
  1. Pastelli

    'Christian role in Lebanon has ended,’ says Islamic Hezbollah-affectionate

    The truth is, it began with 1976 massacre of Christians in Damour by "palestinians" ### 'Christian role in Lebanon has ended,’ says Hezbollah-affectionate commentator. Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post, August 19, 2024. Pro-Hezbollah Lebanese commentator stirred up a virtual storm in Lebanon...
  2. Pastelli

    "As a palestinian I don't think they are doing much for my country... I've lost...I know people who have lost family in Gaza."

    Palestine firster or Islam firster? #### "As a palestinian I don't think they are doing much for my country... I've lost...I know people who have lost family in Gaza." Martha Taddatz Reports. This Week on ABC, around 10:35 AM ET __ An interviewee by Martha, cast as "uncommitted". Palestine...
  3. Pastelli

    "palestine" = Death Cult

    Hamas: We love death like Israelis love life Al-Aqsa TV, Hamas | Jul 30, 2014. AT HAMAS: M. DEIF & I. HANIYEH Hamas leader Muhammad Deif: "Today you [Israelis] are fighting divine soldiers, who love death for Allah like you love life, and who compete among themselves for Martyrdom like you...
  4. Sayaras

    Defensive measures - Israel's long arm: some of the eliminations of terror leaders

    Some highlights. Of course, Some we will never know... From Tunis to Belgium: Israel continued to exact a price from the leaders of the terrorist organizations. Israel has killed dozens of terrorist leaders in recent decades, including the leader of Hezbollah and the founder of Hamas •...
  5. Pastelli

    Did Tim Walz knew who racist Hatem Bazian is?

    2019 at Islamic lobby CAIR Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz spoke at an event for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in 2019, where he rubbed shoulders with an anti-Semitic scholar behind much of the Hamas propaganda on college campuses in the wake of Oct. 7...
  6. Pastelli

    Neo-Nazis = pro "palestine"

    History Repeats Itself Is not a cliché. Flashback: Hitler of the Holy Land. Old Magazine Articles (June 1948). #### Neo-Nazis, Islamists declare ‘You Jews are beasts’ during protest...
  7. Sayaras

    "palesrinian" Authority: More Glorification of murder of innocent

    Why then should an Arab "Palestinian" child ever think there is a greater [SICK ] "honor" than to target the unarmed? ____________ PA names hall after arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, whom it admires for planning murder of 125. By Nan Jacques Zilberdik, June 4, 2024. Until Hamas’ massacre against...
  8. Sayaras

    How BBC reported terrorists use of school for jihad attack (Biased BS Corp.)

    This is BBC: VS The facts: IDF strikes terrorists in buildings near UNRWA's Al-Jaouni School Israel National News Jul 6, 2024, 10:27 PM IDF strikes terrorist hiding place near school Israel National News Jul 7, 2024, 4:59 PM...
  9. Sayaras

    The irony and hypocrisy of Israelophobia - (PallyWeid lexicon and more)

    The irony and hypocrisy of Israelophobia * Totalitarian oppressive "palestine" regimes (Gaza or "moderate" Ramallah) dare to use the word "freedom," as in supposed "freedom" fighting. * As even "moderate" Palestinian-Authority outlined that there shall be no Jew in an envisioned "palestine"...
  10. Sayaras

    Totalitarian beasts claim something about "freedom fighting" - palestine govt. Crimes on their own

    Wanna state by these demonic butchers? Caution before clicking on links at 2nd section.. HonestReporting @HonestReporting: MUST READ: A Gazan Palestinian asks why, "somehow, when it comes to Hamas' crimes against innocent Israelis and innocent Gazans, the entire media establishment turns a...
  11. Sayaras

    Arab "palestinians": wer'e "indigenous" INVADERS / IMMIGRANTS in Jews' land (radicals: wish to ethnic cleanse non-Arabs expel or exterminate infidels)

    Hamas leader Fathi Hamad, then serving as Gaza Minister of Interior and National Security, stated in a 2012 interview with Al-Hekma TV that all Palestinians have Arab origins. According to Hamad, half of Gaza's population has Egyptian roots, while the other half originates from Saudi Arabia and...
  12. Sayaras

    Report: "Like sadistic Nazis: Secret Hamas papers reveal step-by-step action plan for Oct. 7" (genocidal fascists)

    This is a vast researched report by German and Israeli experts after uncovered documents. Like sadistic Nazis: Secret Hamas papers reveal step-by-step action plan for Oct. 7 Uncovered documents and eyewitness accounts obtained by Israel Hayom and Bild reveal the chilling extent of Hamas'...
  13. Sayaras

    Tip for palestinazi cowards running from Zionist law enforcement...don't put a swastika on your house...

    What a stupid guy. Of course the swastika will show where you are at. Our forces enter the surrounded building in Bethlehem. You cannot miss the swastika on the house of the despicable Nazi in Bethlehem. _ This is a screen grab of the main "palestinian" site.
  14. HaShev

    Zone1 Todays events validating an old lesson- Revisiting that LESSON in retrospect from the Heavenly Father on Father's Day

    A message from the Heavenly Father on Father's day: this was scoffed and mocked at the time, but now seeing what Israel achieved vs what Palestinian's did with the same divided territory, along with visuals including how they destroy our country and stability, this lesson is more than just a...
  15. Sayaras

    Most Arab "palestinians" support Oct 7 genocide atrocities - guilty majority - racism. Most dead Gazans = combatants!

    Nevertheless the PallyWeid terminology is raging... despite most Gazans dead being combatants... and the criticism of leftist Govt. of Spain, etc. [who understandably lost the elections] who hurried to announce support for a 23rd Arab state called "palestine" is about the timing... Most...
  16. Sayaras

    Hamas racist "palestine" calls to massacre non-zionist pious Jews who refuse to serve in IDF [genocide]

    Just as in cartoons, the Arab "palestinians" choose images of haredi pious Jews who refuse to serve in Israeli army. The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome @TheMossadIL: A photo published by Hamas calling for revenge for Rafah. They're hunting Jews and they're not shy about expressing it. The...
  17. Sayaras

    Terrified in Gedera: Illegal Arab resident sprays swastika, attempts to enter houses

    Note: Arab illegal residents is a huge problem in Israel. Source Terrified residents in Gedera: "Illegal resident tried to enter the houses". Frightened residents who live in Gedera reported to the police about illegal residents who are walking around the courtyards of the houses and trying...
  18. Sayaras

    Why racist-Islamicized ICC’s ingrained bias ensures no fair ‘trials’ for Israel - the OIC lobby, Nawaf Salam, Karim Khan etc.

    Reminder, the notorious anti-Israel Arab Muslim hater (Nawaf Salam).has been elected to head the ICC only a few months ago... Lebanese, anti-Israel judge Nawaf Salam elected new president of ICJ 7 Feb 2024 — Lebanese Judge Nawaf Salam was elected by his peers to be the new president of the...
  19. Sayaras

    Islamist "palestinian" occupation coming near you...

    An example of a coffee place in SD, CA "this is Palestinian place." - harassed the "palestinian" Arab immigrants. (And as they say, today, the Saturday people, tomorrow the Sunday people). This was already in Oct 2023, before pro-genocide Hamas Jihad regime succeeded in causing many...
  20. Sayaras

    Genocidal Islamist-palestine preventing Israel from alleviating Gazans' suffering as their suffering is strategy

    Any protests against Hamas yet? They claim they are "for" Arab-palestine... Avichai Adraee @AvichaiAdraee: Hamas is trying to prevent Israel from alleviating the suffering of the people of Gaza because their suffering is strategic for its leaders. Hamas intensifies its attacks against Israeli...
  21. Sayaras

    These swastika-palestine racist Arab immigrants in Denmark - "not antisemitic"...

    Because defacing Holocauat monument with GENOCIDAL Hamas - on yomHashoah is about "freedom from occupation". Don't you get it?. Adam Ma’anit @adammaanit: The monument to the rescue of Danish Jews in Copenhagen this morning on Yom HaShoah. Disgraceful. H/t @vika_lisek May 6, 2024 Hen...
  22. Sayaras

    Racist Arab-Islamic man threatens Jewish man online, shows off his Nazi flag… [swastika palestine]

    Oh wait. Put in context... right? Where are the "learned" universities presidents when you [DON'T] need them... Arab man threatens Jewish man online, shows off his Nazi flag… An Arab man threatened a Jewish man while in an online video discussion and showed off his Nazi flag. The racist...
  23. Sayaras

    Swastikas inside the giant tunnel uncovered by the IDF in Gaza (swastika palestine)

    These guys want another Arab separate state... Swastikas inside the giant tunnel uncovered by the IDF in Gaza. (Journalist) Yoni Ben Menachem @yonibmen
  24. Pastelli

    One of the ironies is some BLM cowing to "palestine" propaganda - despite Arab racism goliath

    Do some at BLM even know what ABID means among Arabs especially among Arab "palestine"? The "palestine" racist Arab example: Aaron Klein, "Rice labeled 'black spinster'", YNet, July 31, 2006.,7340,L-3284271,00.html Some global examples here: And not just...
  25. Sayaras

    Swastika-palestine: Arab "Palestinian" leader of encampment on SU campus: " 'Anti-Semite' who praised Hitler, called for 'Death to Jews' "

    Aziza Zahran is typical, as in praising Hitler and asking why he didn't finish the job - at the same time the SJP racist palestine Arab has been comparing Nazi Germany to Israel... just like that infamous outcast troll here who wont be able to withhold her spamming childish, yet racist, boring...
  26. Pastelli

    Genocide Palestine nazi mob: "go back to Germany and get gassed" (GRAP)

    Maybe fascist palestine encampment needs to be "dependent on the context."
  27. FDR_Reagan

    Racism: Washington Post Contributor Celebrates Oct. 7 Massacre. ("Palestinian" Hajar Harb)

    I bet WaPo will say "we are investigating.." LOL. ÷÷÷÷÷÷ Washington Post Contributor Celebrates Oct. 7 Massacre. April 1, 2024 Hajar Harb is a London-based reporter who, according to her LinkedIn profile, served as a “collaborating journalist with the Washington Post” for the last two...
  28. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTiNIaN Terror Groups Work to Revive Anti-Semitism in Germany - RamadaNazis part III

    Palestinian Terror Groups Work to Revive Anti-Semitism in Germany. In other words they seek original nazism... ===== Popular Front For The Liberation Of Palestine (PFLP)...
  29. FDR_Reagan

    *b*alestinian racist Arabs draw swastika with 'death to Jews' (RamadaNazis)

    Ramadan is a time of "reflection" Part 2 _________ link Shocking: a swastika and the inscription "Death to the Jews" were sprayed in the elevator of a building in Yehud-Monosson. The case was located this week in a residential building on Ze'ev Vinhoiz Street in the city (Lugano complex)...
  30. FDR_Reagan

    FILTH-inian Islamic Jihad Muhammed Qassem: 'I raped her' (Oct/7)

    Comment. "Devil took over me" is an excuse for a routine of rape jihad since 1929 by Arab Islamists in the Holy Land Since the 1960s they are called exclusively "p(B)alestinians." But most are grandchildren of Arab immigrants. Manar Mahmoud Muhammed Qassem. منار محمود محمد قاسم...
  31. FDR_Reagan

    *B*alestinian RamadaNazis

    Ramadan is a time of "reflection"..right? ××× Palestinian activists disrupt Berkeley, Calif. city council meeting about Holocaust commemoration.
  32. Sayaras

    Shift in Oct-7-war op. No more hand tied for terrible "palestinian" human shields use

    Note. It is why it took so long until now... × × × ...the paradigm for IDF action in Gaza has shifted, and it is now ready to act anywhere and anytime, regardless of the human shields Hamas hides behind.
  33. FDR_Reagan

    Again pAlESTiNIAn Hamas shoot at its own people waiting for aid, then claim "massacre"

    Remember the Oct 17 when they killed their people at Al-Ahli hospital and NYT had to retract the Pallywood lies? Terrorists fire on Gazans waiting for aid convoy. IDF says gunmen shot at civilians waiting for convoy of 31 aid trucks whose entry into Gaza Israel facilitated. Israel National News...
  34. Sayaras

    Diablocal Gaza Arab doctors, nurses "health ministry": racism and cruelty

    POINT IS. THESE ARE WHAT THE MSM TAKES AS SOURCE. EITHER IN NUMBERS OR "STORIES" Former hostage, Judith Raanan, a Chicago-area resident who was kidnapped together with her daughter, Natalie, by Hamas during its October 7 attack on Israel, said her captors were greeted as heroes when she and...
  35. Sayaras

    RIP American Itay

    Satiric comment: Trashida and Omar put out a statement... Statement from President Joe Biden on Itay Chen. Mar 12, 2024 American-Israeli IDF soldier killed on Oct. 7...
  36. Sayaras

    Iran's Supreme Leader: Islam Will Defeat the West

    Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation " Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization. By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024 The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the...
  37. FDR_Reagan

    Sydney Imam: JIHAD - against the non-Muslims and the only way for pAlEsTInE

    Do they upbeat the jiahdism towards their Ramadan? And what does "restore" mean per Arab immigrants ? === Friday's Sermon By Australian Imam Abdul Salam Zoud: Jihad Is The Only Solution When It Comes To The Infidels, The Only Way To Restore Palestine; We Are Not Looking To Kill People And...
  38. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTiNiAn Islamofascists murder another pious Jew who avoid serving in IDF

    At the racist-Arab terror shooting attack on a bus station at the Masmiya junction near Gedera - 02.16.24. Of course they're about "freedom fighting" and pigs fly too. All Arabs know Haredi Jews, overwhelmingly avoid inscription in IDF. ÷÷÷÷÷ Yeshiva student named as first victim of...
  39. Sayaras

    "She just didn't stop crying, and he didn't stop doing what he was doing to her. And he enjoyed it" [Free Palestine savagery]

    An example of "freedom fighting" Gaza-Health-ministry kidnappers.. Indecent act on thev17-yeae-old girl at gunpoint in the shower... ____ New testimony from Hamas hostages: "The terrorist...
  40. FDR_Reagan

    For each jihadi-fascist pAlEStInE butcher, 1 civilian [human shield] dies

    This ratio is pretty amazing. 'This Week' Transcript 2-11-24: PM Netanyahu, Sen. Coons & Gov. Kemp This is a rush transcript of "This Week" airing Sunday, February 11. By ABC News, February 10, 2024. [...] KARL: That was President Biden on Thursday night with his sharpest criticism yet of...

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