No "assault" rifle used in latest attack

SUICIDES , and just a comment , but the anti gunners also lump criminals that needed to be killed or shot by cops and home defenders in self defense into their numbers of gun deaths yearly , daily or whatever they claim Sarge . ----------- just a comment .
I’m sure that comes as a relief to the grieving families….the OP is a sick fuck.
-------------------------------- families grieve for their Personal loss i suppose but notice the lack of grieving by the larger society for all the daily dead from car accidents and murders in 'chicago' as just a couple of examples . Life goes on Candy .

Yeah, I notice you don’t seem to be grieving for them either…..
--------------------------- as a practical matter if i and American society were grieving for every person that dies in some bad fashion we would be grieving non stop all the time . Bombs in France and Iraq , murders in Chicago . Just this morning 4 kids killed in a car accident somewhere in the USA . Plane crash in Cuba yesterday , where there any deaths [who knows , who grieves other than their family] ?? Good innocent People die under bad circumstance every second of the day for ALL of recorded and unrecorded history but life goes on Candy .
yeah , you and yer ilk want to decide eh 'ilk' named LLaugher !!

We will decide via the ballot box. You can dig that, can’t ya? Or will you call it “rigged”?


You and your ilk have no right to limit the natural right of people who have committed no crime.

There are no "natural rights". The rights you have are determined by a given society. In our greater society, one has the right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a well regulated militia. The right to keep and bear arms is denied to many who've committed no crime already. You should know that.
yeah , you and yer ilk want to decide eh 'ilk' named LLaugher !!

We will decide via the ballot box. You can dig that, can’t ya? Or will you call it “rigged”?


You and your ilk have no right to limit the natural right of people who have committed no crime.
Uh, I hate to this but fireamr ownership isn't a "natural right". Even if there were such a thing as a "natural right" it wouldn't be one as guns are man made.
--------------------------------- widdle 15 year old crying girl or boy . If it had been me crying and sniveling my DAD woulda told me to shut up , grow up and quit making a spectacle of myself as Americans have RIGHTS and bad things can happen . Course the widdle girl didn't have her Dad there , just her Mother who MAY have been crying whining and also sniveling Luddley .

Little 15 year old girl surrounded by dead friends and teachers and you criticize her for crying.

Why is it that not ONE RWNJ ever ever says anything about the unthinkable loss of children being gunned down in their SCHOOL?

You people are just plain empty. All you care about is more guns and more guns and more gun and still more guns.

Its not just trump that's owned by the NRA.
That is not it. We need to stop wasting time and energy fighting about the wrong problem. Put resources where they will do the most good, identifying boys who fit the profile of mass shooters and get them help. Yes I am talking about 'profiling'.
----------------------------------- how many people DIE in these type School shootings in the USA , a country of 310 million residents that are supposed to be in the USA MMIKE .

Do you have a particular number in mind for when a dead child will be important to you? How about other RWNJs? How many dead kids? Or would you rather pile them up and wait for the stack to get to given height?

(Note that this isn't about fetuses because, as we all know, you assholes pretend to really love you some fetuses while you kick children out of the way so you can buy more guns. )

Seriously, how many dead children would be worth you taking a moment to pretend to be a human being?

Next, you'll trot out the dumbest of all - that people die in cars.
Answer your own question yoy personally never are seen on here lamenting the murder of children in Chicago or other lefty cities.
Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.
What ever will the left do now? Those evil bastard AR-15's were not involved, just a shotgun and A REVOLVER.
In close quarters such as a crowded classroom a shotgun can be more deadly than an AR-15 if people really want to stop these school shootings they need to focus more on what is making kids want to do this and less on their choice of weapon.
What ever will the left do now? Those evil bastard AR-15's were not involved, just a shotgun and A REVOLVER.
In this case, an assault type rifle was not used.

Probably because the father did not own one.

Just think if no one owned them.

If the shooter had one, what would the body count be then?
yeah , you and yer ilk want to decide eh 'ilk' named LLaugher !!

We will decide via the ballot box. You can dig that, can’t ya? Or will you call it “rigged”?


You and your ilk have no right to limit the natural right of people who have committed no crime.

There are no "natural rights". The rights you have are determined by a given society. In our greater society, one has the right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a well regulated militia. The right to keep and bear arms is denied to many who've committed no crime already. You should know that.

No natural rights? You don't have a right to breath? No right to drink water? I had no idea you were such a totalitarian and have NO interest in reading anymore of your drivel.
yeah , you and yer ilk want to decide eh 'ilk' named LLaugher !!

We will decide via the ballot box. You can dig that, can’t ya? Or will you call it “rigged”?


You and your ilk have no right to limit the natural right of people who have committed no crime.
Uh, I hate to this but fireamr ownership isn't a "natural right". Even if there were such a thing as a "natural right" it wouldn't be one as guns are man made.

You have an absolute right to defend your life by the most efficient means possible. That means "fireamr" ownership is a natural right as acknowledged in the Second Amendment.
What ever will the left do now? Those evil bastard AR-15's were not involved, just a shotgun and A REVOLVER.
In this case, an assault type rifle was not used.

Probably because the father did not own one.

Just think if no one owned them.

If the shooter had one, what would the body count be then?
You seem to think a shotgun is substantially less effective than something like an AR-15 in an enclosed environment, which implies you know little to nothing about guns. So I'll ask why you think Recon Marines preferred the 12-Gauge pump-action shotgun to the M-16 (eminent "assault" weapon) on patrol in the jungles of Vietnam?
yeah , you and yer ilk want to decide eh 'ilk' named LLaugher !!

We will decide via the ballot box. You can dig that, can’t ya? Or will you call it “rigged”?


You and your ilk have no right to limit the natural right of people who have committed no crime.
Uh, I hate to this but fireamr ownership isn't a "natural right". Even if there were such a thing as a "natural right" it wouldn't be one as guns are man made.

You have an absolute right to defend your life by the most efficient means possible. That means "fireamr" ownership is a natural right as acknowledged in the Second Amendment.
Um no. "Natural rights" is a nonsense phrase to start with. Rights are a product of society, a purely human construct. Nothing natural about it. Our society does indeed grant you the right to defend yourself, but there are no guarantees what tools you get to use. I suggest you take some lessons in a martial art or get a big dog.
What ever will the left do now? Those evil bastard AR-15's were not involved, just a shotgun and A REVOLVER.
The kid used what was available to him

If his father had an AR 15, you can be sure it would have made its way to school

The carnage would have been much worse with an AR15

Perhaps the st00pidest thing ever posted on this site. What a meathead. But this guy would take advice from a Rastaman providing NHL Stanley Cup playoff analysis.

What ever will the left do now? Those evil bastard AR-15's were not involved, just a shotgun and A REVOLVER.
In this case, an assault type rifle was not used.

Probably because the father did not own one.

Just think if no one owned them.

If the shooter had one, what would the body count be then?
You seem to think a shotgun is substantially less effective than something like an AR-15 in an enclosed environment, which implies you know little to nothing about guns. So I'll ask why you think Recon Marines preferred the 12-Gauge pump-action shotgun to the M-16 (eminent "assault" weapon) on patrol in the jungles of Vietnam?


Is there anything more hysterical than a progressive providing expert analysis on weapons.:iyfyus.jpg:
What ever will the left do now? Those evil bastard AR-15's were not involved, just a shotgun and A REVOLVER.
In this case, an assault type rifle was not used.

Probably because the father did not own one.

Just think if no one owned them.

If the shooter had one, what would the body count be then?
You seem to think a shotgun is substantially less effective than something like an AR-15 in an enclosed environment, which implies you know little to nothing about guns. So I'll ask why you think Recon Marines preferred the 12-Gauge pump-action shotgun to the M-16 (eminent "assault" weapon) on patrol in the jungles of Vietnam?

Wow, I guess the idea probably own more guns than you means I don't know shit about guns.

First of all, if that shotgun was a pump action, it takes time to reload. It is not that closed quarters when you are in a relatively large room. Even a double barrel takes time as you would fumble in your pockets to get the shells
to reload. I seriously doubt he had a tactical shotgun.

This compared to 30 or more shots at the pull of the trigger?

You people know shit about guns. All you know is to kiss the NRA's ass as children die in our schools.

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