“No one in the Republican conference could have done a worse job”, negotiating the agreement than McCarthy did.

Raising it by 3.4 T isn’t cutting spending LOL.

President Trump’s major debt came from COVID panic spending. Something Dems screamed they wanted more of.
Actually he spent most of the money before that. See post #39.
Imagine still believing the GOP wants to cut spending. The GOP and their voters love big government and they love expanding it.
Republicans in my state just passed a law restricting the rights of transgenders and their families from receiving the health care they need. They labeled it the ," Let them grow act. " How ironic and how pathetic.
Good. The state has no business transferring wealth from those with means to those with needs.
Good. The state has no business transferring wealth from those with means to those with needs.
No you don't understand, these people weren't asking the state for anything. The state is blocking them from the care they need. Making it a criminal act to take even the hormones and god forbid they are ready for reassignment surgery.
Witty comeback. If you need any other material, I have other stuff you can steal anytime. It’s all good, brah.
I know, you're absolutely full of it. By the way, that's not a compliment in any universe.
“The Republicans did not win any major concessions on spending,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., chair of the 100-member Congressional Progressive Caucus, said on a call with reporters Tuesday. “There is no meaningful debt reduction here...what [Republicans] do get is some of their extreme ideological priorities.”

These Conservative Republican statements say it all: "The Republicans did not win any major concessions on spending"

Biden bitch slapped little McCarthy and made him bend the knee because McCarthy has no leverage, as the majority of America understands that Trump and Bush are responsible for the majority of the US debt.
Push comes to shove, this is a battle the Republicans can't remotely win.

GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew that up with massive spending bills and failed mismanaged wars and economic blow ups,
Trump had the same massive spending bills and gave us 25% of our total debt in his 4 years of failure.
For that reason the GOP own this debt and most unbiased, non-partisan hacks understand this.

No you don't understand, these people weren't asking the state for anything. The state is blocking them from the care they need. Making it a criminal act to take even the hormones and god forbid they are ready for reassignment surgery.
How old are these people who "need" to be the opposite gender?
No you don't understand, these people weren't asking the state for anything. The state is blocking them from the care they need. Making it a criminal act to take even the hormones and god forbid they are ready for reassignment surgery.
Good. It should be criminal to butcher children and pump them full of harmful drugs.
Anyone that does this kind of shit to kids should be in jail:
Great example of what Democrats are. They shut down the economy, then turn around and blame Trump for it. To make matters worse they reopened the economy when there were twice the cases as a year earlier, then ask for praise for a reduced deficit.

Leftists speak with forked-tongues.

How's inflation goin' anyway? Groceries have increased 40% since 2021, gas the same or more. Cost of rent and homes anyone? How about most services? $100 is now $140+ assuming you can find a plumber and such.

You get a 40% raise? Retirees sure as fuck haven't.

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