Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi; I was wrong.

Don’t try to impeach Trump. Let him lose the 2020 election by the largest landslide ever recorded and then let the courts put Trump in jail while every dime he has stolen is taken away from him.


After careful thought and consideration, I think we can answer the question of "Why do Republicans hate Nancy Pelosi so?"

I think the leading, most important factor in their hatred is because she's a woman.
Secondly, it's so well known that she is a genius at maneuvering through the legislative process.
Also, unlike Paul Ryan, she keeps her coalition in line and disciplined.
She has had valuable experience in dealing with the great Presidents, Clinton and Obama.
And, probably most importantly, she is recognized by Republicans as far and away superior to Trump in intellect and legislative skill. Therefore she is recognized as a threat to his nefarious ways.

Oh yes, and also, because she's a woman!
Or you could just ask. But then, you'd find out you're wrong.

And that's the problem with leftists. They claim they give questions careful thought and consideration, but it's always just a mindless regurgitation of talking points and prejudices.

I'm a conservative. I don't hate Pelosi; too much energy is wasted on hatred. It's not productive.

I don't like the work she does. She lectures me on how I should live my life and be generous at gunpoint, but she's gotten to be a multimillionaire on a paltry salary. She thinks I need to pay for her vote-buying schemes. She thinks the public treasury is there only to benefit her special interest groups. Her plans and policies are not good for the nation as a whole.

Now, I can't speak for anyone else, and I'm sure there are some Republicans who hate her...but I'd say your ascribed reasons are utter crap.

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