My 12-year-old nephew has decided to reject Islam


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
My 12-year-old nephew, son of my sister and her Muslim husband, has decided to reject Islam.

His mother asked him why, and he said Islam doesn't respect other religions.

Also, he said that Islam rejects the notion that Jesus is the Son of God, but believes in the Virgin Birth and venerates Mary as holy.

How can Mary give virgin birth to Jesus if Jesus is not the Son of God, he said.

He said his father likes Islam because Islam has rules, like cutting off the hand of a thief is a rule of Sharia law.

I told my nephew that other religions have rules, like the Ten Commandments.

My sister asked my nephew is he is interested in any other religions, but he has not decided.
Lakhota, your "funny" rating is really pathetic. If you have something to say, say it.
I think it proves that Islam will have a hard time surviving in the United States, where Muslim-raised children are exposed to people of other faiths and other ideas. Intellectually, Islam is bankrupt. The only way it can thrive is in the absence of competing information.
I think the boy will be intelligent enough to reject all Abrahamic sky fairy cults.
My father, who has two PhD's in math and computer science, told me that an intelligent person, who conducts an honest investigation into all religions and philosophies, will find only two that he could possibly believe in: Roman Catholicism or agnosticism. All other religions and philosophies have logical errors that will confound an intelligent person who conducts an honest investigation.
My 12-year-old nephew, son of my sister and her Muslim husband, has decided to reject Islam.

His mother asked him why, and he said Islam doesn't respect other religions.

Also, he said that Islam rejects the notion that Jesus is the Son of God, but believes in the Virgin Birth and venerates Mary as holy.

How can Mary give virgin birth to Jesus if Jesus is not the Son of God, he said.

He said his father likes Islam because Islam has rules, like cutting off the hand of a thief is a rule of Sharia law.

I told my nephew that other religions have rules, like the Ten Commandments.

My sister asked my nephew is he is interested in any other religions, but he has not decided.

Well, I rejected Christianity long before I was 12 years old.

How can Mary give birth to Jesus if she's a virgin, that's just a crock of shit.

As for Islam not respecting religion, your nephew should come on here and see how Christians "respect" other religions. Bomb the shit out of them, that's how.
My father, who has two PhD's in math and computer science, told me that an intelligent person, who conducts an honest investigation into all religions and philosophies, will find only two that he could possibly believe in: Roman Catholicism or agnosticism. All other religions and philosophies have logical errors that will confound an intelligent person who conducts an honest investigation.

Come off it, you said Mary was a virgin and yet gave birth. That's not logical.

Also, people say God must exist because the world is so complex. I say if God is so complex to develop the universe that is complex, then by default (along this line of "logic") God must have been created by something too..... But then any time I've put this to Christians I get either ignored or insulted.

Christianity isn't logical no matter how biased your father is.
I think it proves that Islam will have a hard time surviving in the United States, where Muslim-raised children are exposed to people of other faiths and other ideas. Intellectually, Islam is bankrupt. The only way it can thrive is in the absence of competing information.
Christianity is making huge inroads into Islam.

The media doesn't report it, obviously, but it's happening. I mean, if you were a poor muslim who escaped from one of the muslim countries, wouldn't Christianity look attractive to you? Of course it would. Particularly if you're a woman. Or anyone who gives a shit about children.
There's nothing particularly intelligent about believing that the world got here all by itself.
I don't know how the world got here. I think it's particularly stupid to invent faith based stories to account for it.
My father, who has two PhD's in math and computer science, told me that an intelligent person, who conducts an honest investigation into all religions and philosophies, will find only two that he could possibly believe in: Roman Catholicism or agnosticism. All other religions and philosophies have logical errors that will confound an intelligent person who conducts an honest investigation.

Come off it, you said Mary was a virgin and yet gave birth. That's not logical.

Also, people say God must exist because the world is so complex. I say if God is so complex to develop the universe that is complex, then by default (along this line of "logic") God must have been created by something too..... But then any time I've put this to Christians I get either ignored or insulted.

Christianity isn't logical no matter how biased your father is.

It's a lot more logical than you are, any day of the week.

Virgins can give birth today. It's not illogical at all.
My 12-year-old nephew, son of my sister and her Muslim husband, has decided to reject Islam.

His mother asked him why, and he said Islam doesn't respect other religions.

Also, he said that Islam rejects the notion that Jesus is the Son of God, but believes in the Virgin Birth and venerates Mary as holy.

How can Mary give virgin birth to Jesus if Jesus is not the Son of God, he said.

He said his father likes Islam because Islam has rules, like cutting off the hand of a thief is a rule of Sharia law.

I told my nephew that other religions have rules, like the Ten Commandments.

My sister asked my nephew is he is interested in any other religions, but he has not decided.

A smart individual with a brain can figure out ALL RELIGIONS ARE FULL OF MANUFACTURED BULLSHIT ment to control the gullible masses.
My father, who has two PhD's in math and computer science, told me that an intelligent person, who conducts an honest investigation into all religions and philosophies, will find only two that he could possibly believe in: Roman Catholicism or agnosticism. All other religions and philosophies have logical errors that will confound an intelligent person who conducts an honest investigation.


I'm kinda' fond of Pantheism.

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

My father, who has two PhD's in math and computer science, told me that an intelligent person, who conducts an honest investigation into all religions and philosophies, will find only two that he could possibly believe in: Roman Catholicism or agnosticism. All other religions and philosophies have logical errors that will confound an intelligent person who conducts an honest investigation.
So your father, with two phd's, couldn't figure out the Christians & Catholics are blowing smoke up his ass like every other fake ass religion/God?


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