Military Breaking Away From White House?

All because al-Qaeda isn't as busy in Iraq. All very predictable. It has zero to do with who is "commander in chief."

And do you even have a clue as to why they aren't "as busy" in Iraq?

Could it possibly be a troop surge that crushed them?

And, you do realize that troop deaths are on the rise in Iraq also now, don't you?

Why of course not!

Truth is you've all missed the biggest change in Afghanistan under this pretender CINC. We have had our troops hands tied behind their backs once again. Remember that now if they are receiving fire and it is coming from a Mosque or if there are civilians present we have to turn tail and run away. You want to know why troop casualties are increasing? Because we can't shoot back. And they know it.

Mr Obama; Not good for America.
:clap2:Exactly what is going on!
actually, not and the freak called him a pretender... he's a nutter...

if you had a gripe it should have been with the idiot who mishandled everything for 8 years.

just sayin'
The miscreant was Bush 43.

And if any of the generals and admirals won't or can't do the job, SecDef will simply retire them, like the nutters did to General Shinseki.

Let's move on. And give an Article 15 to the nutter who began this thread.
Obama: "Afghanistan is a war of necessity"

Obama to servicemen:" I won't risk your lives unless it is absolutely necessary. And if it is necessary, we will back you up."

But Obama won't send more troops to Afghanistan to back up the troops already fighting in a necessary war.


President Obama's Remarks At NAS Jacksonville - Politics News Story - WJXT Jacksonville


All style and no substance from this president.

And people are dying because of it...
inaction and delay in which our Military men and woman are dying is no excuse! It is dereliction of duty. He is commander in chief and playing politics with the lives our our men and woman in the military is a despicable act. I didn't agree with Bush tying our Military hands at the time and now not only is Obama tying their hands but refuse to give the military what they need to win. The sooner we get the job done the faster they come home. If the president is too weak to make that decision or trust his Top (APPOINTED) military officer then BRING THE FUCKING TROOPS HOME.

I have my suspicions as to what Obama is up to but will keep them to myself for now but will give you a clue as where my train of thought is on it. Remember Obama's speech in where he wanted a "Civilian Military, funded and highly trained as our Military".

Nobody likes war, especially our Military members but if our Politicians send them to war then they better damn well give them all the need to win. To blatantly do otherwise is treasonous in my opinion.

I agree Terry, there is more to Obama ignoring our Troops, I have talked with a few Marines and Soldiers that have ALL told me, all they can do is keep their oath, if only Obama could or would take his oath as seriously as they do.
inaction and delay in which our Military men and woman are dying is no excuse! It is dereliction of duty. He is commander in chief and playing politics with the lives our our men and woman in the military is a despicable act. I didn't agree with Bush tying our Military hands at the time and now not only is Obama tying their hands but refuse to give the military what they need to win. The sooner we get the job done the faster they come home. If the president is too weak to make that decision or trust his Top (APPOINTED) military officer then BRING THE FUCKING TROOPS HOME.

I have my suspicions as to what Obama is up to but will keep them to myself for now but will give you a clue as where my train of thought is on it. Remember Obama's speech in where he wanted a "Civilian Military, funded and highly trained as our Military".

Nobody likes war, especially our Military members but if our Politicians send them to war then they better damn well give them all the need to win. To blatantly do otherwise is treasonous in my opinion.

I agree Terry, there is more to Obama ignoring our Troops, I have talked with a few Marines and Soldiers that have ALL told me, all they can do is keep their oath, if only Obama could or would take his oath as seriously as they do.

actually, not and the freak called him a pretender... he's a nutter...

if you had a gripe it should have been with the idiot who mishandled everything for 8 years.

just sayin'

Screw that thinking---Obama promised change. It's HIS buck now.
Obama: "Afghanistan is a war of necessity"

Obama to servicemen:" I won't risk your lives unless it is absolutely necessary. And if it is necessary, we will back you up."

But Obama won't send more troops to Afghanistan to back up the troops already fighting in a necessary war.


President Obama's Remarks At NAS Jacksonville - Politics News Story - WJXT Jacksonville


All style and no substance from this president.

And people are dying because of it...

This might be ouside your ability to grasp ...but ....the only way to stop the killing and dying is to not be there doing the killing and the dying.

Give me just one reason why one more mothers son needs to die in afghanistan?
Obama: "Afghanistan is a war of necessity"

Obama to servicemen:" I won't risk your lives unless it is absolutely necessary. And if it is necessary, we will back you up."

But Obama won't send more troops to Afghanistan to back up the troops already fighting in a necessary war.


President Obama's Remarks At NAS Jacksonville - Politics News Story - WJXT Jacksonville


All style and no substance from this president.

And people are dying because of it...

This might be ouside your ability to grasp ...but ....the only way to stop the killing and dying is to not be there doing the killing and the dying.

Give me just one reason why one more mothers son needs to die in afghanistan?

So why are we still there? Why did Obama campaign on winning in Afghanistan?

Why is he sending more troops there?
Once again it is clear that Obama is wrecking everything that America stands for. Why? He is either not an American, or for fact is unAmerican. Or both!

He doesn't care for any American. Killing babies, allowing soldiers to die, planning to ration health care for certain groups. He is encouraging the Muslims, including the terrorist ones, to come to America. There are twelve (at least) terrorist groups training in America, and protected by our laws, and nothing gets said about that. He goes around apologizing for America. The man is a terrorist, and he is placed in the greatedst place for destroying America.

I have no respect for him, but I have to say, if I walked by a river and he was drowning, I would do everything I could to save him. He is human, after all...I think.

God bless America, and even at the expense of our government.
Once again it is clear that Obama is wrecking everything that America stands for. Why? He is either not an American, or for fact is unAmerican. Or both!

He doesn't care for any American. Killing babies, allowing soldiers to die, planning to ration health care for certain groups. He is encouraging the Muslims, including the terrorist ones, to come to America. There are twelve (at least) terrorist groups training in America, and protected by our laws, and nothing gets said about that. He goes around apologizing for America. The man is a terrorist, and he is placed in the greatedst place for destroying America.

I have no respect for him, but I have to say, if I walked by a river and he was drowning, I would do everything I could to save him. He is human, after all...I think.

God bless America, and even at the expense of our government.
Oh, yeah...he's a terrorist but you'd save his life.

I can't imagine a bigger asswipe than you.
You know things are screwed when your S.O.D. and top ground commander have to go to the media to argue their case.

God help us if we are attacked again with this sham president and administration in place.

*THIS* is actually a great point, and I think not being considered. We either keep it over there, WIN the damned thing, make them capitulate or what is going on there takes up residence *HERE*.

Good post.
what part of *former* baffles you, einstein?

What part of top afghanistan official does not stand out as concerning? you continue with the diversion, letys address the issue...

please explain to me what takes 7 weeks+ to come up with a decision?

He was wiling to draft up and sign a healthcare bill that will affect 17% of our entire economy in 2 weeks.

He had drafted and signed a trillion dollar stimulus in a matter of weeks.

Face is easy for him to decide on things that he believes will make him popular....but he is afrasid to pull thwe trigger on a decision that will make him unpopular...regardless of the decision he makes....a large roup of people will disapprove...and it scares him.

Whimp in Chief is more appropriate for this "America as it were designed to be" hater


Indeed! So now some in here would state this guy is not "military" because he was most recently a top official in the Zabul Province - an individual who was a Marine Captain, a Pentagon official, and top official in Iraq?

Even the news report makes clear this individual's strong military link...

When Matthew Hoh joined the Foreign Service early this year, he was exactly the kind of smart civil-military hybrid the administration was looking for to help expand its development efforts in Afghanistan.

A former Marine Corps captain with combat experience in Iraq, Hoh had also served in uniform at the Pentagon, and as a civilian in Iraq and at the State Department. By July, he was the senior U.S. civilian in Zabul province, a Taliban hotbed.

This resignation is significant - and further evidence of a White House in turmoil over what to do with Afghanistan. Casualties have not just increased - they have greatly increased since Obama became Commander in Chief...

Hey shithead Sinatra, did you ever serve?

No? Then what the fuck makes you think that this resignation is significant, other than fear based talking points from FUCKED News?
You know things are screwed when your S.O.D. and top ground commander have to go to the media to argue their case.

God help us if we are attacked again with this sham president and administration in place.

*THIS* is actually a great point, and I think not being considered. We either keep it over there, WIN the damned thing, make them capitulate or what is going on there takes up residence *HERE*.

Good post.
That is the EXACT point.

It truly is mind boggling as to what Obama is thinking.

I was absolutely floored when McChrytal was interviewed, and he admitted PUBLICLY that Obama has only spoken to him once since he was given the command. I was equally floored last week when Gates basically called out the administration PUBLICLY for not being able to make a damn decision. These two actions spoke volumes. And you Obamabots don't want to hear this but, this administration is in complete chaos. It's just too freakin' obvious. And rest assured, our enemies realize this, and they are capitalizing on it, BIG TIME.

I'm literally watching McCain being interviewed right this second on Hannity, and it just makes me think, WHY ISN'T THIS GUY THE PRESIDENT?

Lets just get down to the nitty gritty people. The Taliban and Al-qaeda see a weak president and administration. They may be stark raving bonkers, but they are definitely not stupid. Hence, Bolder attacks on our troops. Better coordinated attacks on our troops. So bold and better coordinated in fact, that they've more than doubled the number of our troop deaths in less than a year. They are emboldened by Obama. They damn sure know he's sitting on his hands on the troop level issue. They damn sure know that our troops desperately need back up. They damn sure see that the back up is not on its way, nor do they see a decision coming anytime soon. They damn sure know that this administration has completely tied our troops hands with their weak and asinine rules of engagement. And, they were damn sure emboldened when Obama came out last month and said that the Taliban would most likely have a role in the new government. It doesn't get anymore ludicris than that.

If the Taliban is allowed to take back ANY control, we are screwed!

we'll fund another of those damed walls with their names on it........what was the last war ???
[/With the dope in the WH pretending to be the commander in chief why in the hell wouldn't the military be hauling ass?]
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