Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

I am not interested in the interpretations of a propagandist.

Quote the passages that prove what you claim.

Why is he a propagandist?? Because he doesn't kiss Palestinian ass?

You nailed it.

Tinmore brings that stupid "restless in Gaza and Jerusalem" video every chance he gets. If that doesn't have "propagandonist" written all over it, I don't know what does:eusa_whistle:

What do you have against those nice young women?
Why is he a propagandist?? Because he doesn't kiss Palestinian ass?

You nailed it.

Tinmore brings that stupid "restless in Gaza and Jerusalem" video every chance he gets. If that doesn't have "propagandonist" written all over it, I don't know what does:eusa_whistle:

What do you have against those nice young women?

I have nothing against them.

I have something against constant "Copy-Paste", especially a youtube one.
Did I ever tell you about San Remo Mandate. I could swear I did. Would you like to save me the trouble of posting it again (for the ninth time as I am keeping count), or would you like me for the ninth time to inform you again. I am very patient so I could if you want to know about it. I do believe you have the memory of a goldfish.
And do you realize the Mandate also had the caveat that the state of Israel could be created, as long as it didn't disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population...
"His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

- Arthur James Balfour, [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]
...which it obviously did.

Ergo, Zionists did not honor the Mandate.
Did I ever tell you about San Remo Mandate. I could swear I did. Would you like to save me the trouble of posting it again (for the ninth time as I am keeping count), or would you like me for the ninth time to inform you again. I am very patient so I could if you want to know about it. I do believe you have the memory of a goldfish.
And do you realize the Mandate also had the caveat that the state of Israel could be created, as long as it didn't disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population...
"His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

- Arthur James Balfour, [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]
...which it obviously did.

Ergo, Zionists did not honor the Mandate.
The non-Jewish population skedaddled, called it the Nakba, sent up a scream for "right of return", then went onto the UN welfare plan and remain to this day. Still whining. Read Brittanica Encyclopaedia for accurate account. End of story.
The non-Jewish population skedaddled, called it the Nakba, sent up a scream for "right of return", then went onto the UN welfare plan and remain to this day. Still whining. Read Brittanica Encyclopaedia for accurate account. End of story.
They were driven out by jewish terrorists.
Did I ever tell you about San Remo Mandate. I could swear I did. Would you like to save me the trouble of posting it again (for the ninth time as I am keeping count), or would you like me for the ninth time to inform you again. I am very patient so I could if you want to know about it. I do believe you have the memory of a goldfish.
And do you realize the Mandate also had the caveat that the state of Israel could be created, as long as it didn't disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population...
"His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

- Arthur James Balfour, [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]
...which it obviously did.

Ergo, Zionists did not honor the Mandate.

Actually, the mandate opposed a Jewish state. It was supposed to be a shared state with equal rights for all.

The Zionists pushed the mandate off course and Britain left in a monumental flop without fulfilling its mandate.
Did I ever tell you about San Remo Mandate. I could swear I did. Would you like to save me the trouble of posting it again (for the ninth time as I am keeping count), or would you like me for the ninth time to inform you again. I am very patient so I could if you want to know about it. I do believe you have the memory of a goldfish.
And do you realize the Mandate also had the caveat that the state of Israel could be created, as long as it didn't disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population...
"His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

- Arthur James Balfour, [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]
...which it obviously did.

Ergo, Zionists did not honor the Mandate.

Actually, the mandate opposed a Jewish state. It was supposed to be a shared state with equal rights for all.

The Zionists pushed the mandate off course and Britain left in a monumental flop without fulfilling its mandate.
And do you realize the Mandate also had the caveat that the state of Israel could be created, as long as it didn't disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population...
...which it obviously did.

Ergo, Zionists did not honor the Mandate.

Actually, the mandate opposed a Jewish state. It was supposed to be a shared state with equal rights for all.

The Zionists pushed the mandate off course and Britain left in a monumental flop without fulfilling its mandate.

Justice,I know you are wrong here Hoss......and a small mute point here.......You should NEVER use ZIONIST AND JUSTICE IN THE SAME SENTENCE,Hoss.....NEVER,EVER...steve
Actually, the mandate opposed a Jewish state. It was supposed to be a shared state with equal rights for all.

The Zionists pushed the mandate off course and Britain left in a monumental flop without fulfilling its mandate.

Justice,I know you are wrong here Hoss......and a small mute point here.......You should NEVER use ZIONIST AND JUSTICE IN THE SAME SENTENCE,Hoss.....NEVER,EVER...steve
I beg to differ, Steve. See post #347. True story.

Justice,I know you are wrong here Hoss......and a small mute point here.......You should NEVER use ZIONIST AND JUSTICE IN THE SAME SENTENCE,Hoss.....NEVER,EVER...steve
I beg to differ, Steve. See post #347. True story.

I will check it out Hoss,I have and you must remember that Balfour and the Commissioner for Palestine at the time were ZIONISTS moreover the British Jewish parliamentarians pushing this agenda at that time were also ZIONISTS....this area was only their dream area and had no relevance to fact at all.

This area was always known as The Mandate of Palestine.......the word Israel was never you full well know.

As you would or should know that from mainly 1922 to 1945 there was mass illegal Jewish migration from Germany to Palestine,with Zionist/Nazi collaboration,including ARMS Etc,.

The Arms were used by Zionist Terrorist MURDER SQUADS,of which the Israeli Prime Minister "BEGIN" was the leader of the worst and violent terrorist Zionist guerilla groups at the time .The peaceful but naïve Palestinians paid the ultimate price with their families slaughtered,dispossion and exile.

Some twat on here recently said that during this period that there were 517!!!!!!Palestinians compared to 8000 Jews lived in the Mandate of Palestine...........Fuck Wit.....this Morphed after the Israeli formation.....and this was Israeli Government/Zionist Mantra,taught in schools that this area was empty before the Jews arrived.....this poses two problems of Israel,well three actually.

Number One....the remaining mainly Christian Palestinians living there......Number Two the thousand or so Palestinian towns and villages which had been razed,which were still visable and Number Three the number of Palestinian Refugee camps on the border of other countries.

Really Hoss your summation of the situation of those times are not only erroneous but a down right lie.

Zionists Hey........The World's Biggest BULLSHIT ARTISTS.....and that's saying something.......Lying is part of their personna.......NO NUCLEAR fcuk you have to hand it to them,they have more front than a MACK TRUCK.

But the world know,that's why Israel around world are on the nose.

You will note that in the UN more countries support the Palestinians than they do Israel,by a margin

It just confirms my Quote of NEVER use ZIONISTS AND JUSTICE in the same sentence

I like you Hoss....but fcuk knows how you would ever want to follow and support the disgraced Zionist MANTRA.

Your friend Steve
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Did I ever tell you about San Remo Mandate. I could swear I did. Would you like to save me the trouble of posting it again (for the ninth time as I am keeping count), or would you like me for the ninth time to inform you again. I am very patient so I could if you want to know about it. I do believe you have the memory of a goldfish.
And do you realize the Mandate also had the caveat that the state of Israel could be created, as long as it didn't disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population...
"His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

- Arthur James Balfour, [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]
...which it obviously did.

Ergo, Zionists did not honor the Mandate.

How did the Jews not honor the Mandate.

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