My opinion on the Jimmy Kimmel tearful address...


You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

I have insurance thank you very much.

I pay into an insurance pool along with other paying customers. I don't need the fitly ass government mandating that other people be allowed into the pool that never paid. That is what pre existing conditions is all about and it is despicable. It is getting something for nothing and it is a form of welfare and it is unfair to the people that have to pay the bills of those that didn't pay in.

That is why when Obamacare established that stupid mandate then the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles sky rocketed. So that the welfare queens can get their subsidies and their pre considers paid.

Not in Florida asshole.

Yes it it did Debbie Dumbass.

Florida’s Obamacare premiums to rise average 19 percent in 2017, state says

Read more here: Florida’s Obamacare premiums to rise average 19 percent in 2017, state says

If you don't like it then drop your health insurance, no one cares.
Driving a car is not a necessity. Unlike health care. No one is compelled to give you a car if you need it, but by law you get health care if you need it .

People don't really choose to have a precondition , unlike choosing to be a bad driver .

but by law you get health care if you need it .

I don't...
You never go to the doc?

We have been over this before


Not in like 40 years..


Not in 40 years? You better believe they will find something wrong with you when you finally end up going.

Who is they?

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

I have insurance thank you very much.

I pay into an insurance pool along with other paying customers. I don't need the fitly ass government mandating that other people be allowed into the pool that never paid. That is what pre existing conditions is all about and it is despicable. It is getting something for nothing and it is a form of welfare and it is unfair to the people that have to pay the bills of those that didn't pay in.

That is why when Obamacare established that stupid mandate then the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles sky rocketed. So that the welfare queens can get their subsidies and their pre considers paid.

Not in Florida asshole.

Yes it it did Debbie Dumbass.

Florida’s Obamacare premiums to rise average 19 percent in 2017, state says

Read more here: Florida’s Obamacare premiums to rise average 19 percent in 2017, state says

If you don't like it then drop your health insurance, no one cares.

Yet you do.

To pay for your fat ass..
Driving a car is not a necessity. Unlike health care. No one is compelled to give you a car if you need it, but by law you get health care if you need it .

People don't really choose to have a precondition , unlike choosing to be a bad driver .

but by law you get health care if you need it .

I don't...
You never go to the doc?

We have been over this before


Not in like 40 years..


Not in 40 years? You better believe they will find something wrong with you when you finally end up going.

Who is they?

The docs. You will have to go one day and then they the docs will say you have this and that and I am going to write you a prescription, you take one prescription it leads to you needing another and another and so on. Or you will sit at home sick and rather than go to a doc just drop over dead.

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

I have insurance thank you very much.

I pay into an insurance pool along with other paying customers. I don't need the fitly ass government mandating that other people be allowed into the pool that never paid. That is what pre existing conditions is all about and it is despicable. It is getting something for nothing and it is a form of welfare and it is unfair to the people that have to pay the bills of those that didn't pay in.

That is why when Obamacare established that stupid mandate then the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles sky rocketed. So that the welfare queens can get their subsidies and their pre considers paid.

Not in Florida asshole.

Yes it it did Debbie Dumbass.

Florida’s Obamacare premiums to rise average 19 percent in 2017, state says

Read more here: Florida’s Obamacare premiums to rise average 19 percent in 2017, state says

If you don't like it then drop your health insurance, no one cares.

Yet you do.

To pay for your fat ass..

Yet I do what?
but by law you get health care if you need it .

I don't...
You never go to the doc?

We have been over this before


Not in like 40 years..


Not in 40 years? You better believe they will find something wrong with you when you finally end up going.

Who is they?

The docs. You will have to go one day and then they the docs will say you have this and that and I am going to write you a prescription, you take one prescription it leads to you needing another and another and so on. Or you will sit at home sick and rather than go to a doc just drop over dead.

I drink orange juice.. don't need anything else ...
You never go to the doc?

We have been over this before


Not in like 40 years..


Not in 40 years? You better believe they will find something wrong with you when you finally end up going.

Who is they?

The docs. You will have to go one day and then they the docs will say you have this and that and I am going to write you a prescription, you take one prescription it leads to you needing another and another and so on. Or you will sit at home sick and rather than go to a doc just drop over dead.

I drink orange juice.. don't need anything else ...

Ok man I certainly hope all that sugar from the orange juice doesn't give you type 2 diabetes and you don't recognize the symptoms until you have lost a foot. Doesn't matter to me.

BTW I don't have a fat ass, paid into Medicare all my life and with what I've paid and you are so graciously paying through your payroll tax for me I have a great Medicare Advantage plan and my premium for Part B of Medicare is only $109.00 per month. Thank you man keep working and paying your payroll taxes.
We have been over this before


Not in like 40 years..


Not in 40 years? You better believe they will find something wrong with you when you finally end up going.

Who is they?

The docs. You will have to go one day and then they the docs will say you have this and that and I am going to write you a prescription, you take one prescription it leads to you needing another and another and so on. Or you will sit at home sick and rather than go to a doc just drop over dead.

I drink orange juice.. don't need anything else ...

Ok man I certainly hope all that sugar from the orange juice doesn't give you type 2 diabetes and you don't recognize the symptoms until you have lost a foot. Doesn't matter to me.

BTW I don't have a fat ass, paid into Medicare all my life and with what I've paid and you are so graciously paying through your payroll tax for me I have a great Medicare Advantage plan and my premium for Part B of Medicare is only $109.00 per month. Thank you man keep working and paying your payroll taxes.

Advantage plan and my premium for Part B of Medicare is only $109.00 per month

That expensive?

Not in 40 years? You better believe they will find something wrong with you when you finally end up going.

Who is they?

The docs. You will have to go one day and then they the docs will say you have this and that and I am going to write you a prescription, you take one prescription it leads to you needing another and another and so on. Or you will sit at home sick and rather than go to a doc just drop over dead.

I drink orange juice.. don't need anything else ...

Ok man I certainly hope all that sugar from the orange juice doesn't give you type 2 diabetes and you don't recognize the symptoms until you have lost a foot. Doesn't matter to me.

BTW I don't have a fat ass, paid into Medicare all my life and with what I've paid and you are so graciously paying through your payroll tax for me I have a great Medicare Advantage plan and my premium for Part B of Medicare is only $109.00 per month. Thank you man keep working and paying your payroll taxes.

Advantage plan and my premium for Part B of Medicare is only $109.00 per month

That expensive?


Surely you jest?
There is just a small fraction of Americans that lack the morality that oppose the continuation of covering pre-existing conditions.

It's not a moral issue. It's an issue of being able to accurately assess risk and determine cost. If you want to make health insurance guaranteed issue for everybody equally, fine. It will just cost a lot more because the vast majority of young and healthy people will not buy into the plan. They'll wait until they're in their 50's and start having health problems before they pay anything into the system. So when you do it that way, you completely undermine the purpose of having insurance in the first place because you're not effectively spreading the risk. The whole idea of insurance is to spread the risk over the broadest possible risk pool to keep premiums low.

I disagree.
Excluding pre-existing conditions is like a death warrant for those who can't afford HC insurance.
I find that just about everyone who is against including pre-existing conditions, were the same people who cheered at the top of their lungs, when Trump attacked the Syrian airport in response to 72 Syrians getting gassed to death.
In the case of pre-existing conditions, the number goes into the millions, whose lives would be cut short, all because of money. It seems a huge majority of Americans are following moral values over money and are in favor of keeping the coverage for pre-existing conditions.
What do you think, Jesus would do?

Maybe you're unaware that Congress passed a law in 1986 that requires hospitals to treat patients in need of emergency medical care.
And maybe you aren't aware the treating pre-existing conditions are not all about emergency care. It's about continued care, treatments, pharmaceuticals, dialyses; etc.
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of the oppressive business of telling me how to run my life. I need to be responsible for my own well being, not some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. I'll be responsible for paying my bills and you be responsible for paying yours. Doesn't that sound a lot more fair than the government taking away my liberty?

Government pre existing conditions mandate in health care insurance is just another form of welfare and it is despicable just like all other welfare.

Good for you, most people can't pay cash for medical care. If you do not have insurance, you should not be allowed to enter an er or ride in an ambulance.

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

Because you have spend 6000 just to get access....then if you need out another 6 grand.

You are healthy and save that 12 grand for 2 years and guess can get most anything you need.

Are you really that stupid ?
It seems a huge majority of Americans are following moral values over money and are in favor of keeping the coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Then a huge majority of Americans are stupidly misguided because coverage for pre-existing conditions will force premiums and deductibles to go sky-high, as we've already seen. And it will force insurance companies to fold up in certain areas and discontinue coverage altogether, as we've already seen. How many times do we have to go through this before the snowflakes learn that there is no such thing as free medical care?

Personally,I agreed with Dr. Ben Carlson regarding Healthcare Insurance Companies:
Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.
This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Ben Carson on Health Care

Also, what caused you to be possessed with a total lack of empathy and lack understanding the value of human life?
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of the oppressive business of telling me how to run my life. I need to be responsible for my own well being, not some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. I'll be responsible for paying my bills and you be responsible for paying yours. Doesn't that sound a lot more fair than the government taking away my liberty?

Government pre existing conditions mandate in health care insurance is just another form of welfare and it is despicable just like all other welfare.

Good for you, most people can't pay cash for medical care. If you do not have insurance, you should not be allowed to enter an er or ride in an ambulance.

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

Because you have spend 6000 just to get access....then if you need out another 6 grand.

You are healthy and save that 12 grand for 2 years and guess can get most anything you need.

Are you really that stupid ?

This is one of the reasons I find it hard to take the anti-ACA folks seriously. You are suggesting that 24 grand can get you most anything you need. That would barely get you three days in intensive care. Maybe not even three days. Maybe a week of regular hospital care. So, who pays after that? All your savings are gone. I don't think you have a clue about healthcare cost or hospital cost.
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of the oppressive business of telling me how to run my life. I need to be responsible for my own well being, not some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. I'll be responsible for paying my bills and you be responsible for paying yours. Doesn't that sound a lot more fair than the government taking away my liberty?

Government pre existing conditions mandate in health care insurance is just another form of welfare and it is despicable just like all other welfare.

Good for you, most people can't pay cash for medical care. If you do not have insurance, you should not be allowed to enter an er or ride in an ambulance.

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

Because you have spend 6000 just to get access....then if you need out another 6 grand.

You are healthy and save that 12 grand for 2 years and guess can get most anything you need.

Are you really that stupid ?

Really, 24 grand is not going to get you much today in medical care. You will be broke after one er visit with an admission, but then you probably do not have assets which you care to protect.
Camp I didn't see your post but I agree.
Pre-existing condition requirement for health care insurance is a welfare scam. It is getting something for nothing that somebody else has to pay for.

It is like the government telling an insurance company that they have to pay for your house burning down if you sign up when the fire trucks are there. Is is like the filthy government mandating that a life insurance company issue you a policy on your death bed. Is is like a car insurance firm being told that have to issue you a policy covering the losses after you had a wreck.

It is wrong. Very wrong.

No actually its like Government telling you freeloaders to buy insurance before the house catches fires. Its called being a responsible adult.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of the oppressive business of telling me how to run my life. I need to be responsible for my own well being, not some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. I'll be responsible for paying my bills and you be responsible for paying yours. Doesn't that sound a lot more fair than the government taking away my liberty?

Government pre existing conditions mandate in health care insurance is just another form of welfare and it is despicable just like all other welfare.

Good for you, most people can't pay cash for medical care. If you do not have insurance, you should not be allowed to enter an er or ride in an ambulance.

You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

Because you have spend 6000 just to get access....then if you need out another 6 grand.

You are healthy and save that 12 grand for 2 years and guess can get most anything you need.

Are you really that stupid ?

This is one of the reasons I find it hard to take the anti-ACA folks seriously. You are suggesting that 24 grand can get you most anything you need. That would barely get you three days in intensive care. Maybe not even three days. Maybe a week of regular hospital care. So, who pays after that? All your savings are gone. I don't think you have a clue about healthcare cost or hospital cost.

I was a cab driver for a few months around 2010..

And one of my precious cargos was a newborn baby and her mom

They were illegal.. but I didn't care or even charge them for the ride

Ask me and I will help, take from me.

Well I get pissed off..

The Bible teaches us to be generous. It teaches us that charity should come from the heart, church and family.

It also says that we shouldn't steal

It says nothing about promoting a greedy welfare state by a corrupt bloated oppressive government.

I do believe this is an article about preexisting conditions. That baby is going to have ongoing health problems.

A greedy welfare state is one where people do not want to carry insurance and expect everyone else to pick up the dime when they get ill or have an accident.
Not in 40 years? You better believe they will find something wrong with you when you finally end up going.

Who is they?

The docs. You will have to go one day and then they the docs will say you have this and that and I am going to write you a prescription, you take one prescription it leads to you needing another and another and so on. Or you will sit at home sick and rather than go to a doc just drop over dead.

I drink orange juice.. don't need anything else ...

Ok man I certainly hope all that sugar from the orange juice doesn't give you type 2 diabetes and you don't recognize the symptoms until you have lost a foot. Doesn't matter to me.

BTW I don't have a fat ass, paid into Medicare all my life and with what I've paid and you are so graciously paying through your payroll tax for me I have a great Medicare Advantage plan and my premium for Part B of Medicare is only $109.00 per month. Thank you man keep working and paying your payroll taxes.

Advantage plan and my premium for Part B of Medicare is only $109.00 per month

That expensive?



You refusing to buy insurance is just your way of being a welfare case. Why would anyone who has cash not buy the best insurance policy there is.

I have insurance thank you very much.

I pay into an insurance pool along with other paying customers. I don't need the fitly ass government mandating that other people be allowed into the pool that never paid. That is what pre existing conditions is all about and it is despicable. It is getting something for nothing and it is a form of welfare and it is unfair to the people that have to pay the bills of those that didn't pay in.

That is why when Obamacare established that stupid mandate then the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles sky rocketed. So that the welfare queens can get their subsidies and their pre considers paid.

Since you have insurance , what is your problem?
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well, if what he said was true in that an insurance company could deny a newborn care on this by categorizing it as a pre-existing condition, that's just insane. I know insurance companies are fucking ghouls, but give me a break. If mom is insured, she's paying, so little Johnny should be covered. If they'd like to offer a rider to pregnant moms or something to cover the costs of potential birth defects, fine, but just handing people of choice of bankruptcy or burying their newborn, when they've paid for coverage, is simply insane....

"Little Johnny" IS covered. He is covered immediately.

Yes Billie is covered but what about his future. If not for the ACA, his parents would of reached a lifetime cap on him and he would be rejected from insurance. Right?
You never go to the doc?

We have been over this before


Not in like 40 years..


Not in 40 years? You better believe they will find something wrong with you when you finally end up going.

Who is they?

The docs. You will have to go one day and then they the docs will say you have this and that and I am going to write you a prescription, you take one prescription it leads to you needing another and another and so on. Or you will sit at home sick and rather than go to a doc just drop over dead.

I drink orange juice.. don't need anything else ...
Fresh squeezed or the HFCS kind? Also why are you on a liquid diet?

I do believe this is an article about preexisting conditions. That baby is going to have ongoing health problems.

A greedy welfare state is one where people do not want to carry insurance and expect everyone else to pick up the dime when they get ill or have an accident.

You are confused Moon Bat.

It is not my responsibility to have insurance so that your rates will be lower. Idiots Like Obama thinks so but that is not the case.

It is my responsibility to get insurance to help pay for my care bills if there is a need. You also have the responsibility. If you don't get insurance then you need to deal with the consequences of making other life choices. It is not my responsibility to provide the insurance for you, which is the case with being forced to accept preexisting condition when you haven't paid in a damn thing or the Obamacare subsidies.

You do not have an entitlement to have your heath care bills to be paid for by somebody else simply because you are alive.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling people how to run their lives.

Personal responsibility is a difficult thing for you Moon Bats to understand, isn't it?

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