My name is Debra ... hello everyone!

Speaking of, Debra needs to pop in there and say Howdy.

I saw your messages. *drooling*

But I'd rather have the pug. :lol:
Well, it looks like you have already had a grand welcoming........I think you'll do sound like someone with experience with computer political pukes....there are always those who can't help jumping into politics even in the intro threads......and then they claim the others are the obsessed ones......:badgrin:

You'll find this Forum has its quota of crazies, smarties, nicies and most forums.

If you like sure and visit our Cat Lovers Thread lots of cute pictures, stories and cartoons.

Welcome, and I hope you enjoy the madness. I'm sure you will soon learn all the shorthand, but if someone starts talking about their literary sword, it means they are really sitting in their mothers basement in their underwear, and you don't want to know the other web sites they are looking at while they respond to your post.
Welcome, and I hope you enjoy the madness. I'm sure you will soon learn all the shorthand, but if someone starts talking about their literary sword, it means they are really sitting in their mothers basement in their underwear, and you don't want to know the other web sites they are looking at while they respond to your post.

Thank you BULLDOG. I recently discouraged my own son (age 32) from moving into the basement. I want to be a grandmother someday, and I didn't think my son would have much success finding a wife and starting a family if he was living in my basement. From what you posted, BULLDOG, it appears my concerns were justified.
I love people who are respectful and challenge my thought processes.

Hi, and welcome.
You'll find plenty of the second, but this is most American, so most people are rude.
I, as an English gentleman (and an extremist Muslim living in Indonesia, but wishing to spend my life as an ISIS fighter in Syria), am exceptionally polite.

Death to Israel.

I'm also a Tory, the great Lady Thatcher holding a place in my heart.
A right wing extremist Muslims tends to confuse a lot of people who assume I'm supposed to be a lefty.

(I'm not really an extremist, but it confuses the merry poo out of the Zionist lot)

Hello Indofred. I find English history very fascinating. My great-great grandfather was from England.
Hello. My name is Debra. I am 57 years old and a semi-retired professional person. I am new to this discussion board. I am mostly interested in politics, government, and the rule of law. I love people who are respectful and challenge my thought processes. I think learning and growing as a person is one of life's greatest joys.

you seem too sweet for this board.
Hello. My name is Debra. I am 57 years old and a semi-retired professional person. I am new to this discussion board. I am mostly interested in politics, government, and the rule of law. I love people who are respectful and challenge my thought processes. I think learning and growing as a person is one of life's greatest joys.

You sound'll never fit in here.

Hello. What if I told you that I'm entertaining the possibility that we all live in a computer program? Would I fit in then?

No, but it would sure put a new perspective on how I view you sanity .....................

Well ... then it's a good thing I didn't tell you that ...

You can safely ignore the sanity inspector module. His bit bucket overflowed and it shorted out his circuits a while back.

Now he just goes around muttering "does not compute" to himself.

The rest of us bots just feed him unconcatenated strings to keep him busy.

Very well. I hope his circuit repairs will be placed on the schedule and promptly completed.
If you love disagreement, this is the place, Respectful.... hardly ever, that's what politics is all about here.

Welcome young lady, I see you seem to be partial to felines. I rescue them, but do have a soft spot for the very young ones. You might enjoy...

Kitty rescue stories.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I will definitely check out discussion thread. I couldn't imagine having a home without cats. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters and all of us have soft hearts when it comes to our feline friends in need.
Thank you!
:welcome: :party: :whip:What's yer poison, Debra? Right or wrong?

I am in the center, at least where the center ought to be ...
Well, that's safe enough.

I like Bernie Sanders, and I consider him to be in the center ...

It appears that you might not agree? :confused:

Perhaps so many people have been right or far right so long that people in the center have been given a bad rep. Perhaps that should be a topic of discussion ...
:welcome: :party: :whip:What's yer poison, Debra? Right or wrong?

Why do you ask? So you can decide whether or not you'll be nice to her?:eek:
I'm nice to everybody, Tex. Until they try to steal my bike.

I can totally relate to that sentiment. My little nephew is nice too. Then one day his big brother tried to steal the stray mini marshmallow he found on the playroom floor and "nice" flew out the window.

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