CDZ Media is losing it - Vanity Fair calls Trump “child kidnapper”


Gold Member
May 22, 2018
Realityville, USA
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
Journalism has all but disappeared in this country. It has been replaced by agenda.

Having grown up in the 60s, it amazes me how the paradigm has shifted. Political correctness has resulted in the left now being more fascist than the right, and the right struggling to speak truth to power in a media stacked against it rather than the other way around.

Marshal McLuhan said it 50 years ago -- the medium is the message. Both the media and the message have changed dramatically since he coined the phrase, however.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
Fox News and even Talk Radio are not helping anything.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
That's about right. And I hope Interpol is looking closely to the child sex trafficking going on, if there's an increase in "supply" sourced from the U.S.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
Fox News and even Talk Radio are not helping anything.

What do you mean by “not helping”?
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
Fox News and even Talk Radio are not helping anything.

What do you mean by “not helping”?
Saying that this nonsense is "destroying the Republican party" like moron Hugh Hewitt said.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?

Fairly? Yeah, for the most part they don't lie. Plenty of truths are left out though be it on the Trump worshiping Fox news on the anti-Trump other news.

If I recall this was 90% as bad under Obama, correct? Trump with his wall talk just brought this upon himself. Me, I was quiet and got away with things. My sister talked too much (like Trump) and got in trouble for everything she did. Fair? You can't campaign on how tough you are on illegals then not expect this to make the news. The news could give a little more reference to how long this has been a situation though.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
Fox News and even Talk Radio are not helping anything.

What do you mean by “not helping”?
Saying that this nonsense is "destroying the Republican party" like moron Hugh Hewitt said.

Oh, haha. Well that’s just his opinion. Most of talk radio is opinion really.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?

Fairly? Yeah, for the most part they don't lie. Plenty of truths are left out though be it on the Trump worshiping Fox news on the anti-Trump other news.

If I recall this was 90% as bad under Obama, correct? Trump with his wall talk just brought this upon himself. Me, I was quiet and got away with things. My sister talked too much (like Trump) and got in trouble for everything she did. Fair? You can't campaign on how tough you are on illegals then not expect this to make the news. The news could give a little more reference to how long this has been a situation though.
They have done nothing but lie about Trump.

They lied about Trump making fun of a disability.

They lied about Trump calling Hispanics rapists

and on and on.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?

Fairly? Yeah, for the most part they don't lie. Plenty of truths are left out though be it on the Trump worshiping Fox news on the anti-Trump other news.

If I recall this was 90% as bad under Obama, correct? Trump with his wall talk just brought this upon himself. Me, I was quiet and got away with things. My sister talked too much (like Trump) and got in trouble for everything she did. Fair? You can't campaign on how tough you are on illegals then not expect this to make the news. The news could give a little more reference to how long this has been a situation though.
They have done nothing but lie about Trump.

They lied about Trump making fun of a disability.

They lied about Trump calling Hispanics rapists

and on and on.

Eh, Trump runs his mouth and tries to get up to the line but maintain some ability to say he didn't mean that. He has no idea what happened in Sweden last night. Is that really a big deal? Not really, but why did he have to even say that, some Muslim someplace had to do something wrong the night before.

SO, them things only become a big deal to me in the same way the Stormy Daniels thing is a big deal. They let me know who the cheerleaders and paid posters are. For example, those who pretended to be offended by the B. Clinton sex acts but aren't by the Trump acts are cheerleaders or paid posters (I guess there are hypocrites out there also). Those who are offended by both men, great, that's consistent. Those like me who just figure Bill and Donald both sleep or slept around and really don't care, great, that's consistent. But for me its important to see who has double standards so I know not to value their opinions even if I still want to get them to vote my way.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
Fox News and even Talk Radio are not helping anything.

What do you mean by “not helping”?
Now idiots at Fox News(and there are quite a few idiots who are supposedly conservatives or libertarians at Fox News) are saying that Democrats have "won the day".

After Democrats refused to vote yesterday to fix anything and essentially forfeited any advantage they thought they had on this issue.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
Fox News and even Talk Radio are not helping anything.

What do you mean by “not helping”?
Now idiots at Fox News(and there are quite a few idiots who are supposedly conservatives or libertarians at Fox News) are saying that Democrats have "won the day".

After Democrats refused to vote yesterday to fix anything and essentially forfeited any advantage they thought they had on this issue.
This is how we separate the fake repubs from the real ones.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump.
You are the fool on this.
Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity.
a mere exaggaration

i consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
I this the media could be bolder with accusations and the truth.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?
Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?

Because he kidnapped children and put them in cages.

Does everything have to be explained?
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?

The attacks on Trump are leftist street theater. Where were these folks when the ACLU was suing the Obama Admin for "cruel and dangerous" detainment conditions in 2013/4?

The part that makes me furious is the references to Nazis and slavery and internment. The HYSTERICAL minions of "resisters" are crapping in their own nest with these attacks. Comparing the shelters to "gas chambers" or as one insane lefty member recently blurted out "they are measuring the children for lampshades" -- is gonna lose the Jewish vote. Largely because of the mindless venom and hate that's being spewed by the folks making these accusations. And it's ALL OVER MSNBC and CNN and other fake news organizations. Same with references to slavery deameaning their black constituency. Or references to "internment camps" are gonna alienate their Asian voting drones. That MEMBER was watching Joe and Mika or any random hour on CNN -- no doubt in my mind.

Truth is -- conditions in EITHER legal detainment or the Child Placement that's being done is the BEST enviro these kids have had in years, maybe their entire lives. MANY of my Christian neighbors have gone on working church missions to Cent America. My neighbor went down to build a 400 sq ft house with ONE small window and the family was crying for joy and Jesus even today. No air, no plumbing, only a tiny generator to pump water and power a couple lights.

I swear I'm so angry at this spectacle of useless screaming that I'm laying low. About to take the head off the next person that uses the Nazi/slavery/internment reference. Including any TV talking heads that are stoking this brush fire. Because they are gonna get people killed.
Seriously how foolish does one have to be to not see how desperately unfair the media (minus Fox News, of course) is being to Donald Trump? Calling him a “child kidnapper” is just plain insanity. I consider myself an Independent but I really hope this blows up in his opposition’s faces. The press is going way too far, above and beyond what their jobs are which is to inform the people, NOT demonize a duly elected official. We should all have a problem with what they’re doing bc they’re successfully brainwashing people to believe the worst about someone they don’t like. It’s disgusting how much power they hold and how many people their pathetic actions are impacting.

Do you really think the media treats Trump fairly? Does he deserve to be called a “child kidnapper” and if you believe he does, why?

The attacks on Trump are leftist street theater. Where were these folks when the ACLU was suing the Obama Admin for "cruel and dangerous" detainment conditions in 2013/4?

The part that makes me furious is the references to Nazis and slavery and internment. The HYSTERICAL minions of "resisters" are crapping in their own nest with these attacks. Comparing the shelters to "gas chambers" or as one insane lefty member recently blurted out "they are measuring the children for lampshades" -- is gonna lose the Jewish vote. Largely because of the mindless venom and hate that's being spewed by the folks making these accusations. And it's ALL OVER MSNBC and CNN and other fake news organizations. Same with references to slavery deameaning their black constituency. Or references to "internment camps" are gonna alienate their Asian voting drones. That MEMBER was watching Joe and Mika or any random hour on CNN -- no doubt in my mind.

Truth is -- conditions in EITHER legal detainment or the Child Placement that's being done is the BEST enviro these kids have had in years, maybe their entire lives. MANY of my Christian neighbors have gone on working church missions to Cent America. My neighbor went down to build a 400 sq ft house with ONE small window and the family was crying for joy and Jesus even today. No air, no plumbing, only a tiny generator to pump water and power a couple lights.

I swear I'm so angry at this spectacle of useless screaming that I'm laying low. About to take the head off the next person that uses the Nazi/slavery/internment reference. Including any TV talking heads that are stoking this brush fire. Because they are gonna get people killed.

The same ACLU who helped free Ollie North. A conservative bunch of constitutionalists they are :)

I agree with all the references to "this has been going on for awhile" btw. Trump just did such a good job of drawing attention to it. Then again he got votes by bragging how tough he was going to be. Some years shark attacks make the news, some years they don't.
Leftists engage in child trafficking for a number of reasons..but first and foremost is so they can create victimized children that they can whip out and use to demand compliance with whatever stupidity they're peddling at that moment.

The problem of trafficked kids at the border was created by the left when they decided it would be a brilliant idea to tell all the world's traffickers that if they come through with a little kid, they wouldn't be prosecuted or even detained, and border agents would obligingly place the trafficked child with whatever gang member shows up to take it.

What is happening now is the leftist media is unable to continue to ignore this issue that they created...and so now they are going to blame it on the people who are trying to stop it.

They are literally complaining because we are removing children from the people who traffic and abuse them.

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