Norway faces butter shortage


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Oh the horror!!!! Start emergency shipments now!!!!!!!!!

Norwegians are facing a severe butter shortage which hinders them from baking traditional Christmas biscuits.

Butter has sold out in some shops partly as the result of a "low-carb" diet sweeping the Nordic nation which emphasises a higher intake of fats.

Sales suddenly soared by 20 per cent in October and 30 per cent in November.

Others blame a wet summer which reduced the quality of animal feed and cut milk production.

BBC News - Norway faces butter shortage
the answer....

Oh the horror!!!! Start emergency shipments now!!!!!!!!!

Norwegians are facing a severe butter shortage which hinders them from baking traditional Christmas biscuits.

Butter has sold out in some shops partly as the result of a "low-carb" diet sweeping the Nordic nation which emphasises a higher intake of fats.

Sales suddenly soared by 20 per cent in October and 30 per cent in November.

Others blame a wet summer which reduced the quality of animal feed and cut milk production.

BBC News - Norway faces butter shortage

With my dating patterns lately, I've been using alot more than usual.
Oh the horror!!!! Start emergency shipments now!!!!!!!!!

Norwegians are facing a severe butter shortage which hinders them from baking traditional Christmas biscuits.

Butter has sold out in some shops partly as the result of a "low-carb" diet sweeping the Nordic nation which emphasises a higher intake of fats.

Sales suddenly soared by 20 per cent in October and 30 per cent in November.

Others blame a wet summer which reduced the quality of animal feed and cut milk production.

BBC News - Norway faces butter shortage

Butter shortage? Do cows produce only so much cream?
Low carbers can eat lard, they should leave the good stuff for people who don't eat so much fat.
It is a funny and sad situation. Just shows how made up stories can create mass hysteria and panic. Yes there is a shortage of butter in Norway, but not as much because they have not imported enough or made enough, but because in many ways, people started to panic buy massive amounts of butter because they read that there was a shortage. So instead of buying the usual pack or two, people went out and bought 10 to 20 to freeze down. Now this massive increase in demand meant of course the shortage story became a reality.. We had a similar situation with fresh yeast a few years ago in Denmark with the same result.

I am informed that there was a minor holiday season shortage that was further exacerbated by hoarding.
Granny says tell `em to send one o' their burly Norwegian woodsmens over here...

... she'll show him how to churn butter.
possum hopes dem Mooslamics don't hurt Heidi...
Islamic extremism remains Norway's biggest threat
Jan 18, 2012: Islamic extremism remains Norway's biggest terror threat, but the danger of lone wolf attacks has also increased in the aftermath of a massacre by a homegrown anti-Muslim extremist, Norwegian security service PST said Tuesday.
Agency Chief Janne Kristiansen told local news agency NTB that over the past three to four years there has been growing concern over the threat of terrorism, but "in 2012 people tied to an extreme Islamic ideology will be our biggest challenge." In its yearly evaluation of terror threats, PST said extremists were primarily using conflict stirred up by publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad and Norway's military participation in Afghanistan to fuel hatred against Norway.

Shortly after the report's release Tuesday, police said they were investigating a video posted on YouTube protesting Norway's involvement in Afghanistan, in which images of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Crown Prince Haakon are shown with text calling for Allah to "destroy" them, and others. PST warned that although the threat from organized nationalist groups hasn't increased following Anders Behring Breivik's killing of 77 people on July 22, the number of single individuals who threaten to use violence with reference to an anti-Islamic agenda is increasing.

It also said threats against officials have increased significantly since July 22, and warned that actions such as Breivik's could inspire copycat attacks. "Continued high migration, combined with weak economic growth and increased unemployment, can create a foundation for increased conflicts along ethnic, social and economic lines," PST noted.

Remarks from Norway's neighbor Denmark, however, contrasted with the Norwegian summary Tuesday, with Jacob Scharf _ the head of Danish PST, saying it had not noticed any more people joining extremist groups as a result of the financial crisis. "What we do see is that the financial crisis to some extent will have an impact on the kind of targets and the activities, especially for the left-wing extremist groups and networks," Scharf added.


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