Nato Accuses China of issueing a Challenge.

Your syntax maybe an error and you made a mistake in using your writing organizing words and phrases that don't make sense. If so correct your use of this first paragraph:

"1st it was Trump that they went and made their Boogeyman, and now they are using Putin and Xi as the newest Boogeymen to try and convince their group's that conservatives are the real threat in the world by linking them to the two villain's whether the link's would somehow falsely hold for them or not."

Those named are not liberals they are autocrats and opposed to democracy.
You already corrected it in your mind, so as long as you got it right, then that's enough for me.
Not even a leftist media like NPR can stomach the 'China is neutral' canard.

China seems to be pro-Russia. Here's what that means for the war in Ukraine​

"To the rest of the world, China says it's staying neutral on the Russia-Ukraine war. Domestically, however, China is signaling that it is solidly pro-Russia."

My God, after China's Covid lie (that it came from a 'wet market') haven't some of you learned that Xi is a fucking liar?

If China locks arms with Putin, it's going to be hell on earth. My mom RIP, said years ago that Russia and China would unite, and would make war with the United States. Was she right ? It's looking like it.

China has remained neutral but apparently that's not enough for the US and Nato. This arrogance isn't going to help America to win the propaganda war against Russia.

China is not at all worried.

This is how fascist filth reacts when they get caught on their knees servicing Putin and Xi.

Again, not all Republicans wear out kneepads for fascists around the globe. Just about a third of them, I estimate.

Now, tell us how much you love lil' Kim. After all, he supports Russia and hates NATO, just like you. Do you love him more than Xi and Putin?
If you think NATO is not an arm of're just gullable. If you think the fight in Ukraine is a fight for freedom you're stupid. If you think the bad guys are on one side and the good guys are on the other side you're just simple.

If you think NATO is not an arm of're just gullable.
Cult imbecile, or Russian shill?

If you think the fight in Ukraine is a fight for freedom you're stupid. If you think the bad guys are on one side and the good guys are on the other side you're just simple.
Russian shills rely heavily on the phony equivalence fallacy, but so do cult imbeciles. That's why it's so hard to tell them apart.
Cult imbecile, or Russian shill?

Russian shills rely heavily on the phony equivalence fallacy, but so do cult imbeciles. That's why it's so hard to tell them apart.
Informed people rely on facts not political propaganda or personal prejudices. Russia has plenty of problems so does its government. But then again so does the United States and its government. That's not the point. Point is this war is nearly 10 years old...If it began 2 months ago for you all that means is that you are an uninformed media puppet that follows the lemming like politics of the globalists. Actually judging from your posts that's pretty much what you are.

China has remained neutral but apparently that's not enough for the US and Nato. This arrogance isn't going to help America to win the propaganda war against Russia.

Yea sure, let’s see Biden announce blocking trade with China like he did with Russia.

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