Melania's Eerie Urban Poem: Devil's Advocate


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It seems that modern media caters to a good deal of sociopolitical confetti.

Does TrumpUSA make you feel 'strange' about customs/norms and even etiquette?

This 'publicity-apocrypha' vignette was inspired by Bulworth.



"My name is Melania Trump and I'm the First Lady of the USA. I received a letter in my White House mail the other day. It was from a young African-American boy, a 5th-grader from an inner-city public school in Philadelphia named Ethan. Ethan wrote a short-story about a fictional African-American NYPD detective named Juda attempting to tackle a nefarious modern-day urban crime-syndicate boss named 'Black Mask' who resembled in proportion a ghoulish evil-doer from a comic book. I noticed in Ethan's story a strange ethnic yearning to use expressive urban language to deliver the message that the strongest way for kids to deal with the reality of modern urban corruption is to use very flowery folk-tales, which compelled me to think that today's politicians have to address urban governance from the 'angle' of personalized youth-prayers, which is why I chose to share Ethan's story about Detective Juda with you today on CNN."


Juda was a detective working for the NYPD. He was sensitive about his African-American ethnic-identity and sometimes felt his minority-status gave him a bias when investigating crimes involving African-Americans. Nevertheless, Juda was considered a very diligent and vigilant officer of the law, and his superiors often commended him for his fine work in the field. Juda was about to investigate a new series of crimes in New York involving a nefarious crime-syndicate leader known simply as Black Mask.

Black Mask was a Hungarian-American named Thomas (surname unknown). Black Mask employed a handful of minions to help him build an ominous dominion in a city challenged by new age traffic and congestion problems. Black Mask was involved in a narcotics operation, black-market munitions trading with the Russian mafia, and corrupt political dealings with questionable New York politicians. Black Mask was in some ways worse than Al Capone. He ordered his minions to wield small handheld hammers, which his minions used to break the shoulders of policemen who dared to challenge the gang.

Black Mask made a statement in the press, “I never offend women or children; my enemies are those who pollute this great city, and I intend to keep it clean with modern tactics designed to create order and efficiency and highly expedient commerce, for politicians, businessmen, and even media-figures.” When Juda read this statement, he realized Black Mask was intent on making his criminal dominion a thing of legend. Juda was also concerned about the symbolism-intentions of Black Mask ordering his minions to wield hammers to break the shoulders of policemen (but not policewomen).

Juda wrote in his journal, “It’s intriguing that Black Mask commands his minions to never harm policewomen --- only policewomen. I’ve theorized that Black Mask intends to wield these ‘hammers’ as symbolic ‘diadems’ of some kind of modernism urbanization ‘prophecy’ or ‘crusade’ perhaps. That is why unless Black Mask is completely dismantled, his evil dominion will no doubt create a nefarious apocalyptic circle of fire. As a Christian, I believe it’s my duty as an officer of the law to use any legal means necessary to expose Black Mask for what he really is --- Satan (the Devil himself)!”


After Melania presented this urban 'folk-tale' about Black Mask on CNN, hundreds of viewers called in, tweeted, and sent in mail expressing their admiration of the First Lady, praising Melania's will to share this ethnicity-oriented modern-day urbanization idealistic 'vignette' on CNN so the American people would feel more 'involved' in new age sociopolitical issues. President Trump tweeted, "Many critics feel the First Lady does not do enough on the public stage, but I think we've seen there are definitive avenues which show 'vehicles' of real engaged social concern!" However, Trump's critics continued to wonder if President Trump should be 'tied' to such 'social activism' after being flamed in the press regarding various controversial and subtly racist-statements. Politics in the age of media was



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