Michelle Obama Does 25 Push-Ups

See HERE, posters! You are NOT ALLOWED to a black person! Not even a pig like Michelle Obama! You are now pronounced a racist! (Never mind that she is a hateful angry bitch, you are not allowed to dislike here because she is black!)

Nobody is calling you a racist...they are calling you catty and shallow, but not racist. NLT made the blatantly, disgusting, racist comment and was called out for it.

Are you trying to defend his horribly racist comment?

oh dear me...NLT made a "horrible racist comment"..the world will now end..
was there a sybian involved?


EDIT: BTW, that would be squats, not push-ups... I'm just sayin....

Squats? Do you even know what the fuck squats are?
See HERE, posters! You are NOT ALLOWED to a black person! Not even a pig like Michelle Obama! You are now pronounced a racist! (Never mind that she is a hateful angry bitch, you are not allowed to dislike here because she is black!)

Nobody is calling you a racist...they are calling you catty and shallow, but not racist. NLT made the blatantly, disgusting, racist comment and was called out for it.

Are you trying to defend his horribly racist comment?

oh dear me...NLT made a "horrible racist comment"..the world will now end..

Lack of interest, concern, or sympathy: "his pretended indifference to criticism".

What is the great Amercican sin? Extravagance? Vice? Graft? No; it is a kind of half-humorous, good-natured indifference, a lack of "concentrated indignation" as my English friend calls it, which allows extravagance and vice to flourish. Trace most of our ills to their source, and it is found that they exist by virtue of an easy-going, fatalistic indifference which dislikes to have its comfort disturbed... The most shameless greed, the most sickening industrial atrocities, the most appalling public scandals are exposed, but a half-cynical and wholly indifferent public passes them by with hardly a shrug of the shoulders; and they are lost in the medley of events. This is the great American sin.
- Joseph Fort Newman [Atlantic Monthly, October 1922]
only a liberal would think 25 push ups is alot.:lol:


According to Top End Sports, an average male between the ages of 17 and 19 should be able to complete 19 to 34 complete pushups in one minute. An average male between the ages of 30 and 39 years should be able to complete 13 to 24 pushups. An average male over age 60 should be able to complete six to 16 pushups in one minute.

Read more: How Many Pushups Can The Average Man Do? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Only liberals and people who study physical fitness think that..or as I like to call them LIBERAL PHYSICAL FITNESS, am i right?
Two good looking women out performing a lot of dudes while the USA watched.
Nnobody asked me but...

I would not mind being directly under Michelle as she does her 25. :razz:
Its not surprising that she can 25 push ups, I mean look at those arms, that and swinging from trees all her life....

Say what?

Could you do me a huge favor? Make sure the idiot left understand that you speak only for yourself... they tend to think one racist makes all right wingers racist.

Take your fucking racist remarks and shove 'em up that fat ass of yours. Mmmk?
Its not surprising that she can 25 push ups, I mean look at those arms, that and swinging from trees all her life....

Say what?

Could you do me a huge favor? Make sure the idiot left understand that you speak only for yourself... they tend to think one racist makes all right wingers racist.

Take your fucking racist remarks and shove 'em up that fat ass of yours. Mmmk?


He was referring to her first business where she used to build swings and install them on the limbs of oak trees on the lawn of customers.....


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