every American who, happily falls outside of the “no home-no heat- no food” definition.

b. Since 89% of the ‘poor’ own a microwave, they have a home. Poor Politics - Robert Rector - National Review Online

5. And the ‘helpless poor.’ Not any amount of monetary aid given will help these poor souls. Case in point…Jeffrey Hillman, the homeless man given new shoes by NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo. Hillman is neither homeless, nor is he scamming the system. “According to the Department of Homeless Services, Hillman has an apartment, paid for through a combination of Section 8 vouchers, Social Security disability and veterans benefits. The housing comes with a wide array of services, including drug, alcohol and mental health treatment.
Boots were only part of it* - NY Daily News

7. One should ask why the Progressives, e.g., Obama has made it effort to increase those taking from the government.

a "….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office." Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,
Casey B. Mulligan: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program - NYTimes.com
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected | CNS News

Absorb the information above? Good....here's the math that
goes with it...and would end the fiscal crisis:

8. “Yet this year the federal
government will spend more than $668 billion on at
least 126 different programs to fight poverty.

And that does not even begin to count welfare
spending by state and local governments, which
adds $284 billion
to that figure.

In total, the
United States spends nearly $1 trillion every
year to fight poverty.
That amounts to $20,610
for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per
poor family of three.

So....90% of the spending is not spent on "poverty."
The fiscal problem is the Progressive ideology.

You started off my giving a false definition of poverty and then from there went into a rant about it. How about using a definition as defined by the Government and we can discuss or debate from there.

How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty

How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty - U.S Census Bureau

With all this focus by the left on "poverty", exactly how many of those recieving govenment assistance programs have actually been able to then turn around and later worked their way OUT of government dependency ("poverty")? Can the left provide any such statistics? We don't have a poverty problem in this country, rather we have a growing government dependency problem...... an expensive version of taxpayer "assisted living" program towards those who are in no obligation to repay the Federal Government for the assistance they've received. How does receiving a free cell phone, for example, equate to the real definition of poverty?

Good post and I agree.

The War on Poverty is an abject failure. Hell. We have more people on welfare and Medicaid than ever before.

Poverty in the US is pretty damned good living compared to REAL POVERTY in third world countries.

Hell. The don't have No cell phones, TV's, computers, Nikes, housing payed for, food payed for, medical and dental care payed for. Nice to have us taxpayers footing all those bills for em here in the US.

Yup. Poverty in America is the pits.l
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Yup, darn those poor Americans who do not suffer as badly as they are right now in the Philippinnes.

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