New Amazon cartoon show, Heaven/God bad, Lucifer Hell good.


The SJW's are reaching, now.

I will say this:

I've always appreciated the underdog aspect of the bible's description of Lucifer's struggle with God. The original "Bedazzled" explained it very well, I thought. Also the logical/ethical aspect. In that story, there is no objective good or evil. Good is defined in the story as agreeing with God, and evil as disagreeing with God. As literature, that is a flaw in a modified Man vs. Man story.

I don't mind it too much. Hopefully, religiuos parents would be aware of the content before letting children watch it. Prime should put a warning to the effect of "this show may present material that denigrates some viewers' deeply held beliefs." But if you want to sheild your kids these days, the television should be tossed, along with all electronics.

I hate to interject politics (ok, no I don't), but:

In presenting one side as the arbiter of good, the God and loyal angels of the story are similar to our own Democratic Party. They, too, define an evil person (hateful, bigot, racist, _____phobic, and all their other code words for "evil") as a person who disagrees - even slightly - with the current DNC orthodoxy.

It must be hard to be "good" in that system because the orthodoxy changes so frequently and so quickly.
The whole animation thing has frankly run its course.
Family guy was the last one that was actually funny although some of the humor was literally pounded into the ground with repetition.

Another Hard Pass...:eusa_hand:
the myth of prometheus repackaged for children. no one complains when they do "hercules"

aren't there enough bible stories to make cartoons about?

And why would programs like Moral Orel be made? We are slowly acclimated to another side of living we do not need help in doing. Cartoons and animation are darker and darker and shows the alternative to good and not so bad as everything just continues like nothing happened.
Is that how you blow off all the pedophiles in the Catholic Church? They weren’t real Catholics? Lefty priests? See you are proof they use religion to brainwash us. I see your religion and politics are one and the same. Are you a crusader? Lol

The Vatican has a gay nightclub.


Go kill some more unborn babies.

It’s not meant to be funny. It’s a fairytale that makes heaven and god the bad guys. Punishing anyone who doesn’t go along.
The God of the Bible killed way more people than Satan did. Also, if you don't worship God then you get tortured for eternity. How God became the good guy in the first place is beyond me.
It’s Saturday loser. I have a big boy job.

Bottom line is I love this heaven and hell story. I get it. I get why they tell this story. Kids should hear both stories then decide if either, or which is true.

I mean if you’re telling wild unbelievable stories for cult purposes
Where did the stories come from?

Genesis from the Bible is thousands of years old

Even if you are a godless lib who does not accept Devine Authority you must admit that God’s word has stood the test of time

But who wrote the Amazon cartoon?

I can picture an emaciated druggie with green hair and rings in their eyelids and a stickpin in their tongue

Maybe - in fact probably - the inspiration came directly from Satan

But he is the great liar and deceiver of mankind
Where did the stories come from?

Genesis from the Bible is thousands of years old

Even if you are a godless lib who does not accept Devine Authority you must admit that God’s word has stood the test of time

But who wrote the Amazon cartoon?

I can picture an emaciated druggie with green hair and rings in their eyelids and a stickpin in their tongue

Maybe - in fact probably - the inspiration came directly from Satan

But he is the great liar and deceiver of mankind

The father of lies keeps working harder but is not succeeding at doing anything but making his minions more extinct by the day.

Look at the statistics about the drug addicted leftists and the trannies that do us the favor of offing themselves more and more by the day. They are making our world saner and saner with every one of them that dies.


Satan is one of the Christians god's creations so you all should love him like your god does.

Well, Amazon started getting NONE of my dollars when they started gleefully killing unborn babies.

:dunno:Priorities shift, eh?



Keep trying, shitlib.

Watching you lose is fun.

I would be willing to bet any amount of money that Amazon has never killed an unborn baby.
The SJW's are reaching, now.

I will say this:

I've always appreciated the underdog aspect of the bible's description of Lucifer's struggle with God. The original "Bedazzled" explained it very well, I thought. Also the logical/ethical aspect. In that story, there is no objective good or evil. Good is defined in the story as agreeing with God, and evil as disagreeing with God. As literature, that is a flaw in a modified Man vs. Man story.

I don't mind it too much. Hopefully, religiuos parents would be aware of the content before letting children watch it. Prime should put a warning to the effect of "this show may present material that denigrates some viewers' deeply held beliefs." But if you want to sheild your kids these days, the television should be tossed, along with all electronics.

Actually, you are confusing Milton with the Bible. The Bible doesn't say anything like that. Even the reference to "Lucifer" (Isaiah 14:12) is a misreading of scripture (the writer is comparing a King of Babylon to the Morning Star, which Latin translators called "Lucifer".) The verse in context has nothing to do with a celestial battle, but a real one one Earth.

In fact, 99% of what people believe about Hell and Satan have little to do with the Bible and more to do with Dante and Milton.

I hate to interject politics (ok, no I don't), but:

In presenting one side as the arbiter of good, the God and loyal angels of the story are similar to our own Democratic Party. They, too, define an evil person (hateful, bigot, racist, _____phobic, and all their other code words for "evil") as a person who disagrees - even slightly - with the current DNC orthodoxy.

It must be hard to be "good" in that system because the orthodoxy changes so frequently and so quickly.

I think you got that mixed up, bro!

The real problem is without the racism, bigotry, homophobia, and transphobia, all the GOP has is making life harder for the working class to enrich the investor class. So they need that shit to keep the idiots angry.

Why do you think it took 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade (a ruling even I admit was a lot of wishful thinking)? They didn't want to resolve the problem through legislation, they wanted to keep it there to keep you angry.

We could solve the "immigration" crisis in ten minutes without putting up a single yard of fence. Simply go after the rich white people who hire them. We won't though.
Actually, you are confusing Milton with the Bible. The Bible doesn't say anything like that. Even the reference to "Lucifer" (Isaiah 14:12) is a misreading of scripture (the writer is comparing a King of Babylon to the Morning Star, which Latin translators called "Lucifer".) The verse in context has nothing to do with a celestial battle, but a real one one Earth.

In fact, 99% of what people believe about Hell and Satan have little to do with the Bible and more to do with Dante and Milton.
Which is a fact that is of no importance to me whatsoever.
I think you got that mixed up, bro!

The real problem is without the racism, bigotry, homophobia, and transphobia, all the GOP has is making life harder for the working class to enrich the investor class. So they need that shit to keep the idiots angry.
The problem is that Democrats define the terms "bigotry" "homophobia" and "transphobia" as "disagreeing with the DNC dogma, not as any actual bigotry, and certainly not as any irrational fear, which is what "phobia" means.
Why do you think it took 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade (a ruling even I admit was a lot of wishful thinking)? They didn't want to resolve the problem through legislation, they wanted to keep it there to keep you angry.
The Twoparties were never interested in overturning Roe, not the "Democratic" wing, nor the "Republican" wing. That was yet another reason for the Twoparties' hysteria over an outsider becoming president. One of may reasons.
We could solve the "immigration" crisis in ten minutes without putting up a single yard of fence. Simply go after the rich white people who hire them. We won't though.
That is laughable. It assumes that the only reason people illegally (or legally) immigrate to the U.S. is for low-paying jobs.

MS 13 gang members, pregnant women, and people from non-Latin American countries who passed through Mexico, are not coming in to work in meat packing plants.

Early teenage kids don't come for that either, but thanks to Biden, they often end up there. Those are the lucky ones not taken by the sex traffickers that Biden enables.

We knew Democrats hated kids from their insistance on as many abortions as possible. But it is really coming out now.
The opening of this show on Prime says 18+ and there is a lot of profanity just in the first ten minutes.

But, they know kids will watch it, just like Netflix knew young girls would watch "Cuties."

That's their target audience.

Regardless of all that, the show is really stupid as is obvious in less than ten minutes. Now as I'm typing this, it is turning into a musical. As if it weren't bad enough already.

Oh, well.

Enjoy it, progressives! You deserve to sit through every episode.
It’s not meant to be funny. It’s a fairytale that makes heaven and god the bad guys. Punishing anyone who doesn’t go along.
It is meant to be funny.

It's not terribly well put together though. They seem mostly to be trying for shock value with things like making Adam an angel who is a huge dick.

Still, some folks will love it, and the folks like the OP will make sure that way more people (like me) see at least the first episode than could ever have been expected without their fauxrage.

Creative Marketing FTW.

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