New Amazon cartoon show, Heaven/God bad, Lucifer Hell good.

What he’s saying is between the interest on his savings plus social security he doesn’t make enough to pay taxes

The organizations to whom I donate every month don't agree with you -- my church which supports the kids here in town -- organizations that support Catholic priests that tell the truth about leftist fake priests who sexually assault children -- homes that save unborn babies by giving their mothers alternatives to abortion -- organizations that feed, house and clothe disabled Veterans -- local causes that support the high school seniors in my small town and send them to state gatherings where they learn civics, government and journalism -- high school band and choir boosters, and I buy quite a bit of food monthly for my local feed bank -- I'm not poor.

Lots of tax exempt donations.

Have fun living in mommy's basement and donating to your local crack smoking "teens".

Church is waiting.



The organizations to whom I donate every month don't agree with you -- my church which supports the kids here in town -- organizations that support Catholic priests that tell the truth about leftist fake priests who sexually assault children -- homes that save unborn babies by giving their mothers alternatives to abortion -- organizations that feed, house and clothe disabled Veterans -- local causes that support the high school seniors in my small town and send them to state gatherings where they learn civics, government and journalism -- high school band and choir boosters, and I buy quite a bit of food monthly for my local feed bank -- I'm not poor.

Lots of tax exempt donations.

Have fun living in mommy's basement and donating to your local crack smoking "teens".

Church is waiting.


Is that how you blow off all the pedophiles in the Catholic Church? They weren’t real Catholics? Lefty priests? See you are proof they use religion to brainwash us. I see your religion and politics are one and the same. Are you a crusader? Lol

The Vatican has a gay nightclub.
Is that how you blow off all the pedophiles in the Catholic Church? They weren’t real Catholics? Lefty priests? See you are proof they use religion to brainwash us. I see your religion and politics are one and the same. Are you a crusader? Lol

The Vatican has a gay nightclub.
You seem to be a Crusader in this thread. Your antichrist zeal is clear
I watched about five minutes of it and didn't find it very funny.

I've seen another series by the same creative team, about Demons who come to the Mortal Realm to murder the living at the behest of people in Hell. That was mildly amusing.
It’s not meant to be funny. It’s a fairytale that makes heaven and god the bad guys. Punishing anyone who doesn’t go along.

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