Martin Luther King Jr. takes knee on New Yorker cover


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Martin Luther King, Jr. Takes Knee On New Yorker Cover
The latest cover of The New Yorker depicts civil-rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. taking a knee alongside NFL players Michael Bennett and Colin Kaepernick.


Well we know MLK Sr. would not be happy with this whatsoever!! Another traitorous pos loser who hopefully sinks himself.
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It is a shame MLK Sr. is being used to gain political bs motives that are actually against America and not for it.
Hopefully the skank tanks himself after this one.
MLK JR. is one of the biggest frauds in American history.
He wasn't the upstanding moral character he has been made out to be, but that does not make his words less powerful or untrue.
He didnt invent the idea of judging people by character than race though...aside from his speeches...and looking at who he really was...does he really deserve a holiday? I think not.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Takes Knee On New Yorker Cover
The latest cover of The New Yorker depicts civil-rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. taking a knee alongside NFL players Michael Bennett and Colin Kaepernick.


Well we know MLK Sr. would not be happy with this whatsoever!! Another traitorous pos loser who hopefully sinks himself.
King was a plagiarist,womanizer,alcoholic and communist sympathizer so....don't care. People need to learn the truth about that fraud.
MLK JR. is one of the biggest frauds in American history.
He wasn't the upstanding moral character he has been made out to be, but that does not make his words less powerful or untrue.
He didnt invent the idea of judging people by character than race though...aside from his speeches...and looking at who he really was...does he really deserve a holiday? I think not.
I don't think any individuaL deserves their own holiday.
MLK JR. is one of the biggest frauds in American history.
He wasn't the upstanding moral character he has been made out to be, but that does not make his words less powerful or untrue.
He didnt invent the idea of judging people by character than race though...aside from his speeches...and looking at who he really was...does he really deserve a holiday? I think not.
I don't think any individuaL deserves their own holiday.
Besides Jesus, I agree.
He was killed in...what, 1968? Black Americans have had the same complaints for 50 years. They've made a lifetime out of victimhood.

Maybe it's time they tried a different solution.
taking a knee for dangerous criminals being shot in self defense
their culture is self destructive
He was killed in...what, 1968? Black Americans have had the same complaints for 50 years. They've made a lifetime out of victimhood.

Maybe it's time they tried a different solution.
Good luck with that, blacks are less intelligent on average than the other is easier to get them to glom onto movements that give them victimhood status than self reliance. I wish that weren't the case, but it is.
The murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is 5 to 1.
So the Left's victimhood protest is very dubious.
Just so Abi knows, I am not saying blacks cannot attain higher intelligence, they can. It's just that they have a longer way to go, on average...than any other group. They didn't even have the wheel or a written language prior to white colonialism.

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