Now There's An Important Subject!!! LMAO!!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama to bullying victims: I know what it's like

We've got homegrown terrorism running amok, and Congress is trying to find the source. Teachers beating down the doors of the Capital in Wisconsin, gas prices going up like the stock-market, the Middle East in flames, we don't have a budget for this year so the government is about to shut down, but it's about time the President and the First Lady focused on something important???


Now stop laughing. This is some important shit here!!!

I was welling up just listening to how Obama described his terrible childhood. How they used to make fun of his ears and his skinny legs and that goofy name. The way they used to call him the Duck Boy. Isn't it nice that such a powerful man can show his inner feelings about such an important subject. I just wanna send him money, because this bullying has got to stop.

Michael Moore says we aren't broke. I trust him. All we have to do is take what we need from those fat-cats living on their expensive yachts. They have too much money anyway. We can afford Cowboy Poetry, and NPR funding. We can afford to give away most of our revenue to special interest groups. Recall all of the Republicans because all they want to do is cut the debt and shut down the government.

And I think that the teachers in Wisconsin should come before the rest of the state, because if we don't pay them our kids won't be able to read to save their lives.

We don't need to address border security because to be honest we stole this country from the Mexicans anyway.

I don't mind being told what to eat by somebody with too much junk in her trunk. I don't feel a leader has to set an example because after all, they're special. We're not. We need to be told what to do.

The only terrorists we have to worry about are those gun-toting, Islamaphobic, Homophobic Tea Party members, and we can spot them in a heart-beat.
No, let's do something about bullies. Once we deal with that issue we can go back to worrying about jobs, and the debt, and terrorists, and high gas prices.

Those mean ole bullies
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I think that someone in the WH finally figured it out. If the prez does ANYTHING he pisses off 1/2 the population and his polls fall, If however, the pres does NOTHING, then his poll numbers rise because he has low negatives.

Therefore, the prez' most important task is to do nothing significant, but to look busy with minutiae.
Awwwww, sniff, is that why he is a bully today?

"I want you to argue with them and get in their face."....“Punish Your Enemies”....'hope' isn't cutting it, let's try 'obnoxiousness.'.... Republicans will have to sit in the back
Awwwww, sniff, is that why he is a bully today?

"I want you to argue with them and get in their face."....“Punish Your Enemies”....'hope' isn't cutting it, let's try 'obnoxiousness.'.... Republicans will have to sit in the back

I's so sad!!!!

Nice to see muddy standing up for the rights of bullies
Awwwww, sniff, is that why he is a bully today?

"I want you to argue with them and get in their face."....“Punish Your Enemies”....'hope' isn't cutting it, let's try 'obnoxiousness.'.... Republicans will have to sit in the back

I's so sad!!!!


But he said a national attitude adjustment is in order because of the damage that bullying can do. :eek:

O M G.... For the first time in my "adult" life I'm proud to be an American!:rofl:
Bullies are a bigger threat to my kids than them home grown Muslim terrorists the Republicans are hunting down
Bullies are a bigger threat to my kids than them home grown Muslim terrorists the Republicans are hunting down

One is strictly a LOCAL ISSUE and always should be, the other is a federal issue.

We don't need federal laws and billions spent on bullying.
How many of our children have come home crying because Muslim terrorists stole their lunch money?
Duck boy?


Seriously though, he couldn't have just sent Michelle's ass to do the talking?

but heaven forbid anyone should criticize laura, eh?
Who's criticizing Michelle?

He could have sent her ass to do the talking.....It's not like she's got anything better to do. Well, except for planning the next star studded, waste of taxpayers dollars, whitehouse gala.

One is strictly a LOCAL ISSUE and always should be, the other is a federal issue.

We don't need federal laws and billions spent on bullying.

Which laws are those?
The ones soon to be coming down the pipeline. Watch.

This isn't about laws. This is about deception. This is a distraction. Obama needs to appear reasonable and kind at the very moment he is causing all kinds of turmoil all over Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, etc. He must appear like his thumb is on the pulse of the people at the moment that he is ignoring sky-rocketing gas prices and not doing a blessed thing about it. Actually looking forward to it.

Dictators often do this to keep the people on their side. They take over Internets and censor them, shut down talk-radio and news outlets, cause riots in the streets using thugs and paid trouble-makers, throw their weight around, then they make a big show of helping the oppressed.:eusa_angel: In this case, those who have been bullied in their lives. Last week it was ignoring the Defense of Marriage Act.

I think there are much more pressing matters to deal with then this issue at this particular time. But the suckups and bleeding-heart liberals will eat this up with a shovel because it's so wonderful. Everyone has been bullied in their lives and Obama and Michelle know this and sympathize with this plight. It just makes me all gooey inside. They are so wonderful. If you point out this fact they'll say, "You bastard", "You must like bullies". Right-winger has already done so. Meanwhile Obama's paid bullies have been bullying the Wisconsin government for a month and getting away with it.
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