Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Can Israel get any more evil than this shit?

[ame=]IDF soldiers Fires Tear Gas at Palestinian Families Harvesting Olives, Tarqumiya 6.10.2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Tear gassing people harvesting olives!

Fuck you, Israel! I mean, fuck you!
Yes, of course. So, tell me how they did not honor the Mandate. The land of Palestine was for the Jews, whilst the arabs were given their own lands.
Balfour said they could create the state of Israel, as long as they didn't disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population. Driving over 700,000 of them out of the area with the use of jewish terrorist groups like Irgun, is disenfranchising the existing non-Jewish population.
More proof Zionism is a threat to Judaism.

[ame=]'Judaism Yes, Zionism No': Ultra-Orthodox Jews march against Israel - YouTube[/ame]
Funny, when Israeli settlers throw rocks at Palestinian's,
the IDF just stands around and does nothing.

[ame=]Terrorist of Havat Maon, finally caught 22.9.2012 - YouTube[/ame]

You take Netorei Karta as "proof"??

They're not even 1% of the community, and when the day comes, they'll be the first ones to fight the Arabs to the death and kick them out of Israel.

You bringing them as back up for your claims is laughable!

Netorei Karta are a pathetic bunch of idiots, even bowing to Achmadinajad when meeting him.
I guess the Zionists here see the Prophet Isaiah as a pathetic idiot too, he was murdered by the Jewish people when he spoke out against the wrongs his own people did.
Whatever that conversation was about, it looked like it was resolved on both sides in the end.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but the video clearly shows an IDF piece of shit, shooting tear gas at people harvesting olives.

You cannot interpret a video if you do not know what is happening and unless you speak Arabic or Hebrew you have no idea what is going on. The end of the video shows an agreement, so whatever was going on the matter was resolved.
Obviously not enough, since Israelis are still being killed by Palestinian terrorists.
Right. Palestinian's resisting the foreign occupation of their land, are called terrorists.

Israeli troops murdering innocent Palestinian civilians, are merely defending Israel.

You're pretty in the head!

I'll tell you this, after all the shit Zionists have done to the Palestinian's...
•Total number of Palestinians expelled during Israel's creation (1947-49): Between 750,000 and 1 million.

•Number of Palestinians expelled prior to Israel's declaration of independence on May 14, 1948, and the ensuing war with neighboring Arab states: Between 250,000 and 350,000.

•Total number of Palestinian population centers systematically destroyed during Israel's creation (1947-49): More than 400.

•Number of population centers ethnically cleansed of their Palestinian Arab inhabitants by Zionist forces prior to Israel's declaration of independence on May 14, 1948, and the ensuing war with neighboring Arab states: More than 200.

•Number of documented massacres of Palestinians by Zionist and Israeli forces during Israel's creation: At least two dozen. The most notorious took place at Deir Yassin on April 9, 1948, when more than 100 Palestinian men, women, and children were murdered by Zionist paramilitaries belonging to the Stern Gang and Irgun (led by future Israeli Prime Ministers Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin, respectively). These atrocities spurred the mass flight of Palestinians, and were instrumental in facilitating the creation of a Jewish-majority state in a region in which Palestinian Arabs were the majority.

•Number of Palestinians who survived the expulsions, remaining within the borders of the new Israeli state: Approximately 150,000. Although granted Israeli citizenship, they were governed by Israeli military rule until 1966, had most of their land taken from them, and continue to suffer widespread, systematic discrimination today as non-Jews living in a "Jewish state."

•The total monetary loss of Palestinians dispossessed during Israel's creation has been estimated at between of $100 billion and $200 billion (US) in today's dollars.

•The expulsion of the majority of the Arab population of what became Israel during the state's establishment was not an unintended consequence of war, but rather a preconceived strategy of "transfer" to ensure the creation of a Jewish majority state. (See here for more on "transfer" in early Zionist thinking.) The military blueprint for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine was called Plan Dalet (or Plan D) and was formally approved by the Zionist leadership on March 10, 1948. It called for:

"Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously.

"Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state."​
... Israeli's should be killed!
You cannot interpret a video if you do not know what is happening and unless you speak Arabic or Hebrew you have no idea what is going on. The end of the video shows an agreement, so whatever was going on the matter was resolved.
You can clearly see in the video people on one side of the fence picking olives. Then the IDF comes up in their Humvee and you can clearly see one of the soldiers shooting tear gas at the olive pickers, while one Palestinian is just standing there talking to them!

You fucking excuse every god-damn thing they fucking do no matter how evil the act is.

Go fuck yourself! I really mean that!

And fuck your bullshit excuse to!
You cannot interpret a video if you do not know what is happening and unless you speak Arabic or Hebrew you have no idea what is going on. The end of the video shows an agreement, so whatever was going on the matter was resolved.
You can clearly see in the video people on one side of the fence picking olives. Then the IDF comes up in their Humvee and you can clearly see one of the soldiers shooting tear gas at the olive pickers, while one Palestinian is just standing there talking to them!

You fucking excuse every god-damn thing they fucking do no matter how evil the act is.

Go fuck yourself! I really mean that!

And fuck your bullshit excuse to!

You interpret a video how you want it to turn out. Anyone can see it was amicable at the end.
You interpret a video how you want it to turn out. Anyone can see it was amicable at the end.
There's nothing amicable about shooting tear gas at people harvesting olives.

But you're okay with that. You're also okay with shooting people fishing and farming.

And you wonder why people hate Israeli's?

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