Mass Riots Break Out In Chicago After Police Defunded


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013

Since Chicago Democrats moved to defund and weaken the police, crime in the Windy City has skyrocketed. Shootings and murders have surpassed previous years. But it got much, much worse today. After a reported confrontation between the police and an armed suspect Sunday night, widespread looting and rioting occurred. Police were reportedly overwhelmed. City officials have yet to do anything.
The overall unrest in the U.S., with numerous protests and riots, started in early Summer. But we were told these “peaceful” demonstrations (which included burning down houses and churches and tearing down statues), were all about the death of George Floyd. Many Americans were fed up with “racist” police departments and were demanding justice. They no longer wanted to see so-called innocent, unarmed black men attacked by police.

That excuse has long gone out the window. Last night, police in Chicago confronted a man with a gun. They chased the culprit and reportedly shots were fired. Clearly, this man had put officer and civilian lives in danger. What happened next had nothing to do with “social justice” or racial equality.

Widespread looting and police clashes in downtown Chicago were caught on video early Monday, in response to a police-involved shooting Sunday that wounded a suspect in his late teens or early 20s…
The situation seemed to continue to intensify and reportedly led to widespread riots across the city, including the Magnificent Mile.

Andy Ngo, the conservative journalist, took to Twitter to say “BLM-inspired rioting and looting is happening in Chicago tonight.” He wrote that police “look completely overwhelmed.”

Ryan Baker, an anchor for CBS Chicago, also tweeted, “Absolute chaos in downtown Chicago with more overnight looting and vandalism in the Loop. Appears to be coordinated effort with minimal police presence.” [Source: Fox News]

There’s no reason why police from a major city should be overwhelmed by looting or rioting. Where are the SWAT teams? Where are the riot-control specialists? And for that matter, where is the response from Mayor Lightfoot and the rest of the city leaders?
Why haven’t they condemned the riots yet? Why haven’t they backed police officers, so they could protect lives and property?

The mayor of Chicago has repeatedly criticized President Trump for discussing sending in federal law enforcement. At one point, she even claimed she’d stop them from entering the city.
Okay, Lightfoot, you’re so upset that Trump would step on your toes. But why aren’t you doing anything about the massive surge in crime in your city? Notice that although defunded police are overwhelmed,and rioters/arsonists/looters are running amok, nothing is being done by the city's Democrat establishment to stop the mayhem. No request for National Guard, No request for federal troops. Nothing.

From January 1 to July of this year, there were 440 homicides in Chicago. Not to mention 2,240 shootings. That almost double from the year before. Does that not concern the mayor? She and so many other Democrats nationwide seem more upset that Trump would send in federal officers to protect American lives.

Chaos is spreading across Chicago, even now. At the time of this writing, there hasn’t appeared to be any official word from the city or the mayor. Lives will be lost, but she does nothing.
As bad as this seems, keep in mind, this same thing is happening in Portland, Seattle, New York, D.C., and Los Angeles. What do these cities all have in common? They are run by Democrats who ignore violent riots, seek to defund the police, and don’t want the Feds to protect us.

Democrat voters have to think long and hard about what they are about to do in November. If they continue to vote for liberals to run their cities, they will have to own all the crime, pain, and bloodshed.
How can things possibly get worse? Oh, but they can. If Democrats get their way, the prisons will be shut down, cops will be gone, Americans will have no gun rights, and “peaceful protestors” will be kicking down doors in a neighborhood near you.


Since Chicago Democrats moved to defund and weaken the police, crime in the Windy City has skyrocketed. Shootings and murders have surpassed previous years. But it got much, much worse today. After a reported confrontation between the police and an armed suspect Sunday night, widespread looting and rioting occurred. Police were reportedly overwhelmed. City officials have yet to do anything.
The overall unrest in the U.S., with numerous protests and riots, started in early Summer. But we were told these “peaceful” demonstrations (which included burning down houses and churches and tearing down statues), were all about the death of George Floyd. Many Americans were fed up with “racist” police departments and were demanding justice. They no longer wanted to see so-called innocent, unarmed black men attacked by police.

That excuse has long gone out the window. Last night, police in Chicago confronted a man with a gun. They chased the culprit and reportedly shots were fired. Clearly, this man had put officer and civilian lives in danger. What happened next had nothing to do with “social justice” or racial equality.

Widespread looting and police clashes in downtown Chicago were caught on video early Monday, in response to a police-involved shooting Sunday that wounded a suspect in his late teens or early 20s…
The situation seemed to continue to intensify and reportedly led to widespread riots across the city, including the Magnificent Mile.

Andy Ngo, the conservative journalist, took to Twitter to say “BLM-inspired rioting and looting is happening in Chicago tonight.” He wrote that police “look completely overwhelmed.”

Ryan Baker, an anchor for CBS Chicago, also tweeted, “Absolute chaos in downtown Chicago with more overnight looting and vandalism in the Loop. Appears to be coordinated effort with minimal police presence.” [Source: Fox News]

There’s no reason why police from a major city should be overwhelmed by looting or rioting. Where are the SWAT teams? Where are the riot-control specialists? And for that matter, where is the response from Mayor Lightfoot and the rest of the city leaders?
Why haven’t they condemned the riots yet? Why haven’t they backed police officers, so they could protect lives and property?

The mayor of Chicago has repeatedly criticized President Trump for discussing sending in federal law enforcement. At one point, she even claimed she’d stop them from entering the city.
Okay, Lightfoot, you’re so upset that Trump would step on your toes. But why aren’t you doing anything about the massive surge in crime in your city? Notice that although defunded police are overwhelmed,and rioters/arsonists/looters are running amok, nothing is being done by the city's Democrat establishment to stop the mayhem. No request for National Guard, No request for federal troops. Nothing.

From January 1 to July of this year, there were 440 homicides in Chicago. Not to mention 2,240 shootings. That almost double from the year before. Does that not concern the mayor? She and so many other Democrats nationwide seem more upset that Trump would send in federal officers to protect American lives.

Chaos is spreading across Chicago, even now. At the time of this writing, there hasn’t appeared to be any official word from the city or the mayor. Lives will be lost, but she does nothing.
As bad as this seems, keep in mind, this same thing is happening in Portland, Seattle, New York, D.C., and Los Angeles. What do these cities all have in common? They are run by Democrats who ignore violent riots, seek to defund the police, and don’t want the Feds to protect us.

Democrat voters have to think long and hard about what they are about to do in November. If they continue to vote for liberals to run their cities, they will have to own all the crime, pain, and bloodshed.
How can things possibly get worse? Oh, but they can. If Democrats get their way, the prisons will be shut down, cops will be gone, Americans will have no gun rights, and “peaceful protestors” will be kicking down doors in a neighborhood near you.

Absolutely fantastic post. Thank you.

Since Chicago Democrats moved to defund and weaken the police, crime in the Windy City has skyrocketed. Shootings and murders have surpassed previous years. But it got much, much worse today. After a reported confrontation between the police and an armed suspect Sunday night, widespread looting and rioting occurred. Police were reportedly overwhelmed. City officials have yet to do anything.
The overall unrest in the U.S., with numerous protests and riots, started in early Summer. But we were told these “peaceful” demonstrations (which included burning down houses and churches and tearing down statues), were all about the death of George Floyd. Many Americans were fed up with “racist” police departments and were demanding justice. They no longer wanted to see so-called innocent, unarmed black men attacked by police.

That excuse has long gone out the window. Last night, police in Chicago confronted a man with a gun. They chased the culprit and reportedly shots were fired. Clearly, this man had put officer and civilian lives in danger. What happened next had nothing to do with “social justice” or racial equality.

Widespread looting and police clashes in downtown Chicago were caught on video early Monday, in response to a police-involved shooting Sunday that wounded a suspect in his late teens or early 20s…
The situation seemed to continue to intensify and reportedly led to widespread riots across the city, including the Magnificent Mile.

Andy Ngo, the conservative journalist, took to Twitter to say “BLM-inspired rioting and looting is happening in Chicago tonight.” He wrote that police “look completely overwhelmed.”

Ryan Baker, an anchor for CBS Chicago, also tweeted, “Absolute chaos in downtown Chicago with more overnight looting and vandalism in the Loop. Appears to be coordinated effort with minimal police presence.” [Source: Fox News]

There’s no reason why police from a major city should be overwhelmed by looting or rioting. Where are the SWAT teams? Where are the riot-control specialists? And for that matter, where is the response from Mayor Lightfoot and the rest of the city leaders?
Why haven’t they condemned the riots yet? Why haven’t they backed police officers, so they could protect lives and property?

The mayor of Chicago has repeatedly criticized President Trump for discussing sending in federal law enforcement. At one point, she even claimed she’d stop them from entering the city.
Okay, Lightfoot, you’re so upset that Trump would step on your toes. But why aren’t you doing anything about the massive surge in crime in your city? Notice that although defunded police are overwhelmed,and rioters/arsonists/looters are running amok, nothing is being done by the city's Democrat establishment to stop the mayhem. No request for National Guard, No request for federal troops. Nothing.

From January 1 to July of this year, there were 440 homicides in Chicago. Not to mention 2,240 shootings. That almost double from the year before. Does that not concern the mayor? She and so many other Democrats nationwide seem more upset that Trump would send in federal officers to protect American lives.

Chaos is spreading across Chicago, even now. At the time of this writing, there hasn’t appeared to be any official word from the city or the mayor. Lives will be lost, but she does nothing.
As bad as this seems, keep in mind, this same thing is happening in Portland, Seattle, New York, D.C., and Los Angeles. What do these cities all have in common? They are run by Democrats who ignore violent riots, seek to defund the police, and don’t want the Feds to protect us.

Democrat voters have to think long and hard about what they are about to do in November. If they continue to vote for liberals to run their cities, they will have to own all the crime, pain, and bloodshed.
How can things possibly get worse? Oh, but they can. If Democrats get their way, the prisons will be shut down, cops will be gone, Americans will have no gun rights, and “peaceful protestors” will be kicking down doors in a neighborhood near you.

Isn’t it funny that Democrats want to defund police, but they want to fund the anarchists in the streets with “unemployment insurance”. They won’t work, they won’t stay home, but hey, they’re Americans too and their voices should be heard. That’s how you find a governing systems breaking point. Welcome to the end of the American Experiment.

Since Chicago Democrats moved to defund and weaken the police, crime in the Windy City has skyrocketed. Shootings and murders have surpassed previous years. But it got much, much worse today. After a reported confrontation between the police and an armed suspect Sunday night, widespread looting and rioting occurred. Police were reportedly overwhelmed. City officials have yet to do anything.
The overall unrest in the U.S., with numerous protests and riots, started in early Summer. But we were told these “peaceful” demonstrations (which included burning down houses and churches and tearing down statues), were all about the death of George Floyd. Many Americans were fed up with “racist” police departments and were demanding justice. They no longer wanted to see so-called innocent, unarmed black men attacked by police.

That excuse has long gone out the window. Last night, police in Chicago confronted a man with a gun. They chased the culprit and reportedly shots were fired. Clearly, this man had put officer and civilian lives in danger. What happened next had nothing to do with “social justice” or racial equality.

Widespread looting and police clashes in downtown Chicago were caught on video early Monday, in response to a police-involved shooting Sunday that wounded a suspect in his late teens or early 20s…
The situation seemed to continue to intensify and reportedly led to widespread riots across the city, including the Magnificent Mile.

Andy Ngo, the conservative journalist, took to Twitter to say “BLM-inspired rioting and looting is happening in Chicago tonight.” He wrote that police “look completely overwhelmed.”

Ryan Baker, an anchor for CBS Chicago, also tweeted, “Absolute chaos in downtown Chicago with more overnight looting and vandalism in the Loop. Appears to be coordinated effort with minimal police presence.” [Source: Fox News]

There’s no reason why police from a major city should be overwhelmed by looting or rioting. Where are the SWAT teams? Where are the riot-control specialists? And for that matter, where is the response from Mayor Lightfoot and the rest of the city leaders?
Why haven’t they condemned the riots yet? Why haven’t they backed police officers, so they could protect lives and property?

The mayor of Chicago has repeatedly criticized President Trump for discussing sending in federal law enforcement. At one point, she even claimed she’d stop them from entering the city.
Okay, Lightfoot, you’re so upset that Trump would step on your toes. But why aren’t you doing anything about the massive surge in crime in your city? Notice that although defunded police are overwhelmed,and rioters/arsonists/looters are running amok, nothing is being done by the city's Democrat establishment to stop the mayhem. No request for National Guard, No request for federal troops. Nothing.

From January 1 to July of this year, there were 440 homicides in Chicago. Not to mention 2,240 shootings. That almost double from the year before. Does that not concern the mayor? She and so many other Democrats nationwide seem more upset that Trump would send in federal officers to protect American lives.

Chaos is spreading across Chicago, even now. At the time of this writing, there hasn’t appeared to be any official word from the city or the mayor. Lives will be lost, but she does nothing.
As bad as this seems, keep in mind, this same thing is happening in Portland, Seattle, New York, D.C., and Los Angeles. What do these cities all have in common? They are run by Democrats who ignore violent riots, seek to defund the police, and don’t want the Feds to protect us.

Democrat voters have to think long and hard about what they are about to do in November. If they continue to vote for liberals to run their cities, they will have to own all the crime, pain, and bloodshed.
How can things possibly get worse? Oh, but they can. If Democrats get their way, the prisons will be shut down, cops will be gone, Americans will have no gun rights, and “peaceful protestors” will be kicking down doors in a neighborhood near you.

Defunding the Police is the dumbest idea that the left has come up with yet. It's going to burn the country down and they're too stupid to see it coming!
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,

So, they're pissed because they're poor?

Who's fault is that?
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,

So, they're pissed because they're poor?

Who's fault is that?
They are pissed because others are rich and it all belongs to them.

Thieves and robbers do not believe they are taking your property. It's not your wallet. It's their wallet. They are taking it back. You owe them your cell phone. The black looters believe they are owed the merchandise in those stores. They are taking reparations. It's their stuff wrongfully withheld. Insurance will pay for it anyway. Stores can close. They can sell only on line.

These kinds of crimes never stay at the store level. That tv in your house is theirs too. Those fancy sneakers you are wearing is theirs too. Everything you own is theirs by the same reparations. Your home is sitting on stolen land. They have the right to steal it back. Besides, aren't you insured?

We are permitting these criminals to drag us to a very bad place.
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
I can’t tell if you’re one of those “if they want it to burn then let them burn it” folks, or if you feel that it truly is there right be vandals, but let me just say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right for all citizens, why are our leaders catering to those who strip the life liberty AND happiness from the residents of these particular cities? I say no, you’re not allowed burn someone else’s property, terrorize families into not leaving there homes, and patronize those who defend those said rights of the law abiding public. You should be exiled for participating and/or abetting such behavior. My humble opinion.
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
I can’t tell if you’re one of those “if they want it to burn then let them burn it” folks, or if you feel that it truly is there right be vandals, but let me just say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right for all citizens, why are our leaders catering to those who strip the life liberty AND happiness from the residents of these particular cities? I say no, you’re not allowed burn someone else’s property, terrorize families into not leaving there homes, and patronize those who defend those said rights of the law abiding public. You should be exiled for participating and/or abetting such behavior. My humble opinion.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to any property not their own. I am trying to tell you and everyone else the reason why this kind of looting and vandalism will NOT stop. I was a criminal defense attorney for more than 30 years. Every robber, burglar, thief and vandal believed they were only taking their own property back. Pay attention. Listen carefully, this absolutely will not stop at stores, It will move into private homes. Probably by next week. There are mayors, city officials and state governors encouraging this behavior for social justice. It's justice. Theirs.

If you know anyone, tell them what's coming.
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
I can’t tell if you’re one of those “if they want it to burn then let them burn it” folks, or if you feel that it truly is there right be vandals, but let me just say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right for all citizens, why are our leaders catering to those who strip the life liberty AND happiness from the residents of these particular cities? I say no, you’re not allowed burn someone else’s property, terrorize families into not leaving there homes, and patronize those who defend those said rights of the law abiding public. You should be exiled for participating and/or abetting such behavior. My humble opinion.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to any property not their own. I am trying to tell you and everyone else the reason why this kind of looting and vandalism will NOT stop. I was a criminal defense attorney for more than 30 years. Every robber, burglar, thief and vandal believed they were only taking their own property back. Pay attention. Listen carefully, this absolutely will not stop at stores, It will move into private homes. Probably by next week. There are mayors, city officials and state governors encouraging this behavior for social justice. It's justice. Theirs.

If you know anyone, tell them what's coming.
And what does someone with your expertise perhaps suggest would be a reasonable resolution? Let them walk in your front door?
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
I can’t tell if you’re one of those “if they want it to burn then let them burn it” folks, or if you feel that it truly is there right be vandals, but let me just say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right for all citizens, why are our leaders catering to those who strip the life liberty AND happiness from the residents of these particular cities? I say no, you’re not allowed burn someone else’s property, terrorize families into not leaving there homes, and patronize those who defend those said rights of the law abiding public. You should be exiled for participating and/or abetting such behavior. My humble opinion.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to any property not their own. I am trying to tell you and everyone else the reason why this kind of looting and vandalism will NOT stop. I was a criminal defense attorney for more than 30 years. Every robber, burglar, thief and vandal believed they were only taking their own property back. Pay attention. Listen carefully, this absolutely will not stop at stores, It will move into private homes. Probably by next week. There are mayors, city officials and state governors encouraging this behavior for social justice. It's justice. Theirs.

If you know anyone, tell them what's coming.
And what does someone with your expertise perhaps suggest would be a reasonable resolution? Let them walk in your front door?
I think that what he's saying is that the only real resolution to this is to establish law and order again, Kyle. Mayors of liberal cities have failed to do so at which point looting becomes "accepted" and wide spread! Unfortunately hard measures will now be needed to put a stop to what's going on and people WILL be killed in the process! That's on those Mayors that didn't do their jobs. The number one priority of any elected official should always be keeping people safe. Lori Lightfoot has failed EPICALLY at that!
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
I can’t tell if you’re one of those “if they want it to burn then let them burn it” folks, or if you feel that it truly is there right be vandals, but let me just say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right for all citizens, why are our leaders catering to those who strip the life liberty AND happiness from the residents of these particular cities? I say no, you’re not allowed burn someone else’s property, terrorize families into not leaving there homes, and patronize those who defend those said rights of the law abiding public. You should be exiled for participating and/or abetting such behavior. My humble opinion.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to any property not their own. I am trying to tell you and everyone else the reason why this kind of looting and vandalism will NOT stop. I was a criminal defense attorney for more than 30 years. Every robber, burglar, thief and vandal believed they were only taking their own property back. Pay attention. Listen carefully, this absolutely will not stop at stores, It will move into private homes. Probably by next week. There are mayors, city officials and state governors encouraging this behavior for social justice. It's justice. Theirs.

If you know anyone, tell them what's coming.
And what does someone with your expertise perhaps suggest would be a reasonable resolution? Let them walk in your front door?
As for someone walking in your front door? There is a good reason why the sales of guns and ammo are through the roof right now. When people see that the Police are no longer going to protect them because they've been neutered by liberal politicians they know that they are on their own when it comes to protecting their homes and their businesses. It's why they're arming themselves.
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
I can’t tell if you’re one of those “if they want it to burn then let them burn it” folks, or if you feel that it truly is there right be vandals, but let me just say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right for all citizens, why are our leaders catering to those who strip the life liberty AND happiness from the residents of these particular cities? I say no, you’re not allowed burn someone else’s property, terrorize families into not leaving there homes, and patronize those who defend those said rights of the law abiding public. You should be exiled for participating and/or abetting such behavior. My humble opinion.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to any property not their own. I am trying to tell you and everyone else the reason why this kind of looting and vandalism will NOT stop. I was a criminal defense attorney for more than 30 years. Every robber, burglar, thief and vandal believed they were only taking their own property back. Pay attention. Listen carefully, this absolutely will not stop at stores, It will move into private homes. Probably by next week. There are mayors, city officials and state governors encouraging this behavior for social justice. It's justice. Theirs.

If you know anyone, tell them what's coming.
And what does someone with your expertise perhaps suggest would be a reasonable resolution? Let them walk in your front door?
Blow their heads off on the first step. They will not stop. Ever. They are convinced of their righteousness and just taking what's theirs. They can't be reasoned with there is no negotiation. There is no changing hearts and minds.
This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
I can’t tell if you’re one of those “if they want it to burn then let them burn it” folks, or if you feel that it truly is there right be vandals, but let me just say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right for all citizens, why are our leaders catering to those who strip the life liberty AND happiness from the residents of these particular cities? I say no, you’re not allowed burn someone else’s property, terrorize families into not leaving there homes, and patronize those who defend those said rights of the law abiding public. You should be exiled for participating and/or abetting such behavior. My humble opinion.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to any property not their own. I am trying to tell you and everyone else the reason why this kind of looting and vandalism will NOT stop. I was a criminal defense attorney for more than 30 years. Every robber, burglar, thief and vandal believed they were only taking their own property back. Pay attention. Listen carefully, this absolutely will not stop at stores, It will move into private homes. Probably by next week. There are mayors, city officials and state governors encouraging this behavior for social justice. It's justice. Theirs.

If you know anyone, tell them what's coming.
And what does someone with your expertise perhaps suggest would be a reasonable resolution? Let them walk in your front door?
Blow their heads off on the first step. They will not stop. Ever. They are convinced of their righteousness and just taking what's theirs. They can't be reasoned with there is no negotiation. There is no changing hearts and minds.
The fact that there are riots 80 days after the initial incident that sparked them and we are worse off now than we were then as it comes to public relations and trust in government. I truly believe that the the Democratic leaders truly think they’re going to ride this beast to the top and the rioters will give them a standing ovation for getting being able to reach their demands, and then it’s gonna turn around and eat them. I don’t think riots will stop. I’ve said for a long time that America was teetering in the balance for many years now, but the issue is that most are so naive they think people living in America would terrorize and become resistance organizations against our government. No way, not America. We are way to developed for that. Yet it’s happening.

I originally didn’t want trump to win but in light of everything that’s transpired, I know now for certain if Biden wins this election, the country will go far beyond the point of return with these “demonstrators” leading our country into Communist socialism.

This is bigger than political parties, we are now the most vulnerable our country has ever been, and global presence has never been more crucial than it is now. The Bible refers to this falling away from the faith and also the love of people growing cold. These riots show that the public conscious has been seared and desensitized to compassion.
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This will not be easily ended and it will not be ended without massive loss of black lives. They believe they have the right to loot, vandalize and murder. No one should stop them. It's wrong to stop them,
I can’t tell if you’re one of those “if they want it to burn then let them burn it” folks, or if you feel that it truly is there right be vandals, but let me just say that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right for all citizens, why are our leaders catering to those who strip the life liberty AND happiness from the residents of these particular cities? I say no, you’re not allowed burn someone else’s property, terrorize families into not leaving there homes, and patronize those who defend those said rights of the law abiding public. You should be exiled for participating and/or abetting such behavior. My humble opinion.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to any property not their own. I am trying to tell you and everyone else the reason why this kind of looting and vandalism will NOT stop. I was a criminal defense attorney for more than 30 years. Every robber, burglar, thief and vandal believed they were only taking their own property back. Pay attention. Listen carefully, this absolutely will not stop at stores, It will move into private homes. Probably by next week. There are mayors, city officials and state governors encouraging this behavior for social justice. It's justice. Theirs.

If you know anyone, tell them what's coming.
And what does someone with your expertise perhaps suggest would be a reasonable resolution? Let them walk in your front door?
Blow their heads off on the first step. They will not stop. Ever. They are convinced of their righteousness and just taking what's theirs. They can't be reasoned with there is no negotiation. There is no changing hearts and minds.
The fact that there are riots 80 days after the initial incident that sparked them and we are worse off now than we were then as it comes to public relations and trust in government. I truly believe that the the Democratic leaders truly think they’re going to ride this beast to the top and the rioters will give them a standing ovation for getting being able to reach their demands, and then it’s gonna turn around and eat them. I don’t think riots will stop. I’ve said for a long time that America was teetering in the balance for many years now, but the issue is that most are so naive they think people living in America would terrorize and become resistance organizations against our government. No way, not America. We are way to developed for that. Yet it’s happening.

I originally didn’t want trump to win but in light of everything that’s transpired, I know now for certain if Biden wins this election, the country will go far beyond the point of return with these “demonstrators” leading our country into Communist socialism.

This is bigger than political parties, we are now the most vulnerable our country has ever been, and global presence has never been more crucial than it is now. The Bible refers to this falling away from the faith and also the love of people growing cold. These riots show that the public conscious has been seared and desensitized to compassion.
Not even the rioters are claiming this has anything to do with George Floyd. It's about reparations. It's about taking what's theirs.

Democratic leaders are desperate to use whatever they can to attack Trump. They will deal with anything else later. They can't.

This is not going to end well as people abandon all pretense of civilization and take up arms themselves.

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