Minimum wage compromise


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Using progressive taxation logic (taxed more the more you make) for minimum wages let's apply that same logic. So that smaller businesses don't suffer having to pay a higher minimum wage bigger companies can more easily afford, base wages on the business' annual earnings. Small mom n pop places then wont have to pay as much not earning as much as say Wal-Mart and other mega income businesses who have to pay more since they earn more.

Compromise part is this: to give hourly workers higher pay reflective of the earnings of whoever they work for, a national flat tax is adopted of 15% (negotiable.) To help more successful businesses pay the increased wages they'll get taxed less. Instead of at the highest rate earning business-level bracketed tax rates.
It's got merit...but I prefer Australia's graduated minimum wage that's dependent on the age of the worker.

Their system's good. But wages based on company earning is better. And if you sweeten the deal using a flat tax, and lower business taxation to pay the higher wages no one really has anything to object to.
That would incentivize businesses to stay small. Exactly what we dont want.
Here's an idea Government should stay the fuck out of the relationship between employee and employer. You dont like the wage offered? Dont take the job. Person is asking too much for the job involved? Don't hire him.
Perfect solution.
Using progressive taxation logic (taxed more the more you make) for minimum wages let's apply that same logic. So that smaller businesses don't suffer having to pay a higher minimum wage bigger companies can more easily afford, base wages on the business' annual earnings. Small mom n pop places then wont have to pay as much not earning as much as say Wal-Mart and other mega income businesses who have to pay more since they earn more.

Compromise part is this: to give hourly workers higher pay reflective of the earnings of whoever they work for, a national flat tax is adopted of 15% (negotiable.) To help more successful businesses pay the increased wages they'll get taxed less. Instead of at the highest rate earning business-level bracketed tax rates.

A flat tax is regressive so you are giving with one hand and taking away with the other.
Using progressive taxation logic (taxed more the more you make) for minimum wages let's apply that same logic. So that smaller businesses don't suffer having to pay a higher minimum wage bigger companies can more easily afford, base wages on the business' annual earnings. Small mom n pop places then wont have to pay as much not earning as much as say Wal-Mart and other mega income businesses who have to pay more since they earn more.

Compromise part is this: to give hourly workers higher pay reflective of the earnings of whoever they work for, a national flat tax is adopted of 15% (negotiable.) To help more successful businesses pay the increased wages they'll get taxed less. Instead of at the highest rate earning business-level bracketed tax rates.

A flat tax is regressive so you are giving with one hand and taking away with the other.

Welcome to politics.
The key is to come in and compromise... not settle for what the employer wants to pay. If he takes the workers offer good, if not, the worker has found a bad place to work. Move on. There are a ton of bad businesses, They are everywhere and working for them is a bad deal. Avoid them.

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