Nationality v. Religion


Sep 23, 2010

As November 4 draws closer the media is pouring on the smoke for Democrats. The crapola being reported is designed to draw the public’s attention away from ISIS, Benghazi, the IRS, open-borders, importing diseases and, of course, the Affordable Care Act. The media will have to lay down a nationwide smokescreen thicker than a London fog to help Democrats sneak in behind the smoke.

Another Secret Service prostitution scandal is the silliest smoke bomb of all. The federal government is down by the head with degenerates; so who gives a rat’s ass about Secret Service agents paying hustling girls for a bit of companionship?

The second silliest smoke bomb involves the pervert who used to live in the White House. Don’t tell me that the meaningless documents released just weeks before the midterms was not part of the smokescreen. There is nothing new in any of them:

How the White House tried to handle Monica Lewinsky
The earliest documents illustrate some of the mundane aspects of Lewinsky’s job.
By CARRIE BUDOFF BROWN | 10/10/14 6:17 PM EDT Updated: 10/11/14 9:06 AM EDT

How the White House tried to handle Monica Lewinsky - Carrie Budoff Brown -

Football scandals is another smokescreen story that few Americans care about. Aside from media mouths, who the hell can be interested in the troubles of an athlete earning millions of dollars a year? Every one of those stories reminds me of the “poor little rich girl.”

Leon Panetta’s book and subsequent interviews is a major smokescreen that requires a gas mask. Suddenly, Americans are supposed to believe that an old Commie sympathizer is a loyal American saying things that make Taqiyya look bad. Ask yourself this question: What would Panetta have to say if Taqiyya the Liar was running for reelection? The only thing Panetta accomplished was to rehash meaningless blame without saying a word about all of those Democrats who helped Taqiyya —— including Panetta himself. Whatever Taqiyya is guilty of so is Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of them.

Rather than waste my time reading stories about the Secret Service, Monica Lewinsky, and Leon Panetta, I explore the reasons Democrats will do whatever it takes to keep the borders open. There’s the rub. Most Americans think Democrats are importing millions of voters. I believe there is more to it than that. I interpret open-borders differently than a Democrat voter drive.

To me, Democrats are bringing in millions from the Third World to fight for the Socialist agenda should Americans turn to armed rebellion. I am not talking conspiracy theory. My opinion is based on their known political beliefs and the immigration policies they put in place.

This is how it will work. Third World parasites are not going to fight for concepts they do not understand —— limited government, individual liberties, and private property Rights. Question: Whose side would you fight on if you came here from a Third World hellhole? The people who brought you here illegally and hooked you up to generous welfare state programs? or on the side of the people fighting to regain their freedoms?

And let’s not forget that Taqiyya the Liar is bringing in Muslims from Africa, and Communists from Latin America, who have no love for America, Christianity, or freedom of religion. Muslim and Communists hate the concept of freedom of religion. You do not have to be a genius to figure out who they will kill the minute Democrats give them a gun and a green light.

Incidentally, it is illogical to think the federal government is buying billions of rounds of ammunition just to hand them to the Americans they have been trying to disarm for decades. Before you disagree with my interpretation consider this:

Even if bringing millions of illegal immigrants into the country is not about helping Democrats put down a rebellion, Third World aliens would certainly join an invading enemy force. Everything Taqiyya the Liar, and the Clintons before him, stand for indicates a United Nations “peacekeeping force” will be invited in to help government forces put down everyone resisting global government. Millions of illegal aliens already here will be quickly armed and used to prepare the way for UN troops.

If I am correct, Taqiyya the Liar not worrying about Iran going nuclear makes sense. Muslims do not have to drop the bomb when they can defeat this country from within. Notice that I do not distinguish between Iranians and Muslims. They are all Muslims before they are anything else. That, too, is part of the betrayal. The media is very careful to identify them as Liberians, or Somalian, or Iraqis, or Syrians, etc., so that Americans see their nationality instead of their religion.

Finally, is there such a thing as a Muslim-American? If not there should be.

My reasoning: Immigrants from Europe were identified by the country they came from rather than calling them Europeans. Black-Americans are identified as African-Americans. Orientals are generally identified as Asian-American with some exceptions; Japanese-Americans or Chinese-Americans. Muslims must be identified by their religion if there is any hope of keeping them out of the country as a matter of self-defense. Once Muslims get here they will wrap themselves in the First Amendment to work against non-Muslims. Never forget that Muslims despise freedom of religion.
Here in Colorado the Dems are so desperate that they've turned their campaigns into a one-issue fight -- a woman's right to abortion. That's ALL they talk about when attacking their opponents. They're wise to stay off of the issues that face ALL Colorado citizens:

a) More than 300,000 medical insurance cancellations thanks to Obamacare and his Unaffordable Care Act.
b) Horrible economy and lack of decent paying jobs.
c) Gun rights and the fact the Colorado Dems supported some recently enacted, anti-Constitutional bills.
d) Dems giving illegal aliens the right to have drivers' licenses and creating a "sanctuary city" in Denver.

All the Dems candidates have been able to do is attack the character of their more conservative opponents and attack their stance on abortion. THAT'S IT!
Here in Colorado the Dems are so desperate that they've turned their campaigns into a one-issue fight -- a woman's right to abortion. That's ALL they talk about when attacking their opponents.

To DriftingSand: Interesting. Are conservative candidates talking about who is paying for the abortions? Slightly more than 50 percent of Americans oppose abortion —— a much higher number oppose tax dollars paying for them.
Jan Morgan should fight her case on Sharia law. If she dressed like this in a Muslim country she would be stoned to death:


I think she can make the case that a frustrated Muslim fanatic would attack her for wearing shorts in her place of business —— especially if he is one of the Muslims Taqiyya brought here:

CAIR Calls For Investigation Into Woman Who Banned Muslims From Her Shooting Range
"This is a mountain I’m willing to die on….”

CAIR Calls For Investigation Into Woman Who Banned Muslims From Her Shooting Range Truth Revolt

If nothing else, why in hell should any American help Muslims become more proficient with guns. Look at what they did with flying lessons!

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