NASA’s First Black Astronaut To Orbit The Moon Pulls Political Race Card Using Poem: "Whitey On The Moon"

Well if a well traveled Bingo like you has never heard of it that really means something!


This why I'm confident of victory. All the racist whites in this country have been cucked so hard they're afraid to admit they even exist. Do me a favor and let me know when you find a proud white racist.


I am an immigrant you Bingo. I grew up in Black American neighborhoods and never felt anything but welcomed.


Being proudly and loudly anti-you is how we encourage more and more people to be so as well. Remember people love confidence and as you so smartly pointed out, there are no confident white racists.

You mind is so, mottled I can hardly understand a word you're saying. I think you were alluding to me as being white, which is right, but I am mixed with Hispanic, my grandmother from Villahermosa, in the Mexican state of Tabasco.

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