Murtha Says Impeachment May Get Bush To Cave

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
On CBS's Face the Nation, Motor Mouth Murtha said impeachment is one way to Dems may get Pres Bush to drop the veto of their surrender bill

It seems to me, Dems are really worried. They see how they screwed themselves by puting a surrender date in the funding bill - and know they know they have no cards left to play

Does Motor Mouth Murtha really think impeachment has any chance?
On CBS's Face the Nation, Motor Mouth Murtha said impeachment is one way to Dems may get Pres Bush to drop the veto of their surrender bill

It seems to me, Dems are really worried. They see how they screwed themselves by puting a surrender date in the funding bill - and know they know they have no cards left to play

Does Motor Mouth Murtha really think impeachment has any chance?

And Nixon pulling the troops out of Vietnam was a "surrender" also?

Bush's war was a mistake from its conception and its execution by the administration has been, to put it mildly, execrable. Our troops remain in Iraq as Bush cannot bring himself to admit the error that invading Iraq was. He will keep the troops there as long as he can, hoping to push the resolution of the invasion and occupation off onto the next president. He wants someone else to clean up his mess, but that's been his pattern for all of his adult life. Step in shit and expect someone else to clean it up, typical alcoholic behavior. And yes, Bush is an alcoholic, and an untreated one at that. He may have sworn off the bottle, but he has yet to deal with the issues that drove him to drink in the first place. He is also subject to the cognitive impairments that years of ETOH and drug abuse leave one with.

Our troops remain in Iraq as a salve to Bush's fragile ego. They will remain there until Bush is removed from office, either by the end of his term or by impeachment, and the bar for that WAS lowered in 1998. How many more of our soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen must die to shield th brittle ego of the man we call Mr. President? Who will be the last person asked to die for this horrific mistake called Iraq?
millions were murdered afte the US left Viet Nam

what makes you think the same thing will not happen when the terrorists are in charge in Iraq after the Dems surrender?

The they will come after us

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