Meghan McCain calls out internet bullies


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Meghan McCain: Cut It Out, Internet Bullies! - The Daily Beast

Last week, I went on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show PoliticsNation to talk about extremism in the Republican Party. As a socially liberal Republican, this happens to be a topic I know a lot about. On the show, I told Sharpton that many Republicans treat me like a freak, especially the extreme-right members of my party. I went on to say that I don’t understand the appeal of extreme bloggers such as Michelle Malkin and the late Andrew Breitbart. That’s all I said, but it only took a few hours before my comments were posted out of context on a variety of blogs that suggested I was viciously attacking Breitbart. My Twitter feed exploded with insults, including the suggestion that I should kill myself.

Instead of ignoring the hate projected at me, I elected to retweet some of the most vile responses. I wanted to show people what happens to me when I go on TV and voice my opinion. The Internet trolls weren’t interested in having a discussion about my opinion; they just wanted to eviscerate me. Here’s a watered-down version of some of the most hateful comments:

I am fat pig. I am ugly. I am disgusting. I am an embarrassment to my family, and they should be ashamed of me. I am an anti-American extremist. I am a clueless whore. I should drink a bottle of alcohol and pills and kill myself.

That’s only a small sampling, but you get the idea. You would think that by now, having gone through a presidential election with my father in 2008, I would be numb to this kind of name-calling. But I’m not. It hurts, it rattles me, it (understandably) concerns my mother, and it keeps me up at night. In a single day, Dan Abrams’s Mediaite found it necessary to post two full columns about me, questioning my career and suggesting I’m a problem for the Republican Party. By the way, each of the “columnists” behind these posts also vomited up a series of nasty Twitter posts following their columns. And they are supposed to be professionals.

She hit the nail on the head. Not that anything will change - but she is right.
Meghan McCain: Cut It Out, Internet Bullies! - The Daily Beast

Last week, I went on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show PoliticsNation to talk about extremism in the Republican Party. As a socially liberal Republican, this happens to be a topic I know a lot about. On the show, I told Sharpton that many Republicans treat me like a freak, especially the extreme-right members of my party. I went on to say that I don’t understand the appeal of extreme bloggers such as Michelle Malkin and the late Andrew Breitbart. That’s all I said, but it only took a few hours before my comments were posted out of context on a variety of blogs that suggested I was viciously attacking Breitbart. My Twitter feed exploded with insults, including the suggestion that I should kill myself.

Instead of ignoring the hate projected at me, I elected to retweet some of the most vile responses. I wanted to show people what happens to me when I go on TV and voice my opinion. The Internet trolls weren’t interested in having a discussion about my opinion; they just wanted to eviscerate me. Here’s a watered-down version of some of the most hateful comments:

I am fat pig. I am ugly. I am disgusting. I am an embarrassment to my family, and they should be ashamed of me. I am an anti-American extremist. I am a clueless whore. I should drink a bottle of alcohol and pills and kill myself.

That’s only a small sampling, but you get the idea. You would think that by now, having gone through a presidential election with my father in 2008, I would be numb to this kind of name-calling. But I’m not. It hurts, it rattles me, it (understandably) concerns my mother, and it keeps me up at night. In a single day, Dan Abrams’s Mediaite found it necessary to post two full columns about me, questioning my career and suggesting I’m a problem for the Republican Party. By the way, each of the “columnists” behind these posts also vomited up a series of nasty Twitter posts following their columns. And they are supposed to be professionals.

She hit the nail on the head. Not that anything will change - but she is right.

Hey, GOProud went after her big time over Meghan" the faux conservative" fools comments about Breitbart as well they should. The woman showed she knows nothing, nada about Andrew and his monumental contributions to the conservative gay community.

Many conservative and conservative gays were really insulted by her calling Breitbart an extremist.
Last week, I went on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show PoliticsNation to talk about extremism in the Republican Party. As a socially liberal Republican, this happens to be a topic I know a lot about. On the show, I told Sharpton that many Republicans treat me like a freak, especially the extreme-right members of my party. I went on to say that I don’t understand the appeal of extreme bloggers such as Michelle Malkin and the late Andrew Breitbart. That’s all I said, but it only took a few hours before my comments were posted out of context on a variety of blogs that suggested I was viciously attacking Breitbart. My Twitter feed exploded with insults, including the suggestion that I should kill myself.

Distortion, lies, twisting the facts, taking things out of context, all specialties of the radical right.
For those that don't know Breitbart's history with the conservative gay movement, here ya go. From a thread I made the other day:

The moron McCain didn't even know Breitbart's history of supporting gays when she went on Al Sharpton's show and opened her big fat trap about Breitbart being an extremist.

I love this quote:

“Meghan McCain should be absolutely ashamed of herself,” GOProud co-founders Christopher R. Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia said in a joint statement.

“She went on a liberal network with a liberal host and demonized Andrew Breitbart. During his life, Andrew Breitbart did more for gay people, and showed more political courage on behalf of gay people, than Meghan McCain could ever dream of,” they said.

And for those that don't know. Andrew was a serious supporter of gays and gay rights.

“When GOProud was just getting started and under intense fire from anti-gay forces within the conservative movement, Andrew Breitbart reached out to us and took up our fight as his own.

Andrew showed real courage, standing up to the intolerance of some in the conservative movement,” LaSalvia and Barron added, noting that Breitbart was neither hateful nor extremist.

And Breitbart truly championed GOProud.

GOProud is a national organization of gay conservatives and their straight supporters. Breitbart served on the organization’s board and memorably hosted a party with the group during the 2011 CPAC conference.

Read more: GOProud slams Meghan McCain for calling Breitbart ‘extremist’ | The Daily Caller
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She shouldn't hang out in the kitchen if her skin isn't thick enough and she's going to admit that it hurts and keeps her up at night.
Last week, I went on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show PoliticsNation to talk about extremism in the Republican Party. As a socially liberal Republican, this happens to be a topic I know a lot about. On the show, I told Sharpton that many Republicans treat me like a freak, especially the extreme-right members of my party. I went on to say that I don’t understand the appeal of extreme bloggers such as Michelle Malkin and the late Andrew Breitbart. That’s all I said, but it only took a few hours before my comments were posted out of context on a variety of blogs that suggested I was viciously attacking Breitbart. My Twitter feed exploded with insults, including the suggestion that I should kill myself.

Distortion, lies, twisting the facts, taking things out of context, all specialties of the radical right.

Taking what out of context? She slags conservatives, she gets slagged back. Meghan continually insults conservatives. McCain better get a thicker skin. Quickly.
Meghan McCain? Is she not playing the right wing game properly and is being thrown under the bus?
This is John McCain's daughter?

Sorry I don't watch network politics so I miss the political soaps.
If I can't call Meghan McCain a shithead, then I wouldn't be able to call anyone a shithead.
Meghan McCain? Is she not playing the right wing game properly and is being thrown under the bus?
This is John McCain's daughter?

Sorry I don't watch network politics so I miss the political soaps.

With all due respect, it's not political soaps at this point.


We're heading into political ECW territory. Where verbal pieces of furniture are allowed in the ring.
Hmm and yet the outrage over some womans fake photo by larry flint sucking a weenie?
Humans sure are strange.
Turns out Meghan is really a dishonest young woman. She has infered she feels "marginalized" from the Republican Party by hateful extremists like Andrew Breitbart.

Well check this out. What an ungrateful piece of work Meghan is.

In the basement of his home the day after Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, the late Andrew Breitbart launched his Big empire with Big Hollywood, and one of the first people he invited to join our merry little team as a contributor was Meghan McCain. I know this for a fact because I traded emails with Ms. McCain so she could join our live-blog of that year's Academy Awards. -- which she did. This reality doesn’t quite compute with her inference last night on MSNBC that hateful extremists like Andrew Breitbart are part of the reason she feels unwelcome in the Republican party.

Andrew not only welcomed Ms. McCain, he admired the fact that she was a young, engaged right-of-center person who "got" popular culture. This is why he tried to bring her into the Big Hollywood fold from the start. Not only that, but it's important to remember that this invitation came in the wake of John McCain's 2008 loss, before his daughter's status in the media was amplified by her perches at the Daily Beast and MSNBC.

Rest of the article is here. What a drama queen! What a disingenuous drama queen!

The Unbearable Ingratitude of Meghan McCain
I just find it odd that Meghan who consistently runs her mouth off insulting conservatives can't take what she dishes out.

Meghan bullies on a consistent basis. Poor widdle mean girl.

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