Millions of Americans probably praying that the ACA penalty will end immediately.

Opted out of ACA and have never paid a fine. Filed a self exemption since ACA passed. If people missed that on their return their own fault.
Personally I can't afford any crap plan offered and don't qualify for any tax break. Damn if any politician who exempts themself is going to mandate shit about my situation.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.
Regarding your thread title:
  • Unlike you, I cannot speak to what people pray for or to how many people pray for various things.
Regarding the OP Comments:
  • Nobody has their taxes levied to pay a penalty for noncompliance with the mandate that almost everyone have health insurance.
  • Who that cannot afford health insurance finds themselves paying for others' health insurance? Please answer with specific credible details explaining how that happens so that I can fully understand the basis for your claim.
  • What do people who lack health insurance do when they get sick? They wait until the condition gets "really bad" and then they go to hospital emergency rooms. As they have no funds to pay for the care they receive there, the hospital will not collect money as compensation for services it rendered and it will eventually write off the debt. It receives a portion of the money it was owed when it, at a discount, sells the debt to a collection agency; however, doing so results in the hospital receiving less than the sum it would have received had an insurance company paid for the patient's treatment.
  • What do people who lack health insurance do when they don't feel ill? Nothing. They don't generally obtain health screenings, preventive care and/or routine maintenance care. A consequence of that is that when they do need care, the only options are the most expensive ones, one example being obtaining emergency care instead of routine care or having to undergo dental (or other) treatment as a prerequisite for a given procedure, such as heart surgery.
The comments above are made to illustrate the mypic scope of the remarks that inspired them.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.
I'm one of those people.
I know plenty of people that are having to pay this penalty, and not because they choose to, but because they have to. They land right in between the not being able to qualify for a decent plan or to afford one, so they go without insurance, and pay the dam fine through a levy of their taxes.
60% of America believes that it is a responsibility of the government to ensure that all Americans have health care coverage.

We fail at that.

More should be done.
If that's true then 60 percent of Americans are stupid. It's not the governments place, in this country, to provide for the people.
. To be fair, many more Americans feel that the government has the ability to help on some issues far more than being thrown to the wolves in the for profit market system. Social security is one of the sacred cows that best not be touched as we have seen, so it almost has gotten there with healthcare, but people and government just haven't quite figured it out yet. What worked years ago has been destroyed somehow, and undoubtedly no one knows how or why that has happened now.
You aren't being consistent. Companies did not want to sell across state lines.

The coverage requirements are a different issue.

The problem with portability prior to the ACA was coverages. Coverages were not the same across State lines. Now they pretty much are. Portability is no the issue. I'm being entirely consistent.Think about it, why do you think that they promoted FEDERAL Exchanges?
People from ANY state can call the Fed exchange and buy insurance now.

The Pubs will repeal that and allow different levels of insurance plans, the ACA made them have min. coverage in all plans in all states, which the Pubs hated.

I am a Conservative, what we hated was the mandate and the fact that the plans diminished choice and gave them worse benefits.
I don't believe your "worse coverage" item.

The mandate is there for a reason. Without that, insurance companies can not handle people buying insurance when they get sick and then bailing when they get well.

No, I understand the mandate, well at least the concept for it, it didn't work though.
Trust me when you take and force coverages on companies and those companies then have to charge what they did...
The pricing forced MOST people into the Bronze Pans, inferior plans at best.
I think it worked!

I think enough people are buying in to keep insurance companies competing.

It's close, obviously, but I think other changes could solve more of any problem - such as being allowed to sell worse plans with fewer features, etc.

I should say that I prefer that we find the best system of other nations where everyone is covered, the total cost of the nation's health care is lower, outcomes are good and where they have worked out how to have for-profit insurance (like ours) for stuff their basic plan doesn't cover. Then tune it for the US.

Then, we need to move everybody to that plam - all citizens, including Medicare, Congress, VA, Medicaid ... everybody. Special VA services are important, and this shouldn't prevent that.
So you can be a loafer and go without insurance.

If someone chooses not to have health insurance that is none of your business.

It is when the costs of treating a condition or health issue that has ballooned out of control are WAY higher than preventative care that they could have been undertaking with health insurance.

Those people who refuse to get treatment early and regularly, cost you and me more in the long run. WAY more.
the question is, why should these people cost me or you anything? their health concerns are not my problem. As long as my health is taken care of, I am doing my part not to be a drain on society.
And I have paid my own way since 1978, before that my parents took care of it.
I have no pity for those to lazy or too ignorant to provide for themselves.

As have I, but there are some that truly need the help and it has nothing to with being lazy or ignorant. There are also those who ARE lazy and ignorant but we can't throw the baby out with the bath water.
it wouldn't be that hard to separate the two. Those that could work but dont should get nothing at all. no food stamps, no housing, no health care, nothing.
. I think the Bible says that if a man doesn't work, then he doesn't eat.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

yup just in time for tax season
What option will that give insurance companies other than to raise rates?


the insurance companies dont get the money the fines generate
No. They have to sell product to make money.

The penalties just push people to stay insured.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.
Regarding your thread title:
  • Unlike you, I cannot speak to what people pray for or to how many people pray for various things.
Regarding the OP Comments:
  • Nobody has their taxes levied to pay a penalty for noncompliance with the mandate that almost everyone have health insurance.
  • Who that cannot afford health insurance finds themselves paying for others' health insurance? Please answer with specific credible details explaining how that happens so that I can fully understand the basis for your claim.
  • What do people who lack health insurance do when they get sick? They wait until the condition gets "really bad" and then they go to hospital emergency rooms. As they have no funds to pay for the care they receive there, the hospital will not collect money as compensation for services it rendered and it will eventually write off the debt. It receives a portion of the money it was owed when it, at a discount, sells the debt to a collection agency; however, doing so results in the hospital receiving less than the sum it would have received had an insurance company paid for the patient's treatment.
  • What do people who lack health insurance do when they don't feel ill? Nothing. They don't generally obtain health screenings, preventive care and/or routine maintenance care. A consequence of that is that when they do need care, the only options are the most expensive ones, one example being obtaining emergency care instead of routine care or having to undergo dental (or other) treatment as a prerequisite for a given procedure, such as heart surgery.
The comments above are made to illustrate the mypic scope of the remarks that inspired them.
. Well unless a good friend is lying to me, he said that his federal and/or state taxes are levied to pay the fine for not having insurance on his wife. Another friend purchased a plan for his wife, and found that the plan sucked, so he dropped it, and opted to pay the fine. Just asked the wife about the daughter, and she said that their taxes are levied for not having the coverage in which she can't afford either. Her 3 kids are on Medicade, but there was something wrong with that once as well. Her husband also pays the fine through the taxes being levied for the amount he owes. This is causing starter families to catch pure hell getting ahead in life. Otherwise while trying to get themselves settled into the right jobs, these things constantly plague them. If a family has a few things go wrong, then these things can almost put them back to square one where they have to struggle to dig out from under over and over again.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.
Regarding your thread title:
  • Unlike you, I cannot speak to what people pray for or to how many people pray for various things.
Regarding the OP Comments:
  • Nobody has their taxes levied to pay a penalty for noncompliance with the mandate that almost everyone have health insurance.
  • Who that cannot afford health insurance finds themselves paying for others' health insurance? Please answer with specific credible details explaining how that happens so that I can fully understand the basis for your claim.
  • What do people who lack health insurance do when they get sick? They wait until the condition gets "really bad" and then they go to hospital emergency rooms. As they have no funds to pay for the care they receive there, the hospital will not collect money as compensation for services it rendered and it will eventually write off the debt. It receives a portion of the money it was owed when it, at a discount, sells the debt to a collection agency; however, doing so results in the hospital receiving less than the sum it would have received had an insurance company paid for the patient's treatment.
  • What do people who lack health insurance do when they don't feel ill? Nothing. They don't generally obtain health screenings, preventive care and/or routine maintenance care. A consequence of that is that when they do need care, the only options are the most expensive ones, one example being obtaining emergency care instead of routine care or having to undergo dental (or other) treatment as a prerequisite for a given procedure, such as heart surgery.
The comments above are made to illustrate the mypic scope of the remarks that inspired them.
. Well I'm in my early 60's, and I have never been to a doctor or medical facility more than 50 times in my entire life so far, and nope I never had check ups or was placed on medications etc. I worked hard, kept fit through hard work, and thank God that I'm not on blood pressure pills, diabetes medicine or etc. If anything I should have gotten a refund from the insurance companies that covered me every year in percentage of, instead of them taking my money without ever having to pay anything out on me. Talk about a rip off.. Good grief. Now here I am still working, but if I have a catastrophic health issue, then I would find myself in a serious jam in life ???? What kind of justice is this for being a loyal American who was a contributor all my life instead of a taker in my life ???
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.
People can still buy their own insurance policies from any company they want..
. Yeah if they can afford it... Good grief.
Last edited:
That's because they don't have to. The plans are minimally standardized, a minimum of the same 10 standards no matter what. States can allow insurance to put plans out with MORE benefits, but never less than the 10 required benefits. Companies can sell plans from Bronze to Gold.
You aren't being consistent. Companies did not want to sell across state lines.

The coverage requirements are a different issue.

The problem with portability prior to the ACA was coverages. Coverages were not the same across State lines. Now they pretty much are. Portability is no the issue. I'm being entirely consistent.Think about it, why do you think that they promoted FEDERAL Exchanges?
People from ANY state can call the Fed exchange and buy insurance now.

The Pubs will repeal that and allow different levels of insurance plans, the ACA made them have min. coverage in all plans in all states, which the Pubs hated.

I am a Conservative, what we hated was the mandate and the fact that the plans diminished choice and gave them worse benefits.

Well I have been paying into SS and Medicare for many years and I had no choice, so get use to it. I feel the younger people are way too spoiled now days. I don't care if your a redneck or a liberal, or gay or trans, everyone needs to pay for health insurance if they can.
. Yeah but not get screwed in the process... That is the problem in it all.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.
People can still buy their own insurance policies from any company they want..

Half truth kid.
They can ONLY buy an ACA approved plan if they want to obey the law.
The problem with portability prior to the ACA was coverages. Coverages were not the same across State lines. Now they pretty much are. Portability is no the issue. I'm being entirely consistent.Think about it, why do you think that they promoted FEDERAL Exchanges?
People from ANY state can call the Fed exchange and buy insurance now.

The Pubs will repeal that and allow different levels of insurance plans, the ACA made them have min. coverage in all plans in all states, which the Pubs hated.

I am a Conservative, what we hated was the mandate and the fact that the plans diminished choice and gave them worse benefits.

Well I have been paying into SS and Medicare for many years and I had no choice, so get use to it. I feel the younger people are way too spoiled now days. I don't care if your a redneck or a liberal, or gay or trans, everyone needs to pay for health insurance if they can.

The point being don't try and tell what I think or why I do a thing ;)

The point is then you get a fine, deal with it.
. You liberals love using government as a bully, but hopefully that will end soon.
If someone chooses not to have health insurance that is none of your business.

It is when the costs of treating a condition or health issue that has ballooned out of control are WAY higher than preventative care that they could have been undertaking with health insurance.

Those people who refuse to get treatment early and regularly, cost you and me more in the long run. WAY more.
the question is, why should these people cost me or you anything? their health concerns are not my problem. As long as my health is taken care of, I am doing my part not to be a drain on society.
And I have paid my own way since 1978, before that my parents took care of it.
I have no pity for those to lazy or too ignorant to provide for themselves.

As have I, but there are some that truly need the help and it has nothing to with being lazy or ignorant. There are also those who ARE lazy and ignorant but we can't throw the baby out with the bath water.
it wouldn't be that hard to separate the two. Those that could work but dont should get nothing at all. no food stamps, no housing, no health care, nothing.
. I think the Bible says that if a man doesn't work, then he doesn't eat.
yes it does.
But it also says to take care of those that are not able to take care of themselves. And that I dont have a problem with, but I dont think that a lack of personal planning qualifies to get free stuff. Maybe born with a disability or something, but not just because you had 40 kids while sucking down 10 boxes of twinkies until you were too fat to move.
I don't have a problem not forcing people to have health insurance.

But if they get seriously ill or get cancer, the taxpayer isn't going to foot the bill. Let them die for their stupidity. Oh, and companies should be allowed to charge more to the elderly who've never had insurance before. So that it can keep the payments lower for the responsible amongst us.
. Never forced people for a hundred years, but now it is the only way ?? Bull Crap.
So you can be a loafer and go without insurance.

If someone chooses not to have health insurance that is none of your business.

It is when the costs of treating a condition or health issue that has ballooned out of control are WAY higher than preventative care that they could have been undertaking with health insurance.

Those people who refuse to get treatment early and regularly, cost you and me more in the long run. WAY more.
the question is, why should these people cost me or you anything? their health concerns are not my problem. As long as my health is taken care of, I am doing my part not to be a drain on society.
And I have paid my own way since 1978, before that my parents took care of it.
I have no pity for those to lazy or too ignorant to provide for themselves.

Because we're a humane society? Because if someone comes in for treatment to a hospital in an emergency, they will receive treatment?
and when that cost to others becomes detrimental to their own finances?
If those leaches conducted their life in a "humane" way, they would have more concern over the strain they are putting on others, but they have no problem at all hurting someone else as long as they can live like a bum off of the work of others.
. It has become a major problem under Democrats rule. They bred dependency on purpose, and then they tried to bring the country down with it all. Look at the examples of it at these protest. Unbelievable!
Opted out of ACA and have never paid a fine. Filed a self exemption since ACA passed. If people missed that on their return their own fault.
Personally I can't afford any crap plan offered and don't qualify for any tax break. Damn if any politician who exempts themself is going to mandate shit about my situation.

And mine.

At 56 years old, I had coverage my entire life until Commie Care was put in motion. Now I have no insurance.

Oh sure, I applied, but what they offered me was ridiculous.

They told me that there was only one insurance company that would cover my provider (The Cleveland Clinic) that I've been treated at since birth. The premium for that plan was about 25% of my net pay. It had a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. It didn't cover prescriptions, dental, eye care or specialists. There was also a $50.00 copay just for a doctors visit.

Can any of the Commie Care supporters here tell me how an average middle-class guy can afford 25% of his net pay and still call it affordable?
Opted out of ACA and have never paid a fine. Filed a self exemption since ACA passed. If people missed that on their return their own fault.
Personally I can't afford any crap plan offered and don't qualify for any tax break. Damn if any politician who exempts themself is going to mandate shit about my situation.

And mine.

At 56 years old, I had coverage my entire life until Commie Care was put in motion. Now I have no insurance.

Oh sure, I applied, but what they offered me was ridiculous.

They told me that there was only one insurance company that would cover my provider (The Cleveland Clinic) that I've been treated at since birth. The premium for that plan was about 25% of my net pay. It had a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. It didn't cover prescriptions, dental, eye care or specialists. There was also a $50.00 copay just for a doctors visit.

Can any of the Commie Care supporters here tell me how an average middle-class guy can afford 25% of his net pay and still call it affordable?
stop whining, Toenailesha and her 30 kids from 30 fathers deserves free health care more than you deserve the money you work for.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

So you can be a loafer and go without insurance.

If someone chooses not to have health insurance that is none of your business.

It is when the costs of treating a condition or health issue that has ballooned out of control are WAY higher than preventative care that they could have been undertaking with health insurance.

Those people who refuse to get treatment early and regularly, cost you and me more in the long run. WAY more.
the question is, why should these people cost me or you anything? their health concerns are not my problem. As long as my health is taken care of, I am doing my part not to be a drain on society.
And I have paid my own way since 1978, before that my parents took care of it.
I have no pity for those to lazy or too ignorant to provide for themselves.

Because we're a humane society? Because if someone comes in for treatment to a hospital in an emergency, they will receive treatment?

What are you going to say to Jesus when he confronts you about your views here?

"I just wanted them to die Jesus. I didn't give a fuck about your children. They should all rot in a hole if they don't have the money to pay."

Because of Commie Care, I don't have the money to pay. But nobody thought about us when this scam was passed in a Democrat led Congress. To hell with people like us, we vote Republican anyway.
I don't have a problem not forcing people to have health insurance.

But if they get seriously ill or get cancer, the taxpayer isn't going to foot the bill. Let them die for their stupidity. Oh, and companies should be allowed to charge more to the elderly who've never had insurance before. So that it can keep the payments lower for the responsible amongst us.

So let people die who can't afford Commie Care. Why did I expect that?
So you can be a loafer and go without insurance.

If someone chooses not to have health insurance that is none of your business.

It is when the costs of treating a condition or health issue that has ballooned out of control are WAY higher than preventative care that they could have been undertaking with health insurance.

Those people who refuse to get treatment early and regularly, cost you and me more in the long run. WAY more.
the question is, why should these people cost me or you anything? their health concerns are not my problem. As long as my health is taken care of, I am doing my part not to be a drain on society.
And I have paid my own way since 1978, before that my parents took care of it.
I have no pity for those to lazy or too ignorant to provide for themselves.

Because we're a humane society? Because if someone comes in for treatment to a hospital in an emergency, they will receive treatment?

What are you going to say to Jesus when he confronts you about your views here?

"I just wanted them to die Jesus. I didn't give a fuck about your children. They should all rot in a hole if they don't have the money to pay."

Because of Commie Care, I don't have the money to pay. But nobody thought about us when this scam was passed in a Democrat led Congress. To hell with people like us, we vote Republican anyway.
So far I have been lucky, I have been able to keep my insurance. If I lose it and have to go to the pay for the poor worthless scum fund, then I will have to go without.

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