My pup is hurting :(


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Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
I brought him back home today from surgery to repair a perianal hernia and he is so sore, he's whimpering, I feel so bad for him :( He has a lot of muscle atrophy in the back end due to his spinal issue, and the surgery was hard on him. Poor Cowboy :( I gave him a tramadol, hopefully, that will help.

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Wow. How old is he?
Are his back paws off the ground while using that thing?

He'll be 13 in February, and he can still use his back feet - he can walk but not for long distances and sometimes he places his feet wrong (walks on the tops of them) - he has spinal cord damage due to stenosis and spondylosis - he just didn't need this latest problem.
Poor guy. Our pup is 13 and luckily he's never had an issue with his health.

This is from last year...


poor thing.... i am so sorry he is in pain. If the drug is not helping...ask if they can give him a low dose fentanyl patch.....
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I think the tramadol is helping - he's sleeping quietly now :) I hate that will have to wake him up to get him outside before bedtime though. His left leg is especially weak, I think the anisthesia exacerbates the neurological issues. But he's not whimpering now.

poor thing.... i am so sorry he is in pain. If the drug is not helping...ask if they can give him a low dose fentanyl patch.....

You can use those on dogs? I've got some unopened patches from 3 years ago that doc gave me when I cracked ribs. I made the mistake of reading "the fine print" and decided to just put up with the pain LOL.
I think the tramadol is helping - he's sleeping quietly now :) I hate that will have to wake him up to get him outside before bedtime though. His left leg is especially weak, I think the anisthesia exacerbates the neurological issues. But he's not whimpering now.

Poor sweetie. Send gentle hugs from me, please.

I think the tramadol is helping - he's sleeping quietly now :) I hate that will have to wake him up to get him outside before bedtime though. His left leg is especially weak, I think the anisthesia exacerbates the neurological issues. But he's not whimpering now.

i know....i know so well how you are feeling. I am so so sorry.

poor thing.... i am so sorry he is in pain. If the drug is not helping...ask if they can give him a low dose fentanyl patch.....

You can use those on dogs? I've got some unopened patches from 3 years ago that doc gave me when I cracked ribs. I made the mistake of reading "the fine print" and decided to just put up with the pain LOL.

i would not put a human dose patch on a dog.... but yes, they make smaller veterinary patches of fentanyl.
((Hugs)) to both you and your pup. Hope he feels better soon. Tramadol is a good drug for dogs. I had a dog that had to be on that for awhile and it helped.
I brought him back home today from surgery to repair a perianal hernia and he is so sore, he's whimpering, I feel so bad for him :( He has a lot of muscle atrophy in the back end due to his spinal issue, and the surgery was hard on him. Poor Cowboy :( I gave him a tramadol, hopefully, that will help.

He might be in pain, but he has a smile on his face. :) What a gorgeous pooch you have!
Oh wow. I am so sorry, hon. I will send some prayers tonight that he will feel much better soon. Poor guy. :(
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This morning he is walking a little better, but not eating so well - and very quiet. I'll see how is after work and pick up some treats for him :)
This morning he is walking a little better, but not eating so well - and very quiet. I'll see how is after work and pick up some treats for him :)

poor baby. I feel for both of you.

The vet has AD..a highly palatable food that is good to temp them back into eating. Also, Gerber meat baby food is like crack!
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That's a good idea Syrenn - I might pick up some babyfood. Part of the problem is the number of pills he currently takes - the stick them in treats trick no longer works so either I pill him or grind them up in a bit of canned cat food (which I ran out of). He takes an antibiotic and stool softener, and a muscle relaxant - those I have to give him whole. Then he gets tramadol and Rimadyl ground up. I used canned dog food this time and maybe he could taste the pills or it just didn't appeal to him. He did eat the steak strips I gave him after each pill however.
I think the tramadol is helping - he's sleeping quietly now :) I hate that will have to wake him up to get him outside before bedtime though. His left leg is especially weak, I think the anisthesia exacerbates the neurological issues. But he's not whimpering now.

I am so sorry to read about his problems. Poor guy. What you are doing is all you can do; give him all the love and attention you can, follow the vet's instructions, take good care of him. :smiliehug:
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That's a good idea Syrenn - I might pick up some babyfood. Part of the problem is the number of pills he currently takes - the stick them in treats trick no longer works so either I pill him or grind them up in a bit of canned cat food (which I ran out of). He takes an antibiotic and stool softener, and a muscle relaxant - those I have to give him whole. Then he gets tramadol and Rimadyl ground up. I used canned dog food this time and maybe he could taste the pills or it just didn't appeal to him. He did eat the steak strips I gave him after each pill however.

See if you can get any of those drugs as shots. You will need to learn how to give a shot, but i think it goes in easier and is less traumatic.

American cheese in the plastic wrapper.... you can wrap and mold it around a pill and they usually take it whole thinking it a treat. Have the pill all ready.. and then you eat a slice in front of him... ask him like you would with any treat... "want some...really would you like some....mmmm" then give him his pill treat... A change of the "treat" and seeing you eat some of it first may work. Its worth a try at least.

Have you tried poaching or roasting chicken for him?

Also.... i KNOW its bad for them... but they love it. If he is not on any specific diet..... :eek::eek: ... Kentucky fired chicken.

hang in there...i know its horrible feeling so helpless.
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I haven't tried the chicken yet - but if he doesn't perk up I will. I used to put pills in hotdogs or cheese and have a few "blanks" to get him to do some tricks and then eat it fast so he wouldn't realize what was in it - but one time, he bit into it and it must have been bitter - ever since then, forget it - a whiff of pill and he spits the whole thing out. Even sibling rivalry hasn't worked! I might look around for some fresh treat ideas though and see if I can give it another try.

Thanks Syrenn :)

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