More Whining From Cantor

I'm all for raising taxes but not until the 50% of America who pays ZERO Federal Income Tax and then gets a rebate on the ZERO they pay starts paying.. until then TEA PARTY.

So you were against Bush shoving tax cuts down our throat back in the day?

And you are for letting them expire now, yes?

No answer, Willow?

There's a fucking shock.

My answer was up there you fucking moron, I answered it before you even asked it.
Sorry... never heard that. You must watch it more than I do. Calling me a liar now? Ok... thanks for proving my point... you hate me... and you don't even know why... other than the boys at FOX and AM Radio told you to... and drilled it into your head repeatedly.

I've already explained to you that Fox never said that, so you calling me a liar? Why oh why do you hate me asswipe?

Bullshit... I've seen Glenn beck's show... I've listened to Rush Limbaugh. Don't tell me they don't say that liberals are the enemy... they hate America...they are Communists trying to destroy the country.

Let's see... just because I never heard Howard Dean make the quote you mentioned... I am a liar. But you denying one of the major tenants of Right wing opinion shows that gets repeated on a daily and nightly basis isn't being intellectually dishonest?

I never denied that Dean said what he did about Republicans... just that I've never heard it. I don't sit glued to my TV watching MSNBC every day. I watch one or two select shows when I get home from work... Mostly Ratigan at 4PM Eastern, sometimes I'll watch Matthews... but not all the time. So if one watches 2 hours(at the most) of a 24 hour news cycle, things don't get heard.

But whatever...[/

Well then perhaps you need to educate you damn lying self BEFORE you make judgement calls on the Conservatives. don'tyathink? Not knowing is no excuse. It's out there for the finding. Go find it.
America is finally catching on to the Republicans rob from the poor give to the rich philosophy.

80% of the income gains in America in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

Now the Republicans would rather send America into default than raise taxes on the top 1%.

They will defend the super rich to the death.
America is finally catching on to the Republicans rob from the poor give to the rich philosophy.

80% of the income gains in America in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

Now the Republicans would rather send America into default than raise taxes on the top 1%.

They will defend the super rich to the death.
Exactly. Thats one reason I hate.....errr.....pity the Repub voting base because real wages haven't risen in @ 35-40 yrs for the blue collar worker, HC costs were rising at 3X the rate of inflation, and the Repubs want everyone to think that nothing has changed. They're lying arseholes.
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No answer, Willow?

There's a fucking shock.

My answer was up there you fucking moron, I answered it before you even asked it.

Sorry, not good enough.

Were you against the cuts when they were put in place originally?

No, because the cuts were made when 50% of us paid Federal Income TAx and 50% of you leeches did NOT pay Federal Income Tax. I SAID when that changes and ALL AMericans are paying FEDERALj income tax we'll talk and I might change my mind... you got that now??????
My answer was up there you fucking moron, I answered it before you even asked it.

Sorry, not good enough.

Were you against the cuts when they were put in place originally?

No, because the cuts were made when 50% of us paid Federal Income TAx and 50% of you leeches did NOT pay Federal Income Tax. I SAID when that changes and ALL AMericans are paying FEDERALj income tax we'll talk and I might change my mind... you got that now??????

So you were never really serious about a balanced budget and paying down the debt.
Sorry, not good enough.

Were you against the cuts when they were put in place originally?

No, because the cuts were made when 50% of us paid Federal Income TAx and 50% of you leeches did NOT pay Federal Income Tax. I SAID when that changes and ALL AMericans are paying FEDERALj income tax we'll talk and I might change my mind... you got that now??????

So you were never really serious about a balanced budget and paying down the debt.

No I"m not. I think now the best thing that can happen is to let obiedick spend until it blows up. then we can start over. Save you up some rice.
No, because the cuts were made when 50% of us paid Federal Income TAx and 50% of you leeches did NOT pay Federal Income Tax. I SAID when that changes and ALL AMericans are paying FEDERALj income tax we'll talk and I might change my mind... you got that now??????

I'm single, rent, make a lil' more than $50k/year, and I'm not on any kind of gov't assistance.

When our country was attacked, I stepped up and enlisted.

Explain how that makes me a leech.
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Enjoy. I can't wait til Aug. 2nd.

Do you want the Repubs to force a default so that seniors & the poor will suffer? All this just so The Repub's can make a point w/ their T-Party fringe minority within their party?[/QUOTE]

Whether or not we default is entirely up to obiedick and the dims. They have the Senate and the wh.. obie doodle needs to lead,,,,,,,errrrr wait,, I forgot, he's not a uniter, he's a divider.. Kerry on.
I paid $22,000 in federal taxes last year, so fuck you, Grampa.


That's it? 22k? Seems like you better donate another 5k to put your money where your mouth is. You think they can only lower the debt with increases then get off your fat ass and send in that extra 5k.


Personal insults are all you've got?

As I said, you can't pay off a $13 trillion dollar debt without raising taxes.

It's simple mathematics.

But this is the fantasy world that Republicans live in.

that's all they ever have... insults. Let's see, just by Willow... the unemployment check cashing government hater... I was called a liar and an asswipe yesterday... that was just one thread. Everyone that doesn't agree with them is an evil enemy.. not a fellow American with a differing opinion. I don't hate them... I disagree with them... I do, however hate the way the portray themselves... it shows ignorance and reeks of fascist ideology.

as far as your synopsis on the debt... I disagree... you CAN pay off a $14T debt by not raising taxes... but it will virtually destroy a huge chunk of our working and middle class. Cuts need to be made... but it can't be cuts alone. It also can't JUST be entitlements. Someone said that "that's where the money is" but that's not true, is it? We spend damn near a Trillion dollars/year on Defense. We have a 500 Billion dollar trade deficit. We have a "for Profit" Health Care system that is so bloated and inefficient that we only rank 38th worldwide in a host of very important rankings that also ranks #1 in costs.

Sure... entitlements need to be reformed and reasonable cuts made... but to say that's the only place where there's money is total bullshit. It's just that entitlements are the Conservatives' favorite pet peeve.... why is their pet peeve? Because people get rich off of the Health Care system... people get rich off of defense spending and people get rich off of our trade deficit... imagine if all that Chinese crap that comes into our country had the same 25% tariff that they charge us for our exports instead of the measly 2.5% that we do charge. SS? Medicare? no one gets rich off of those areas.... they are BY, FOR and OF the people... not the billionaires. That's why they want to privatize it, so the rich can get richer off of it.

They hide that in the guise of decrying socialism and wrap their agenda in the American Flag and Jesus(which they ought to be ashamed of, if they Really are Christians).. but the truth is... it's untapped money making that they really can't stand and want to destroy it.

But I still consider them my fellow Americans... I just disagree with their philosophy, and I hate their vitriol.
The Republicans want to kill Social Security and Medicare, so their buddies on Wall Street can get their hands on all that delicious retirement money.


But for many on the right it’s just blind dogma – they have this inane, almost religious, belief that the two programs act as some sort of ‘disincentive’ allowing people to be ‘lazy.’

Just more rightist mythology.
He has to demure to the T-Party contingent in the party. Too bad the T-Party doesn't know that the stone-walling is exactly what the wealthy want.

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