Media & Mueller Needlessly Dragging America Thru The Mud!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
I can't believe I have to say this because I believe the election of Mr. Trump to the Presidency is ruinous for America but the Mueller investigation and the media coverage of it have made me sympathetic toward President Trump! Two things I find alarming about this whole subject is how many people in the media are forgetting that to be responsible is doing what is good on the issues that come up focusing on truths isn't the final analysis in being responsible it is discerning what is good and standing up for it! The media is having a field day playing with truth and raking Trump and his associates over the coals as they find logical criticisms in this pursuit of theirs as our country slowing sinks into the quicksand of failing its people. Secondly, it is alarming how inferior a prosecutor Robert Mueller is his performance is what one would expect from a law school student not a hugely experienced law enforcement professional that is supposed to be in the top level of his profession! When the Mueller investigation began its focus on President Trump I thought it was legitimate because I thought it was off the charts strange that President Trump denied the compelling evidence that Russia interfered in our 2016 Presidential election and it was off the charts strange how President Trump was viewing Russian President Vladimir Putin as someone he wants to be America's ally as opposed to America's very dangerous enemy that wants to rebuild the Soviet Empire so it seemed fair to investigate to see if there was collusion between Donald Trump and Russia in the 2016 election which if it occurred would explain this bizarre behavior by Mr. Trump!

But after two years of investigation the Mueller investigation has got nothing, nada, zilch they have come up with a big fat goose egg. There is no evidence of any type of agreement between Donald Trump and the Russian Government where they interfere in America's 2016 election and there will be no negative consequences from a Trump presidential administration or where they illegally get dirt on the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Trump campaign commits to insure it gets into the America's public domain and hurts her campaign. It is okay they found nothing it was a thorough investigation that is what matters so at this point the country should be seeing this investigation come to a quick conclusion and the media circus over it ending and the country moving on and trying to make as much headway as possible on as many of the abundant serious problems it has over the next two years and hope a good, wise, non-extreme candidate enters the 2020 presidential race that will lead America to a functional federal government. Now alarmingly what does the country see they see the Mueller investigation going off on these flimsy prosecutorial pursuits and the media through its grossly irresponsible pundits trying to turn these matters into an epic scandal like Watergate it is beyond the pale, if only the Country had a few media giants to step forward and say this is outstandingly wrong for the journalism industry to be engaged in this distortion for ratings and the advertising revenue that comes from this media show involving the manipulative take down of an American President!

Rudy Giuliani is right we shouldn't be talking about prosecuting a President of the United States on a questionable theory of a crime in regards to that of making illegal campaign contributions because he paid for confidentiality agreements about an affair. One it is terrible, terrible public policy to make this type of spending illegal it is unquestionably foreseeable because of human nature that good people in America who would make wonderful elected officials and the America people would want them to run for office because the good they can do for the country will have such affairs in their background and it is bad public policy to remove from these people the tool needed to keep such a thing private which by the way a good society should be deeming private. Plus the argument is persuasive how can this be an illegal campaign contribution if such an expenditure if made out of a campaign fund would be deemed to be an unlawful expense because it was for personal purposes. Moreover, if this will be the state of the law that this type of spending during a campaign is campaign spending than future candidates for federal public office would have to before they announced their candidacy hire lawyers to contact people the candidate had affairs with that could prove embarrasing and see if they are inclined to disclose this publicly and if they would pursue buying their silence with a confidentiality agreeement and after the agreements are finalized then announce their candidacy this just makes our campaign laws ridiculous in this area they create a game where candidates have to learn how to jump through certain loops to not lose it is a pointless exercise which is not what America's laws should be about. In the media one hears the grandstanding pundits reference the John Edwards case and point out that the DOJ bought the case, so it is established as a crime, and it was only the jury that found no crime was committed so aha the record is clear it is against the law; if these pundits are honest they would have to acknowledge that the DOJ would never had bought the case if John Edwards had come to his senses and dropped out of the Presidential race before at least one major Union and others spent millions of dollars supporting the Edwards campaign thereby being made fools of on a candidate that was practically unelectable!

The Media makes a huge deal of the fact that President Trump on Air Force One told the media that he did not know of the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels when it was paid even though Michael Cohen's testimony and/or recordings indicated that Mr. Trump and Michael had conversations where Mr. Trump approved Michael handling the Stormy Daniels matter by paying her for a confidentiality agreement. And the pundits almost lose their voice proclaiming Mr. Trump a liar over it. Well many people including Mr. Trump perceive a lie as only telling something that is factually incorrect. So Mr. Trump's statement is not a lie because he didn't involve himself in the details of the transaction Mr. Trump knowledge at that time was limited to just a general authorization so his claim on the specific journalist's question is factually correct.

The media just loves to focus on the Trump Hotel Project in Russia and how Donald Trump crystal clearly said he had no business interest in Russia during the campaign when this Hotel Project was still an active venture during the election cycle. The media is not being fair on this issue to a businessman and to many ordinary people like this writer having a project for a business is not having a business a business has to be open, that is open to conduct commerce to make money, to count as a business! Moreover and I think it is to Donald Trump's great credit that after he won the Presidency in 2016 he unequivocally shut down this hotel project by doing this he clearly avoided a conflict of interest at a great personal economic costs to himself!

Another media focus is the allegation that Roger Stone had an open line to Julian Assange the head of Wiki Leaks which leaked the hacked DNC and Podesta emails and quite possibly Mr. Stone communicated to the Trump administration some of the embarrassing information in the e-mails. There is no crime here by Donald Trump the crime in this overall matter is the hacking of the emails this was done by a third party, the Russians, Donald Trump in this Roger Stone matter had no interaction with the Russians in fact there has been no evidence that Roger Stone had any interaction with the Russians. In any event if Roger Stone gave advance notice of the contents illegally obtained e-mails to two dozen people would all or any of the twenty-four people have committed a crime no absolutely not. Since when has listening become a crime in America! Even if Trump prerelease new the contents of the released e-mails and prerelease told his supporters Hillary Clinton's is in for it soon referencing the release he committed no crime benefiting from the criminal behavior and relished in it is not a crime!

The Media currently is raking Donald Trump through the coals over his Charity and the disgraceful expenditures the Charity made. This is all old news the American public before the 2016 election new Trump spent $20,000 dollars of the charities money on a painting of himself and $12,000 on a football helmet signed by Tebow and other inappropriate things. This is another example of Trump's greedy and "short on integrity" character but the American people new this and still decided to make him President, let's move on helping the country should be the media's focus not dwelling on Trump's character shortcomings!

This campaign to lay the groundwork for and actually pursue impeaching President Trump is so without merit that it smells funny it smells like there is powerful monied interest behind it. Anyone that really delved into it would know that the monied interest in America is mad as hell at Trump for his trade pursuits especially his conflict with China. Trump's behavior here as depressed profits of corporations listed in the financial markets, created instability in the economy thereby curtailing capital spending and lowering future GDP and throwing the country into the recession danger zone for 2020 and beyond; these people don't care that he is trying to save domestic manufacturing industries in America and middle class incomes for tens of millions of American families. These monied interest care about their own wealth, not fairness, and Trump is in their cross-hairs for payback! I bet if Donald Trump decides to throw the American production worker under the bus and abandons his effort to insure fair trade for the American worker and just makes a face saving agreement with China that has no teeth shortly afterward a Mueller report will come out calling for no indictment but painting Trump and his associates as a bunch of character depraved individuals and for around two months the pundits will criticize Trump over the report and pat themselves on the back at how good they are for making this call and the Media will then pivot to the 2020 election and continually highlight Trump's strengths in that race and turn Trump into a very viable 2020 Presidential candidate!
I can't believe I have to say this because I believe the election of Mr. Trump to the Presidency is ruinous for America but the Mueller investigation and the media coverage of it have made me sympathetic toward President Trump! Two things I find alarming about this whole subject is how many people in the media are forgetting that to be responsible is doing what is good on the issues that come up focusing on truths isn't the final analysis in being responsible it is discerning what is good and standing up for it! The media is having a field day playing with truth and raking Trump and his associates over the coals as they find logical criticisms in this pursuit of theirs as our country slowing sinks into the quicksand of failing its people. Secondly, it is alarming how inferior a prosecutor Robert Mueller is his performance is what one would expect from a law school student not a hugely experienced law enforcement professional that is supposed to be in the top level of his profession! When the Mueller investigation began its focus on President Trump I thought it was legitimate because I thought it was off the charts strange that President Trump denied the compelling evidence that Russia interfered in our 2016 Presidential election and it was off the charts strange how President Trump was viewing Russian President Vladimir Putin as someone he wants to be America's ally as opposed to America's very dangerous enemy that wants to rebuild the Soviet Empire so it seemed fair to investigate to see if there was collusion between Donald Trump and Russia in the 2016 election which if it occurred would explain this bizarre behavior by Mr. Trump!

But after two years of investigation the Mueller investigation has got nothing, nada, zilch they have come up with a big fat goose egg. There is no evidence of any type of agreement between Donald Trump and the Russian Government where they interfere in America's 2016 election and there will be no negative consequences from a Trump presidential administration or where they illegally get dirt on the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Trump campaign commits to insure it gets into the America's public domain and hurts her campaign. It is okay they found nothing it was a thorough investigation that is what matters so at this point the country should be seeing this investigation come to a quick conclusion and the media circus over it ending and the country moving on and trying to make as much headway as possible on as many of the abundant serious problems it has over the next two years and hope a good, wise, non-extreme candidate enters the 2020 presidential race that will lead America to a functional federal government. Now alarmingly what does the country see they see the Mueller investigation going off on these flimsy prosecutorial pursuits and the media through its grossly irresponsible pundits trying to turn these matters into an epic scandal like Watergate it is beyond the pale, if only the Country had a few media giants to step forward and say this is outstandingly wrong for the journalism industry to be engaged in this distortion for ratings and the advertising revenue that comes from this media show involving the manipulative take down of an American President!

Rudy Giuliani is right we shouldn't be talking about prosecuting a President of the United States on a questionable theory of a crime in regards to that of making illegal campaign contributions because he paid for confidentiality agreements about an affair. One it is terrible, terrible public policy to make this type of spending illegal it is unquestionably foreseeable because of human nature that good people in America who would make wonderful elected officials and the America people would want them to run for office because the good they can do for the country will have such affairs in their background and it is bad public policy to remove from these people the tool needed to keep such a thing private which by the way a good society should be deeming private. Plus the argument is persuasive how can this be an illegal campaign contribution if such an expenditure if made out of a campaign fund would be deemed to be an unlawful expense because it was for personal purposes. Moreover, if this will be the state of the law that this type of spending during a campaign is campaign spending than future candidates for federal public office would have to before they announced their candidacy hire lawyers to contact people the candidate had affairs with that could prove embarrasing and see if they are inclined to disclose this publicly and if they would pursue buying their silence with a confidentiality agreeement and after the agreements are finalized then announce their candidacy this just makes our campaign laws ridiculous in this area they create a game where candidates have to learn how to jump through certain loops to not lose it is a pointless exercise which is not what America's laws should be about. In the media one hears the grandstanding pundits reference the John Edwards case and point out that the DOJ bought the case, so it is established as a crime, and it was only the jury that found no crime was committed so aha the record is clear it is against the law; if these pundits are honest they would have to acknowledge that the DOJ would never had bought the case if John Edwards had come to his senses and dropped out of the Presidential race before at least one major Union and others spent millions of dollars supporting the Edwards campaign thereby being made fools of on a candidate that was practically unelectable!

The Media makes a huge deal of the fact that President Trump on Air Force One told the media that he did not know of the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels when it was paid even though Michael Cohen's testimony and/or recordings indicated that Mr. Trump and Michael had conversations where Mr. Trump approved Michael handling the Stormy Daniels matter by paying her for a confidentiality agreement. And the pundits almost lose their voice proclaiming Mr. Trump a liar over it. Well many people including Mr. Trump perceive a lie as only telling something that is factually incorrect. So Mr. Trump's statement is not a lie because he didn't involve himself in the details of the transaction Mr. Trump knowledge at that time was limited to just a general authorization so his claim on the specific journalist's question is factually correct.

The media just loves to focus on the Trump Hotel Project in Russia and how Donald Trump crystal clearly said he had no business interest in Russia during the campaign when this Hotel Project was still an active venture during the election cycle. The media is not being fair on this issue to a businessman and to many ordinary people like this writer having a project for a business is not having a business a business has to be open, that is open to conduct commerce to make money, to count as a business! Moreover and I think it is to Donald Trump's great credit that after he won the Presidency in 2016 he unequivocally shut down this hotel project by doing this he clearly avoided a conflict of interest at a great personal economic costs to himself!

Another media focus is the allegation that Roger Stone had an open line to Julian Assange the head of Wiki Leaks which leaked the hacked DNC and Podesta emails and quite possibly Mr. Stone communicated to the Trump administration some of the embarrassing information in the e-mails. There is no crime here by Donald Trump the crime in this overall matter is the hacking of the emails this was done by a third party, the Russians, Donald Trump in this Roger Stone matter had no interaction with the Russians in fact there has been no evidence that Roger Stone had any interaction with the Russians. In any event if Roger Stone gave advance notice of the contents illegally obtained e-mails to two dozen people would all or any of the twenty-four people have committed a crime no absolutely not. Since when has listening become a crime in America! Even if Trump prerelease new the contents of the released e-mails and prerelease told his supporters Hillary Clinton's is in for it soon referencing the release he committed no crime benefiting from the criminal behavior and relished in it is not a crime!

The Media currently is raking Donald Trump through the coals over his Charity and the disgraceful expenditures the Charity made. This is all old news the American public before the 2016 election new Trump spent $20,000 dollars of the charities money on a painting of himself and $12,000 on a football helmet signed by Tebow and other inappropriate things. This is another example of Trump's greedy and "short on integrity" character but the American people new this and still decided to make him President, let's move on helping the country should be the media's focus not dwelling on Trump's character shortcomings!

This campaign to lay the groundwork for and actually pursue impeaching President Trump is so without merit that it smells funny it smells like there is powerful monied interest behind it. Anyone that really delved into it would know that the monied interest in America is mad as hell at Trump for his trade pursuits especially his conflict with China. Trump's behavior here as depressed profits of corporations listed in the financial markets, created instability in the economy thereby curtailing capital spending and lowering future GDP and throwing the country into the recession danger zone for 2020 and beyond; these people don't care that he is trying to save domestic manufacturing industries in America and middle class incomes for tens of millions of American families. These monied interest care about their own wealth, not fairness, and Trump is in their cross-hairs for payback! I bet if Donald Trump decides to throw the American production worker under the bus and abandons his effort to insure fair trade for the American worker and just makes a face saving agreement with China that has no teeth shortly afterward a Mueller report will come out calling for no indictment but painting Trump and his associates as a bunch of character depraved individuals and for around two months the pundits will criticize Trump over the report and pat themselves on the back at how good they are for making this call and the Media will then pivot to the 2020 election and continually highlight Trump's strengths in that race and turn Trump into a very viable 2020 Presidential candidate!

Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think he should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero! Of course he should not tell the base he's a Democrat. they won't even recognize this stuff is democratic policy because they don't know what the democratic policy actually is, they just have an encyclopedic knowledge of phony scandals...
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Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think you should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero!
the rich pay more than their fair share
Do the rich pay their fair share?
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update | Tax Foundation
Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think you should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero!
the rich pay more than their fair share
Do the rich pay their fair share?
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update | Tax Foundation
If all you count is federal income taxes, our only progressive tax, super duper. If you count all taxes, everyone pays between 18 and 30% oh, and the rich get all the new wealth. For 35 years now, the country and the middle class have been falling apart.
Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think you should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero!
the rich pay more than their fair share
Do the rich pay their fair share?
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update | Tax Foundation
If all you count is federal income taxes, our only progressive tax, super duper. If you count all taxes, everyone pays between 18 and 30% oh, and the rich get all the new wealth. For 35 years now, the country and the middle class have been falling apart.
the rich are America's problem???!!!!!!!!???????
Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think you should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero!
the rich pay more than their fair share
Do the rich pay their fair share?
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update | Tax Foundation
If all you count is federal income taxes, our only progressive tax, super duper. If you count all taxes, everyone pays between 18 and 30% oh, and the rich get all the new wealth. For 35 years now, the country and the middle class have been falling apart.
the rich are America's problem???!!!!!!!!???????

when we have a completely separate judicial system for them

Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think you should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero!
the rich pay more than their fair share
Do the rich pay their fair share?
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update | Tax Foundation
If all you count is federal income taxes, our only progressive tax, super duper. If you count all taxes, everyone pays between 18 and 30% oh, and the rich get all the new wealth. For 35 years now, the country and the middle class have been falling apart.
the rich are America's problem???!!!!!!!!???????

when we have a completely separate judicial system for them

he was talking about taxes
Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think you should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero!
the rich pay more than their fair share
Do the rich pay their fair share?
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update | Tax Foundation
If all you count is federal income taxes, our only progressive tax, super duper. If you count all taxes, everyone pays between 18 and 30% oh, and the rich get all the new wealth. For 35 years now, the country and the middle class have been falling apart.
the rich are America's problem???!!!!!!!!???????
No, they are doing absolutely fantastic and are totally bloated. The problem is our infrastructure is going to hell, we have been spending half as much as we used to for 35 years now, quite the GOP scam. And the other thing Republicans do to keep the debt somewhat reasonable is cutting services to the middle class like help going to college and training and all kinds of other things they've cut. Which are killing the middle and working class, not to mention the fact that their taxes have been going up all this time, as Less federal aid to States and localities means more state and local taxes which kill the Non rich. None of which do you do doops ever hear about...
Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think you should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero!
the rich pay more than their fair share
Do the rich pay their fair share?
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update | Tax Foundation
If all you count is federal income taxes, our only progressive tax, super duper. If you count all taxes, everyone pays between 18 and 30% oh, and the rich get all the new wealth. For 35 years now, the country and the middle class have been falling apart.
the rich are America's problem???!!!!!!!!???????
No, they are doing absolutely fantastic and are totally bloated. The problem is our infrastructure is going to hell, we have been spending half as much as we used to for 35 years now, quite the GOP scam. And the other thing Republicans do to keep the debt somewhat reasonable is cutting services to the middle class like help going to college and training and all kinds of other things they've cut. Which are killing the middle and working class, not to mention the fact that their taxes have been going up all this time, as Less federal aid to States and localities means more state and local taxes which kill the Non rich. None of which do you do doops ever hear about...
so we are going to solve all these tax problems by taxing the rich--MORE??!!
CUT taxes !!!!

Trump is not America. Trump is dragging America down into the mud with him.

That would be the media bub.
MEDIA: Joe Blow has been arrested for tossing live puppies into rush hour traffic.

TARD: The media is dragging Joe Blow into the mud!

Trump is not America. Trump is dragging America down into the mud with him.

That would be the media bub.
MEDIA: Joe Blow has been arrested for tossing live puppies into rush hour traffic.

TARD: The media is dragging Joe Blow into the mud!

Media: lie, divide, propaganda.
I can't believe I have to say this because I believe the election of Mr. Trump to the Presidency is ruinous for America but the Mueller investigation and the media coverage of it have made me sympathetic toward President Trump! Two things I find alarming about this whole subject is how many people in the media are forgetting that to be responsible is doing what is good on the issues that come up focusing on truths isn't the final analysis in being responsible it is discerning what is good and standing up for it! The media is having a field day playing with truth and raking Trump and his associates over the coals as they find logical criticisms in this pursuit of theirs as our country slowing sinks into the quicksand of failing its people. Secondly, it is alarming how inferior a prosecutor Robert Mueller is his performance is what one would expect from a law school student not a hugely experienced law enforcement professional that is supposed to be in the top level of his profession! When the Mueller investigation began its focus on President Trump I thought it was legitimate because I thought it was off the charts strange that President Trump denied the compelling evidence that Russia interfered in our 2016 Presidential election and it was off the charts strange how President Trump was viewing Russian President Vladimir Putin as someone he wants to be America's ally as opposed to America's very dangerous enemy that wants to rebuild the Soviet Empire so it seemed fair to investigate to see if there was collusion between Donald Trump and Russia in the 2016 election which if it occurred would explain this bizarre behavior by Mr. Trump!

But after two years of investigation the Mueller investigation has got nothing, nada, zilch they have come up with a big fat goose egg. There is no evidence of any type of agreement between Donald Trump and the Russian Government where they interfere in America's 2016 election and there will be no negative consequences from a Trump presidential administration or where they illegally get dirt on the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Trump campaign commits to insure it gets into the America's public domain and hurts her campaign. It is okay they found nothing it was a thorough investigation that is what matters so at this point the country should be seeing this investigation come to a quick conclusion and the media circus over it ending and the country moving on and trying to make as much headway as possible on as many of the abundant serious problems it has over the next two years and hope a good, wise, non-extreme candidate enters the 2020 presidential race that will lead America to a functional federal government. Now alarmingly what does the country see they see the Mueller investigation going off on these flimsy prosecutorial pursuits and the media through its grossly irresponsible pundits trying to turn these matters into an epic scandal like Watergate it is beyond the pale, if only the Country had a few media giants to step forward and say this is outstandingly wrong for the journalism industry to be engaged in this distortion for ratings and the advertising revenue that comes from this media show involving the manipulative take down of an American President!

Rudy Giuliani is right we shouldn't be talking about prosecuting a President of the United States on a questionable theory of a crime in regards to that of making illegal campaign contributions because he paid for confidentiality agreements about an affair. One it is terrible, terrible public policy to make this type of spending illegal it is unquestionably foreseeable because of human nature that good people in America who would make wonderful elected officials and the America people would want them to run for office because the good they can do for the country will have such affairs in their background and it is bad public policy to remove from these people the tool needed to keep such a thing private which by the way a good society should be deeming private. Plus the argument is persuasive how can this be an illegal campaign contribution if such an expenditure if made out of a campaign fund would be deemed to be an unlawful expense because it was for personal purposes. Moreover, if this will be the state of the law that this type of spending during a campaign is campaign spending than future candidates for federal public office would have to before they announced their candidacy hire lawyers to contact people the candidate had affairs with that could prove embarrasing and see if they are inclined to disclose this publicly and if they would pursue buying their silence with a confidentiality agreeement and after the agreements are finalized then announce their candidacy this just makes our campaign laws ridiculous in this area they create a game where candidates have to learn how to jump through certain loops to not lose it is a pointless exercise which is not what America's laws should be about. In the media one hears the grandstanding pundits reference the John Edwards case and point out that the DOJ bought the case, so it is established as a crime, and it was only the jury that found no crime was committed so aha the record is clear it is against the law; if these pundits are honest they would have to acknowledge that the DOJ would never had bought the case if John Edwards had come to his senses and dropped out of the Presidential race before at least one major Union and others spent millions of dollars supporting the Edwards campaign thereby being made fools of on a candidate that was practically unelectable!

The Media makes a huge deal of the fact that President Trump on Air Force One told the media that he did not know of the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels when it was paid even though Michael Cohen's testimony and/or recordings indicated that Mr. Trump and Michael had conversations where Mr. Trump approved Michael handling the Stormy Daniels matter by paying her for a confidentiality agreement. And the pundits almost lose their voice proclaiming Mr. Trump a liar over it. Well many people including Mr. Trump perceive a lie as only telling something that is factually incorrect. So Mr. Trump's statement is not a lie because he didn't involve himself in the details of the transaction Mr. Trump knowledge at that time was limited to just a general authorization so his claim on the specific journalist's question is factually correct.

The media just loves to focus on the Trump Hotel Project in Russia and how Donald Trump crystal clearly said he had no business interest in Russia during the campaign when this Hotel Project was still an active venture during the election cycle. The media is not being fair on this issue to a businessman and to many ordinary people like this writer having a project for a business is not having a business a business has to be open, that is open to conduct commerce to make money, to count as a business! Moreover and I think it is to Donald Trump's great credit that after he won the Presidency in 2016 he unequivocally shut down this hotel project by doing this he clearly avoided a conflict of interest at a great personal economic costs to himself!

Another media focus is the allegation that Roger Stone had an open line to Julian Assange the head of Wiki Leaks which leaked the hacked DNC and Podesta emails and quite possibly Mr. Stone communicated to the Trump administration some of the embarrassing information in the e-mails. There is no crime here by Donald Trump the crime in this overall matter is the hacking of the emails this was done by a third party, the Russians, Donald Trump in this Roger Stone matter had no interaction with the Russians in fact there has been no evidence that Roger Stone had any interaction with the Russians. In any event if Roger Stone gave advance notice of the contents illegally obtained e-mails to two dozen people would all or any of the twenty-four people have committed a crime no absolutely not. Since when has listening become a crime in America! Even if Trump prerelease new the contents of the released e-mails and prerelease told his supporters Hillary Clinton's is in for it soon referencing the release he committed no crime benefiting from the criminal behavior and relished in it is not a crime!

The Media currently is raking Donald Trump through the coals over his Charity and the disgraceful expenditures the Charity made. This is all old news the American public before the 2016 election new Trump spent $20,000 dollars of the charities money on a painting of himself and $12,000 on a football helmet signed by Tebow and other inappropriate things. This is another example of Trump's greedy and "short on integrity" character but the American people new this and still decided to make him President, let's move on helping the country should be the media's focus not dwelling on Trump's character shortcomings!

This campaign to lay the groundwork for and actually pursue impeaching President Trump is so without merit that it smells funny it smells like there is powerful monied interest behind it. Anyone that really delved into it would know that the monied interest in America is mad as hell at Trump for his trade pursuits especially his conflict with China. Trump's behavior here as depressed profits of corporations listed in the financial markets, created instability in the economy thereby curtailing capital spending and lowering future GDP and throwing the country into the recession danger zone for 2020 and beyond; these people don't care that he is trying to save domestic manufacturing industries in America and middle class incomes for tens of millions of American families. These monied interest care about their own wealth, not fairness, and Trump is in their cross-hairs for payback! I bet if Donald Trump decides to throw the American production worker under the bus and abandons his effort to insure fair trade for the American worker and just makes a face saving agreement with China that has no teeth shortly afterward a Mueller report will come out calling for no indictment but painting Trump and his associates as a bunch of character depraved individuals and for around two months the pundits will criticize Trump over the report and pat themselves on the back at how good they are for making this call and the Media will then pivot to the 2020 election and continually highlight Trump's strengths in that race and turn Trump into a very viable 2020 Presidential candidate!
You seem to be putting alot of effort into defending an accused felon. Along with almost every one of his organizations under investigation.
Crime is crime, and this investigation has never given a final report. Our media goes on and on about what they might come up with, but it is all garbage gabbing... The fact that people are already in prison and going there shows it is not about nothing. And I don't really like the Russians telling our government what we should be doing, which is a possibility. I don't hate Trump, but law enforcement tends to be sticklers about crime.I think you should go back to being a Democrat like the bump stock ban and crime reform show he might be doing. Time for a living wage, Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations, cheap college and training, taxing the Rich their fair share more and fixing our infrastructure, ID card to stop illegal work and illegal voting to stop that mess... You go, Donnie. Be a pragmatic businessman and change the channel... Be a hero!
the rich pay more than their fair share
Do the rich pay their fair share?
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update | Tax Foundation
If all you count is federal income taxes, our only progressive tax, super duper. If you count all taxes, everyone pays between 18 and 30% oh, and the rich get all the new wealth. For 35 years now, the country and the middle class have been falling apart.
the rich are America's problem???!!!!!!!!???????
No, they are doing absolutely fantastic and are totally bloated. The problem is our infrastructure is going to hell, we have been spending half as much as we used to for 35 years now, quite the GOP scam. And the other thing Republicans do to keep the debt somewhat reasonable is cutting services to the middle class like help going to college and training and all kinds of other things they've cut. Which are killing the middle and working class, not to mention the fact that their taxes have been going up all this time, as Less federal aid to States and localities means more state and local taxes which kill the Non rich. None of which do you do doops ever hear about...
so we are going to solve all these tax problems by taxing the rich--MORE??!!
CUT taxes !!!!
On the middle and working classes thanks. Your sympathy for the bloated rich is touching butt brainwashed idiocy.
I don't want a criminal in the White House.

I know Republicans do, but I don't.

From a party that loots the country, it's not entirely unexpected.

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