Name One Bad Thing Biden Has Taken Responsibility For

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
All through the 2020 election Biden and the left attacked Trump, saying that Trump refuses to take responsibility for anything. With Biden's disapproval numbers so high for two years now and for those same two years the huge majority of the country saying the country is going in the wrong direction, there have to be a number of things which have gone bad in the US under Biden. Has Biden or the left accepted responsibility for anything that has gone bad since Biden has been president? I can't think of one. Everything that has gone bad is always blamed on someone or something else. So, this thread is a place for the left to post on which things which have gone bad that Biden and the left have accepted responsibility for.
I figured this would be a short thread. Hell, lefties don't even admit anything is even bad under Biden, despite high disapproval numbers and high numbers of Americans saying the country is going in the wrong direction. Everything's just fine, Americans just don't know it. It's a messaging problem. The left just can't convince Americans that everything is just going rosy. I wonder why that is?
I have a question too. While the left accuses Trump of failing to do anything about the Jan. 6th riot, which of course is a lie as usual, can anyone say what any Democrat did?

What did he do during those 3 hours while seditious conspiracy was taking place?

Whoops, leftists never thought of that. Or anything else really, they're parrot-heads.
Leftists did think of it.

Plenty of under oath testimony describes his inaction.
What difference does it make? Trump was not in control of these people, they were in control of themselves.
The president sat and watched an attack on our nations capital on TV and did nothing for 3 hours and your response is "what difference does it make?"

You don't think he could have made public statements like his aids were begging him to do?

You don't think he could have called the national guard like pence ultimately ended up doing?

You don't think he could have refrained from tweeting that Pence didn't have courage to violate the constitution while his supporters were chanting hang Mike Pence?

Or he could have simply taken the advice of his allies...

Four minutes later, Trump's allies began imploring Meadows to convince the President to do something. The first message came from Greene.

"Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn't the way to solve anything," Greene wrote at 2:28 p.m.

Fox's Laura Ingraham texted Meadows at 2:32 p.m., "Hey Mark, The president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us."

Meadows heard from local contacts, too, including one who castigated the White House chief of staff for his role leading up to the insurrection.

At 2:34 p.m., North Carolina-based Republican strategist Carlton Huffman wrote, "You've earned a special place in infamy for the events of today. And if you're the Christian you claim to be in your heart you know that."

"It's really bad up here on the hill," texted Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia at 2:44 p.m.

At 2:46 p.m., GOP Rep. Will Timmons of South Carolina wrote to Meadows: "The president needs to stop this ASAP."

Several who texted Meadows told CNN they hoped their messages would convince the chief of staff to stand up to Trump and get him to stop the violence.

'We love you, you're very special'
At 2:48 p.m., Meadows responded to Loudermilk that "POTUS is engaging." But Trump would not tell the rioters to leave the Capitol for another hour and a half as messages continued to pour in from Trump allies, Meadows associates and reporters seeking a White House response.

Jonathan Karl of ABC News texted at 2:53 p.m., "What are you going to do to stop this? What is the president going to do?"

Karl said of his text to Meadows, "I was asking a question as a reporter who wanted to know what was happening inside the White House as the Capitol was being attacked. But I was also asking as an American horrified by what I was witnessing."

Meadows received more messages from contacts in his home state urging Trump to intervene.

At 3:42 p.m., North Carolina-based lobbyist Tom Cors wrote, "Pls have POTUS call this off at the Capitol. Urge rioters to disperse. I pray to you."

At 3:52 p.m., North Carolina lawyer Jay Leutze texted, "Mark, this assault in the Capitol is tragic for the country. Please call it off so the Congress can resume its peaceful debate."

The president sat and watched an attack on our nations capital on TV and did nothing for 3 hours and your response is "what difference does it make?"

You don't think he could have made public statements like his aids were begging him to do?

You don't think he could have called the national guard like pence ultimately ended up doing?

You don't think he could have refrained from tweeting that Pence didn't have courage to violate the constitution while his supporters were chanting hang Mike Pence?

Or he could have simply taken the advice of his allies...

Four minutes later, Trump's allies began imploring Meadows to convince the President to do something. The first message came from Greene.

"Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn't the way to solve anything," Greene wrote at 2:28 p.m.

Fox's Laura Ingraham texted Meadows at 2:32 p.m., "Hey Mark, The president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us."

Meadows heard from local contacts, too, including one who castigated the White House chief of staff for his role leading up to the insurrection.

At 2:34 p.m., North Carolina-based Republican strategist Carlton Huffman wrote, "You've earned a special place in infamy for the events of today. And if you're the Christian you claim to be in your heart you know that."

"It's really bad up here on the hill," texted Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia at 2:44 p.m.

At 2:46 p.m., GOP Rep. Will Timmons of South Carolina wrote to Meadows: "The president needs to stop this ASAP."

Several who texted Meadows told CNN they hoped their messages would convince the chief of staff to stand up to Trump and get him to stop the violence.

'We love you, you're very special'
At 2:48 p.m., Meadows responded to Loudermilk that "POTUS is engaging." But Trump would not tell the rioters to leave the Capitol for another hour and a half as messages continued to pour in from Trump allies, Meadows associates and reporters seeking a White House response.

Jonathan Karl of ABC News texted at 2:53 p.m., "What are you going to do to stop this? What is the president going to do?"

Karl said of his text to Meadows, "I was asking a question as a reporter who wanted to know what was happening inside the White House as the Capitol was being attacked. But I was also asking as an American horrified by what I was witnessing."

Meadows received more messages from contacts in his home state urging Trump to intervene.

At 3:42 p.m., North Carolina-based lobbyist Tom Cors wrote, "Pls have POTUS call this off at the Capitol. Urge rioters to disperse. I pray to you."

At 3:52 p.m., North Carolina lawyer Jay Leutze texted, "Mark, this assault in the Capitol is tragic for the country. Please call it off so the Congress can resume its peaceful debate."

He was not in control of these people. There was nothing he could do. This was the Capitol. It was Pelosi's job to do something and she didn't. In fact, they had a swarm of undercover FBI personnel on hand. Why didn't they do something?
What did he do during those 3 hours while seditious conspiracy was taking place?

Leftists did think of it.

Plenty of under oath testimony describes his inaction.

Yeah, but you're unable to think. BS at the accusation of inaction. Sure, lots of testimony, none of which supports your little head.
I figured this would be a short thread. Hell, lefties don't even admit anything is even bad under Biden, despite high disapproval numbers and high numbers of Americans saying the country is going in the wrong direction. Everything's just fine, Americans just don't know it. It's a messaging problem. The left just can't convince Americans that everything is just going rosy. I wonder why that is?
Magaturds complain about everyone and every thing 24/7. Everybody else is drowned out from their constant stream of outrage. :rolleyes:

I stopped listening long ago. :dunno:
What did he do during those 3 hours while seditious conspiracy was taking place?

Leftists did think of it.

Plenty of under oath testimony describes his inaction.
This thread is about you coming up with just one bad thing Biden has taken responsibility for. Guess you couldn't even think of one. This thread is the left's opportunity and none of you have even come up with one thing yet. Hence, you deflect to trump.

Name One Bad Thing Biden Has Taken Responsibility For​

The last POTUS to come close to taking responsibility for anything was Bush II when he had the balls to say he was "the decider".

Your god is famous for saying "I take no responsibility at all"
He was not in control of these people. There was nothing he could do.

Yes there was. His aids knew it. His staff knew it. Under oath testimony from those who involved knew it...but you think just giving up is presidential.

That is an odd position.

This was the Capitol. It was Pelosi's job to do something and she didn't.

She was too busy running for her life to do much good.

In fact, they had a swarm of undercover FBI personnel on hand. Why didn't they do something?

Trump's FBI was not there.

Do you have names and proof of Trump's FBI agents that were there?
Yeah, but you're unable to think. BS at the accusation of inaction.

It wasn't a simple accusation. It was testimony under oath.

Sure, lots of testimony, none of which supports your little head.
Not sure what that means. The testimony supports the claim Trump did nothing.

What actions do you think he took during that time to quell the seditious conspiracy that Trump supporters were perpetrating while he watched on tv during those 3 hours?
This thread is about you coming up with just one bad thing Biden has taken responsibility for. Guess you couldn't even think of one. This thread is the left's opportunity and none of you have even come up with one thing yet. Hence, you deflect to trump.
I answered a question posed by another poster.

Take it up with them.
All through the 2020 election Biden and the left attacked Trump, saying that Trump refuses to take responsibility for anything. With Biden's disapproval numbers so high for two years now and for those same two years the huge majority of the country saying the country is going in the wrong direction, there have to be a number of things which have gone bad in the US under Biden. Has Biden or the left accepted responsibility for anything that has gone bad since Biden has been president? I can't think of one. Everything that has gone bad is always blamed on someone or something else. So, this thread is a place for the left to post on which things which have gone bad that Biden and the left have accepted responsibility for.
The botched afghan withdraw.

It was a “bad thing” if you want to put it that way.

He took responsibility for it.

Took about 5 seconds to find it.
The last POTUS to come close to taking responsibility for anything was Bush II when he had the balls to say he was "the decider".

Your god is famous for saying "I take no responsibility at all"
This thread is about what bad things happening Biden has taken responsibility for. Your God has not taken any responsibility.

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