Michigan city bans pride flag


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Dang it all, what will the peter puffers and rump rangers do now? Lol...The fag flag has been cancelled by muslims in Michigan.

The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted unanimously on Tuesday to approve a resolution that would ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag from being flown on the city’s public property.

The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit.

The resolution passed “after three hours of public comments and months of intense debate,” the Detroit Free Press reported.

Dang it all, what will the peter puffers and rump rangers do now? Lol...The fag flag has been cancelled by muslims in Michigan.

The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted unanimously on Tuesday to approve a resolution that would ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag from being flown on the city’s public property.

The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit.

The resolution passed “after three hours of public comments and months of intense debate,” the Detroit Free Press reported.

This is going to be fun. Are the lefties going to side with the homophobes, or the Islamophobes?

This is going to be fun. Are the lefties going to side with the homophobes, or the Islamophobes?

Now what does Whitmer do? Let them slide or will she start throwing a public fit and screeching that they have to fly that flag? Even though it’s against Muslim religion.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

What a difference a few years makes. I remember when conservatives positively LOATHED Muslims and everything they stood for. Now? Because Muslims and conservatives are against LGBT types, they are banding together and thinking how great each other is.

That being said................I actually read the whole article. And, it makes sense that flags flying on CITY property (apparently, if it's private, they can still fly whatever flag they wish) should only be of the US flag, state flags, and the POW flag. I actually agree with this. If it is federal, state or city property, the flags flown there should reflect the values of all citizens, meaning only national, state, city, and POW flags.

My question is though......................would that particular city allow a copy of the 10 Commandments to stand in the courtrooms?
Dang it all, what will the peter puffers and rump rangers do now? Lol...The fag flag has been cancelled by muslims in Michigan.

The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted unanimously on Tuesday to approve a resolution that would ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag from being flown on the city’s public property.

The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit.

The resolution passed “after three hours of public comments and months of intense debate,” the Detroit Free Press reported.

Ok, and?
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

What a difference a few years makes. I remember when conservatives positively LOATHED Muslims and everything they stood for. Now? Because Muslims and conservatives are against LGBT types, they are banding together and thinking how great each other is.

That being said................I actually read the whole article. And, it makes sense that flags flying on CITY property (apparently, if it's private, they can still fly whatever flag they wish) should only be of the US flag, state flags, and the POW flag. I actually agree with this. If it is federal, state or city property, the flags flown there should reflect the values of all citizens, meaning only national, state, city, and POW flags.

My question is though......................would that particular city allow a copy of the 10 Commandments to stand in the courtrooms?
Face it, we know all along that they were birds of a feather.
What a difference a few years makes. I remember when conservatives positively LOATHED Muslims and everything they stood for.

For the record I never loathed Muslims. I realized from the very beginning that they weren't all terrorists. I just didn't like their beliefs, but good on them for standing up for their children and their parental rights!! :D
Maybe we won't go all snowflakey like MAGAts do about things like beer. :heehee:
No, you’ll start calling Muslims homophobes, then wonder why they’re beating the shit out of you before tossing you off a roof. Now put up your funny face and waddle away fatso.
For the record I never loathed Muslims. I realized from the very beginning that they weren't all terrorists. I just didn't like their beliefs, but good on them for standing up for their children and their parental rights!! :D

Well, if you are a conservative who never loathed Muslims, then you are a conservative who is solidly in the minority, as there were many times conservatives spoke badly about all Muslims. Especially in the decade after 9/11. And, also, if you didn't think that all of them were terrorists, that again put you solidly in the minority of conservatives, as many of them said they were all terrorists.

As far as them standing up for children and parental rights? Not quite.

From the article........................

City council members also commented that the code was not about targeting a specific group, stating: “If you let one flag in, you’ll have to let all of the flags in.”

And what this person said at the proceedings.................

“It’s shameful and embarrassing to have any other flag on public buildings. You have the freedom to display whatever you wish in your home or your private businesses. We respect all nations, cultures, and their flags, but we only salute the American flag,” he concluded, telling the city council members, “Do not waver and do not flinch, you are doing the right thing. God bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.”

Like I said earlier................we should only have flags flying on state, city and federal property that represent this nation. Not flags for one religion, belief system, or cause over another since we are a nation of a whole bunch of different people. If it is something that includes the whole nation (which national, state, city and POW flags do), then fly it on city, state or federal property. If you have your own view to express, do so on your own private property (which the Constitution allows you to do).
The majority of Muslim Americans have no problem with the 10 Commandments.
There is nothing in them that contradicts Islamic teaching.

You're Muslim yourself aren't you? I do believe that you mentioned that before and I don't find you threatening at all. :) (Unless I'm mistaken of course then my apologies.)
Before 911 American Muslims voted conservative in most elections.
Unfortunately, when the Republicans turned against muslims after 911.
The leftist Democrats befriended them.
Even though they had nothing in common.
Most muslims like most conservatives, are anti-abortion, anti-gay agenda, pro death penalty, pro 2nd Amnd., etc.

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