McDaniel (R-Tea) officially challenges the MS-SEN runoff results


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
6 weeks later...

Chris McDaniel Challenges GOP Primary Loss in Mississippi - NBC News

...State Sen. McDaniel told reporters he has filed a challenge with the state Republican executive committee to contest the results of the June 24 runoff. Lawyers for McDaniel say the campaign has identified enough illegally cast votes to prove Cochran lost, even though certified results found the longtime senator won by 7,667 votes.

“Justice has no timetable, yet here we stand,” said McDaniel. “They ask us to put up or shut up, here we are. Here we are with the evidence.”

Since the runoff, McDaniel supporters have been sorting through ballot boxes to find voting irregularities after the Cochran campaign turned to African-American voters for support in the tightly contested race...

...McDaniel’s attorney Mitch Tyner said they have found 3,500 cases of voters casting ballots in both the Democratic primary and GOP runoff and more than 10,000 questionable votes. He is hopeful the state party will declare McDaniel the winner after examining the results.
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I hope he wins

that was some dirty dirty politics down there in collusion with Democrats

folks needs to start paying attention to these elections
nontypical southern politics for the primary - not the cheating, just doing so to move to the left ... in Mississippi of all places.

:eusa_boohoo: no tears for McDaniel or the Tea Party Express.

Did you expect them to find the evidence of Voting Irregularities the very next day? They had to investigate AND they ran into resistance. Are you surprised?

Whether they win or lose this is the American Justice System at work. Stop bad mouthing it.
We can't allow illegal votes to taint elections...I don't care if it's 6 days, 6 weeks or 6 months.
typical teaper trying to destroy the GOP and these United States. I hope he loses...or goes the way of his lieutenant who decided taking pictures of a woman with Alzheimer's was morally bankrupt.
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We can't allow illegal votes to taint elections...I don't care if it's 6 days, 6 weeks or 6 months.

Now, that is a very, very good point. And I agree with you on that point.
But, we have to be sure that said votes really are "illegal", eh?

I just noted that he took 6 weeks to challenge. I made no editorial comment about it.
The challenge

2014-8-4 Complaint and Exhibits

Up until now his schtick has been about trying to identify individuals, by name, who voted in the runoff and not the first election. His central tenant is the election was "stolen" by "black democrats" whom Cochran's campaign solicited via advertising and calls (legal though not to McDaniels) and via payoffs (illegal by any account).

Cochran definitely reached out to African americans after the first election. That's not illegal, and all Mississippians vote cross over. Often I have to choose between the less bad amongst dems because no goper will ever again be elected where I live.

I cannot find the link, but there was an op ed on y'all politics to the effect that what happened wasn't trashing the tea party. Small govt is something all gopers should want. (Cochran is imperfect, and that's my addition). But what occurred was blacks heard McDaniels rhetoric, and decided to heed Cochran's calls because there was a very real likelihood that Miss would elect a blatant white racist to the senate, because who ever won the primary would defeat the democrat, Childers.
I don't know so much about this case. What exactly is McDaniel's challenge exactly? Is it law down there that if you didn't vote in the first election that you can't vote in the runoff?
There are two prohibitions, the former of which has been found by courts and the state's Attny General to be both unenforceable and, assuming there was an attempt to enforce it, unconstitutional.

1. If you voted in the first election, you may vote in the second ONLY if you vote for the same guy. If you did not vote, you can vote for anyone. Mississippi has open primaries, meaning dems can vote for gopers and vice versa. For example, I voted for Obama in 12 and laughed all the way. (-:

2. There is a law that says you may only cross over vote if you intend to vote for the same candidate in the general election. In other words, I would have been prevented from voting for McCain in 12. This is practically impossible to enforce. Moreover, since the First Amendment is based upon "the market place of ideas," citzens are charged with testing their views continuously.

McDaniels charge is basically that "black dems" voted in the runoff for Cochran and will not vote for him in the general. That's the real nut of it. They think black dems "stole" it from them. It's unfortunate that Cochran has a history of big spending. He's certainly not my ideal candidate. However, there is a tinge of racism. When McDaniels, or any TPM here says "democrat," they mean black, because something like 92% of dems are blacks. Conversely, when a black dem hears "tea party member" he thinks racist mofo.

I linked the actual court complaint earlier but it can be found here

Yall Politics

yall politics is pretty much a mainstream "conservative" gop blog. At the end of the blog post on the left of the linked page, the post makes 4 comments about what McDaniels is charging, and I think it's probably accurate that this is a bunch of bunk. McDaniels is building an image of the "wronged white man," and he was a talk show guy before getting elected. He'll have an audience .... unfortunately. And that's not to say their aren't racists in the dem party too. But it's been very ugly for some gop officials who are volunteers and who have been called some very ugly racist names. The gop challenge will be for small govt advocates to get past the anger from the Miss TPM. I'm all for small govt. Haley Barbour and the gop voted for a lot of tax breaks for biz to come here. I don't really mind that, though econ analysis differs on it's effectiveness. But for some it's heresy. I'm not at all ok with racism, or sexism, which McDaniels also seems to suffer from.

But, we'll see. McDaniels is entitled to have civil court rule on his complaint, and he can appeal that to the state supreme court if he wants.

I will say Travis Childers was one unhappy man the day after the runoff election. He looked like his dog died and his wife ran off with his best fishing buddy on the same day. LOL
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typical teaper trying to destroy the GOP and these United States. I hope he loses...or goes the way of his lieutenant who decided taking pictures of a woman with Alzheimer's was morally bankrupt.

Take your meds.

Gonad Cochran used race hustling to win. He's a shriveled up old man who has never done anything appreciable for the state of Mississippi.
Well, I viewed as the old big spender v. the racist. It wasn't a difficult decision to go with Cochran.

And it did make me wonder again about how much racism, or fear of being overrun by the vast brownish mob, underlies the TPM. I'm all for reducing the deficit, don't get me wrong. But there wasn't anything about how welfare perpetuates dependency in the Mississippi Delta. Paying people to stay where there are no jobs, and where there never will be jobs again, because picking cotton is not economically viable, is just not the way to go.

There wasn't anything about reforming Obamacare to allow Mississippi to use all those federal dollars to set up clinics, so the people aren't in ERs, and not require us to start taxing another 500 million a year, with that figure going up every year.
Well, I viewed as the old big spender v. the racist. It wasn't a difficult decision to go with Cochran.

And it did make me wonder again about how much racism, or fear of being overrun by the vast brownish mob, underlies the TPM. I'm all for reducing the deficit, don't get me wrong. But there wasn't anything about how welfare perpetuates dependency in the Mississippi Delta. Paying people to stay where there are no jobs, and where there never will be jobs again, because picking cotton is not economically viable, is just not the way to go.

There wasn't anything about reforming Obamacare to allow Mississippi to use all those federal dollars to set up clinics, so the people aren't in ERs, and not require us to start taxing another 500 million a year, with that figure going up every year.

Mississippi could start manufacturing things. Like parts of solar panels and wind turbines. But the Right is so dead set against new technology..or's a slog to get anything new, up and running in this country.

They could, or course, grow pot..too.

Well, I viewed as the old big spender v. the racist. It wasn't a difficult decision to go with Cochran.

And it did make me wonder again about how much racism, or fear of being overrun by the vast brownish mob, underlies the TPM. I'm all for reducing the deficit, don't get me wrong. But there wasn't anything about how welfare perpetuates dependency in the Mississippi Delta. Paying people to stay where there are no jobs, and where there never will be jobs again, because picking cotton is not economically viable, is just not the way to go.

There wasn't anything about reforming Obamacare to allow Mississippi to use all those federal dollars to set up clinics, so the people aren't in ERs, and not require us to start taxing another 500 million a year, with that figure going up every year.

And you are one of very many Americans who see the truth about the Teapers.
Miss. GOP refuses to hear challenge to Cochran win

Mississippi's state Republican Party is refusing to hear challenger Chris McDaniel's effort to overturn his June 24 GOP runoff loss to U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran. The party says McDaniel would do better taking his challenge to court.

In a Wednesday letter to McDaniel's lawyer, state Republican Party Chairman Joe Nosef said a court is needed to ensure a "prudent" review of the challenge.

McDaniel is a state senator from Ellisville ....

... state Republican Party Chairman Joe Nosef said a court is needed to ensure a "prudent" review of the challenge.

it seems McDaniel might have been in court since day one, most likely the "Mississippi's state Republican Party" will now just run out the clock.

being a state senator certainly gives McDaniel standing to pursue his grievance.

Well, nutz, I don't think all small govt types are racists, but McDaniels is one. I'm starting to think I'm sorry he didn't win the primary. It's come out today that the people who broke into Cochran's wife's nursing home to record her (she doesn't even speak apparently) were in contact with McDaniels' campaign while the crime was being committed. This guy is even better than Todd "legitimate rape" Akins.
Well, nutz, I don't think all small govt types are racists, but McDaniels is one. I'm starting to think I'm sorry he didn't win the primary. It's come out today that the people who broke into Cochran's wife's nursing home to record her (she doesn't even speak apparently) were in contact with McDaniels' campaign while the crime was being committed. This guy is even better than Todd "legitimate rape" Akins.

There is nothing the matter with small government types. There is nothing the matter with the written ideals of the Tea Party movement. Regretfully, they have allowed racist idiots to take over and nothing a teaper says or does can be trusted because of that. 25% of the Tea Party movement is legitimate. The rest is just a hate group dressed as a libertarian who gave up weed.

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