Muslims Are People too!

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Dear Toddypot:

I am done discussing anything with you. Either you revel in countering reasonable statements with bullshit or you brain has some serious conceptual difficulties that are impossible for a sane person to deal with. Go in peace, but also go get the professional help you sorely need.

Dear Hossfly:

Your said, "Then why do newspapers report all the Islamic terrorism and atrocities and news channels run banners all day about Islamic terrorist attacks? Not to mention the stoning, executions and beheading by good Muslim citizens. And there's the spectator sport of throwing gays off tall buildings to see how high they bounce. What about honor killings by loving fathers? Crowds of peaceful Moslems screaming "Death to Jews, death to America?" That is BS?"

There are atrocities enough to go around on both sides and such behavior is catching. Today, the armed forces of this nation seem to enjoy the same kind of depravities enjoy by Muslims and Jews.

Dear Humanity:

The Zionists run the world's media and Americans are victims of this Zionist propaganda. Case in point, many American Christians, incredibly, believe it is a Christian responsibility to aid the State of Israel. No other belief could be more idiotic and stupid on the part of a Christian, but many believe these absurdities because of Zionist propaganda and brain washing. Never mind the New Covenant and the fact the Jesus Christ came into the world to put an end to such madness. And to add blaspheme to heresy, these Christians are not capable of remembering who hung Jesus on a cross. The Jews are God's chosen and to many Jews and Christians, this means that God chose the Jews above and prior to his only begotten son. What a great religion we have going here. God is an idiot who thinks some of us should be killed and others saved; while using a Ouijas Board to make these decisions. Where do we go from here? I do not know about you folks, but I am going to go wash up and watch "Dancing With the Stars". After dealing with the idiots who haunt this thread, I need something a little more intellectual stimulating to put me to sleep.

Dear Toddypot:

Go change your diapers.

Dear PF Tinmore

I have no idea what you are talking about or what your question is. In any case, congrats on your beautiful grandchild.
Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.

The issue is not convincing people that Muslims are human, the issue is trying to convince Muslims that the infidels are human.

The key to killing in mass is convincing people that those who are being killed are not their equals. They are either vermin Jews, or ape like slaves, or a fetus, or an infidel etc.
Dear Toddypot:

I am done discussing anything with you. Either you revel in countering reasonable statements with bullshit or you brain has some serious conceptual difficulties that are impossible for a sane person to deal with. Go in peace, but also go get the professional help you sorely need.

Dear Hossfly:

Your said, "Then why do newspapers report all the Islamic terrorism and atrocities and news channels run banners all day about Islamic terrorist attacks? Not to mention the stoning, executions and beheading by good Muslim citizens. And there's the spectator sport of throwing gays off tall buildings to see how high they bounce. What about honor killings by loving fathers? Crowds of peaceful Moslems screaming "Death to Jews, death to America?" That is BS?"

There are atrocities enough to go around on both sides and such behavior is catching. Today, the armed forces of this nation seem to enjoy the same kind of depravities enjoy by Muslims and Jews.

Dear Humanity:

The Zionists run the world's media and Americans are victims of this Zionist propaganda. Case in point, many American Christians, incredibly, believe it is a Christian responsibility to aid the State of Israel. No other belief could be more idiotic and stupid on the part of a Christian, but many believe these absurdities because of Zionist propaganda and brain washing. Never mind the New Covenant and the fact the Jesus Christ came into the world to put an end to such madness. And to add blaspheme to heresy, these Christians are not capable of remembering who hung Jesus on a cross. The Jews are God's chosen and to many Jews and Christians, this means that God chose the Jews above and prior to his only begotten son. What a great religion we have going here. God is an idiot who thinks some of us should be killed and others saved; while using a Ouijas Board to make these decisions. Where do we go from here? I do not know about you folks, but I am going to go wash up and watch "Dancing With the Stars". After dealing with the idiots who haunt this thread, I need something a little more intellectual stimulating to put me to sleep.

Dear Toddypot:

Go change your diapers.

Dear PF Tinmore

I have no idea what you are talking about or what your question is. In any case, congrats on your beautiful grandchild.

I am done discussing anything with you

Oh no, you're not gonna spew any more of your idiotic conspiracy crap my way? That's a shame.

The Zionists run the world's media and Americans are victims of this Zionist propaganda.

Jewish guy banging your wife?

God is an idiot who thinks some of us should be killed

Allah is an idiot who thinks most of us should be killed, raped, stoned...........
Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.

Yesterday a mother of six was stabbed in front of her kids by a palestinian seeking "justice"

Today, another mother was stabbed by a Palestinian kid seeking "justice".

No,l they don't deserve equal rights, and we don't want peace with such people. We want them gone.

They should be killed
The Fed is not reserve of any kind and has nothing to do with reserves.

Huh? Can you try that again, in English?

Finally, it is not even a bank because no one deposits money with the Fed.

Banks hold deposits at the Fed. It's a bank for banks.
I suggest the Muslims prove they are part of humanity by POLICING THEIR OWN. You say that most are good people. Well please tell those good people to either throw in the jail the bad ones in jail or kill them so that they are NO LONGER burning people in cages, crucifying them on crosses, beheading people, raping little girls, selling human beings as slaves, starving whole cities to death, and playing soccer with people's heads just to name a few.

Do that for the world, and maybe we'll give you the time of day.

Muslims have been a scourge on humanity since the pervert died.
When islam changes, so would the world view.
Its hard to embolden islam when their end game is a caliphate reached by any means necessary.

Don't show your ignorance in public...

You end up looking like an ignoramus!

Learn something of true Islam, not what Fox News tells you, then comment!
Every day we learn something of true Islam in a whole shitload of countries. The undertaking business is booming like never before. I get that info from the internet, not Fox News.

You need to get out more Tex....

Go and meet some real Muslims not sit reading the BS that is touted around the internet and so called purveyors of news!
Then why do newspapers report all the Islamic terrorism and atrocities and news channels run banners all day about Islamic terrorist attacks? Not to mention the stoning, executions and beheading by good Muslim citizens. And there's the spectator sport of throwing gays off tall buildings to see how high they bounce. What about honor killings by loving fathers? Crowds of peaceful Moslems screaming "Death to Jews, death to America?" That is BS?

So you lied...

You are watching FOX NEWS! :booze: :cuckoo:

Let me ask you a question...

Who owns/runs the world's media?

That might give you a clue as to why there is so much Islamophobia in the media !!!

The voice of moderate Muslims never gets any attention in the media. Why?

Well answer the question above and you might get the answer!
Did I mention the moderate Mooslems cutting off hands? What about cutting off noses? And the floggings, fer chrissakes. Give a person 200 lashes over a period of 10 lashings so they aren't killed right off. Fox News is the only news station in America that isn't sucking the ass of the Obama-Clinton Crime Cartel. And they present the truth.
It's very edifying to observe people accuse each other of being mentally ill.

Yes, human beings are human. A remarkable revelation.

Yes, terrorism cannot be fought with military force.

As far as the rest of this mess goes, wow. Truly sad.

The fact that some people are Muslims is irrelevant. The fact that some people are tribal is not. They're not tribal because they are on the cutting edge of human culture. They are tribal because they were part of a culture which did not develop properly. The Arabs were doing great for a while, but then they regressed and their development remains frozen.

Cultures which reject modernity are a threat to the civilized countries of the world. There is no solution to this except to modernize them. That will take a long time and a lot of patience and a very stern hand. Pretending that primitive cultures are modern, and demanding that they be treated as modern, is moronic. People who cannot tell the difference between modern nations and primitive tribes are fools. I hate to think that everyone who supports the Palestinians are simply blinded by their anti-Semitism, but what other explanation is there?
For hundreds of years, during Ottoman rule, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine with very little animosity between them.

The Zionists show up and there has been death and destruction ever since.

Perhaps you could shed some light on that phenomenon.

Yep, everything is just peachy as long as the Jews accept their second-class dhimmi status and keep quiet. Throw in some regular forced conversions, segregation to keep the evil from infecting the superior Muslims, walled ghettos and a massacre every hundred years or so and everyone just gets along perfectly!

Oppression is not peace, Tinmore.
The Ottomans eliminated the dhimmi system long before its demise.

Do you have any evidence of your accusations in the territory of Palestine?
There was no territory of Palestine in the last 700 years of Ottoman rule.

True story. :cool:
I suggest the Muslims prove they are part of humanity by POLICING THEIR OWN. You say that most are good people. Well please tell those good people to either throw in the jail the bad ones in jail or kill them so that they are NO LONGER burning people in cages, crucifying them on crosses, beheading people, raping little girls, selling human beings as slaves, starving whole cities to death, and playing soccer with people's heads just to name a few.

Do that for the world, and maybe we'll give you the time of day.


How do you condemn a group of religious folk who are simply following in the footsteps of their master Mohammad?
I suggest the Muslims prove they are part of humanity by POLICING THEIR OWN. You say that most are good people. Well please tell those good people to either throw in the jail the bad ones in jail or kill them so that they are NO LONGER burning people in cages, crucifying them on crosses, beheading people, raping little girls, selling human beings as slaves, starving whole cities to death, and playing soccer with people's heads just to name a few.

Do that for the world, and maybe we'll give you the time of day.


How do you condemn a group of religious folk who are simply following in the footsteps of their master Mohammad?

I give up...How?
Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.
"Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel."

Yeah, draw a cartoon of the pedophile warlord Mohammed and tell us the response is because some Jews live in Israel. Christmas parties are also obvious results of Jews. Tall buildings too. Women gang raped in Europe, it's the Jews fault!

Moron. Let me buy you a one way ticket to Damascus so you can talk face to face with those people you claim are just like everyone else in civilization.
Dear Votto: In war, each side demonizes the other and people on both sides of the conflict find no redeeming value on the other side. Once accomplished this kind of stupidity makes it very easy to kill a fellow human being, especially one with a gun who is trying to kill you. The solution to this endless chain of events is provided by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said, "To retaliate in kind would do nothing but intensify the existence of hate in the Universe. Along the way of life, someone must have sense enough, and morality enough, to cut off the chain of hate."

Dear Toddypot: Please go away. I will not read anything you write anymore and hopefully others will do the same.

Dear ILOVEISRAEL: And you folks are doing a very good job of killing them. You also have done a very good job of killing almost 100 million others since the start of the first world war. Please tell us here how many more people you intend to kill so that 8.2 million Jews can continue to live in a desert they stole from someone else. Oh that's right, you are God's chosen so the stealing and killing does not count. Well then, what about the 6 million Jews the Zionists helped the Nazi's roast in their ovens? I know the answer to this one also, "you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet".

Dear eagle1461020: I do not need you to give me the time of day. It is 2:24 PM right now and I am a proud American holds his head high and not buried beneath the sand like you. Have a nice day.

Dear Hossfly: The Muslims are pikers when it comes to maiming and killing compared the Zionists and us. Oh, but the way we kill is sanitary and humane. We just blast them to oblivion while sitting in and armchair drinking coffee. I saw a clip once taken from a armed helicopter. A group of Muslim men were standing on a street corner talking and smoking. Nearby a man was spotted with a rifle; one lousy fucking rifle. This was reported and the word came back, "Light them up". Killed among those innocent men was a reporter for a local newspaper which supported the American military. I never did find out if the newspaper still supported us after this incident, but if I was a Muslim among that crowd and lived, do you think I would have any hesitations about cutting off the hands of the American who pulled the trigger of that machine gun?

Dear Elvis Obama: So you truly believe that us modern cultured human beings should kill off the people of the world who are different or less cultured than us. Well Golly Gee....I sure do feel a whole lot more cultured now that I believe this. Let me ask you a question! Before we kill these uncultured heathens, is it okay to rape them first. We may as well have a little fun before going through all the trouble of making them better people.

Dear Norwegan: When your grandmother pointed this out to you, did you go out and rape a few dogs before killing them?

Dear Roudy So what! This does not mean there was no Palestinian people irrespective what the name of the area or nation they lived under was. The bottom line is the Palestinian people live where the nation of Israel now is and they shared this land peacefully with a Jewish minority. In 1947 all this changed. Along came the Zionists who killed off most of the Palestinian people to make room for Jews and the ones they did not kill off became second class citizens in the land of their forefathers. Is this justice? And now the world demonizes and entire race of people because they will not accept the injustice we forced upon them. Your problem is that you are so dense that when you look at map and do not see the word "Palestine", you automatically assume "no Palestinians". Please be honest. Did you ever graduate from High School?
Dear Votto: In war, each side demonizes the other and people on both sides of the conflict find no redeeming value on the other side. Once accomplished this kind of stupidity makes it very easy to kill a fellow human being, especially one with a gun who is trying to kill you. The solution to this endless chain of events is provided by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said, "To retaliate in kind would do nothing but intensify the existence of hate in the Universe. Along the way of life, someone must have sense enough, and morality enough, to cut off the chain of hate."

Dear Toddypot: Please go away. I will not read anything you write anymore and hopefully others will do the same.

Dear ILOVEISRAEL: And you folks are doing a very good job of killing them. You also have done a very good job of killing almost 100 million others since the start of the first world war. Please tell us here how many more people you intend to kill so that 8.2 million Jews can continue to live in a desert they stole from someone else. Oh that's right, you are God's chosen so the stealing and killing does not count. Well then, what about the 6 million Jews the Zionists helped the Nazi's roast in their ovens? I know the answer to this one also, "you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet".

Dear eagle1461020: I do not need you to give me the time of day. It is 2:24 PM right now and I am a proud American holds his head high and not buried beneath the sand like you. Have a nice day.

Dear Hossfly: The Muslims are pikers when it comes to maiming and killing compared the Zionists and us. Oh, but the way we kill is sanitary and humane. We just blast them to oblivion while sitting in and armchair drinking coffee. I saw a clip once taken from a armed helicopter. A group of Muslim men were standing on a street corner talking and smoking. Nearby a man was spotted with a rifle; one lousy fucking rifle. This was reported and the word came back, "Light them up". Killed among those innocent men was a reporter for a local newspaper which supported the American military. I never did find out if the newspaper still supported us after this incident, but if I was a Muslim among that crowd and lived, do you think I would have any hesitations about cutting off the hands of the American who pulled the trigger of that machine gun?

Dear Elvis Obama: So you truly believe that us modern cultured human beings should kill off the people of the world who are different or less cultured than us. Well Golly Gee....I sure do feel a whole lot more cultured now that I believe this. Let me ask you a question! Before we kill these uncultured heathens, is it okay to rape them first. We may as well have a little fun before going through all the trouble of making them better people.

Dear Norwegan: When your grandmother pointed this out to you, did you go out and rape a few dogs before killing them?

Dear Roudy So what! This does not mean there was no Palestinian people irrespective what the name of the area or nation they lived under was. The bottom line is the Palestinian people live where the nation of Israel now is and they shared this land peacefully with a Jewish minority. In 1947 all this changed. Along came the Zionists who killed off most of the Palestinian people to make room for Jews and the ones they did not kill off became second class citizens in the land of their forefathers. Is this justice? And now the world demonizes and entire race of people because they will not accept the injustice we forced upon them. Your problem is that you are so dense that when you look at map and do not see the word "Palestine", you automatically assume "no Palestinians". Please be honest. Did you ever graduate from High School?

"Yes, terrorism cannot be fought with military force."

"There is no solution to this except to modernize them. That will take a long time and a lot of patience and a very stern hand."

Kill them off? Are your reading comprehension skills really that poor? What a pathetic reply.
Dear Elvis Obama: Okay, maybe my reply was pathetic. Assuming it was, where do you classify most of the other replies evident in this thread? Please be more careful in your choice of words, because soon we will run out of negative ones, and then we will be at a loss to describe all the other drivel being put forth as arguments and rebuttals to my lead statement.

Dear Weatherman2020: Not only do you not know which way the wind is blowing, but you are blind as a bat. I guess I am a moron for thinking that killing off approximately 1/4 of the world's population is not a good idea. Oh! You didn't say that. Well then, please provide us with the solution to what you have said. By so doing, everybody else here will be able to decide for themselves who is the bigger moron.
Poor citizenanal. Doesn't understand banking. Hates the Jews. Loves the Muslims.
Careful, the Jews are gonna get you!

The content is most convincing when it focuses on America's national debt. Instead of just exacerbating the problem, the author offers a solution. United States Treasury notes should be issued instead of Federal Reserve notes. Governments should be in charge of their money, not a private corporation.

I'd love to hear why US Treasury notes would eliminate the national debt, I could use a good laugh.
Dear Hossfly: The Muslims are pikers when it comes to maiming and killing compared the Zionists and us. Oh, but the way we kill is sanitary and humane. We just blast them to oblivion while sitting in and armchair drinking coffee. I saw a clip once taken from a armed helicopter. A group of Muslim men were standing on a street corner talking and smoking. Nearby a man was spotted with a rifle; one lousy fucking rifle. This was reported and the word came back, "Light them up". Killed among those innocent men was a reporter for a local newspaper which supported the American military. I never did find out if the newspaper still supported us after this incident, but if I was a Muslim among that crowd and lived, do you think I would have any hesitations about cutting off the hands of the American who pulled the trigger of that machine gun?
If I had your military expertise I would be a 12 star general. How do "Zionists and us" outshine Mooslems in the art of depravity?
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