McCain picks Sarah Palin

Sorry, Obama has way more experience than this woman. He is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and has been getting the top secret CIA briefings for years. He also just returned from a successful world tour in which he met and discussed issues with many of the world's leaders.

Really she is a disaster of a pick for the country.

You are joking right? Obama has zippy national political experience except running for president. He was in office 143 days before he announced. That equals a big fat 0 on the experience meter. The ten days he may have spent around the senate in the last 19 months just make the 0 fatter.

The international stuff is even a bigger joke.
Sorry, Obama has way more experience than this woman. He is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and has been getting the top secret CIA briefings for years. He also just returned from a successful world tour in which he met and discussed issues with many of the world's leaders.

Really she is a disaster of a pick for the country.

What's funny is that Palin supports a few of Obama's plans, including his energy plan.
In a GOP vacuum that is how the debate will go ...

But I agree at some point a moment like that will come up ...

Just wait until the debate gets to foreign policy, the GWOT, and national issues ... you will see Biden thunder away and I'm betting Palin will have nothing but meek platitudes or support for current Bush policies.

So like what McCain with do to Obama...

except that Obama is running for #1... where Palin is up for #2
You are joking right? Obama has zippy national political experience except running for president. He was in office 143 days before he announced. That equals a big fat 0 on the experience meter. The ten days he may have spent around the senate in the last 19 months just make the 0 fatter.

The international stuff is even a bigger joke.

But... he's made many votes of "present"... besides the voting record that is the most liberal of any congressman
You know that there will be more white women voting for Hillary just because she's a woman than there will be blacks voting for Obama just because he's black.

yeah, you should call cnn and see if anderson cooper needs any help behind the desk! :rofl:
While you're dreaming about your glory days in Tee Ball league consider the fact that the least experienced person out of the four is the Democrat presidential candidate and the second least is the Republican Vice Presidential candidate. And she has two terms as a major, two years as a governor, both executive positions. :lol:

I was the man at tee ball ...

Palin has zero experience on national and global issues ... something that as a US Senator, Obama has.

Nobody but the kool aid drinkers think Obama has a deep resume but to argue that Palin is more experienced for a national position because she was a mayor and a Governor for less than two years ... tucked away in Alaska is only fooling themselves.
Exactly, but what ammo does Biden have against Palin in a debate? Inexperience? Ha.

her husband works for BP? the misconduct probe? ban on gay marriage? she doesnt know what the VP does? her and her husband eloped? she admits to using marijuana?

a bunch of stupid stuff, just like all politicians use to try and discredit each other.
You know that there will be more white women voting for Hillary just because she's a woman than there will be blacks voting for Obama just because he's black.

So what you're saying is women are more stupid than blacks.

There's a nice non-bigoted, non-racial statement.
her husband works for BP?

Listen to the debates I posted in this topic. She cares about the people, not BP.

ban on gay marriage?

She also supports laws that give gays certain rights. I don't agree with banning gay marriage because I think marriage has been made a joke of, but that doesn't mean I don't respect her decision to keep marriage between a man and a woman, either. She has gay friends, she admitted to that. She just doesn't think they should be married.

she doesnt know what the VP does?

She's a proactive person. She wants to make sure the VP has an active role in the government. She doesn't want to sit around twiddling her thumbs.

her and her husband eloped?


she admits to using marijuana?

So did Obama.
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Inexperience at the bottom of the ticket is not the same as inexperience at the top of the ticket. (Even as much as Kirk et al. are wishing resurgent cancer and ill-health on McCain. I'm not voting for the guy, but I'll bet he does make it through his first 4 years).

I completely agree with your point but the spin machine will still make an issue of it.
In a GOP vacuum that is how the debate will go ...

But I agree at some point a moment like that will come up ...

Just wait until the debate gets to foreign policy, the GWOT, and national issues ... you will see Biden thunder away and I'm betting Palin will have nothing but meek platitudes or support for current Bush policies.

Based on her record, I would expect her to be very prepared for questions on foreign relations because that is her weakness (in some respects) remember that governors these days, especially coastal governors with resources to sell overseas do a good bit of traveling and meeting foreign leaders to open markets for their states products. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that she has met quite a few foreign leaders.

She's not going to have the depth and breadth of experience that someone who has been in the SFRC for 36 years has, but he's never been in the executive branch either.
So like what McCain with do to Obama...

except that Obama is running for #1... where Palin is up for #2

Heh ... riiiiiiiiiiiiight ... you keep on dreaming ... if last night is any kind of indication Obama is coming out swinging in the debates.
I was the man at tee ball ...

Palin has zero experience on national and global issues ... something that as a US Senator, Obama has.

Nobody but the kool aid drinkers think Obama has a deep resume but to argue that Palin is more experienced for a national position because she was a mayor and a Governor for less than two years ... tucked away in Alaska is only fooling themselves.

I'm glad that you've got some great memories. I never played that way myself but that in-the-woods home run I hit when I was a Cub Scout will always be with me.

Obama has done what, exactly, to get that foreign policy experience in the few months of his Senate tenure while not running for President?

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