MSM starting to report on Benghazi. ...what's this mean?

For the longest the only mention it got was to mock conservative media and the evil gop. Now they are actually reporting the story rather than blasting the others.

Is there blood in the water?

It was covered; just not at the volume that the right wing loons prefer.

Yahoo! News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines

Stephens: Benghazi Was Obama's 3 a.m. Call -

David Ignatius: Benghazi intelligence revealed - The Washington Post

Condi Rice Pours Cold Water On 'Benghazi-Gate' | ThinkProgress

I looked back. I did a search of the titles of threads on this board. You guys have started 372 different threads about Ben Gotcha...372. I culled the list from just a cursory glace at the last 4 of the 13 pages of threads.

Never let a crisis go to waste, right?
Major Garrett pissed off because he looks like a fuckin dope for running cover for this LYING Administration.. Garrett goes ballistic LOL

So many lies, who can keep up?!

[ame=]Major Garrett blows up Jay Carney for dodging question - YouTube[/ame]
What is the MSM saying? That is the key.

What it sounds like to me is this:
Nutball fishing expedition eating chum.
What does MSM sound like to others?

You watch the MSM? :confused:

MSM for me are The Economist and Businessweek, the last remaining financial reporting that isn't 100% cheerleading for bad form, although The Economist generally gets handed off unread. Fox News is emotional heroin for mental defectives and there hasn't been any MSM since about 1978 or maybe 1979. Corporatists blamed media for Nixon's takedown, and so became the first part of the corporate takeover of the United States.

As to the clownshow above and below: fuck the morons who worry about Benghazi after Bush killed 60 with similar neglect and thousands on purpose while the filthy fucking white trash of America cheered brazen Bush League failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and on the home front. The scum from Tejas had exactly zero successes in eight years.

After eight years of white trash cheering that sleazy little cocksucker from Tejas, no one that matters is going after Obama. Clinton deserved to be kicked out after signing NAFTA, embracing open borders and sending jobs to China, but when the nutball element got him it was for perjury, and even then they were like dogs that caught a car in the sense they had no idea what to do once they "had him". It was hilarious watching the scum of the earth brutalize one another on the taxpayers' dime.

As I've posted a number of times the scum of the earth can maybe get to the arriveste level censuring Clinton, but that is where it stops. No question about it. As to my level of "informed"? My bill for global weather information is likely higher than the halfwits assailing me pay for all the media they use including tablets and cell phones, and weather is maybe 20% of my information nut.
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What is the MSM saying? That is the key.

What it sounds like to me is this:
Nutball fishing expedition eating chum.
What does MSM sound like to others?

You watch the MSM? :confused:

MSM for me are The Economist and Businessweek, the last remaining financial reporting that isn't 100% cheerleading for bad form. Fox News is emotional heroin for mental defectives and there hasn't been any MSM since about 1978 or maybe 1979.

Corporatists blamed media for Nixon's takedown, and so became the first part of the corporate takeover of the United States.

As to the clownshow above and below: fuck the morons who worry about Benghazi after Bush killed 60 with similar neglect and thousands on purpose while the filthy fucking white trash of America cheered brazen Bush League failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and on the home front. The scum from Tejas had exactly zero successes in eight years.

After eight years of white trash cheering that sleazy little cocksucker from Tejas, no one that matters is going after Obama. As I've posted a number of times the scum of the earth can maybe get to the arriveste level censuring Clinton, but that is where it stops. No question about it.

lmao Dungdale seems a bit wired, no? No worries Dung.. Your boy's time is coming to an end.. so calm down, toke your pipe a few thousand times and STFU already with your incessant whining.
You watch the MSM? :confused:

MSM for me are The Economist and Businessweek, the last remaining financial reporting that isn't 100% cheerleading for bad form. Fox News is emotional heroin for mental defectives and there hasn't been any MSM since about 1978 or maybe 1979.

Corporatists blamed media for Nixon's takedown, and so became the first part of the corporate takeover of the United States.

As to the clownshow above and below: fuck the morons who worry about Benghazi after Bush killed 60 with similar neglect and thousands on purpose while the filthy fucking white trash of America cheered brazen Bush League failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and on the home front. The scum from Tejas had exactly zero successes in eight years.

After eight years of white trash cheering that sleazy little cocksucker from Tejas, no one that matters is going after Obama. As I've posted a number of times the scum of the earth can maybe get to the arriveste level censuring Clinton, but that is where it stops. No question about it.

[Mr Jukes] seems a bit wired, no? Your boy's time is coming to an end.. so calm down, toke your pipe a few thousand times and STFU already with your incessant whining.

My boy? You must be an especially ignorant ****, no?

You scum elected Obama your Lord and Master in 2004. It is laugh out loud funny that ignorant white trash like you elected Obama by re electing the most provably failed president in US history in 2004. Had you people voted for America, there would not BE a president Obama.

But I digress...

Fuck you and the yeast-stink you rode in with.
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ANOTHER 90% chance racist hater dupe dragging up the same old propaganda.

YOUR Bengazi BS is MUCH worse than the Dems...Wouldn't have happened without the video 90% chance). Only Pubs and dupes KNOW their motives, despite their not having been ben caught and all evidence. Half the dupes believe Obama was watching via drone, OF COURSE they WERE terrorists by definition.

Obama NEVER said his mother had no insurance when dying, still it's another GOP "system trajedy.

Feq the PPM's BS... Wiki:

Obama talked about Dunham's death in a 30-second campaign advertisement ("Mother") arguing for health care reform. The ad featured a photograph of Dunham holding a young Obama in her arms as Obama talks about her last days worrying about expensive medical bills.[54] The topic also came up in a 2007 speech in Santa Barbara:[54]

I remember my mother. She was 52 years old when she died of ovarian cancer, and you know what she was thinking about in the last months of her life? She wasn't thinking about getting well. She wasn't thinking about coming to terms with her own mortality. She had been diagnosed just as she was transitioning between jobs. And she wasn't sure whether insurance was going to cover the medical expenses because they might consider this a preexisting condition. I remember just being heartbroken, seeing her struggle through the paperwork and the medical bills and the insurance forms. So, I have seen what it's like when somebody you love is suffering because of a broken health care system. And it's wrong. It's not who we are as a people.[54]

Dunham's employer-provided health insurance covered most of the costs of her medical treatment, leaving her to pay the deductible and uncovered expenses, which came to several hundred dollars per month.[56] Her employer-provided disability insurance denied her claims for uncovered expenses because the insurance company said her cancer was a preexisting condition.[56]

'k? The PPM will never get it straight for you, just baffle with bs...

Ayres never wrote ANYTHING for Obama, despite your lies and total BS. No lies on school records period.

See sig pp3- those are LIES. Big lies, not this obsessive detail crappe...
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What on earth are you guys talking about??? It's been all over every news source I've seen this week. They talked about it on PBS World News, NPR, the BBC, CNN, even the Guardian UK and stupid sites like Yahoo.

And yes, it is a witch hunt. Sounds to me like when this was happening, there was so much chaos and confusion in the region - and that the attack was such a surprise - that no one really knew what was going on. It's sad that these people died, but that's the danger of being an ambassador in the Middle East. They obviously knew this. I think the right is just grasping for anything to tar Obama with, even though there is not one damn thing he could do to save those people from his office in Washington. Maybe if the Republicans had not used security funding as a political football, it wouldn't have happened. Maybe it would. Who knows.

Except that those ARENT msm outlets that everyday Americans view. I was referring to the networks
Chris Wallace...."I haven't seen this kind of spirited back and forth in the WH press room since Iran Contra. I have sat in that room many times, and the Washington press corp in this kind of heated questions I have only seen two or three times".
For the longest the only mention it got was to mock conservative media and the evil gop. Now they are actually reporting the story rather than blasting the others.

Is there blood in the water?

I don't know if there is blood in the water but it does seem the better late than never MSM has finally realized there is a actual legitimate story here.
I wish there'd be more coverage on who's behind the push for hearings and impeachment. I'll bet you'd find political opportunists more interested in bashing Obama than in the dead. Others have died in the past without leading to impeachment talk. What's the bottom line, they had the wrong explanation and stuck to it too long? Hardly an impeachable offense and not much different from Bush's WMD story that's still being defended by the same people accusing Obama. It's all about the politics with crocodile tears for the dead, IMO.

The Obama administration had the right information and purposely misinformed the American people. Bush had intelligence reports that stated that there were WMD in Iraq. Obama had intelligence reports that stated that there was a planned, coordinated attack on a US embassy and lied to the American people about it.

That's the difference.
MSM for me are The Economist and Businessweek, the last remaining financial reporting that isn't 100% cheerleading for bad form. Fox News is emotional heroin for mental defectives and there hasn't been any MSM since about 1978 or maybe 1979.

Corporatists blamed media for Nixon's takedown, and so became the first part of the corporate takeover of the United States.

As to the clownshow above and below: fuck the morons who worry about Benghazi after Bush killed 60 with similar neglect and thousands on purpose while the filthy fucking white trash of America cheered brazen Bush League failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and on the home front. The scum from Tejas had exactly zero successes in eight years.

After eight years of white trash cheering that sleazy little cocksucker from Tejas, no one that matters is going after Obama. As I've posted a number of times the scum of the earth can maybe get to the arriveste level censuring Clinton, but that is where it stops. No question about it.

[Mr Jukes] seems a bit wired, no? Your boy's time is coming to an end.. so calm down, toke your pipe a few thousand times and STFU already with your incessant whining.

My boy? You must be an especially ignorant ****, no?

You scum elected Obama your Lord and Master in 2004. It is laugh out loud funny that ignorant white trash like you elected Obama by re electing the most provably failed president in US history in 2004. Had you people voted for America, there would not BE a president Obama.

But I digress...

Fuck you and the yeast-stink you rode in with.

Amazinly, "yeast stink" only scratches the surface with that one.
The media loves blood in the water, plus even the farthest left of them are getting tired of obama's lies and incompetence.

This looks like the beginning of the end of the obama/media love affair. Of course, some like Matthews and Maddow will always have their noses up obama's ass, but the ones who can actually think for themselves are finally seeing the light.
Wooohooo ROCK N ROLL!! Let the chips fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA GOIN DOWN and so are his far leftist Zombie herdnerfers lol

I'd think you would have learned you lesson after crowing about a big Romney win! :lol:

She doesn't learn lessons. All she does is flail around and regurgitate wingnut talking points.

She was wrong about Romney. She's wrong about this. She will always be wrong.

Once this latest GOP-manufactured scandal fails to stick to the wall, she'll slink away until the next one.

Then she'll be back with her usual nails-on-the-chalkboard style until she loses yet again.
Wooohooo ROCK N ROLL!! Let the chips fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA GOIN DOWN and so are his far leftist Zombie herdnerfers lol

I'd think you would have learned you lesson after crowing about a big Romney win! :lol:

She doesn't learn lessons. All she does is flail around and regurgitate wingnut talking points.

She was wrong about Romney. She's wrong about this. She will always be wrong.

Once this latest GOP-manufactured scandal fails to stick to the wall, she'll slink away until the next one.

Then she'll be back with her usual nails-on-the-chalkboard style until she loses yet again.

Nixon lied and covered up a break in of a democrat office'

clinton lied and covered up a blow job in the oval office

Bush, Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, the UN, the UK, and most of the world lied about WMDs

obama lied about a terrorist attack that cost 4 american lives

As much as you libs would like it to, this is not going away. Especially now that the MSM has finally begun to follow and report on it.
I'd think you would have learned you lesson after crowing about a big Romney win! :lol:

She doesn't learn lessons. All she does is flail around and regurgitate wingnut talking points.

She was wrong about Romney. She's wrong about this. She will always be wrong.

Once this latest GOP-manufactured scandal fails to stick to the wall, she'll slink away until the next one.

Then she'll be back with her usual nails-on-the-chalkboard style until she loses yet again.

Nixon lied and covered up a break in of a democrat office'

clinton lied and covered up a blow job in the oval office

Bush, Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, the UN, the UK, and most of the world lied about WMDs

obama lied about a terrorist attack that cost 4 american lives

As much as you libs would like it to, this is not going away. Especially now that the MSM has finally begun to follow and report on it.

blah blah blah

Keep wet-dreaming, bub.
She doesn't learn lessons. All she does is flail around and regurgitate wingnut talking points.

She was wrong about Romney. She's wrong about this. She will always be wrong.

Once this latest GOP-manufactured scandal fails to stick to the wall, she'll slink away until the next one.

Then she'll be back with her usual nails-on-the-chalkboard style until she loses yet again.

Nixon lied and covered up a break in of a democrat office'

clinton lied and covered up a blow job in the oval office

Bush, Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, the UN, the UK, and most of the world lied about WMDs

obama lied about a terrorist attack that cost 4 american lives

As much as you libs would like it to, this is not going away. Especially now that the MSM has finally begun to follow and report on it.

blah blah blah

Keep wet-dreaming, bub.

translation = I have no response so I will hurl some shit.
The GOP has an agenda to destroy Hillary. Who knows, they might be successful. But if they are not, this will almost certainly assure that Hillary becomes our next president. Unless the far right is successful in their mission to destroy her, it's going to come back to bite them big time. Most Americans are tired of the blame game. They want some civil discourse rather than all this partisan hackery. My bet is on Hillary, because she's just a lot smarter than most of the idiots going after her.

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