NYC landlords will have to rent to criminals


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Under a new ordinance passed, it will be illegal for anyone renting properties in the 5 boroughs from asking about tenants' criminal history.

This is an open door for drug dealers to set up meth labs, and child molesters to rent in family neighborhoods with impunity.

And no one will be able to do anything about it.

The concern is with the number of criminals who are having a hard time setting up shop in the city. Liberalism strikes again.

Under a new ordinance passed, it will be illegal for anyone renting properties in the 5 boroughs from asking about tenants' criminal history.

This is an open door for drug dealers to set up meth labs, and child molesters to rent in family neighborhoods with impunity.

And no one will be able to do anything about it.

The concern is with the number of criminals who are having a hard time setting up shop in the city. Liberalism strikes again.

You don't need to ask them to find out. In fact, asking them is probably the worst way to find out.
Under a new ordinance passed, it will be illegal for anyone renting properties in the 5 boroughs from asking about tenants' criminal history.

This is an open door for drug dealers to set up meth labs, and child molesters to rent in family neighborhoods with impunity.

And no one will be able to do anything about it.

The concern is with the number of criminals who are having a hard time setting up shop in the city. Liberalism strikes again.

Conservatives hate people so much that they want to incentivize having the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world by making it profitable, and then want to continue punishing those people after their debt to society is paid off.
Under a new ordinance passed, it will be illegal for anyone renting properties in the 5 boroughs from asking about tenants' criminal history.

This is an open door for drug dealers to set up meth labs, and child molesters to rent in family neighborhoods with impunity.

And no one will be able to do anything about it.

The concern is with the number of criminals who are having a hard time setting up shop in the city. Liberalism strikes again.

Gov't interfering with Private Property.
Conservatives hate people so much that they want to incentivize having the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world by making it profitable, and then want to continue punishing those people after their debt to society is paid off.

Libs hate their own children so much that they want to move their families next to Child Molesters and Meth Lab operators, without knowing that they are there.
Conservatives hate people so much that they want to incentivize having the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world by making it profitable, and then want to continue punishing those people after their debt to society is paid off.
Tthe rise in the prison population is one of the few social experiments int he United States that has worked. As the prison population went up, the crime rate went down.

The high cost of incarceration can be reduced, and perhaps eliminated by the thorough exploitation of prison labor, the frequent use of capital and corporal punishment, and the end to educational and recreational opportunities.

The thought of a gallows casting it shadow in the setting sun fills me with enjoyment. I want capital punishment to be slow, painful, humiliating, frequent, and public. If they resumed public executions I would stand close to the gallows on execution day with a satisfied smile on my face. You see, I hate criminals. I want the to suffer.

The whipping post should be right next to the gallows.
Tthe rise in the prison population is one of the few social experiments int he United States that has worked. As the prison population went up, the crime rate went down.

The high cost of incarceration can be reduced, and perhaps eliminated by the thorough exploitation of prison labor, the frequent use of capital and corporal punishment, and the end to educational and recreational opportunities.

The thought of a gallows casting it shadow in the setting sun fills me with enjoyment. I want capital punishment to be slow, painful, humiliating, frequent, and public. If they resumed public executions I would stand close to the gallows on execution day with a satisfied smile on my face. You see, I hate criminals. I want the to suffer.

The whipping post should be right next to the gallows.
If the only way your society works is to have the highest incarceration rate in the entire world then the problem is the society
If the only way your society works is to have the highest incarceration rate in the entire world then the problem is the society

Maybe if our justice system wasn't such a joke handing out slaps on the wrist for violent crimes over and over and over there would be more incentive to not engage in criminal acts, thus not having such a large prison population.
Maybe if our justice system wasn't such a joke handing out slaps on the wrist for violent crimes over and over and over there would be more incentive to not engage in criminal acts, thus not having such a large prison population.
Maybe if steps were taken to make things like food, housing, and healthcare affordable our society would not be creating so many criminals.
If the only way your society works is to have the highest incarceration rate in the entire world then the problem is the society
Social reform ans social welfare spending have never reduced the crime rate. The only thing that works is punishment, lots and lots of punishment.

In addition, we should sterilize single unmarried mothers and their illegitimate children as a condition for continuing to receive welfare checks..
Social reform ans social welfare spending have never reduced the crime rate. The only thing that works is punishment, lots and lots of punishment.

In addition, we should sterilize single unmarried mothers and their illegitimate children as a condition for continuing to receive welfare checks..
There's that loving conservative mentality. Stop claiming you don't hate people.
Maybe if steps were taken to make things like food, housing, and healthcare affordable our society would not be creating so many criminals.
Food, housing, and health care are affordable in places like France, The UK, Sweden, etc. is it not? Huge safety nets in those countries and yet, they have been dealing high violent crimes rates also.

We created subsidized housing, Medicare, food stamps, and all of those Great Society programs to help lower income people more than 50 years ago, yet most inner city neighborhoods are violent hell holes today whereas they were livable middle class neighborhoods back in those days.

So how's that solution working out for you?
Food, housing, and health care are affordable in places like France, The UK, Sweden, etc. is it not? Huge safety nets in those countries and yet, they have been dealing high violent crimes rates also.

We created subsidized housing, Medicare, food stamps, and all of those Great Society programs to help lower income people more than 50 years ago, yet most inner city neighborhoods are violent hell holes today whereas they were livable middle class neighborhoods back in those days.

So how's that solution working out for you?
You are ignoring countless variables in the name of... hating FDR?! :lmao:

What are the incarceration rates in those countries with what you claim are similar crime rates? Why are the sky high incarceration rates in our inner cities not leading to the peaceful utopias you think existed more than 50 years ago? Why do you think people who completed their legal obligations under the laws of our country should be barred from the opportunity to rent a home?
You are ignoring countless variables in the name of... hating FDR?! :lmao:

What are the incarceration rates in those countries with what you claim are similar crime rates? Why are the sky high incarceration rates in our inner cities not leading to the peaceful utopias you think existed more than 50 years ago? Why do you think people who completed their legal obligations under the laws of our country should be barred from the opportunity to rent a home?

How about you? Have you moved your family next door to a meth lab, a den of child molesters or a pimp and his hoes?

If not, why not?

Why should others have to do so without even knowing what the criminal's business is?

That's the new law in NYC, landlords can't do criminal record checks.
If the only way your society works is to have the highest incarceration rate in the entire world then the problem is the society
Of course the problem is with society. A substantial portion of society has convinced a substrate of the population that it has a right to commit crimes of whatever kind. It is the perception of this right that causes high incarceration rates. Although, today, many district attorneys agree with the right to be a criminal.

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