CDZ NAACP: You Are Not Oppressed. You Are the Oppressors


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There are few things more ridiculous going on in America right now than this misguided march led by the NAACP, from Ferguson to the Missouri state capitol. They call it the "Journey for Justice". NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks says "we're seeking systemic, fundamental reform of policing in this country," He says that process begins with legislation against racial profiling on a state and national level.

But where is the racial profiling in police departments around the country ? Where is it at a level that should cause marchers to march 120 miles in the cold ? It certainly wasn't there in the Michael Brown shooting. So what, all of a sudden, prompts the NAACP to start yammering about racial profiling ?

Myself, I have not seen any of this racial profiling these guys are talking about. It's been said the Ferguson Police Dept is primarily White, in a town that is mostly Black, but I suspect that is more due to Whites moving out of Ferguson and Police not leaving their jobs, more than anything else. And if the department is mostly White, so what ? What does that matter ? We just saw the Ferguson Police in action during the riots, and I didn't see anything wrong with how they did their jobs. They were arresting disorderly protestors, Black and White alike.

Some of the comments of the marchers were interesting >> "We need equal justice for everyone." Another marcher said > " This ain't just something that popped up here today." Still another said > "The stronger we can make each other the stronger our whole country will be,". And another said > "We want to stick together as one. Not as African Americans and Caucasians but as one family." I believe that the marchers are sincere. I think they truly due want equality and justice. And I applaud them for their vigor and perseverance to march 120 miles in the cold. But they are severely MISGUIDED. They believe that Blacks are the victims of racial injustice all across America. The problem with that is, WHERE is that racial injustice ? We are all looking around and not seeing THAT racial injustice. But there is racial injustice all right. And it has been around for 50 years.

That racial injustice is AFFIRMATIVE ACTION discrimination against Whites, and nobody is a bigger perpetrator of it than Cornell William Brooks, and his rampantly racist NAACP. When Brooks and his racist organization come out in favor of a nationwide ban on affirmative action (which the Supreme Court has ruled against repeatedly), THEN he, and his marchers, can talk about racial injustice, and all of us being as one family, and not before. Currently, affirmative action is banned in only 8 states (and only partially in some of those). So, now the question needs to be answered by this long-time racist organization > Will they stop oppressing Whites with racial discrimination in affirmative action, or will they continue to be the top perpetrators of racial injustice in America ? What's YOUR answer, Brooks ????
Where is the NAAWP?
Where is the Congressional White Caucus?
Where is the White 'Urban League?'
Where are the White Only colleges?
One more question. Why are "our" illustrious leaders in Washington DC, not asking these same questions ? And why are the media (other than Fox News) not asking these questions ?
Can you believe that people on the media are talking about Blacks being the victims of discrimination ? They are the beneficiaries (and perpetrators) of it. What gall they have.
Where is the NAAWP?
Where is the Congressional White Caucus?
Where is the White 'Urban League?'
Where are the White Only colleges?

The Left figures as long as they can keep Black Americans isolated from everyone else, they can keep them on their side.

Tick, tick, tick, we'll see how much longer this lasts.

White people have been TOO SILENT ............. And for far TOO LONG.
I think there are two sides of this. I did not grow up black. (From another thread on the board), I haven't been stopped by a cop asking what I am up to if I have my hands in my pockets. Nobody called the police on me because I looked "suspicious."

And, I got to college on my own accomplishments , my own test scores and not through a false boost from affirmative action. I graduated because of my own talents.

I do not intentionally break the law when I'm pissed. If I think someone has wronged me, I don't get a gun and seek them out to shoot them. I ignore them and go on my way. If the courts have ruled opposite of what I believe, I don't riot and loot. I live by the Golden Rule and consider myself mature.

I may disagree with others but can change my mind if I listen objectively and believe in what they say. I have done it on this board.

I can live with people who are not like me. It's part of being in a society. I think we can all do this if we just stop, listen and think. Sometimes all of us forget to think.
Can you believe that people on the media are talking about Blacks being the victims of discrimination ? They are the beneficiaries (and perpetrators) of it. What gall they have.

I think that blacks are both the victims of discrimination, beneficiaries, and perpetrators of it. They are the victims because they are trapped in a society that is constantly trying to makeup for slavery (beneficiaries by affirmative action and things like that) and therefore it is constantly brought into peoples minds that at one point most believed that blacks and whites were different, and some people still believe it today. Some blacks are perpetrators and perpetuators of this "black identity." Like those in Ferguson being violent, but that is a small number of people, we can't make generalizations about the whole black community just because some are causing destruction in Ferguson.
Can you believe that people on the media are talking about Blacks being the victims of discrimination ? They are the beneficiaries (and perpetrators) of it. What gall they have.

I think that blacks are both the victims of discrimination, beneficiaries, and perpetrators of it. They are the victims because they are trapped in a society that is constantly trying to makeup for slavery (beneficiaries by affirmative action and things like that) and therefore it is constantly brought into peoples minds that at one point most believed that blacks and whites were different, and some people still believe it today. Some blacks are perpetrators and perpetuators of this "black identity." Like those in Ferguson being violent, but that is a small number of people, we can't make generalizations about the whole black community just because some are causing destruction in Ferguson.
Correct. Only "some" people are causing destruction (and not all of them are black). But ALL Blacks receive Affirmative Action, and until the NAACP is willing to condemn that, they should shut the hell up about racial discrimination. Until then, THEY are the discriminators.
Can you believe that people on the media are talking about Blacks being the victims of discrimination ? They are the beneficiaries (and perpetrators) of it. What gall they have.

I think that blacks are both the victims of discrimination, beneficiaries, and perpetrators of it. They are the victims because they are trapped in a society that is constantly trying to makeup for slavery (beneficiaries by affirmative action and things like that) and therefore it is constantly brought into peoples minds that at one point most believed that blacks and whites were different, and some people still believe it today. Some blacks are perpetrators and perpetuators of this "black identity." Like those in Ferguson being violent, but that is a small number of people, we can't make generalizations about the whole black community just because some are causing destruction in Ferguson.
Correct. Only "some" people are causing destruction (and not all of them are black). But ALL Blacks receive Affirmative Action, and until the NAACP is willing to condemn that, they should shut the hell up about racial discrimination. Until then, THEY are the discriminators.

I think that the fact affirmative action exists puts the people receiving it in a box, and a cycle of unending "need for help." Every type of discrimination from every side needs to end.
95% of blacks have not done anything for themselves even with the help.
They, in large part, aren't interested in college or jobs. They want something ? They go out and rob stores. Like this nitwit.

I think there are two sides of this. I did not grow up black. (From another thread on the board), I haven't been stopped by a cop asking what I am up to if I have my hands in my pockets. Nobody called the police on me because I looked "suspicious."

And, I got to college on my own accomplishments , my own test scores and not through a false boost from affirmative action. I graduated because of my own talents.

I do not intentionally break the law when I'm pissed. If I think someone has wronged me, I don't get a gun and seek them out to shoot them. I ignore them and go on my way. If the courts have ruled opposite of what I believe, I don't riot and loot. I live by the Golden Rule and consider myself mature.

I may disagree with others but can change my mind if I listen objectively and believe in what they say. I have done it on this board.

I can live with people who are not like me. It's part of being in a society. I think we can all do this if we just stop, listen and think. Sometimes all of us forget to think.

I think there are two sides of this. I did not grow up black. (From another thread on the board), I haven't been stopped by a cop asking what I am up to if I have my hands in my pockets. Nobody called the police on me because I looked "suspicious."

And, I got to college on my own accomplishments , my own test scores and not through a false boost from affirmative action. I graduated because of my own talents.

I do not intentionally break the law when I'm pissed. If I think someone has wronged me, I don't get a gun and seek them out to shoot them. I ignore them and go on my way. If the courts have ruled opposite of what I believe, I don't riot and loot. I live by the Golden Rule and consider myself mature.

I may disagree with others but can change my mind if I listen objectively and believe in what they say. I have done it on this board.

I can live with people who are not like me. It's part of being in a society. I think we can all do this if we just stop, listen and think. Sometimes all of us forget to think.

YOU are a "racist" for calling him a racist, when all he's doing is telling the truth. Take your race card and stuff it.

PS - how do you like my Post # 13 ?
I think there are two sides of this. I did not grow up black. (From another thread on the board), I haven't been stopped by a cop asking what I am up to if I have my hands in my pockets. Nobody called the police on me because I looked "suspicious."

And, I got to college on my own accomplishments , my own test scores and not through a false boost from affirmative action. I graduated because of my own talents.

I do not intentionally break the law when I'm pissed. If I think someone has wronged me, I don't get a gun and seek them out to shoot them. I ignore them and go on my way. If the courts have ruled opposite of what I believe, I don't riot and loot. I live by the Golden Rule and consider myself mature.

I may disagree with others but can change my mind if I listen objectively and believe in what they say. I have done it on this board.

I can live with people who are not like me. It's part of being in a society. I think we can all do this if we just stop, listen and think. Sometimes all of us forget to think.

YOU are a "racist" for calling him a racist, when all he's doing is telling the truth. Take your race card and stuff it.

PS - how do you like my Post # 13 ?

Funny as shit.

Just being successful and bettering yourself = you're the oppressor! You see, blacks mainly can't better themselves because they don't even try. Trying at all in life makes you, WHITE. LOL, but the funny thing about this BS is the fact that Asians and Indians(From india) come here and become very successful; as in taking over a large percentage of tech and science departments within our educational system. Why? Because they try.

Within the minds of the naacp and the left...Success is bad as it makes people feel bad!
95% of blacks have not done anything for themselves even with the help.
They, in large part, aren't interested in college or jobs. They want something ? They go out and rob stores. Like this nitwit.


And they wonder why no store wants to build within their communities? It is called economics...Something most liberals defending these people don't really understand. You think a business owner wants to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to build, supply and man a business(such as a store) just to see it all looted or robbed by some asshole?
95% of blacks have not done anything for themselves even with the help.
They, in large part, aren't interested in college or jobs. They want something ? They go out and rob stores. Like this nitwit.


An obviously doctored photo. Here's the real one:

fergusonsign.jpg Ferguson Protest Sign No Mother Should Have to Fear for Her Son s Life Every Time He Robs a Store

But go on believing every negative story about black people if it fits what you already want to believe.
95% of blacks have not done anything for themselves even with the help.

We could hand every black in this country a million dollars. Most of them wouldn't better themselves as handing them this money wouldn't fix the fundentimental issues that are holding them back in the first place. If handing them money was the solution...The trillions in welfare handed to them over the past 40 years would of had some positive effect.

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