New Yorker Rips 'Redskins' Name With New Thanksgiving Cover

Has anybody looked at a "New Yorker" cover in the last fifty years? I didn't even know they were still in business. I looks like a positive cover to me. Redskin Football fans invite Redskins to a a Thanksgiving party just like the good old days. Why are the radical lefties so angry about such trivial matters during Thanksgiving when they live in the greatest Country in the world? Would the lefties feel better if the Indians invited Redskins fans to their crooked gambling casinos and metaphorically scalped them?
There's the shitting bull we all know and love.
We should go with this new name and logo it fits Washington so well if the team is losing money it can get a bail out from the other teams and if they are trailing in a game they can redistribute some of the other teams points to them in the name of scoring equality.
It's time to end the racist legacy of George Preston Marshall.

This is why you guys lost the election. You spent all your time focusing on shit that nobody cared about except a handful of you while Rome was burning.
There's the shitting bull we all know and love.
We should go with this new name and logo it fits Washington so well if the team is losing money it can get a bail out from the other teams and if they are trailing in a game they can redistribute some of the other teams points to them in the name of scoring equality.

I was thinking of the foreskins. in honor of Washington
There's the shitting bull we all know and love.
We should go with this new name and logo it fits Washington so well if the team is losing money it can get a bail out from the other teams and if they are trailing in a game they can redistribute some of the other teams points to them in the name of scoring equality.

I was thinking of the foreskins. in honor of Washington
Equally fitting.
The New Yorker has weighed in on the Washington Redskins controversy with a poignant new cover for its Dec. 1 issue.

The magazine hit newsstands Monday as much of the country readies itself for Thanksgiving festivities. Its cover depicts jubilant pilgrims dressed in Redskins jerseys -- cheering, drinking beer and smoking cigars -- as their Native American guests look on with what appears to be stoic disapproval.

The cover is a clear comment on the controversy surrounding the NFL team in recent months, with many condemning the term "Redskins" as a racial epithet for Native Americans and calling for the team to change its name.


More: New Yorker Rips 'Redskins' Name With New Thanksgiving Cover

Thank you, New Yorker! Happy Thanksgiving!

That photo is racist.

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