Mitt Romney is Son of Welfare-Receiving, Mexican Immigrant,


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mitt Romney is Son of Welfare-Receiving, Mexican Immigrant,
Mother Says

The GOP presidential ticket of Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan is fond of attacking 'social entitlements,' but their campaign has failed to mention that Mitt Romney's father George Romney was on "welfare relief" when he first arrived in the U.S., according to an interview with Romney's mother Lenore recorded in 1962.

The family received $250, food, clothing, and other supplies from the U.S. government. The family later invested some of their money in the stock market and used that cash to send George Romney to college.
Video: Mitt Romney is Son of Welfare-Receiving, Mexican Immigrant, Mother Says

GEORGE ROMNEY: I've been poor. I worked from the time I was 12. My parents were driven out of old Mexico when i was only 5. My people were revolutionary refugees. They had to be fed by the United States government and housed by the United States government . I know what poverty is. I've been up through it.
Daily Kos: George Romney on Welfare: More Evidence From George Romney Himself
Mitt Romney is Son of Welfare-Receiving, Mexican Immigrant,
Mother Says

The GOP presidential ticket of Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan is fond of attacking 'social entitlements,' but their campaign has failed to mention that Mitt Romney's father George Romney was on "welfare relief" when he first arrived in the U.S., according to an interview with Romney's mother Lenore recorded in 1962.

The family received $250, food, clothing, and other supplies from the U.S. government. The family later invested some of their money in the stock market and used that cash to send George Romney to college.
Video: Mitt Romney is Son of Welfare-Receiving, Mexican Immigrant, Mother Says

GEORGE ROMNEY: I've been poor. I worked from the time I was 12. My parents were driven out of old Mexico when i was only 5. My people were revolutionary refugees. They had to be fed by the United States government and housed by the United States government . I know what poverty is. I've been up through it.
Daily Kos: George Romney on Welfare: More Evidence From George Romney Himself

Yeah...but that's different. Welfare is bad now, remember?

On another note, if he can lift himself out of poverty and attain such success, why can't the rest of the useless?

Because Romney and Ryan now want to eliminate the same programs that helped each of their families lift themselves up?
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So the Romney family was political refugees and they took aid from the US govt until they got their lives back on line here, oh the horror.

Sooooooo, that is somehow supposed to support illegals from Mexico today that aren't political refugees, they just want to take your job.

Oh, ok.
On another note, if he can lift himself out of poverty and attain such success, why can't the rest of the useless?

Because Romney and Ryan now want to eliminate the same programs that helped each of their families left themselves up?

Fix and eliminate are not the same,not once has ether said they want to eliminate,and you are blubbering on about telling lies??
On another note, if he can lift himself out of poverty and attain such success, why can't the rest of the useless?

Because Romney and Ryan now want to eliminate the same programs that helped each of their families left themselves up?

Fix and eliminate are not the same,not once has ether said they want to eliminate,and you are blubbering on about telling lies??

Can you say "Vouchercare"? I knew you could....
On another note, if he can lift himself out of poverty and attain such success, why can't the rest of the useless?

Because Romney and Ryan now want to eliminate the same programs that helped each of their families left themselves up?

Where have they said they want to eliminate the same programs?

Even if they did(which they didn't), what does that got to do with the useless claiming "it isn't fair" for the last generation or two?

Again, if he can do it through hard work and a helping hand to get on his feet, why can't the rest who live on excuses and have been getting "a helping hand" for so long it's become generational.
Mind of a liberal "Oh......the great, great, great grandparents of Buuuuuuuuuush were on welfare when they got off the boat from Ireland, so that proves he is a hypocrite and should give up his millions now."

Most refugees that came to America got some form of Govt help, you idiot liberals.

The difference between the Romneys and illegals of today is that the Romneys came to America under legal terms whereas illegals are fucking illegal.
Fix and eliminate are not the same,not once has ether said they want to eliminate,and you are blubbering on about telling lies??

Can you say "Vouchercare"? I knew you could....

So that is eliminating right??,can you say I am wrong,I knew you could.

On May 21, 2008, Ryan introduced H.R. 6110, the Roadmap for America's Future Act of 2008, commonly referred to as the "Ryan budget."[107] This proposed legislation outlined changes to entitlement spending, including a controversial proposal to replace Medicare with a voucher program for seniors.[6][108][109] The Roadmap found only eight sponsors and did not move past committee.[6][110]

On April 1, 2009, Ryan introduced his alternative to the 2010 United States federal budget. This alternative budget would have eliminated the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, lowered the top tax rate to 25%, introduced an 8.5% value-added consumption tax[citation needed], and imposed a five-year spending freeze on all discretionary spending.[111][112] It would have also phased out Medicare's traditional fee-for-service model; instead, starting in 2021, it would offer fixed sums in the form of vouchers, with which Medicare beneficiaries could buy private insurance.[113] The federal government would no longer pay for Medicare benefits for persons born after 1958.[113][not in citation given] The plan attracted criticism since the voucher payments would not be set to increase as medical costs increase, leaving beneficiaries partially uninsured.[113][not in citation given] Ryan's proposed budget would also have allowed taxpayers to opt out of the federal income taxation system with itemized deductions, and instead pay a flat 10 percent of adjusted gross income up to $100,000 and 25 percent on any remaining income.[112] Ryan's proposed budget was criticized by opponents for the lack of concrete numbers.[114] It was ultimately rejected in the House by a vote of 293–137, with 38 Republicans in opposition.[115]

On January 27, 2010, Ryan released a modified version of his Roadmap, H.R. 4529: Roadmap for America's Future Act of 2010.[116][117] The modified plan would provide across-the-board tax cuts by reducing income tax rates; eliminate income taxes on capital gains, dividends, and interest[citation needed]; and abolish the corporate income tax[citation needed], estate tax[citation needed], and Alternative Minimum Tax.[citation needed] The plan would privatize a portion of Social Security,[118][119] eliminate the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health insurance,[119] and privatize Medicare.[118][119] Chief actuary of Medicare Rick Foster compared Ryan's "Roadmap" with the 2010 healthcare reform in congressional hearings, stating that while both had "some potential" to make healthcare prices "more sustainable", he was more "confident" in Ryan's plan.[120]

Economist and columnist Paul Krugman criticized Ryan's plan as making overly optimistic assumptions and proposing tax cuts for the wealthy.[121] Krugman further called the plan a "fraud" saying it relies on severe cuts in domestic discretionary spending without specifying the programs to be cut, and "dismantling Medicare as we know it" by suggesting the voucher system, which he noted was similar to a failed attempt at reform in 1995.[121] In contrast, columnist Ramesh Ponnuru, writing in the National Review, argued that Ryan's plan would lead to less debt than current budgets.[122] Economist Ted Gayer wrote that "Ryan's vision of broad-based tax reform, which essentially would shift us toward a consumption tax... makes a useful contribution to this debate."

Paul Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On another note, if he can lift himself out of poverty and attain such success, why can't the rest of the useless?

Because everyone do not have the same luck and GOD said the poor will always be among us.Matt 26;11, Mark14;7, John 12;8.
Do Romney know something GOD does not?
Useless? You have the same Village Idiot mentality that Romney/Ryan has.:mad:
Unsurprisingly, the OP is a liar. George Romney was not a Mexican immigrant. If he was, he would have been ineligible to run for President.

George Romney presidential campaign, 1968 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Questions were occasionally asked about Romney's eligibility to run for President due to his birth in Mexico, given the ambiguity in the United States Constitution over the phrase "natural-born citizen".[2][3] His Mormon paternal grandfather and his three wives had fled to Mexico in 1886, but none of them ever relinquished U.S. citizenship. Romney's parents chose U.S. citizenship for their children, including George.
On another note, if he can lift himself out of poverty and attain such success, why can't the rest of the useless?

Because Romney and Ryan now want to eliminate the same programs that helped each of their families left themselves up?

Fix and eliminate are not the same,not once has ether said they want to eliminate,and you are blubbering on about telling lies??

They don't want to eliminate the programs but eliminate the worthless lazy mooching people that use them.
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Because Romney and Ryan now want to eliminate the same programs that helped each of their families left themselves up?

Fix and eliminate are not the same,not once has ether said they want to eliminate,and you are blubbering on about telling lies??

They don't want to eliminate the programs but eliminate the people that use them.

Which is OK with Romney and his millionaire buddies because all 47% of them are losers and just looking for handouts form the govenrment anyway, right?
Democrats want to create yet another lie. George Romney lives on welfare, died on welfare and Mitt Romney is second generation welfare.
Unsurprisingly, the OP is a liar. George Romney was not a Mexican immigrant. If he was, he would have been ineligible to run for President.

George Romney presidential campaign, 1968 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Questions were occasionally asked about Romney's eligibility to run for President due to his birth in Mexico, given the ambiguity in the United States Constitution over the phrase "natural-born citizen".[2][3] His Mormon paternal grandfather and his three wives had fled to Mexico in 1886, but none of them ever relinquished U.S. citizenship. Romney's parents chose U.S. citizenship for their children, including George.

She now refers to "luck" and God" two intangibles. Interesting explanation/theory to say the least.

What does one do if they don't believe in either?

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