MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’
Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“Global climate alarmism has been costly to society, and it has the potential to be vastly more costly. It has also been damaging to science, as scientists adjust both data and even theory to accommodate politically correct positions,” writes Lindzen in the fall 2013 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

According to Lindzen, scientists make essentially “meaningless” claims about certain phenomenon. Activists for certain causes take up claims made by scientists and politicians respond to the alarmism spread by activists by doling out more research funding. — creating an “Iron Triangle” of poor incentives.


Lindzen compares global warming to past politicized scientific movements: the eugenics movement in the early 20th Century and Lysenkoism in the Soviet Union under Stalin. However, the MIT professor argues that global warming goes even beyond what these past movements in terms of twisting science.

“Global Warming has become a religion,” writes Lindzen. “A surprisingly large number of people seem to have concluded that all that gives meaning to their lives is the belief that they are saving the planet by paying attention to their carbon footprint.”

“There may be a growing realization that this may not add all that much meaning to one’s life, but, outside the pages of the Wall Street Journal, this has not been widely promulgated, and people with no other source of meaning will defend their religion with jihadist zeal,” he added.​
There just some people in this world who are compelled to get behind a cause. It can be any cause but obstensibly, it provides meaning to these peoples lives. Its called the Politics of Reason. These are people who never mattered in their younger years. We all remember them in school......the oddballs......the misfits......the last persons picked for the team. Getting behind some "cause" becomes an obsession.
MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change

Confronting the Climate Challenge

Science and Policy Working Together

Understanding the complex, long-term changes in our land, air and water requires breakthroughs in measurement, modeling and prediction.

Responding to these changes requires innovative policies that comprehend agriculture, energy needs, trade and finance — along with the political and communications savvy to organize a genuinely global approach.

The Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change is MIT's response to these research, analysis, and public education challenges.

At the heart of much of the Program’s work lies MIT’s Integrated Global System Model (IGSM), a linked set of computer models designed to simulate the global environmental changes that arise as a result of human causes. In this way, it explores the interplay between the Earth systems and the human systems. More...
Richard Lindzen | DeSmogBlog

June, 1992

Lindzen is a signatory to the Heidelberg Appeal. The Heidelberg Appeal was created by the International Centre for Scientific Ecology, a public relations front group, during the 1992 UN World Summit. Eventually the document was endorsed by 4,000 scientists who declared that "we are worried at the dawn of the twenty-first century, at the emergence of an irrational ideology [man-made global warming] which is opposed to scientific and industrial progress and impedes economic and social development."

The document also says that "many essential human activities are carried out by manipulating hazardous substances, and that progress and development have always involved increasing control over hostile forces."

Dr. Fred Singer and the International Centre for Scientific Ecology consented to the tobacco giant Philip Morris' use of the Heidelberg Appeal to draw support to its European branch of The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC)—TASSC Europe.

TASSC was Philip Morris's front group initiated to question the science that showed the devastating effects of smoking on the human body.
Richard S. Lindzen - SourceWatch

On Tobacco

In a 2001 profile in Newsweek, journalist Fred Guterl wrote that Lindzen "clearly relishes the role of naysayer. He'll even expound on how weakly lung cancer is linked to cigarette smoking."[14] James Hansen recalls meeting Lindzen whilst testifying before the Vice President's Climate Task Force: "I considered asking Lindzen if he still believed there was no connection between smoking and lung cancer. He had been a witness for tobacco companies decades earlier, questioning the reliability of statistical connections between smoking and health problems. But I decided that would be too confrontational. When I met him at a later conference, I did ask that question, and was surprised by his response: He began rattling off all the problems with the date relating smoking to helath problems, which was closely analagous to his views of climate data." [15]
Lindzen was and remains a whore for the energy corperations. Since the fasification of his 'Iris' hypothesis, he has little standing among real research scientists.
Richard Lindzen | DeSmogBlog

June, 1992

Lindzen is a signatory to the Heidelberg Appeal. The Heidelberg Appeal was created by the International Centre for Scientific Ecology, a public relations front group, during the 1992 UN World Summit. Eventually the document was endorsed by 4,000 scientists who declared that "we are worried at the dawn of the twenty-first century, at the emergence of an irrational ideology [man-made global warming] which is opposed to scientific and industrial progress and impedes economic and social development."

The document also says that "many essential human activities are carried out by manipulating hazardous substances, and that progress and development have always involved increasing control over hostile forces."

Dr. Fred Singer and the International Centre for Scientific Ecology consented to the tobacco giant Philip Morris' use of the Heidelberg Appeal to draw support to its European branch of The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC)—TASSC Europe.

TASSC was Philip Morris's front group initiated to question the science that showed the devastating effects of smoking on the human body.

As a character assassin You suck..
It gets really old when you have to dig that deep to impeach speech, thoughts, and facts.
Richard Lindzen | DeSmogBlog

June, 1992

Lindzen is a signatory to the Heidelberg Appeal. The Heidelberg Appeal was created by the International Centre for Scientific Ecology, a public relations front group, during the 1992 UN World Summit. Eventually the document was endorsed by 4,000 scientists who declared that "we are worried at the dawn of the twenty-first century, at the emergence of an irrational ideology [man-made global warming] which is opposed to scientific and industrial progress and impedes economic and social development."

The document also says that "many essential human activities are carried out by manipulating hazardous substances, and that progress and development have always involved increasing control over hostile forces."

Dr. Fred Singer and the International Centre for Scientific Ecology consented to the tobacco giant Philip Morris' use of the Heidelberg Appeal to draw support to its European branch of The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC)—TASSC Europe.

TASSC was Philip Morris's front group initiated to question the science that showed the devastating effects of smoking on the human body.

As a character assassin You suck..
It gets really old when you have to dig that deep to impeach speech, thoughts, and facts.

Lindzen is not as senile as Singer, but he is getting there.
Global Warming IS a religion, and so is liberalism. A SICK religion.

I bet it's not as sick as yours. No human sacrifice. No cannibalism. No treating women and children as chattel. No eternal torment.

As has been said, Lindzen is a complete whore and a fool to boot. So... what do you call someone who praises a foolish whore? A John? A Pimp? Another fool?

Doesn't it ever bother you guys how many of your big names are complete idiots?
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Global Warming IS a religion, and so is liberalism. A SICK religion.

I bet it's not as sick as yours. No human sacrifice. No cannibalism. No treating women and children as chattel. No eternal torment.

As has been said, Lindzen is a complete whore and a fool to boot. So... what do you call someone who praised a foolish whore? A John? A Pimp? Another fool?

Doesn't it ever bother you guys how many of your big names are complete idiots?
I take it you're a global warming liberal. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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