NBA Player Delonte West applies for job at Home Depot during Lock out


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Delonte West To Home Depot: Celtics Player Applies For Job During NBA Lockout


This is more or less the opposite of the slogan of Home Depot, which is "More savings. More Doing," but it be may a recipe that brings the home construction and remodeling retailer a notable new employee.

Troubled NBA combo guard Delonte West, who played last season with the Boston Celtics, wrote on Twitter that he recently applied for a position at Home Depot.

It's official.. Pride 2 the side.. just filled out a application at Home Depot.. Lockout aint a game..
It would seem that West hasn't been saving his NBA wages. Meanwhile, the NBA Lockout has assured that he won't be doing any playing to bring in more cash any time soon.

To make the fiscal ramifications of the NBA Lockout more dire for West, who played only sparingly with the Celtics last season, his options are rather limited compared to his peers by his legal troubles. Those troubles stem from a 2009 arrest when he was pulled over on a three-wheel motorcycle with two handguns, a shotgun and a knife. All the guns were loaded and he didn't have a permit for any of them.

Shortly after tweeting about Home Depot, West revealed on Twitter that his legal woes were going to keep him from seeking work overseas during the Lockout.

Can't even go get that over seas money.. Judge said it's a no go on leaving the country...
Both those tweets were made by West from his iPhone on August 11, and they were the first that he had shared in 10 days. Looking back at the August 1 missive that preceded the pair pertaining to the job search, it actually seems possible that someone who has, according to Basketball Reference, earned $14,093,519 over seven seasons as a professional athlete could be applying for an entry-level job that likely pays minimum wage.

Broke down in the ATM line.. 25 cars behind me and I already reached my daily limit... I'm broke n my cars broke.. Where's my therapist???
West suffers from bi-polar disorder so it is not necessarily an idle joke when he tweets about his therapist.

Delonte West To Home Depot: Celtics Player Applies For Job During NBA Lockout
If I made 14 million I'd say goodbye to the world! 50 acres or so in Montana, live off the grid, hunt and fish. "Leave me the fuck alone!" :lol:

Yeah I know, alot of these guys make this money and always assume it will always be coming in, you got to have a few mill stashed away for emergencies like this.
IDK maybe he is kind of bored or something. I know the NBA isn't popular, but I hope the lockout ends soon.

I want to these guys playing ball, not selling me a toaster at Home Depot.

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